Patrick Baillot
Directeur de recherche epst
Laboratoire / équipe
"citationFull_s":"Leandro Gomes, Patrick Baillot, Marco Gaboardi. A Kleene algebra with tests for union bound reasoning about probabilistic programs. 2024. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04196675v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A Kleene algebra with tests for union bound reasoning about probabilistic programs"],
"authFullName_s":["Leandro Gomes","Patrick Baillot","Marco Gaboardi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD)</i>, Jul 2024, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.12:1--12:22, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.FSCD.2024.12⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Victor Sannier, Patrick Baillot. A Linear Type System for Lp-Metric Sensitivity Analysis. <i>Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD)</i>, Jul 2024, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.12:1--12:22, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.FSCD.2024.12⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04514677v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A Linear Type System for Lp-Metric Sensitivity Analysis"],
"authFullName_s":["Victor Sannier","Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>FoSSaCS 2024 - 27th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures</i>, Apr 2024, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.70-91, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-031-57231-9_4⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago, Cynthia Kop, Deivid Vale. On Basic Feasible Functionals and the Interpretation Method. <i>FoSSaCS 2024 - 27th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures</i>, Apr 2024, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.70-91, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-031-57231-9_4⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04743265⟩</a>",
"title_s":["On Basic Feasible Functionals and the Interpretation Method"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Ugo Dal Lago","Cynthia Kop","Deivid Vale"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ESOP 2023 - European Symposium on Programming</i>, Apr 2023, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.48550/arXiv.2202.01901⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"June Wunder, Arthur Azevedo De Amorim, Patrick Baillot, Marco Gaboardi. Bunched Fuzz: Sensitivity for Vector Metrics. <i>ESOP 2023 - European Symposium on Programming</i>, Apr 2023, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.48550/arXiv.2202.01901⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03870966⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Bunched Fuzz: Sensitivity for Vector Metrics"],
"authFullName_s":["June Wunder","Arthur Azevedo De Amorim","Patrick Baillot","Marco Gaboardi"],
"citationFull_s":"Leandro Gomes, Patrick Baillot, Marco Gaboardi. BiGKAT: an algebraic framework for relational verification of probabilistic programs. 2023. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04017128v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["BiGKAT: an algebraic framework for relational verification of probabilistic programs"],
"authFullName_s":["Leandro Gomes","Patrick Baillot","Marco Gaboardi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)</i>, 2022, 44 (3), pp.1-50. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/3495529⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Alexis Ghyselen. Types for Complexity of Parallel Computation in Pi-calculus (Long Version). <i>ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)</i>, 2022, 44 (3), pp.1-50. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/3495529⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02961427v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Types for Complexity of Parallel Computation in Pi-calculus (Long Version)"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Alexis Ghyselen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>32nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2021</i>, Aug 2021, Virtual conference, France. pp.34:1--34:22, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPICS.CONCUR.2021.34⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Alexis Ghyselen, Naoki Kobayashi. Sized Types with Usages for Parallel Complexity of Pi-Calculus Processes. <i>32nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2021</i>, Aug 2021, Virtual conference, France. pp.34:1--34:22, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPICS.CONCUR.2021.34⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03198277v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Sized Types with Usages for Parallel Complexity of Pi-Calculus Processes"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Alexis Ghyselen","Naoki Kobayashi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>30th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2021)</i>, Mar 2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.59-86, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\\_3\">⟨10.1007/978-3-030-72019-3\\_3⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Alexis Ghyselen. Types for Complexity of Parallel Computation in Pi-Calculus. <i>30th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2021)</i>, Mar 2021, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.59-86, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\\_3\">⟨10.1007/978-3-030-72019-3\\_3⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03126973⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Types for Complexity of Parallel Computation in Pi-Calculus"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Alexis Ghyselen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2020, 813, pp.70-99. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/J.TCS.2019.09.032⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Alexis Ghyselen. Combining Linear Logic and Size Types for Implicit Complexity. <i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2020, 813, pp.70-99. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/J.TCS.2019.09.032⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01687224⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Combining Linear Logic and Size Types for Implicit Complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Alexis Ghyselen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of Automated Reasoning</i>, 2019, 63 (4), pp.813-855. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-48899-7_15⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Gilles Barthe, Ugo Dal Lago. Implicit Computational Complexity of Subrecursive Definitions and Applications to Cryptographic Proofs. <i>Journal of Automated Reasoning</i>, 2019, 63 (4), pp.813-855. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-48899-7_15⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01197456v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Implicit Computational Complexity of Subrecursive Definitions and Applications to Cryptographic Proofs"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Gilles Barthe","Ugo Dal Lago"],
