Réjane Lestrelin
Article dans une revue scientifique
Grzych, Guillaume
Bernard, Lucie
Lestrelin, Réjane
Tailleux, Anne
Staels, Bart
Etat des lieux sur la physiopathologie, le diagnostic et les traitements de la stéato-hépatite non alcoolique (NASH)
Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises, Elsevier Masson, 2023 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pharma.2022.09.005
Bobowski-Gerard, Marie
Boulet, Clémence
Zummo, Francesco
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Gheeraert, Céline
Bou Saleh, Mohamed
Strub, Jean-Marc
Farce, Amaury
Ploton, Maheul
Guille, Loïc
Vandel, Jimmy
Bongiovanni, Antonino
Very, Ninon
Woitrain, Eloïse
Deprince, Audrey
Lalloyer, Fanny
Bauge, Eric
Ferri, Lise
Ntandja-Wandji, Line-Carolle
Cotte, Alexia
Grangette, Corinne
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Cianférani, Sarah
Raverdy, Violeta
Caiazzo, Robert
Gnemmi, Viviane
Leteurtre, Emmanuelle
Pourcet, Benoit
Lestrelin, Réjane
Ravnskjaer, Kim
Lassailly, Guillaume
Haas, Joel
Mathurin, Philippe
Pattou, François
Dubuquoy, Laurent
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
Functional genomics uncovers the transcription factor BNC2 as required for myofibroblastic activation in fibrosis
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 2022 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33063-9
Bobowski-Gerard, Marie
Boulet, Clémence
Zummo, Francesco
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Gheeraert, Céline
Bou Saleh, Mohamed
Strub, Jean-Marc
Farce, Amaury
Ploton, Maheul
Guille, Loïc
Vandel, Jimmy
Bongiovanni, Antonino
Very, Ninon
Woitrain, Eloïse
Deprince, Audrey
Lalloyer, Fanny
Bauge, Eric
Ferri, Lise
Ntandja-Wandji, Line-Carolle
Cotte, Alexia
Grangette, Corinne
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Cianférani, Sarah
Raverdy, Violeta
Caiazzo, Robert
Gnemmi, Viviane
Leteurtre, Emmanuelle
Pourcet, Benoit
Lestrelin, Réjane
Ravnskjaer, Kim
Lassailly, Guillaume
Haas, Joel
Mathurin, Philippe
Pattou, François
Dubuquoy, Laurent
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
Functional genomics uncovers the transcription factor BNC2 as required for myofibroblastic activation in fibrosis
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 2022 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33063-9
Grzych, Guillaume
Chávez-Talavera, Oscar
Descat, Amandine
Thuillier, Dorothée
Verrijken, An
Kouach, Mostafa
Legry, Vanessa
Verkindt, Hélène
Raverdy, Violeta
Legendre, Benjamin
Caiazzo, Robert
van Gaal, Luc
Goossens, Jean-Francois
Lestrelin, Réjane
Francque, Sven
Pattou, François
Haas, Joel
Tailleux, Anne
Staels, Bart
NASH-related increases in plasma bile acid levels depend on insulin resistance
JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology, Elsevier, 2021 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhepr.2020.100222
Deleye, Yann
Karen Cotte, Alexia
Hannou, Sarah
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Bernard, Lucie
Derudas, Bruno
Caron, Sandrine
Legry, Vanessa
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Dorchies, Emilie
Martin, Nathalie
Lancel, Steve
Annicotte, Jean
Bantubungi, Kadiombo
Pourtier, Albin
Raverdy, Violeta
Pattou, François
Lefebvre, Philippe
Abbadie, Corinne
Staels, Bart
Haas, Joel
Lestrelin, Réjane
CDKN2A/p16INK4a suppresses hepatic fatty acid oxidation through the AMPKα2-SIRT1-PPARα signaling pathway
Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.RA120.012543
Deleye, Yann
Karen Cotte, Alexia
Hannou, Sarah
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Bernard, Lucie
Derudas, Bruno
Caron, Sandrine
Legry, Vanessa
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Dorchies, Emilie
Martin, Nathalie
Lancel, Steve
Annicotte, Jean
Bantubungi, Kadiombo
Pourtier, Albin
Raverdy, Violeta
Pattou, François
Lefebvre, Philippe
Abbadie, Corinne
Staels, Bart
Haas, Joel
Lestrelin, Réjane
