Nil Toulouse
Journal & Conferences
Journal Reviewing and Editing
Editorial Advisory Board: Recherche et Applications en Marketing (since 2018)
Editorial Advisory Board: Journal of Marketing in Brazil (since 2011)
Editorial Review Board: Journal of Marketing Management (since 2016)
Editorial Review Board: Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal (since 2015)
Editor in Chief: Recherche et Applications en Marketing (since 2014-2018)
Editorial Review Board: Consumption, Markets & Culture (since 2011-2018)
Editorial Review Board: Décisions Marketing (2011-2015)
Editorial Advisory Board: Perspectives culturelles de la consommation (2010-2013)
«Guest Editor» for special issue on “Transformative Consumer Research”, Journal Marketing Management, 2014 (15 submissions)
«Guest Editor» for special issue on «Sustainable development», Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2014 (with A. Beji-Becheur) (24 submissions)
« Guest Editor » for special issue: « Immigrants, Consumption and Markets », Consumption, Markets & Culture, 2010 (with S. Askegaard) (19 submissions)
Ad Hoc Reviewer: Journal of Consumer Behaviour, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Macro Marketing, Recherche et Applications Marketing, Décisions Marketing, Développement Durable et Territoires, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research
Conference Reviewing
Association for Consumer Research, Consumer Culture Theory, Association Française du Marketing, ADERSE, FTIS 2008 - Montpellier, Forum the Spirit of Innovation III: International Conference Services, Innovation and Sustainable Development – Poitiers, ADERSE
Publishing Ethics Committee, Association Française du Marketing
Elected Member representing Europe, Consumer Culture Theory Consortium (2 terms, since june 2014)
Member, Program Commitee, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Montréal, July 2019
Member, Program Commitee, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Odense, July 2018
Member, Program Commitee, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Las Vegas, July 2017
Member, Program Commitee, Association Française du Marketing Congres, May 2017
Co-Chair (with Diego Rinallo), 11th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Lille, July 6-9, 2016
Member, Program Commitee, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Arkansas, June 18-21, 2015
Member, Program Commitee, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Helsinki, June 26-29, 2014
Co-Chair (with James Burroughs), 4th Transformative Consumer Research Conference, SKEMA Business School, France, May 24-25, 2013.
Member, Sidney Levy Award Commitee, august 2012
Track Chair “Sustainable Markets, Consumer Rights and Justice” 12th conference of International Society for Markets and Development avec Gretchen Larsen, Casablanca, Maroc, may 2012.
Member, Program Commitee, Advances in Consumer Research (ACR Vancouver), 2012.
Co-Chair of the International Conference Immigration, Consumption and Markets, Lille, may 2009(36 presentations in 2 days)
Nominated Member, Transformative Consumer Research advising board (from 2013 to 2017)
Member, Program Commitee, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Madison, WI, June 10-13, 2010.
Member, Program Commitee, ADERSE, La Rochelle, may 2010
Member, Program Commitee, Journées normandes de la recherche sur la consommation – Rouen
Faculty, Preconference, « Sustainability Research » - Program Chair : Eric Arnould, University of Wyoming, USA, June 5-9 2010
University and Department Service
Head of MERCUR Research Center (30 researchers & ~10 Phd Candidates, 100 000 € of budget, 2011-2018)
Director of MSci Marketing Advanced Program (since 2012)
Director of MSci Marketing and Retailing (2011-2012)
Member, Scientific Committee of Lille University Foundation (since 2015)
Member, Committee for Merger of Research at Lille University (since 2015)
Member, Award Commitee of ED 74 – Université Lille 2 at Doctoral Collegium North of France (2009)
Chair, Award Commitee of ED 74 – Université Lille 2 at Doctoral Collegium North of France (2014)
Member, Board of Directors (Management department)
Member, Recruiting Commitee (Management department) (from 2010 to Present)
Referee of PhD School of ED 74 – Université Lille 2 at Doctoral Collegium North of France (2012 - 2014)
Qualitative methods PhD seminar coordinator from 2008 to 2014 (at the Université Lille 2)