Murielle Garcin
Garcin M, Coquart J, Duhamel A, Borel B, Boitel G, Delsart P, Matran R, Mounier-Vehier C. Effects of an individualized rehabilitation program prescribed by perceived exertion in women with metabolic syndrome. Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche. 2019, 178(3): 118-125.
Coquart J, Boitel G, Borel B, Duhamel A, Matran R, Delsart P, Mounier-Vehier C, Garcin M. Exercise training at the crossover point improves bodily and cardiorespiratory data but not quality of life in women with metabolic syndrome. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2017, 57(1-2): 138-143.
Coquart J, Mucci P, L’hermette M, Chamari K, Tourny C, Garcin M. Correlation of gas exchange threshold and the first muscle oxyhemoglobin inflection point with time-to-exhaustion during heavy intensity exercise. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2017, 57(3): 171-178.
Tabben M, Mucci P, Garcin M, Chamari K, Coquart J. The first muscle oxyhemoglobin inflection point is correlated to gas exchange threshold and time-to-exhaustion during heavy intensity exercise. 63th World Congress of American College of Sports Medicine. May 31-June 4, 2016. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Medicine & Sciences in Sports & Exercise, 2016, 48(5 Suppl 1): 857-858.
Borel B, Coquart J, Boitel G, Duhamel A, Matran R, Delsart P, Mounier-Vehier C, Garcin M. Effects of endurance training at the crossover point in women with metabolic syndrome. Medicine & Sciences in Sports & Exercise, 2015, 47(11): 2380-2388.
Coquart JB, Garcin M, Parfitt G, Tourny-Chollet C, Eston RG. Prediction of maximal or peak oxygen uptake from ratings of perceived exertion. Sports Medicine, 2014, 44(5): 563-578.
Coquart J, Boitel G, Borel B, Matran R, Mounier-Vehier C, Garcin M. Effects of a training program at the crossover point on the cluster of metabolic abnormalities and cardiovascular risk factors. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 2014, 12(2): 73-79.
Coquart J, Boitel G., Borel B, Matran R, Mounier-Vehier C, Garcin M. Effects of training program at the crossover point on the metabolic abnormalities and cardiovascular risk factors in obese women with metabolic syndrome. 49th annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Barcelone, Spain, 23-27 septembre 2013.
Diabetologia, 2013, 56 Suppl1: S681
Coquart JBJ, Grosbois JM, Nycz M, Dufour Y, Bart F, Garcin M. Relationship between the perceived exertion rating at the point of maximal lipids oxidation (LIPOXmax), physiological responses and psychological profile in competitive cyclists. Science & Sports, 2012, 27:208-214.
Garcin M, Coquart JBJ, Salleron J, Voy N, Matran R. Self-regulation of exercice intensity by Estimated Time Limit scale. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012, 112(6): 2303-2312.
Coquart JB, Eston RG, Noakes TD, Tourny-Chollet C, L'hermette M, Lemaître F, Garcin M. Estimated Time Limit : a brief review of a perceptually based scale. Sports Med. 2012, 1, 42(10): 845-855.
Coquart JBJ, Tourny-Chollet C, Lemaïtre F, Lemaire C, Grosbois J-M, Garcin M. Relevance of the measure of perceived exertion for the rehabilitation of obese patients. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2012, 55: 623-640.
Coquart JBJ, Dufour Y, Groslambert A, Matran R, Garcin M. Relationships between psychological factors, RPE and Time Limit estimated by teleoanticipation. The Sport psychologist, 2012, 26, 359-374.
Coquart J, Eston R, Nycz M, Grosbois J-M., Garcin M. Estimation of Maximal Oxygen Uptake from Ratings of Perceived Exertion elicited during Sub-maximal Tests in Competitive Cyclists. Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio Per Le Scienze Mediche, 2012, 171(2): 165-172.
Coquart J, Sioud R, Grosbois JM, Lemaire C, Tourny-Chollet C, Castres I, Lemaître F, Garcin M. Détermination de l’exercice le mieux ressenti par des patientes obèses: exercice continu vs exercice intermittent. 38ème Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète, Nice, France, 20-23 mars 2012.
Diabetes Metab 2012, 38,S2:33-34.
