





10 publications illustrant mes centres d'intérêt successifs

Ethics in robotics research

Alexei Grinbaum, Raja Chatila, Ronald Arkin (Georgia Tech, USA), Laurence Devillers, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Catherine Tessier, Max Dauchet, ICRE 2015 International Conference on Robot Ethics and IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2015 

Finding the common structure shared by two homologous RNAs

O Perriquet, H Touzet, M Dauchet - Bioinformatics, Oxford Univ Press, 2003

Maximization of the average quality of anytime contract algorithms over a time interval

A Delhay, M Dauchet, P Taillibert, P Vanheeghe - IJCAI, 1999

Tree Automata Techniques and Applications

Hubert Comon Max Dauchet Rémi Gilleron Florent Jacquemard Denis Lugiez Christof Löding Sophie Tison Marc Tommasi - 1997

Detection of significant patterns by compression algorithms: the case of approximate tandem repeats in DNA sequences

Rivals E, Delorme MO, Hénaut A, Ollivier E. Comput Appl Biosci. 1997 Apr;13(2):131-6 - Oxford Univ Press

Bottom-up tree pushdown automata: classification and connection with rewrite systems

JL Coquidé, M Dauchet, R Gilleron - Theoretical Computer Sciences, 1994 – Elsevier

Encompassment properties and automata with constraints

AC Caron, JL Coquidé, M Dauchet - Rewriting Techniques and Applications 1993 – Springer

The theory of ground rewrite systems is decidable M. Dauchet, S.Tison

Logic in Computer Science, 1990. LICS '90, Proceedings., Fifth Annual IEEE Symposium pp. 242 – 248

Decidability of the confluence of finite ground term rewrite systems and of other related term rewrite systems

M Dauchet, T Heuillard, P Lescanne, S Tison, Information and Computation 1990 – Elsevier

Simulation of Turing machines by a left-linear rewrite rule

M Dauchet - Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 1989 - Springer



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