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Alexis Ghyselen. Types for Parallel Complexity in the Pi-calculus. 2019. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02302544⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Types for Parallel Complexity in the Pi-calculus"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Alexis Ghyselen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2018</i>, Sep 2018, Birmingham, France. pp.9:1--9:21",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Alexis Ghyselen. Combining Linear Logic and Size Types for Implicit Complexity. <i>Conference on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2018</i>, Sep 2018, Birmingham, France. pp.9:1--9:21. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01948196⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Combining Linear Logic and Size Types for Implicit Complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Alexis Ghyselen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Information and Computation</i>, 2018, 248, pp.55-77",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Erika de Benedetti, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca. Characterizing polynomial and exponential complexity classes in elementary lambda-calculus.. <i>Information and Computation</i>, 2018, 248, pp.55-77. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01948275⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Characterizing polynomial and exponential complexity classes in elementary lambda-calculus."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Erika de Benedetti","Simona Ronchi Della Rocca"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Computer Science Logic 2016</i>, Aug 2016, Marseille, France. pp. 40:1-40:18, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2016.40⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Anupam Das. Free-cut elimination in linear logic and an application to a feasible arithmetic . <i>Computer Science Logic 2016</i>, Aug 2016, Marseille, France. pp. 40:1-40:18, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2016.40⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01316754⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Free-cut elimination in linear logic and an application to a feasible arithmetic"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Anupam Das"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Information and Computation</i>, 2016, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.ic.2015.12.008⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago. Higher-order interpretations and program complexity. <i>Information and Computation</i>, 2016, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.ic.2015.12.008⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01337728⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Higher-order interpretations and program complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Ugo Dal Lago"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning - 20thInternational Conference, LPAR-20</i>, Nov 2015, Suva, Fiji. pp.203-218",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Gilles Barthe, Ugo Dal Lago. Implicit Computational Complexity of Subrecursive Definitions and Applications to Cryptographic Proofs.. <i>Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning - 20thInternational Conference, LPAR-20</i>, Nov 2015, Suva, Fiji. pp.203-218. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01948334⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Implicit Computational Complexity of Subrecursive Definitions and Applications to Cryptographic Proofs."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Gilles Barthe","Ugo Dal Lago"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Information and Computation</i>, 2015, 241, pp.3-31",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot. On the expressivity of elementary linear logic: Characterizing Ptime and an exponential time hierarchy.. <i>Information and Computation</i>, 2015, 241, pp.3-31. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01948302⟩</a>",
"title_s":["On the expressivity of elementary linear logic: Characterizing Ptime and an exponential time hierarchy."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>8th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)</i>, Sep 2014, Rome, Italy. pp.151-163, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44602-7_13⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Erika de Benedetti, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca. Characterizing Polynomial and Exponential Complexity Classes in Elementary Lambda-Calculus. <i>8th IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)</i>, Sep 2014, Rome, Italy. pp.151-163, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44602-7_13⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01015171v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Characterizing Polynomial and Exponential Complexity Classes in Elementary Lambda-Calculus"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Erika de Benedetti","Simona Ronchi Della Rocca"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>21st Annual Conference of the EACSL, Computer Science Logic 2012 (CSL)</i>, Sep 2012, Fontainebleau, France. pp.62-76, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2012.62⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago. Higher-Order Interpretations and Program Complexity. <i>21st Annual Conference of the EACSL, Computer Science Logic 2012 (CSL)</i>, Sep 2012, Fontainebleau, France. pp.62-76, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2012.62⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00798298⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Higher-Order Interpretations and Program Complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Ugo Dal Lago"],