Coquart J, Sioud R, Tourny-Chollet C, Lemaitre F, Grosbois JM, Lemaire C, Garcin M. Continuous vs. Intermittent exercise: the best exercise modality in obese women. 79th Annual Meeting of Society of Physiology, Dijon, France, 4-6 Avril 2012.
Fundam Clin Pharmacol, 2012, 26,S1:63.
Coquart J, Castres I, Sioud R, Tourny-Chollet C, Lemaître F, Lemaire C, Grosbois JM, Garcin M. Effects of intermittent exercises on the obesity class. 38e Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabete, Nice, France, 20-23 mars 2012.
Diabetes Metab 2012, 38,S2:34.
Garcin M, Borel B, Coquart J, Matran R, Delsart P, Mounier-Vehier C. Effets d’un programme de réadaptation à l’effort individualisé au point de croisement des débits d’oxydation des glucides et des lipides sur les anomalies métaboliques et les risques cardiovasculaires chez des femmes présentant un syndrome métabolique. Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète, Nice, France, 20-23 mars 2012.
Diabetes Metab 2012, 38,S2:78.
Garcin M, Borel B, Coquart J, Matran R, Delsart P, Mounier-Vehier C. Effets d’un programme de réadaptation à l’effort individualisé au point de croisement des débits d’oxydation des glucides et des lipides sur l’utilisation des substrats énergétiques à l’exercice chez des femmes présentant un syndrome métabolique. Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète, Nice, France, 20-23 mars 2012.
Diabetes Metab 2012, 38,S2:78.
Sioud R, Lemaître F, Tourny-Chollet C, Castres I, Lemaire C, Garcin M. La perception de l’effort ne permet pas de confirmer la maximalité des épreuves d’effort chez les patientes obèses. 38e Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabetes, Nice, France, 20-23 mars 2012
Diabetes Metab 2012, 38,S2:33.
Sioud R, Tourny-Chollet C, Lemaître F, Castres I, Lemaire C, Garcin M. Étude de la relation entre les perceptions de l’effort, les pourcentages de fréquence cardiaque de réserve, et de consommation pic d’oxygène chez des femmes obèses. 38e Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabetes, Nice, France, 20-23 mars 2012.
Diabetes Metab 2012, 38,S2: 34.
Coquart J, Eston R, Sioud R, Lemaitre F, L'hermette M, Tourny-Chollet C, Garcin M. Prediction of maximal oxygen uptake from ratings of perceived exertion elicited during sub-maximal tests in competitive cyclists. 79th Annual Meeting of Society of Physiology, Dijon, France, 4-6 Avril 2012.
Fundam Clin Pharmacol, 2012, 26,S1:62.
Coquart J, Sioud R, Lemaitre F, Tourny-Chollet C, Grosbois J-M, Lemaire C, Garcin M. Estimation of peak oxygen uptake from ratings of perceived exertion elicited during a graded exercise test in obese women with type 2 diabetes. 79th Annual Meeting of Society of Physiology, Dijon, France, 4-6 avril 2012.
Fundam Clin Pharmacol , 2012, 26, S1:62
Coquart J, Garcin M, L’Hermette M, Lemaître F, Sioud R, Tourny-Chollet C. The factors correlated to the maximal fat oxidation rate in competitive cyclists. 79th Annual Meeting of Society of Physiology, Dijon,France, 4-6 Avril 2012.
Fundam Clin Pharmacol, 2012, 26,S1:63.
Coquart JBJ, Grosbois J-M, Nycz M, Bart F, Garcin M. Influence of performance level on the point of maximal lipids oxidation (LIPOXmax) in cyclists. Science & Sports, 2011, 26:32-37.
Garcin M, Coquart JBJ, Robin S, Matran R. Prediction of time to exhaustion in competitive cyclists from a perceptually-based scale. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2011, 25(5): 1393-1399.
Coquart JBJ, Stevenson A, Garcin M. Causal influences of expected running length on ratings of perceived exertion and estimation time limit scales. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2011, 42(2): 149-166.
Coquart JBJ, Garcin M, Grosbois J-M, Wibaux F, Dubart A-E, Lemaire C. Estimation de la consommation pic d'oxygène par la perception de l'effort chez des patients obèses et diabétiques de type 2 / Estimation of peak oxygen uptake from ratings of perceived exertion in obese patients with a type 2 diabetes. Obésité, 6(2):98-104, 2011.
