Daniel De Wolf
Publications parues ou acceptées
[1] Generalized Derivatives of the Optimal Value of a Linear Program with respect to Matrix Coefficients, Daniel DE WOLF and Yves Smeers, accepté le 11 novembre 2019 par l’European Journal of Operational Research.
[2] Mathematical Properties of Formulations of the Gas Transmission Problem, Daniel De Wolf, Technical Journal, Vol 11, No 3, Septembre 2017, pages 133-137 (17 citations au 26/8/2020).
[3] International comparisons of energy and environmental efficiency in road transport sector, Khaled Ben Abdallah, Mounir Belloumi and Daniel De Wolf, Energy 93, Décembre 2015, pages 2087-2101 (4 citations au 22/01/2018).
[4] Using Column Generation to solve a Coal Blending Problem, Stéphane AURAY, Daniel De Wolf et Yves Smeers, RAIRO-Oper. Res, Volume 49, issue 1, Janvier 2015, pages 15-37 (rang 3 CNRS, B AERES, 2 citations au 22/01/2018).
[5] Time development of new hydrogen transmission pipeline networks for France, Jean André, Stéphane Auray, Daniel De Wolf, Mohamed Ould Sidi, Antoine Simonnet, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 39, Issue 20, 3 July 2014, pp 10323-10337 (18 citations au 26/8/2020).
[6] Crisis management: Lessons learnt from BP Deepwater Horizon Spill Oil, Mohamed MEJRI, Daniel DE WOLF, Business Management and Strategy, Vol. 4, No. 1, Décembre 2013, pages 67-90 (14 citations au 7/4/2020).
[7] Design and dimensioning of hydrogen transmission pipeline networks, Jean André, Stéphane Auray, Jean Brac, Daniel De Wolf, Guy Maisonnier, Mohamed-Mahmoud Ould-Sidi, Antoine Simonnet, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 229, Issue 1, 16 August 2013, Pages 239-251 (rang 1 CNRS, A AERES, 26 citations au 26/8/2020).
[8] Indicators for sustainable energy development: A multivariate cointegration and causality analysis from Tunisian road transport sector, Khaled Ben Abdallah, Mounir Belloumi, Daniel De Wolf, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 25, 10 Mai 2013, pages 34-43 (61 citations au 26/8/2020).
[9] Crisis communication failures: The BP Case Study, Daniel De Wolf, Mohamed Mejri, International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics, Vol. 2 Issue 2, March-April 2013, pages 48-56 (14 citations au 26/8/2020).
[10] Analysis of Retailers Communication Approaches in Sustainability and Social Responsibility Reports, Mohamed MEJRI, Daniel DE WOLF, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol 4, No. 2, Avril 2012, pages 30-44 (19 citations au 26/8/2020).
[11] How do Multi-National Corporations CEOs perceive and communicate about Social Responsibility?, Daniel De Wolf, Mohamed Mejri, Ridha Lamouchi, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol 3, No 1 , 2012, pp 18-34 (2 citations au 22/01/2018).
[12] Optimal dimensioning of gas transmission networks when the distribution and the transportation functions are separated, Daniel De Wolf et Bouchra Bakhouya, in D. Klatte et al (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2011, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2012, pp 369-374 (11 citations au 25/6/2018).
[13] Analyse du risque et évaluation des projets d’investissement, Fateh Belaid et Daniel De Wolf, publié dans les actes de laesConférence Internationale de MOdélisation et SIMulation -MOSIM’10, du 10 au 12 mai 2010, Hammamet,Tunisie.
[14] How do Retailers Communicate about Sustainability and Social Responsability Through Non-Financial Reports ?, Daniel De Wolf and Mohamed Mejri, High School of Management, Manuba University, Tunisia, HEC Ecole de Gestion de l’ULG Working Paper 2009/12 01, décembre 2009 (2 citations au 22/01/2018).
[15] Stochastic evaluation of petroleum investment projects using Monte Carlo Simulation, Fateh Belaid and Daniel De Wolf, HEC Ecole de Gestion de l'ULG Working Paper 2009/05 02, mai 2009.
[16] Petroleum projects selection by taking the risk into account, Fateh Belaid et Daniel De Wolf, HEC Ecole de Gestion de l’ULG Discussion Paper 2008 12/01, décembre 2008.
[17] Conception de réseaux de distribution d'hydrogène : nouveaux résultats, Daniel De Wolf, Mohamed Ould Sidi, Jean Andre et Antoine Simonet, proceeding de la 7e Conférence Internationale de MOdélisation et SIMulation - MOSIM’08 - du 31 mars au 2 avril 2008 – Paris- France « Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation des Systèmes : Communication, Coopération et Coordination.».
[18] Evaluation of traffic polluting gases emissions: the case of the Tunis city, Daniel De Wolf et Noomen Guirat, IMN, ULCO, HEC Ecole de Gestion de l'ULG Working Paper 2007 12/07, décembre 2007 (1 citation au 18/10/2017).
[19] The gas transmission problem when the merchant and the transport functions are disconnected, Daniel De Wolf, et Bouchra Bakhouya, Ieseg, Université catholique de Lille, HEC Ecole de Gestion de l'ULG Working Paper 2007 01/01, janvier 2007 (11 citations au 22/8/2019).
[20] The Gas Transmission Problem Solved by an Extension of the Simplex Algorithm, Daniel De Wolf and Yves Smeers, Management Science, Vol. 46, No 11, Novembre 2000, pp 1454-1465 (rang 1 CNRS, A AERES, 247 citations au 26/8/2020).
[21] A Stochastic version of a Stackelberg-Nash-Cournot equilibrium model, Daniel De Wolf and Yves Smeers, Management Sciences, Vol. 43, No 2, pp 190-197, Février 1997 (rang 1 CNRS, A AERES, 92 citations au 26/8/2020).
[22] Optimal Dimensioning of Pipe Networks with Application to Gas Transmission Networks, Daniel De Wolf and Yves Smeers, Operations Research,Vol 44, No 4, Juillet-Août 1996, pp 596-608 (rang 1 CNRS, A AERES, 95 citations au 26/8/2020).
[23] The Simplex algorithm extended to piecewise linearly constrained problems I : The method and an implementation, Daniel De Wolf, Olivier Janssens de Bisthoven and Yves Smeers, CORE Discussion Paper N° 9119, Université Catholique de Louvain,septembre 1991 (15 citations au 26/8/2020).
Chapitre de livre
[1] A dynamic User Equilibrium Model for Traffic Assignment in Urban areas, Luce Brotcorne, Daniel De Wolf, Michel Gendreau and Martine Labbé, chapitre du livre Transportation and Network Analysis: Current Trends. Miscellanea in honor of Michael Florian, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Mars 2002, pp 49 à 68 (3 citations au 22/01/2018).