




Mélissa Allé

Maîtresse de conférences CNU : SECTION 16 - PSYCHOLOGIE ET ERGONOMIE Lab(s)



Zheng, Y., Wang, L., Gerlofs, D. J., Duan, W., Wang, X., Yin, J., Yan, C., Allé, M. C ., Berna, F., Wang, J., Tang Y., & Kwok, S. C. (2022). Atypical meta-memory evaluation strategy in schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 27, 100220.


Mengin, A. C., Allé, M. C ., Koning, E., Pham, B., Park, S., Berna, F., & Giersch, A. (2022). Facing the pandemic and lockdown: an insight on mental health from a longitudinal study using diaries. Schizophrenia, 8(1), 1-8.


Allé, M.C., Berna, F., Danion, J. M., & Berntsen, D. (2021). Unraveling the role of retrieval deficits in autobiographical memory impairment in schizophrenia: a comparison of involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memories. Schizophrenia Research, 228, 89-96. 

Allé, M.C., & Berntsen, D. (2021). Self-isolation, psychotic symptoms and cognitive problems during the COVID-19 worldwide outbreak. Psychiatry Research, 302, 114015.

Dassing, R., Berna, F., & Allé, M.C. (2021). Les appareils photos portables : outils de compréhension et support de remédiation de la mémoire autobiographique dans la schizophrénie. PSN, 19(2), 81-101.

Camia, C. & Allé, M.C. (2021). Évaluation de l'élaboration mentale par l'analyse du récit de vie. Dans R. Miljkovitch & C. Beauvais, L’élaboration mentale (pp. 398-405). Elsevier Masson

Gandolphe, M.C., Allé M.C. & Berna, F. (2021). Émotion et mémoire autobiographique. Dans O. Luminet & D. Grynberg, Psychologie des émotions (pp 91-111). Deboeck supérieur


Allé, M. C., Berna, F., Danion, J.-M., & Berntsen, D. (2020a). Involuntary Autobiographical Memories in Schizophrenia: Characteristics and Conditions of Elicitation. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11


Allé, M. C., Berna, F., Danion, J.-M., & Berntsen, D. (2020b). Seeing or hearing one’s memories: Manipulating autobiographical memory imagery in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 286

, 112835.

Allé, M. C., Berna, F., Vidailhet, P., Giersch, A., & Mengin, A. C. (2020). Le confinement peut-il favoriser l’émergence de symptômes traumatiques ou psychotiques ? Revue de neuropsychologie, 12(2), 196-203.

Dassing, R., Allé, M. C., Cerbai, M., Obrecht, A., Meyer, N., Vidailhet, P., Danion, J.-M., Mengin, A. C., & Berna, F. (2020). Cognitive Intervention Targeting Autobiographical Memory Impairment in Patients With Schizophrenia Using a Wearable Camera: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11


Kwok, S. C., Xu, X., Duan, W., Wang, X., Tang, Y., Allé, M. C., & Berna, F. (2020). Autobiographical and episodic memory deficits in schizophrenia: A narrative review and proposed agenda for research. Clinical Psychology Review, 101956.

Mengin, A., Allé, M. C., Rolling, J., Ligier, F., Schroder, C., Lalanne, L., Berna, F., Jardri, R., Vaiva, G., Geoffroy, P. A., Brunault, P., Thibaut, F., Chevance, A., & Giersch, A. (2020). Conséquences psychopathologiques du confinement. L’Encéphale


Thomsen, D. K., Panattoni, K., Allé, M. C., Wellnitz, K. B., & Pillemer, D. B. (2020). Vicarious life stories: Examining relations to personal life stories and well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 88, 103991.


Allé, M. C., Giersch, A., Potheegadoo, J., Meyer, N., Danion, J. M., & Berna, F. (2019). From a lived event to its autobiographical memory: An ecological study using wearable camera in schizophrenia. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 699.

Allé, M. C., Berna, F., & Berntsen, D. (2019). Individuals with psychotic-like experiences exhibit enhanced involuntary autobiographical memories. Psychiatry Research, 273, 281–287.

Ben Malek, H., D’Argembeau, A., Allé, M. C., Meyer, N., Danion, J.-M., & Berna, F. (2019). Temporal processing of past and future autobiographical events in patients with schizophrenia. Scientific Reports, 9

(1), 13858.


Allé, M. C., Berna, F., & Berntsen, D. (2018). Involuntary Autobiographical Memory and Future Thought Predicting Hallucination Proneness. Clinical Psychological Science




Allé, M. C., Manning, L., Potheegadoo, J., Coutelle, R., Danion, J.-M., & Berna, F. (2017). Wearable Cameras Are Useful Tools to Investigate and Remediate Autobiographical Memory Impairment: A Systematic PRISMA Review. Neuropsychology Review, 27

(1), 81–99.

Berna, F., Potheegadoo, J., Allé, M. C., Coutelle, R., & Danion, J. M. (2017). Les troubles de la mémoire autobiographique et du self dans la schizophrénie. L'Encéphale, 43(1), 47-54.


Allé, M. C., Danion, J. M., & Berna, F. (2016). Quand la cohérence narrative fait défaut : analyse de récits autobiographiques dans la schizophrénie. In Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique (Vol. 174, No. 8, pp. 695-698). Elsevier Masson.

Allé, M. C., d’Argembeau, A., Schneider, P., Potheegadoo, J., Coutelle, R., Danion, J.-M., & Berna, F. (2016). Self-continuity across time in schizophrenia: An exploration of phenomenological and narrative continuity in the past and future. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 69, 53–61.

Allé, M. C., Gandolphe, M.-C., Doba, K., Köber, C., Potheegadoo, J., Coutelle, R., Habermas, T., Nandrino, J.-L., Danion, J.-M., & Berna, F. (2016). Grasping the mechanisms of narratives’ incoherence in schizophrenia: An analysis of the temporal structure of patients’ life story. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 69, 20–29.

Berna, F., Göritz, A. S., Schröder, J., Martin, B., Cermolacce, M., Allé, M. C., Danion, J.-M., Cuervo-Lombard, C. V., & Moritz, S. (2016). Self-disorders in individuals with attenuated psychotic symptoms: Contribution of a dysfunction of autobiographical memory. Psychiatry Research, 239

, 333–341.

Berna, F., Potheegadoo, J., Aouadi, I., Ricarte, J. J., Allé, M. C., Coutelle, R., Boyer, L., Cuervo-Lombard, C. V., & Danion, J.-M. (2016). A Meta-Analysis of Autobiographical Memory Studies in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 42

(1), 56–66.


Allé, M. C., Potheegadoo, J., Köber, C., Schneider, P., Coutelle, R., Habermas, T., Danion, J.-M., & Berna, F. (2015). Impaired coherence of life narratives of patients with schizophrenia. Scientific Reports, 5

, 12934.