[Translate to English:] Teaching
Psychology Department (PsySEF faculty, University of Lille)
- Psychopathology and couple therapy, 3rd Year of Bachelor, Tutorial class (12h) and Lecture courses (6h) - Since 2020
- Health Psychology, Master 1, lecture courses (2h), tutorial classes (20h). (since 2022)
- Introduction to the psychology of aging, 2nd year of Bachelor, lecture course (3h) - (2023-2024).
- Psychotherapies, Master 1, Lecture course (6h), tutorial classes (6h) - (2023-2024)
- Health Psychology, 3rd year of Bachelor, Lecture course (2h), tutorial classes (8h). (2023-2024)
- Introduction to health psychology, 2nd year of Bachelor, Tutorial classes(12h). (2023-2024)
- Clinical seminar, Master 1, tutorial classes (4h) (2023-2024)
- Research seminar, Master 1, tutorial classes (2h). (2023-2024).
- Psychology of emotions and chronic diseases, 1st Year of Master, Tutorial Classes (14h) - (2021-2022)
- Psychopathology, Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, 3rd Year of Bachelor, Tutorial class (6h) - (2022-2023)
- Psychopathology of neurodegenerative diseases, 2nd Year of Master, Tutorial Classes (6h) - (2022-2023)
- Psychopathology, 1rst year of Bachelor, Tutorial classes (24h)-(2020-2022)
Faculty of Health Engineering and Management (ILIS, Univ. Lille)
- Psychological approach to care relationships and family interactions, 2nd year of master, Lecture course (3h), Tutorial classes (4h)
- Research methodology, qualitative approaches, 1st Year of Master, Lecture course (2h) - 2021-2022
- Quality of life, Theory and Practice, 1st Year of Master, Lecture course (4h) and Tutorial classes (4h) - 2021-2022
- Interactions and Health, 2nd Year of Master, Tutorial classes (3h) - 2020-2021
Social and political sciences Faculty (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Clinical seminar: support in psycho-oncology and chronic diseases, Master, 15h (2023, doctoral mobility).