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago. Higher-order Interpretations and Program Complexity (Long Version). 2012. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00667816⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Higher-order Interpretations and Program Complexity (Long Version)"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Ugo Dal Lago"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Mathematical Structures in Computer Science</i>, 2012, 22 (04), pp.549-580. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1017/S0960129511000685⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago, Jean-Yves Moyen. On quasi-interpretations, blind abstractions and implicit complexity.. <i>Mathematical Structures in Computer Science</i>, 2012, 22 (04), pp.549-580. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1017/S0960129511000685⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00798377⟩</a>",
"title_s":["On quasi-interpretations, blind abstractions and implicit complexity."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Ugo Dal Lago","Jean-Yves Moyen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>9th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems APLAS 2011</i>, Dec 2011, Kenting, Taiwan. pp 337-352, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-642-25318-8_25⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot. Elementary Linear Logic Revisited for Polynomial Time and an Exponential Time Hierarchy. <i>9th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems APLAS 2011</i>, Dec 2011, Kenting, Taiwan. pp 337-352, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-642-25318-8_25⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00798307⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Elementary Linear Logic Revisited for Polynomial Time and an Exponential Time Hierarchy"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot"],
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot. Elementary linear logic revisited for polynomial time and an exponential time hierarchy (extended version). 2011. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00624742⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Elementary linear logic revisited for polynomial time and an exponential time hierarchy (extended version)"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Information and Computation</i>, 2011, 209 (2), pp.118-142. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.ic.2010.10.002⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Paolo Coppola, Ugo Dal Lago. Light logics and optimal reduction: Completeness and complexity. <i>Information and Computation</i>, 2011, 209 (2), pp.118-142. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.ic.2010.10.002⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00798315⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Light logics and optimal reduction: Completeness and complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Paolo Coppola","Ugo Dal Lago"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>12th International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2010)</i>, Jul 2010, Hagenberg, Austria. pp.219-230, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/1836089.1836118⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Martin Hofmann. Type inference in intuitionistic linear logic. <i>12th International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2010)</i>, Jul 2010, Hagenberg, Austria. pp.219-230, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/1836089.1836118⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00543120⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Type inference in intuitionistic linear logic"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Martin Hofmann"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Workshop LOLA \"Syntax and Semantics of Low Level Languages\"</i>, Jul 2010, Edimbourg, United Kingdom",
"citationFull_s":"Roberto M. Amadio, Patrick Baillot, Antoine Madet. An affine-intuitionistic system of types and effects: confluence and termination. <i>Workshop LOLA \"Syntax and Semantics of Low Level Languages\"</i>, Jul 2010, Edimbourg, United Kingdom. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00625760⟩</a>",
"title_s":["An affine-intuitionistic system of types and effects: confluence and termination"],
"authFullName_s":["Roberto M. Amadio","Patrick Baillot","Antoine Madet"],
"citationFull_s":"Roberto Amadio, Patrick Baillot, Antoine Madet. An affine-intuitionistic system of types and effects: confluence and termination. 2010. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00438101v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["An affine-intuitionistic system of types and effects: confluence and termination"],
"authFullName_s":["Roberto Amadio","Patrick Baillot","Antoine Madet"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>19th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2010)</i>, Mar 2010, Paphos, Cyprus. pp. 104-124, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-642-11957-6⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Marco Gaboardi, Virgile Mogbil. A PolyTime Functional Language from Light Linear Logic. <i>19th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2010)</i>, Mar 2010, Paphos, Cyprus. pp. 104-124, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-642-11957-6⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00443944⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A PolyTime Functional Language from Light Linear Logic"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Marco Gaboardi","Virgile Mogbil"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2010, 411 (2), pp. 470--503. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.tcs.2009.09.015⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Damiano Mazza. Linear logic by levels and bounded time complexity. <i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2010, 411 (2), pp. 470--503. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.tcs.2009.09.015⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00488531⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Linear logic by levels and bounded time complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Damiano Mazza"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings of Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA'07)</i>, 2007, Paris, France. à paraître",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot. From Proof-Nets to Linear Logic Type Systems for Polynomial Time Computing.. <i>Proceedings of Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA'07)</i>, 2007, Paris, France. à paraître. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00153142⟩</a>",
