Albert Doja
2017 Commemorative Medal, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium.
2009 Qualified University Professor, National Council of Universities, France.
2004 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Sociology and Anthropology, Paris Descartes University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sorbonne, France.
« Construction des identités sociales: relations interethniques et dynamique des valeurs culturelles ».
Evaluation Committee Chair: Jonathan Friedman (EHESS Paris & University of California San Diego),
Committee Members: Jean Copans (Paris-V), Michael Herzfeld (Harvard), Christian Bromberger (Aix-Marseille), Catherine Quiminal (Paris-VII), Jean-Pierre Warnier (Paris-V).
1993 PhD in Social Anthropology, with distinction, School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris.
« Naitre et Grandir: Essai d’anthropologie de la socialisation dans la société traditionnelle albanaise ».
Supervisor: Nicole Belmont (EHESS).
Committee Chair: Suzanne Lallemand (CNRS),
Committee Members: Nicole Belmont (EHESS), Françoise Loux (CNRS), Jean-François Gossiaux (EHESS), Paul-Henri Stahl (EHESS).
Funded by the High Level Scholarship of the French Ministry of Research and Technology.
2011– Fully-tenured University Professor, Institute of Sociology & Anthropology, University of Lille. Research Associate, Lille Center for Sociological and Economic Research (Clersé UMR 8019).
2017–2018 Visiting Scholar, Center for European Studies, Harvard University.
2004–2011 Honorary Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University College London.
2007–2011 Senior Professor of Sociology & Anthropology, European University of Tirana.
2006–2009 Professor of Sociology & Anthropology, Head of Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, and Dean of Graduate Programs, State University of New York (Tirana Campus).
2006–2008 Professor of Social Sciences and Deputy Rector, University of Durres, Albania.
2002–2007 Senior Research Scholar, College of Humanities, University of Limerick, Ireland.
2000–2001 Lecturer in Sociology & Anthropology, School of Comparative and Applied Social Sciences, University of Hull, U.K.
1996–1999 Research Fellow, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris.
1995–1996 Associate Professor, Department of Ethnology, University of Aix-en-Provence.
1994–1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Paris-8.
1993–1994 Associate Researcher, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
1990–1993 Research Associate, Lévi-Strauss Laboratory of Social Anthropology, Collège de France.
1985–1990 Researcher, Institute of Popular Culture, National Academy of Sciences, Albania.
Fellowships and Awards
2017–2018 Visiting Scholarship, Center for European Studies, Harvard University.
2017 Commemorative Medal, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium.
2008 Elected Ordinary Permanent Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Albania, First Chair-holder of Anthropology.
2004–2011 Honorary Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University College London.
2006–2008 Temporary assignment posted to the United Nations Development Program (Brain Gain Initiative), Founding Vice-Chancellor of the University of Durres, Albania.
2009 UNESCO Regional Office and National Commission Research Grant.
2001 Open Society Institute Fellowship, Higher Education Support Program.
1999 EU Social Science Information Research Facility Fellowship (EUSSIRF), European Institute, London School of Economics.
1993 European Commission Teaching and Research Contract, no. ERB/3510PL920816.
1990–1992 High Level Scholarship of the French Ministry of Research and Technology,
Research Associate, Lévi-Strauss Laboratory of Social Anthropology, Collège de France.
1989–1990 UNESCO Research Scholarship.