Marc Tommasi
Professeure des universités
Laboratoire / équipe
"citationRef_s":"<i>2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025)</i>, Apr 2025, Hyderabad, India",
"citationFull_s":"Natalia Tomashenko, Emmanuel Vincent, Marc Tommasi. Analysis of Speech Temporal Dynamics in the Context of Speaker Verification and Voice Anonymization. <i>2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025)</i>, Apr 2025, Hyderabad, India. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04853872⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Analysis of Speech Temporal Dynamics in the Context of Speaker Verification and Voice Anonymization"],
"authFullName_s":["Natalia Tomashenko","Emmanuel Vincent","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ICML 2024 - The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning</i>, Jul 2024, Vienne, Austria",
"citationFull_s":"Batiste Le Bars, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi, Kevin Scaman, Giovanni Neglia. Improved Stability and Generalization Guarantees of the Decentralized SGD Algorithm. <i>ICML 2024 - The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning</i>, Jul 2024, Vienne, Austria. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04611418⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Improved Stability and Generalization Guarantees of the Decentralized SGD Algorithm"],
"authFullName_s":["Batiste Le Bars","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi","Kevin Scaman","Giovanni Neglia"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Conference on Machine Learning</i>, Jul 2023, Honolulu, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Paul Mangold, Michaël Perrot, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi. Differential Privacy has Bounded Impact on Fairness in Classification. <i>International Conference on Machine Learning</i>, Jul 2023, Honolulu, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03902203v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Differential Privacy has Bounded Impact on Fairness in Classification"],
"authFullName_s":["Paul Mangold","Michaël Perrot","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AISTATS 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics</i>, Apr 2023, Valencia, Spain. pp.4894-4916",
"citationFull_s":"Paul Mangold, Aurélien Bellet, Joseph Salmon, Marc Tommasi. High-Dimensional Private Empirical Risk Minimization by Greedy Coordinate Descent. <i>AISTATS 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics</i>, Apr 2023, Valencia, Spain. pp.4894-4916. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03714465v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["High-Dimensional Private Empirical Risk Minimization by Greedy Coordinate Descent"],
"authFullName_s":["Paul Mangold","Aurélien Bellet","Joseph Salmon","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2023)</i>, 2023, Valencia, Spain, Spain",
"citationFull_s":"Batiste Le Bars, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi, Erick Lavoie, Anne-Marie Kermarrec. Refined Convergence and Topology Learning for Decentralized SGD with Heterogeneous Data. <i>Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2023)</i>, 2023, Valencia, Spain, Spain. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03905091v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Refined Convergence and Topology Learning for Decentralized SGD with Heterogeneous Data"],
"authFullName_s":["Batiste Le Bars","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi","Erick Lavoie","Anne-Marie Kermarrec"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies</i>, 2023, 2023 (1), <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.48550/arXiv.2202.11823⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Ali Shahin Shamsabadi, Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Aurélien Bellet, Nathalie Vauquier, Emmanuel Vincent, et al.. Differentially private speaker anonymization. <i>Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies</i>, 2023, 2023 (1), <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.48550/arXiv.2202.11823⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03588932⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Differentially private speaker anonymization"],
"authFullName_s":["Ali Shahin Shamsabadi","Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava","Aurélien Bellet","Nathalie Vauquier","Emmanuel Vincent","Mohamed Maouche","Marc Tommasi","Nicolas Papernot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>NeurIPS 2022 - Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems</i>, Nov 2022, New Orleans, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Jean Ogier Du Terrail, Samy-Safwan Ayed, Edwige Cyffers, Felix Grimberg, Chaoyang He, et al.. FLamby: Datasets and Benchmarks for Cross-Silo Federated Learning in Realistic Healthcare Settings. <i>NeurIPS 2022 - Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems</i>, Nov 2022, New Orleans, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03900026⟩</a>",
"title_s":["FLamby: Datasets and Benchmarks for Cross-Silo Federated Learning in Realistic Healthcare Settings"],
"authFullName_s":["Jean Ogier Du Terrail","Samy-Safwan Ayed","Edwige Cyffers","Felix Grimberg","Chaoyang He","Regis Loeb","Paul Mangold","Tanguy Marchand","Othmane Marfoq","Erum Mushtaq","Boris Muzellec","Constantin Philippenko","Santiago Silva","Maria Teleńczuk","Shadi Albarqouni","Salman Avestimehr","Aurélien Bellet","Aymeric Dieuleveut","Martin Jaggi","Sai Praneeth Karimireddy","Marco Lorenzi","Giovanni Neglia","Marc Tommasi","Mathieu Andreux"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Interspeech 2022 - Human and Humanizing Speech Technology</i>, Sep 2022, Incheon, South Korea",
