Vincent De Waele
Chargé de recherche epst
Laboratoire / équipe
- 2015 Research Habilitation (HDR) University of Lille : « Application of the transient absorption spectroscopy to the investigation of the heterogeneous chemical reaction in radiation chemistry and microporous materials »
- 1996-1999 PhD in Physics University of Lille , specialty « Laser, Molecules, Atmospheric radiation » : Experimental and theoretical investigation of the excited states of biphenyle derivatives, co-direction O. Poizat (LASIR) et J.P. Flament (Phlam)
- 1995 Master in Physic University of Lille 1, specialty « Laser, Molecules, Atmospheric radiation »
Research Position
- Since 2009 CNRS Researcher in LASIRE, in the team « photodynamics, reactivity and fonctionnality » – Ultrafast spectroscopy applied to the photoreactivity of supramolecular assemblies and photoactive microporous materials
- 2002-2009 CNRS Reseacher in Laboratoire de Chimie Physique (Orsay university) in the group TEMIC – Investigation of the primary radiolytic processus by picosecond pulse radiolysis
- 2000-2002 Post Doc fellow ( Humboldt and Marie Curie individual fellowship) BiMO, LMU Munich) – Ultrafast femtosecond spectroscopy 1
- 2000 Post Doc fellow, Max Planck institut Fur Quanten Optik (MPQ, Garching.) – Molecular excited state dynamics