"title_s":["From Proof-Nets to Linear Logic Type Systems for Polynomial Time Computing."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '07)</i>, 2007, Wroclaw, Poland. à paraître",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Paolo Coppola, Ugo Dal Lago. Light Logics and Optimal Reduction: Completeness and Complexity.. <i>Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS '07)</i>, 2007, Wroclaw, Poland. à paraître. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00153136⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Light Logics and Optimal Reduction: Completeness and Complexity."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Paolo Coppola","Ugo Dal Lago"],
"citationRef_s":"ACM Trans. Comput. Log. (10)4. <i>Workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity - Geometry of Computation (GEOCAL'06)</i>, Feb 2006, Marseille, France. 10 (4), 2 p., 2009, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/1555746.1555747⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Jean-Yves Marion, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca. Special issue on implicit computational complexity. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. (10)4. <i>Workshop on Implicit Computational Complexity - Geometry of Computation (GEOCAL'06)</i>, Feb 2006, Marseille, France. 10 (4), 2 p., 2009, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1145/1555746.1555747⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00434330⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Special issue on implicit computational complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Jean-Yves Marion","Simona Ronchi Della Rocca"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>8th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity Seattle, August 10 - 11, 2006 (Satellite Workshop of FLOC-LICS 2006)</i>, 2006, Seattle, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Marco Pedicini. An Embedding of the BSS Model of Computation in Light Affine Lambda-Calculus.. <i>8th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity Seattle, August 10 - 11, 2006 (Satellite Workshop of FLOC-LICS 2006)</i>, 2006, Seattle, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00085547v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["An Embedding of the BSS Model of Computation in Light Affine Lambda-Calculus."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Marco Pedicini"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>8th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity (LCC'06), August 10 - 11, 2006 (Satellite Workshop of FLOC-LICS 2006)</i>, 2006, Seattle, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago, Jean-Yves Moyen. On Quasi-Interpretations, Blind Abstractions and Implicit Complexity. <i>8th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity (LCC'06), August 10 - 11, 2006 (Satellite Workshop of FLOC-LICS 2006)</i>, 2006, Seattle, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00023668⟩</a>",
"title_s":["On Quasi-Interpretations, Blind Abstractions and Implicit Complexity"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Ugo Dal Lago","Jean-Yves Moyen"],
"citationFull_s":"Vincent Atassi, Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui. Verification of Ptime reducibility for system F terms via Dual Light Affine Logic.. 2006. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00021834⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Verification of Ptime reducibility for system F terms via Dual Light Affine Logic."],
"authFullName_s":["Vincent Atassi","Patrick Baillot","Kazushige Terui"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Mathematical Structures in Computer Science</i>, 2006, 16 (4), pp.713-733",
"citationFull_s":"Ugo Dal Lago, Patrick Baillot. On Light Logics, Uniform Encodings and Polynomial Time.. <i>Mathematical Structures in Computer Science</i>, 2006, 16 (4), pp.713-733. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00153257⟩</a>",
"title_s":["On Light Logics, Uniform Encodings and Polynomial Time."],
"authFullName_s":["Ugo Dal Lago","Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"2005, pp.55-70",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui. A feasible algorithm for typing in Elementary Affine Logic.. 2005, pp.55-70. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084629⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A feasible algorithm for typing in Elementary Affine Logic."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Kazushige Terui"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AAMAS 2004 - 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agents Systems</i>, Jul 2004, New York, United States. pp.1386-1387",
"citationFull_s":"Alexandru Suna, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Christophe Fouqueré, Patrick Baillot. Mobile Multi-Agent Systems: A Programming Language and Its Semantics.. <i>AAMAS 2004 - 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agents Systems</i>, Jul 2004, New York, United States. pp.1386-1387. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084634⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Mobile Multi-Agent Systems: A Programming Language and Its Semantics."],