CDKN2A/p16INK4a suppresses hepatic fatty acid oxidation through the AMPKα2-SIRT1-PPARα signaling pathway
Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.RA120.012543
Deleye, Yann
Cotte, Alexia Karen
Hannou, Sarah Anissa
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Bernard, Lucie
Derudas, Bruno
Caron, Sandrine
Legry, Vanessa
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Dorchies, Emilie
Martin, Nathalie
Lancel, Steve
Annicotte, Jean Sébastien
Bantubungi, Kadiombo
Pourtier, Albin
Raverdy, Violeta
Pattou, François
Lefebvre, Philippe
Abbadie, Corinne
Staels, Bart
Haas, Joel
Lestrelin, Réjane
CDKN2A/p16INK4a suppresses hepatic fatty acid oxidation through the AMPKα2-SIRT1-PPARα signaling pathway
Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.RA120.012543
Deleye, Yann
Cotte, Alexia Karen
Hannou, Sarah Anissa
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Bernard, Lucie
Derudas, Bruno
Caron, Sandrine
Legry, Vanessa
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Dorchies, Emilie
Martin, Nathalie
Lancel, Steve
Annicotte, Jean Sébastien
Bantubungi, Kadiombo
Pourtier, Albin
Raverdy, Violeta
Pattou, François
Lefebvre, Philippe
Abbadie, Corinne
Staels, Bart
Haas, Joel
Lestrelin, Réjane
CDKN2A/p16INK4a suppresses hepatic fatty acid oxidation through the AMPKα2-SIRT1-PPARα signaling pathway
Journal of Biological Chemistry, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.RA120.012543
Grzych, Guillaume
Vonghia, Luisa
Bout, Marie-Adélaïde
Weyler, Jonas
Verrijken, An
Dirinck, Eveline
Joncquel, Marie
van Gaal, Luc
Lestrelin, Réjane
Francque, Sven
Tailleux, Anne
Haas, Joël
Staels, Bart
Plasma BCAA changes in Patients with NAFLD are Sex Dependent 1
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Endocrine Society, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgaa175
Grzych, Guillaume
Vonghia, Luisa
Bout, Marie-Adélaïde
Weyler, Jonas
Verrijken, An
Dirinck, Eveline
Chevalier Curt, Marie Joncquel
van Gaal, Luc
Lestrelin, Réjane
Francque, Sven
Tailleux, Anne
Haas, Joel
Staels, Bart
Plasma BCAA Changes in Patients With NAFLD Are Sex Dependent
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Endocrine Society, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgaa175
Dubois, Vanessa
Gheeraert, Celine
Vankrunkelsven, Wouter
Dubois‐chevalier, Julie
Dehondt, Hélène
Bobowski-Gerard, Marie
Vinod, Manjula
Zummo, Francesco Paolo
Güiza, Fabian
Ploton, Maheul
Dorchies, Emilie
Pineau, Laurent
Boulinguiez, Alexis
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Woitrain, Eloise
Baugé, Eric
Lalloyer, Fanny
Duhem, Christian
Rabhi, Nabil
van Kesteren, Ronald
Chiang, Cheng-Ming
Lancel, Steve
Duez, Helene
Annicotte, Jean-Sébastien
Lestrelin, Réjane
Vanhorebeek, Ilse
van den Berghe, Greet
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
Endoplasmic reticulum stress actively suppresses hepatic molecular identity in damaged liver
Molecular Systems Biology, EMBO Press, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.15252/msb.20199156
Dubois, Vanessa
Gheeraert, Celine
Vankrunkelsven, Wouter
Dubois‐chevalier, Julie
Dehondt, Hélène
Bobowski-Gerard, Marie
Vinod, Manjula
Zummo, Francesco Paolo
Güiza, Fabian
Ploton, Maheul
Dorchies, Emilie
Pineau, Laurent
Boulinguiez, Alexis
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Woitrain, Eloise
Baugé, Eric
Lalloyer, Fanny
Duhem, Christian
Rabhi, Nabil
van Kesteren, Ronald
Chiang, Cheng-Ming
Lancel, Steve
Duez, Helene
Annicotte, Jean-Sébastien
Lestrelin, Réjane
Vanhorebeek, Ilse
van den Berghe, Greet
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jérôme
Endoplasmic reticulum stress actively suppresses hepatic molecular identity in damaged liver
Molecular Systems Biology, EMBO Press, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.15252/msb.20199156
Duplaquet, Leslie
Leroy, Catherine
Vinchent, Audrey
Paget, Sonia
Lefebvre, Jonathan
Vanden Abeele, Fabien
Lancel, Steve
Giffard, Florence
Lestrelin, Réjane
