





I work as researcher at CNRS in Computer Science. I am member of the CRIStAL laboratory (UMR9189) in Lille within the CFHP team (Computer Algebra and High Performance). My research interests are mostly related to validated numerics, that is to say all the techniques to obtain rigorous error bounds on numerical computations, in order to enclose the true solution of a problem in a set of possible values (real intervals, balls in function spaces, etc.). My goal is to provide numerical software with a very high level of reliability, ready for use both for mathematicians interested in computer-assisted proofs, and for engineers working on safety-critical applications.

Developing such tools gives me the opportunity to combine several domains, such as numerical analysis, computer algebra or polynomial optimization. Last but not least, another aspect of my work is to formalize these tools in a proof assistant (Coq in my case), so as to guarantee both the mathematical correctness of my algorithms and the absence of bugs in their implementations.