Betty Semail
Current Research Responsabilities
-Since 2015, head of L2EP (Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Power): 50 permanent researchers and technical staff, about 40 phD students and 20 no permanent researchers.
-Since 2018, head of the French research cluster "GDR TACT" supported par CNRS and dedicated to the study of Touch: about 15 reasearch units and 70 permanent researchers.
-Since 2013, associate editor for IEEE transactions on Power Electronics
-Responsible of the WP "Applications and Human Evaluation" of the H2020 ITN Marie Curie project STINTS (coordination, university of Birmingham)
-Responsible of the WP "Technological bricks" of the H2020 ETN Marie Curie project MULTITOUCH and chair of the training comittee (coordination University of Lille)
-Since 2021, Co-responsible of the project "COMASYS" (Continuum de l'énergie) from University of Lille, gathering 6 research units.
-Since 2021, President of the scientific comittee of "MEDEE", regional cluster between industry and researchers on electrical engineering
-Since 2000, member of 63 PhD defence committees outside of Lille University, including 9 juries abroad
-Since 2010, member of 12 HDR committees outside university of Lille
Past research responsabilities
-Till 2015: responsible of the "control" research team in L2EP
-Responsible of a WP in ITN Marie Curie project FP7 "Prototouch" on the design and control of tactile feedback devices. (coordination university of Birmingham)
-in 2013: General Chairman of IEEE EPE’13 conference in Lille (1100 attendees) / France
Current Institutional responsabilities
-Since 2018: advisor of vice-president “research and strategic projects” of University of Lille
-Since 2018: member of the administrative council of the foundation of University of Lille
-Since 2009: member of more than 36 selection comittees in many French universities: recruitement process
-Since 2022: member of the administrative council of "Intitut Mine Telecom Nord Europe"