Nicolas Wicker
Axes de recherche
I am interested in computational statistics, generally in problems at the frontier of computer science and statistics with applications in biology.
I have mainly worked on clustering problems. In particular I am interested in statistics on objects having a particular structure (hypersphere for transcriptomics, simplex for amino-acids distribution, contingency tables). The more usual application I have in mind is clustering with mixture models. A current direction of research I am exploring is to adapt mixture models so that they would find non-convex clusters as the one which are found in the bull's eye example. Besides, I work with Alejandro Murua on a related problem : clustering with the Potts model.
Supervised learning
This project is complementary with the first and deals with supervised learning. I am interested in the practical aspects of supervised learning but recently started also to gain interest in the theoretical aspects of machine learning. A big goal would be to understand better how deep learning is working.
Data analysis
I have always been interested in data analysis, old school data analysis without any probabilistic model. I like particularly understanding the structure of data.
An interest lying aside from data analysis is random sampling, the idea is to explore randomly interesting structures like contingency tables, Latin squares,