Coquart JB, Eston RG, Grosbois JM, Lemaire C, Dubart AE, Luttenbacher DP, Garcin M. Prediction of peak oxygen uptake from age and power output at RPE 15 in obese women. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010, 110(3): 645-649
Coquart J, Lemaire C, Grosbois JM, Wibaux F, Dervaux G, Garcin M. Effets d’un stage de remise à l’activité physique basé sur de la marche intermittente chez des femmes obèses. Congrès Francophone Annuel de Diabétologie, Lille, France, mars 2010.
Diabetes Metab 2010, 36,S1:49.
Coquart J, Lemaire C, Dubart AE, Luttenbacher DP, Grosbois JM, Wibaux F, Dervaux G, Garcin M. Estimation de la capacité aérobie maximale à partir des perceptions de l’effort relevées lors d’un exercice incrémenté sous-maximal chez des femmes obèses. Congrès Francophone Annuel de Diabétologie, Lille, France, mars 2010.
Diabetes Metab 2010, 36,S1:48.
Coquart J, Wibaux F, Lemaire C, Dubart AE, Dervitte F, Dervaux G, Garcin M. La combinaison d’une activité physique intermittente et d’un travail éducatif sur les sensations de faim permet de lutter contre l’obésité. Congrès Francophone Annuel de Diabétologie, Lille, France, mars 2010.
Diabetes Metab 2010, 36,S1:107.
Coquart J, Garcin M, Wibaux F, Dubart AE, Luttenbacher DP, Dervaux G, Lemaire C. Prédiction la consommation maximale d’oxygène des patients obèses à partir de variables psychophysiologiques. Congrès Francophone Annuel de Diabétologie, Lille, France, mars 2010.
Diabetes Metab 2010, 36,S1:106.
Coquart JBJ, Legrand R, Robin S, Duhamel A, Matran R, Garcin M. Influence of successive bouts of fatiguing exercise on perceptual and physiological markers during an incremental exercise test. Pychophysiology, 2009, 46: 209-216.
Coquart JBJ, Lemaire C, Dubart AE, Douillard C, Luttembacher DP, Wibaux F, Garcin M. Prediction of peak oxygen uptake from sub-maximal ratings of perceived exertion elicited during a graded exercise test in obese women. Pychophysiology, 2009, 46: 1150-1153.
Garcin M, Doussot L, Mille-Hamard L, Billat V. Athletes' dietary intake was closer to French RDA's than those of young sedentary counterparts. Nutrition Research 2009, 29: 736-742.
Coquart JBJ, Lensel G, Garcin M. Perception de l’effort chez l’enfant et l’adolescent : mesure et intérêts. Exertion perception in children and teenagers: measures and interests. Science & Sports, 2009, 24:137-145.
Coquart JBJ, Lemaire C, Dubart AE, Luttenbacherd DP, Wibaux F, Douillard C, Garcin M. Chronic effects of intermittent exercises on the energy intake in obese women: a preliminary study. Obésité, 2009, 3; 49-53.
Voy N, Coquart JBJ, Lemaire C, Dubart AE, Luttembacher DP, Wibaux F, Douillard C, Garcin M. Assessment of maximal aerobic capacity from ratings of perceived exertion elicited during a sub-maximal graded exercise test in obese women. 17th European Congress on Obesity. May 6-9, 2009. Amsterdam. The Netherlands.
Obesity Facts, European Journal of Obesity, 2009; 2, S2:147.
Coquart JBJ, Raul P, Garcin M.. Influence of instructions on perceptually-based ratings. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008, 29: 151-157.
Garcin M, Danel M, Billat V. Perceptual responses in free versus constant pace exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008, 26: 675-681.
Coquart JBJ, Lemaire C Dubart AE, Luttembacher DP, Douillard C, Garcin M. Intermittent vs Continuous Exercise: Effects of Perceptually Lower intensity Exercise in Obese Women. Medicine & Sciences in Sports & Exercise, 2008, 40:1546-1553.
Coquart JBJ, Lemaire C, Douillard C, Garcin M. Effects of intermittent walk program on the body mass and composition in obese women. Annales d’Endocrinologie, 2008, 69: 227-230.
