Davy Gaillot
Research activities
My research activities focus around experimental multidimensional MIMO wireless radio channel sounding, simulation and modeling of these channels using deterministic and stochastic mathematical treatments for applications of geo-location, electromagnetic wave exposure and wireless network planning. The development of these models allows not only to better understand the physical nature of the propagation mechanisms in complex environments and their absorption by the human body, but also to improve existing models used for the planning of last generation wireless networks (5G & Beyond) and to propose models for future 6G networks. In particular, my recent activities have focused on the one hand channel sounding and performance analysis of Cell-Free Massive MIMO networks for vehicular communications (V2X), and on on the hand on the reconstruction of the electromagnetic fields for exposure of the general public from mobile radio technologies.
Moreover, within this framework, I am currently leading and coordinating several themes and sub-themes within the TELICE research group, both with the local team (EC, engineers, technicians, PhD students, trainees) but also with international research groups (Prof. Jose Molina-Garcia-Pardo, UPCT, Spain and Prof. Wout Joseph, UGent, Belgium).
I have also started a new topic on the characterization of the wireless propagation channel in the framework of outdoor and indoor THz point-to-point communications with the THz PHOTONICS group of IEMN, the PHOTONICS group of PhLAM, and the SICOMO group of UPCT.