"citationFull_s":"Mohamed Maouche, Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Nathalie Vauquier, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi, et al.. Enhancing speech privacy with slicing. <i>Interspeech 2022 - Human and Humanizing Speech Technology</i>, Sep 2022, Incheon, South Korea. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03369137v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Enhancing speech privacy with slicing"],
"authFullName_s":["Mohamed Maouche","Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava","Nathalie Vauquier","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi","Emmanuel Vincent"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ICML 2022 - 39th International Conference on Machine Learning</i>, Jul 2022, Baltimore, United States. pp.14948-14978",
"citationFull_s":"Paul Mangold, Aurélien Bellet, Joseph Salmon, Marc Tommasi. Differentially Private Coordinate Descent for Composite Empirical Risk Minimization. <i>ICML 2022 - 39th International Conference on Machine Learning</i>, Jul 2022, Baltimore, United States. pp.14948-14978. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03424974v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Differentially Private Coordinate Descent for Composite Empirical Risk Minimization"],
"authFullName_s":["Paul Mangold","Aurélien Bellet","Joseph Salmon","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing</i>, 2022, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/TASLP.2022.3190741⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Mohamed Maouche, Md Sahidullah, Emmanuel Vincent, Aurélien Bellet, et al.. Privacy and utility of x-vector based speaker anonymization. <i>IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing</i>, 2022, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1109/TASLP.2022.3190741⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03197376v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Privacy and utility of x-vector based speaker anonymization"],
"authFullName_s":["Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava","Mohamed Maouche","Md Sahidullah","Emmanuel Vincent","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi","Natalia Tomashenko","Xin Wang","Junichi Yamagishi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>JEP 2022</i>, Jun 2022, île de Noirmoutier, France",
"citationFull_s":"Salima Mdhaffar, Jean-François A Bonastre, Marc Tommasi, Natalia Tomashenko, Yannick Estève. Extraction d'informations liées au locuteur depuis un modèle acoustique personnalisé. <i>JEP 2022</i>, Jun 2022, île de Noirmoutier, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03706944⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Extraction d'informations liées au locuteur depuis un modèle acoustique personnalisé"],
"authFullName_s":["Salima Mdhaffar","Jean-François A Bonastre","Marc Tommasi","Natalia Tomashenko","Yannick Estève"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journées d'Études sur la Parole - JEP2022</i>, Jun 2022, Île de Noirmoutier, France",
"citationFull_s":"Natalia Tomashenko, Salima Mdhaffar, Marc Tommasi, Yannick Estève, Jean-François Bonastre. On speaker verification from the neural network footprint of personalized acoustic models. <i>Journées d'Études sur la Parole - JEP2022</i>, Jun 2022, Île de Noirmoutier, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03626964⟩</a>",
"title_s":["On speaker verification from the neural network footprint of personalized acoustic models","Sur la vérification du locuteur à partir de traces d’exécution de modèles acoustiques personnalisés"],
"authFullName_s":["Natalia Tomashenko","Salima Mdhaffar","Marc Tommasi","Yannick Estève","Jean-François Bonastre"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>IEEE ICASSP 2022</i>, 2022, Singapour, Singapore",
"citationFull_s":"Salima Mdhaffar, Jean-François Bonastre, Marc Tommasi, Natalia Tomashenko, Yannick Estève. Retrieving Speaker Information from Personalized Acoustic Models for Speech Recognition. <i>IEEE ICASSP 2022</i>, 2022, Singapour, Singapore. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03539741⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Retrieving Speaker Information from Personalized Acoustic Models for Speech Recognition"],
"authFullName_s":["Salima Mdhaffar","Jean-François Bonastre","Marc Tommasi","Natalia Tomashenko","Yannick Estève"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal</i>, 2022",
"citationFull_s":"Mahsa Asadi, Aurélien Bellet, Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, Marc Tommasi. Collaborative Algorithms for Online Personalized Mean Estimation. <i>Transactions on Machine Learning Research Journal</i>, 2022. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03905917⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Collaborative Algorithms for Online Personalized Mean Estimation"],
"authFullName_s":["Mahsa Asadi","Aurélien Bellet","Odalric-Ambrym Maillard","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ICASSP 2022</i>, 2022, Singapour, Singapore",
"citationFull_s":"Natalia Tomashenko, Salima Mdhaffar, Marc Tommasi, Yannick Estève, Jean-François Bonastre. Privacy attacks for automatic speech recognition acoustic models in a federated learning framework. <i>ICASSP 2022</i>, 2022, Singapour, Singapore. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03539742v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Privacy attacks for automatic speech recognition acoustic models in a federated learning framework"],