Coquart JBJ, Garcin M. Knowledge of the endpoint: effect on perceptual values. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008, 29: 976-979.
Coquart JBJ, Garcin M. Validity and reliability of perceptually-based scales during exhausting runs in trained males runners. Perceptual and motor skills. 2007, 104: 254-266.
Coquart J, Lemaire C, Dubart A-E, Douillard C, Garcin M. Determination and prescription of the best perceived exercise modality in obese subjects with/without type 2 diabetes. 67th scientific sessions of American Diabetes Association. June 22-26, 2007. Chicago, U.S.A. Diabetes, 56(S1): A637.
Delattre E; Garcin M; Mille-Hamard L, Billat V. Objective and subjective analysis of the training content in young cyclists. Applied physiology, nutrition and metabolism, 2006, 31: 118-125.
Garcin M, Fleury A, Ansart N, Mille-Hamard L, Billat V. Training content and potential impact on performance : a comparison of young male and female endurance-trained runners. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 2006, 77, 351-361.
Garcin M, Mille-Hamard L, Duhamel A, Boudin F, Réveillère C, Billat V, Lhermitte M. Factors associated with perceived exertion and estimated time limit at lactate threshold. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2006, 103: 51-66.
Garcin M, Fleury A, Mille-Hamard L, Billat V. Sex-related differences in ratings of perceived exertion and estimated time limit. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2005, 26: 675-681.
Garcin M, Fleury A, Mille-Hamard L, Billat V, Humbert L, Lhermitte M. Influence of acetaminophen consumption on perceived exertion at lactate threshold. Perceptual and motor skills, 2005, 101: 675-683.
Garcin M, Mille-Hamard L, Billat V, Imbenotte M, Humbert L, Lhermitte M. Use of acetaminophen in young subelit athletes. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2005, 45:604-607.
Garcin M, Mille-Hamard L, Billat V. Influence of aerobic fitness level on measured and estimated perceived exertion during exhausting runs. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2004, 25: 270--277.
Dekerle J, Baron B, Dupont L, Garcin M, Vanvelcenaher J, Pelayo P. Effect of incremental and sub-maximal constant-load tests protocol on perceived exertion (CR10) values. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2003, 96:896-904.
Garcin M, Wolff M, Bejma T. Reliability of rating scales of perceived exertion and heart rate during progressive and maximal constant load exercises till exhaustion in physical education students. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2003, 24: 285-290.
Garcin M, Mille-Hamard L, Devillers S, Dufour S, Delattre E, Billat V. Influence of the type of training sport practised on psychological and physiological parameters during exhausting endurance exercises. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2003, 97:1150-1162.
Garcin M, Fleury A, Billat V. The ratio HLa:RPE as a tool to appreciate overreaching in young high-level middle-distance runners. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2002, 23:16-21.
Marais G, Dupont L, Garcin M, Vancelcenaher J, Pelayo P. RPE responses during arm and leg exercices : effect of variations in spontaneously chosen crank rate. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 92:253-262.
Garcin M, Bresillion S, Piton A, Peres G. Does Perceived exertion depend on glycemic index of pre-exercise foods during a one hour high intensity exercise ? Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 93:599-608.
Garcin M, Billat V. Perceived exertion scales attest both intensity and exercise duration. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 2001, 93:661-671.
Garcin M, Vandewalle H, Monod H. A new rating scale of perceived exertion based on subjective estimation of exhaustion time. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 1999, 20(1):40-43.
Garcin M, Vautier JF, Vandewalle H, Monod H. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) as an index of aerobic endurance during local and general exercises. Ergonomics, 1998, 41(8):1105-1114.
Garcin M, Vautier JF, Vandewalle H, Wolff M, Monod H. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during cycling exercises at constant power output. Ergonomics, 1998, 41(10):1500-1509.
Garcin M, Cravic JY,Vandewalle H, Monod H. (1996) Physiological strains while pushing or hauling. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1996, 72(5-6):478-482.
Monod H, Garcin M. (1996) Use of physiological criteria for improving physical work conditions. J Hum Ergol (Tokyo) 25(1):29-38.
Garcin M, Wolff M, Sabatier PP, Pérès G. Effets du repas pré-compétitif sur la perception de l'effort et sur la glycémie lors d’un exercice de pédalage. Science & Sports, 1996, 11: 243-249.