Véronique Nardello-Rataj
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)
Bardoula, Valentin
Rataj, Véronique
Hoogenboom, Richard
Amphiphilic poly(2-oxazoline)s as a new class of biocompatible emulsifiers: Structure-property relationships for the formulation of tailor-made emulsions
Bucharest 2022, 2022, Bucarest,
Feng, Yaoyao
Dechezelles, Jean-Francois
Pera-Titus, Marc
Rataj, Véronique
Light-driven Pickering interfacial catalysis for the oxidation of alkenes at near-room temperature
World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 2022, Cardiff,
Pierlot, Christel
Hu, H
Reeb, C.
Bassetti, Jordan
Lambertin, David
DAVY, Catherine
Rataj, Véronique
Oil and Organic Liquids Incorporation into Fresh Geopolymer Pastes Using Suitable Quaternary Ammonium Surfactants
2nd World Congress on Oleo Science, WCOS2022, 2022, Japon (on-line),
Brossard, V.
Mathé, C.
Monnier, L.
Nardello-Rataj, Véronique
Delevoye, Yvonne
Odors with evolutionary value influence postural sway and physiological responses and triffer the urge to move
16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 2022, Padova,
Bardoula, Valentin
Rataj, Véronique
Hoogenboom, Richard
The versatility of amphiphilic polyoxazolines as stabilizers of conventional and Pickering emulsions
Bordeaux Polymer Conference 2022, BPC2022, 2022, Bordeaux,
Feng, Yaoyao
Dechezelles, Jean-Francois
Pera-Titus, Marc
Rataj, Véronique
Light-driven Pickering interfacial catalysis for the oxidation of alkenes at near-room temperature
ISGC, 2022, LA Rochelle,
Bardoula, Valentin
Rataj, Véronique
Hoogenboom, Richard
Poly(2-oxazoline)s as smart PEG-alternatives: high tunability and versatility for an easy access to a wide range of hydrophilic emulsion stabilizers
ECIS 2022, 2022, Chania,
Lebeuf, Raphael
Aubry, Jean-Marie
Rataj, Véronique
Gaudin, Théophile
Mathieu, Gaël
Ozouf, Ines
Fontmorin, Jean-Marie
Floner, Didier
Geneste, Florence
Nouveaux électrolytes pour les batteries aqueuses et organiques en flux
Colloque Energie 2021 - CNRS, 2021, Paris,
Rataj, Véronique
How to deal with reactant incompatibility in oxidation reactions: the Pickering Interfacial Catalysis and Colloidal Tectonic concepts
French-Chinese Conference on Green Chemistry, 2021, Lyon,
Feng, Yaoyao
Dechezelles, Jean-Francois
Pera-Titus, Marc
Rataj, Véronique
C3-SiO2-NH2@Au nanoparticles for Pickering interfacial catalysis
FC2G Chem, 2021, Lyon,
Feng, Yaoyao
Dechezelles, Jean-Francois
Rataj, Véronique
Heteropoly acids-functionalized silica nanoparticles for the oxidative cleavage of cyclooctene by H2O2 in Pickering emulsion
FC2G Chem, 2021, Lyon,
Rataj, Véronique
Développement de nouveaux tensioactifs agrosourcés : Verrous et solutions
Rencontres COSMEBIO, 2021, Valence,
Rataj, Véronique
Les hydrotropes biosourcés : Propriétés et applications à la solubilisation et à l'extraction
Groupe Chimie Durable SCF, 2021, Online,
Dechezelles, Jean-Francois
Feng, Yaoyao
Fadil, Fadi
Rataj, Véronique
Temperature-responsive Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Functionalized Silica Particles
ECIS, 2021, Athenes,
Rataj, Véronique
Pickering Interfacial Catalysis: From Emulsion Design to Green Reactions
Groupe Formulation SCF, 2021, Online,
Pierlot, Christel
Hu, Hanyu
Reeb, Charles
Bertin, Matthieu
Lambertin, David
DAVY, Catherine
Rataj, Véronique
Incorporation process of organic liquids into aqueous geopolymers suspensions : One-line torque monitoring for the selection of suitable alkyltrimethylammonium bromide surfactants
AOCS Annual Meeting USA, 2021, Online,
Rataj, Véronique
Importance of dialkyldimethylammonium chloride. Polyoxyethylene alkyl ether interactions: Application to detergent/disinfectant formulations
AOCS Annual Meeting USA, 2021, Online,
Rataj, Véronique
Synergiy between hydrotropes and surfactants for the aqueous solubilisaiton of fragrances
AOCS Annual Meeting USA, 2021, Online,
Delforce, Lucie
Hofmann, E.
Rataj, Véronique
Aubry, Jean-Marie
TiO2 nanoparticle dispersions studied by sedimentation analysis: Hansen Parameters vs. DLVO interpretations
Webinar "Particle Dispersion in Liquid Formulation", 2020, Online event,
Ontiveros Ontiveros, Jesus
Pierlot, Christel
Rataj, Véronique
PIT-slope Technique
Techcorner Cosmetic 360, 2020, Paris (Visioconférence),