Arnaud Videt
Update: September 2024
Research projects
| Leader of a development project on innovative high-efficiency matrix-based power converter (patent filed) Leader of 2 CPER-related projects for electric vehicle isolated chargers 5-year participant to "integrated smart energy converter" CPER project (integrated polyphase motor drive) Collaborative academic or industrial projects |
Conferences (member of) | Scientific committee fo French Symposium of Electrical Engineering (SGE) ; lecture sessions chair Organizing committee of EPE'2013 international conference (1000+ participants) Organizing committee of SGE'2023 conference |
Teaching | Management of 2nd year of Electrical Engineering department training at University Institute of Technology (IUT) of Lille (8yrs) In charge of several training modules in IUT and master degree in University of Lille Conduct of modernization project of electrical engineering lab space |
Misc. (member of) | Committees for University staff recruitment (mostly Associate Professors) L2EP research laboratory board (elected) and University Electrical Engineering department council |
Misc. highlights:
Distinctions | Best paper awards & best poster award in international conferences |
Expert evaluations
| Project proposals in electrical enginering for French research agencies 100+ reviews for scientific journal (mainly IEEE Trans.) and conference papers PhD thesis rapporteur in assessment committees |
Scientific stays | Several-week stays in Power Electronics, Machines and Control group (PEMC), University of Nottingham (UK) |
| International Universities (Nottingham, Coventry, Sherbrooke) including joint-supervised PhD French laboratories and research work groups in power electronics and thermal management Industrial partners notably in the fields of industry, aerospace, or automotive |