"authFullName_s":["Alexandru Suna","Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni","Christophe Fouqueré","Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2004, 328(3), pp.289-323",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot. Type inference for light affine logic via constraints on words.. <i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2004, 328(3), pp.289-323. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084611⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Type inference for light affine logic via constraints on words."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"2004, pp.266-275",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui. Light types for polynomial time computation in lambda-calculus. 2004, pp.266-275. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00003468⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Light types for polynomial time computation in lambda-calculus"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Kazushige Terui"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AAMAS04</i>, 2004, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Alexandru Suna, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Christophe Fouqueré, Patrick Baillot. Mobile multi-agent systems: a programming language and its semantics. <i>AAMAS04</i>, 2004, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084483⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Mobile multi-agent systems: a programming language and its semantics"],
"authFullName_s":["Alexandru Suna","Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni","Christophe Fouqueré","Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"2004, pp.27-41",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Virgile Mogbil. Soft lambda-calculus: a language for polynomial time computation.. 2004, pp.27-41. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00085129⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Soft lambda-calculus: a language for polynomial time computation."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Virgile Mogbil"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2004, 318(1-2): 29-55, pp.29-55",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot. Stratified coherence spaces: a denotational semantics for light linear logic.. <i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2004, 318(1-2): 29-55, pp.29-55. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084609⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Stratified coherence spaces: a denotational semantics for light linear logic."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot"],
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Kazushige Terui. Light types for polynomial time computation in lambda-calculus. 2004. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00012752⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Light types for polynomial time computation in lambda-calculus"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Kazushige Terui"],
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Virgile Mogbil. Soft lambda-calculus: a language for polynomial time computation. 2003. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00012751⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Soft lambda-calculus: a language for polynomial time computation"],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Virgile Mogbil"],
"citationRef_s":"2002, pp.370-382",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot. Checking polynomial time complexity with types.. 2002, pp.370-382. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084626⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Checking polynomial time complexity with types."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Fundamenta Informaticae</i>, 2001, 45(1-2), pp.1-31",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Marco Pedicini. Elementary Complexity and Geometry of Interaction.. <i>Fundamenta Informaticae</i>, 2001, 45(1-2), pp.1-31. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084627⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Elementary Complexity and Geometry of Interaction."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Marco Pedicini"],
"citationRef_s":"1999, pp.25-39",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Marco Pedicini. Elementary Complexity and Geometry of Interaction.. 1999, pp.25-39. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084631⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Elementary Complexity and Geometry of Interaction."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Marco Pedicini"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Computer Science Logic</i>, Aug 1997, Denmark. pp.56-77",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ehrhard, Vincent Danos, Patrick Baillot, Laurent Regnier. Timeless games. <i>Computer Science Logic</i>, Aug 1997, Denmark. pp.56-77. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00519856⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Timeless games"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ehrhard","Vincent Danos","Patrick Baillot","Laurent Regnier"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Logic in Computer Science</i>, Jun 1997, Poland. pp.68-75",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ehrhard, Vincent Danos, Patrick Baillot. Believe it or not, AJM's games model is a model of classical linear logic. <i>Logic in Computer Science</i>, Jun 1997, Poland. pp.68-75. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00519846⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Believe it or not, AJM's games model is a model of classical linear logic"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ehrhard","Vincent Danos","Patrick Baillot"],
"citationRef_s":"1997, pp.68-75",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Vincent Danos, Thomas Ehrhard, Laurent Régnier. Believe it or not, AJM's Games Model is a Model of Classical Linear Logic.. 1997, pp.68-75. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084630⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Believe it or not, AJM's Games Model is a Model of Classical Linear Logic."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Vincent Danos","Thomas Ehrhard","Laurent Régnier"],
"citationRef_s":"1997, pp.56-77",
"citationFull_s":"Patrick Baillot, Vincent Danos, Thomas Ehrhard, Laurent Régnier. Timeless Games.. 1997, pp.56-77. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00084632⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Timeless Games."],
"authFullName_s":["Patrick Baillot","Vincent Danos","Thomas Ehrhard","Laurent Régnier"],