"authFullName_s":["Natalia Tomashenko","Salima Mdhaffar","Marc Tommasi","Yannick Estève","Jean-François Bonastre"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>SPECOM 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Speech and Computer</i>, Sep 2021, St Petersburg, Russia. pp.426 - 436, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-030-87802-3_39⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Salima Mdhaffar, Marc Tommasi, Yannick Estève. Study on Acoustic Model Personalization in a Context of Collaborative Learning Constrained by Privacy Preservation. <i>SPECOM 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Speech and Computer</i>, Sep 2021, St Petersburg, Russia. pp.426 - 436, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-030-87802-3_39⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03369206⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Study on Acoustic Model Personalization in a Context of Collaborative Learning Constrained by Privacy Preservation"],
"authFullName_s":["Salima Mdhaffar","Marc Tommasi","Yannick Estève"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ERCIM News</i>, 2021, 126, pp.38-39",
"citationFull_s":"Akira Campbell, Thomas Kleinbauer, Marc Tommasi, Emmanuel Vincent. Enabling voice-based apps with European values. <i>ERCIM News</i>, 2021, 126, pp.38-39. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03476390⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Enabling voice-based apps with European values"],
"authFullName_s":["Akira Campbell","Thomas Kleinbauer","Marc Tommasi","Emmanuel Vincent"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>INTERSPEECH 2020</i>, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Oct 2020, Shanghai, China",
"citationFull_s":"Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Natalia Tomashenko, Xin Wang, Emmanuel Vincent, Junichi Yamagishi, et al.. Design Choices for X-vector Based Speaker Anonymization. <i>INTERSPEECH 2020</i>, International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), Oct 2020, Shanghai, China. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02610447v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Design Choices for X-vector Based Speaker Anonymization"],
"authFullName_s":["Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava","Natalia Tomashenko","Xin Wang","Emmanuel Vincent","Junichi Yamagishi","Mohamed Maouche","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>INTERSPEECH 2020</i>, Oct 2020, Shanghai, China",
"citationFull_s":"Mohamed Maouche, Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Nathalie Vauquier, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi, et al.. A comparative study of speech anonymization metrics. <i>INTERSPEECH 2020</i>, Oct 2020, Shanghai, China. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02907918⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A comparative study of speech anonymization metrics"],
"authFullName_s":["Mohamed Maouche","Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava","Nathalie Vauquier","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi","Emmanuel Vincent"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AISTATS 2020 - The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics</i>, Aug 2020, Palerme / Virtual, Italy",
"citationFull_s":"Valentina Zantedeschi, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi. Fully Decentralized Joint Learning of Personalized Models and Collaboration Graphs. <i>AISTATS 2020 - The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics</i>, Aug 2020, Palerme / Virtual, Italy. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03100057⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Fully Decentralized Joint Learning of Personalized Models and Collaboration Graphs"],
"authFullName_s":["Valentina Zantedeschi","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ICASSP 2020 - 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing</i>, IEEE Signal Processing Society, May 2020, Barcelona, Spain. pp.2802-2806",
"citationFull_s":"Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Nathalie Vauquier, Md Sahidullah, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi, et al.. Evaluating Voice Conversion-based Privacy Protection against Informed Attackers. <i>ICASSP 2020 - 45th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing</i>, IEEE Signal Processing Society, May 2020, Barcelona, Spain. pp.2802-2806. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02355115v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Evaluating Voice Conversion-based Privacy Protection against Informed Attackers"],
"authFullName_s":["Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava","Nathalie Vauquier","Md Sahidullah","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi","Emmanuel Vincent"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</i>, 2020, 21, pp.1 - 18",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ricatte, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Skill Rating for Multiplayer Games Introducing Hypernode Graphs and their Spectral Theory. <i>Journal of Machine Learning Research</i>, 2020, 21, pp.1 - 18. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02566930⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Skill Rating for Multiplayer Games Introducing Hypernode Graphs and their Spectral Theory"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ricatte","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>INTERSPEECH 2019 - 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association</i>, Sep 2019, Graz, Austria",
