• Référent Erasmus et mobilité internationale du Département de Philosophie
• Rapporteur pour Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics (2015), Journal of Logic and Computation (2009), Journal of Philosophical Logic (2010, 2014), Journal of Logic, Language and Information (2011), Logic Journal of the IGPL (2010), Logical Methods in Computer Science (2010), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (2011, 2012), Philosophical Quarterly (2011), Philosophia Scientiæ (2012, 2014), Review of Symbolic Logic (2008, 2012), Studia Logica (2011), Studia Neoaristotelica (2014), Synthese (2011, 2012, 2013) et Theoria (2009) ; recensions pour Mathematical Reviews (2009) et Zentralblatt MATH (2011).