




Marjorie Eeckhoudt

Maîtresse de conférences CNU : SECTION 01 - DROIT PRIVE ET SCIENCES CRIMINELLES Lab(s)


Marjorie Eeckhoudt defended her thesis entitled "The decomposition of the right of ownership under the effect of the contract", at the University of Lille in 2005 under the direction of Professor Françoise Auque. As a member of the Rights and Perspectives of Law Research Center (ULR n°4487), René Demogue team, his research work is based on three axes: the theory of property and its practical implications, the legal analysis of risks related to the globalization of trade and finance, and the law of companies in difficulty.
These last two areas have enabled him to participate in collective cross-disciplinary projects bringing together lawyers, economists and managers and to work in collaboration with other laboratories (IREDIES EA 4536, Rime Lab EA 7396). Within the framework of the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences of Lille, she organized several colloquia and conferences on current topics ("Conflicts of interest of the big three American rating agencies" in 2015, "Too big to jail, Why aren't top executives prosecuted for corporate crimes" in 2015, "The costs of bankruptcy, is the law of distressed companies efficient? " in 2017) and contributed to the Research Handbook on Unilateral and Extraterritorial Sanctions edited by Professor Charlotte Beaucillon (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, Chapter 18, pp. 305-321)