Susanne Florin Muschert
Since 2010, I’m working as an Associate Professor (tenure) at the University of Lille and fulfill several academic functions, such as the establishment of academic curriculums (especially of the Master 2 Diploma “Pharmacie galénique” and graduate programs for Pharmacy. I am also a member of several workgroup for educational development within the faculty of Pharmacy.
My research work is focused on formulating solid oral dosage forms for controlled release and takes place in the INSERM U 1008 “Advanced Drug Delivery Systems”. I am/was conducting several research projects (in collaboration with industrial partners, such as BASF, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Seppic, Evonik, Lallemand, Lattice Medical& Cousin Biotech), managed the Work package in two Interreg Projects (European Union funding) and collaborated with academic institutions, such as the University of Saarbrucken, Lund and Ghent. Tutoring of PhD students and Master students is also one of my functions.
I’m involved in three professional organizations:
•since 2019: Member of the board of the “Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle” (APGI, International Society of Drug Delivery, Science and Technology, collaborating regularly with the APV),
•since 2016: Member of the board and treasurer of the “Association Francophone des Enseignants en Pharmacie Galénique” (AFEPG, Association of French-speaking Teaching Staff for Pharmaceutical Technology) &
•since 2009: Member of the Physical Solid State Research Cluster (PSSRC) and current president (2022-2024) for this research cluster.
I also serve as a reviewer for scientific publications in the following international Journals:
•since 2009: International Journal of Pharmaceutics,
•since 2013: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences &
•since 2015 Journal Drug Delivery Science and Technology.
I’m the editor of the PSSRC website and part of an editorial board and section leader for an on-line textbook for pharmaceutical technology for graduate students (within the AFEPG).
Next Information Day jointly organized by the APGI, JRS, Medelpharm & Skyepharma:"Innovative and complex formulations for oral solid dosage forms"
Check out the PSSRC
Curious about the Pharmaceutical Solid State Research Cluster?
Just click here!
Association Francophone des Enseignants en Pharmacie Galénique
Plus d'informations: ici!