Bidaux, Gabriel
Heliot, Laurent
Poulain, Laurent
Furlan, Alessandro
Tulasne, David
Control of cell death/survival balance by the MET dependence receptor
Elife, eLife Sciences Publication, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.50041
Duplaquet, Leslie
Leroy, Catherine
Vinchent, Audrey
Paget, Sonia
Lefebvre, Jonathan
Vanden Abeele, Fabien
Lancel, Steve
Giffard, Florence
Lestrelin, Réjane
Bidaux, Gabriel
Heliot, Laurent
Poulain, Laurent
Furlan, Alessandro
Tulasne, David
Control of cell death/survival balance by the MET dependence receptor
Elife, eLife Sciences Publication, 2020 , https://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.50041
Lestrelin, Réjane
Haas, Joël
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Baugé, Eric
Deleye, Yann
Mesotten, Dieter
Langouche, Lies
Vanhoutte, Jonathan
Cudejko, Céline
Wouters, Kristiaan
Hannou, Sarah Anissa
Legry, Vanessa
Lancel, Steve
Lalloyer, Fanny
Polizzi, Arnaud
Smati, Sarra
Gourdy, Pierre
Vallez, Emmanuelle
Bouchaert, Emmanuel
Derudas, Bruno
Dehondt, Hélène
Gheeraert, Celine
Fleury, Sébastien
Tailleux, Anne
Montagner, Alexandra
Wahli, Walter
van den Berghe, Greet
Dombrowicz, David
Guillou, Hervé
Staels, Bart
Hepatic PPARalpha is critical in the metabolic adaptation to sepsis
Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier, 2019 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.12.037
Legry, V.
Francque, S.
Haas, Joel
Verrijken, A.
Houde, Sandrine
Chávez-Talavera, O.
Vallez, E.
Vonghia, L.
Dirinck, E.
Verhaegen, A.
Kouach, Mostafa
Lestavel, Sophie
Lefebvre, Philippe
Van Gaal, L.
Muhr Tailleux, Anne
Lestrelin, Réjane
Staels, Bart
Bile Acid Alterations Are Associated With Insulin Resistance, but Not With NASH, in Obese Subjects.
J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jc.2017-01397
Dubois-Chevalier, Julie
Dubois, Vanessa
Dehondt, Helene
Mazrooei, Parisa
Mazuy, Claire
Serandour, Aurelien A.
Gheeraert, Celine
Penderia, Guillaume
Bauge, Eric
Derudas, Bruno
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Lestrelin, Réjane
Marot, Guillemette
Carroll, Jason S.
Lupien, Mathieu
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jerome
The logic of transcriptional regulator recruitment architecture at cis-regulatory modules controlling liver functions
Genome research, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.217075.116
Dubois, Julie
Dubois, Vanessa
Dehondt, Hélène
Mazrooei, Parisa
Mazuy, Claire
Sérandour, Aurélien
Gheeraert, Céline
Guillaume, Penderia
Baugé, Eric
Derudas, Bruno
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Lestrelin, Réjane
Briend, Guillemette
Carroll, Jason
Lupien, Mathieu
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jerome
The logic of transcriptional regulator recruitment architecture at cis-regulatory modules controlling liver functions
Genome Research, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.217075.116
Dubois, Julie
Dubois, Vanessa
Dehondt, Hélène
Mazrooei, Parisa
Mazuy, Claire
Sérandour, Aurélien
Gheeraert, Céline
Guillaume, Penderia
Baugé, Eric
Derudas, Bruno
Hennuyer, Nathalie
Lestrelin, Réjane
Briend, Guillemette
Carroll, Jason
Lupien, Mathieu
Staels, Bart
Lefebvre, Philippe
Eeckhoute, Jerome
The logic of transcriptional regulator recruitment architecture at cis-regulatory modules controlling liver functions
Genome Research, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2017 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.217075.116
Fuentes, Lucía
Wouters, Kristiaan
Hannou, Sarah Anissa
Cudejko, Céline
Rigamonti, Elena
Mayi, Thérèse Hèrvée
Derudas, Bruno
Pattou, François
Chinetti-Gbaguidi, Giulia
Staels, Bart
Lestrelin, Réjane
Downregulation of the tumour suppressor p16INK4A contributes to the polarisation of human macrophages toward an adipose tissue macrophage (ATM)-like phenotype.
Diabetologia, Springer Verlag, 2011 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00125-011-2324-0