"citationFull_s":"Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi, Emmanuel Vincent. Privacy-Preserving Adversarial Representation Learning in ASR: Reality or Illusion?. <i>INTERSPEECH 2019 - 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association</i>, Sep 2019, Graz, Austria. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02166434⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Privacy-Preserving Adversarial Representation Learning in ASR: Reality or Illusion?"],
"authFullName_s":["Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi","Emmanuel Vincent"],
"citationRef_s":"[Research Report] Inria. 2019",
"citationFull_s":"Valentina Zantedeschi, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi. Fully Decentralized Joint Learning of Personalized Models and Collaboration Graphs. [Research Report] Inria. 2019. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02166433⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Fully Decentralized Joint Learning of Personalized Models and Collaboration Graphs"],
"authFullName_s":["Valentina Zantedeschi","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>NeurIPS 2018 - Workshop on Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices</i>, 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices (MLPCD 2), Dec 2018, Montréal, Canada",
"citationFull_s":"Valentina Zantedeschi, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi. Communication-Efficient Decentralized Boosting while Discovering the Collaboration Graph. <i>NeurIPS 2018 - Workshop on Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices</i>, 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices (MLPCD 2), Dec 2018, Montréal, Canada. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02166758⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Communication-Efficient Decentralized Boosting while Discovering the Collaboration Graph"],
"authFullName_s":["Valentina Zantedeschi","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>AISTATS 2018 - 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics</i>, Apr 2018, Lanzarote, Spain. pp.1-20",
"citationFull_s":"Aurélien Bellet, Rachid Guerraoui, Mahsa Taziki, Marc Tommasi. Personalized and Private Peer-to-Peer Machine Learning. <i>AISTATS 2018 - 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics</i>, Apr 2018, Lanzarote, Spain. pp.1-20. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01745796⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Personalized and Private Peer-to-Peer Machine Learning"],
"authFullName_s":["Aurélien Bellet","Rachid Guerraoui","Mahsa Taziki","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>NIPS 2017 - Workshop on Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices</i>, Dec 2017, Long Beach, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Aurélien Bellet, Rachid Guerraoui, Mahsa Taziki, Marc Tommasi. Personalized and Private Peer-to-Peer Machine Learning. <i>NIPS 2017 - Workshop on Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices</i>, Dec 2017, Long Beach, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01665422⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Personalized and Private Peer-to-Peer Machine Learning"],
"authFullName_s":["Aurélien Bellet","Rachid Guerraoui","Mahsa Taziki","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Brain Topography: a Journal of Cerebral Function and Dynamics</i>, 2017, 30 (3), pp.291-302. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/s10548-017-0548-0⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Pierre Besson, Nicolas Carrière, Sarah Kathleen Bandt, Marc Tommasi, Xavier Leclerc, et al.. Whole-brain high-resolution structural connectome: inter-subject validation and application to the anatomical segmentation of the striatum. <i>Brain Topography: a Journal of Cerebral Function and Dynamics</i>, 2017, 30 (3), pp.291-302. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/s10548-017-0548-0⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01657960⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Whole-brain high-resolution structural connectome: inter-subject validation and application to the anatomical segmentation of the striatum"],
"authFullName_s":["Pierre Besson","Nicolas Carrière","Sarah Kathleen Bandt","Marc Tommasi","Xavier Leclerc","Philippe Derambure","Renaud Lopes","Louise Tyvaert"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)</i>, Apr 2017, Fort Lauderdale, Florida., United States",
"citationFull_s":"Paul Vanhaesebrouck, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi. Decentralized Collaborative Learning of Personalized Models over Networks. <i>International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)</i>, Apr 2017, Fort Lauderdale, Florida., United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01533182⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Decentralized Collaborative Learning of Personalized Models over Networks"],
"authFullName_s":["Paul Vanhaesebrouck","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"[Research Report] INRIA Lille. 2017, pp.1-18",
"citationFull_s":"Aurélien Bellet, Rachid Guerraoui, Mahsa Taziki, Marc Tommasi. Fast and Differentially Private Algorithms for Decentralized Collaborative Machine Learning. [Research Report] INRIA Lille. 2017, pp.1-18. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01665410⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Fast and Differentially Private Algorithms for Decentralized Collaborative Machine Learning"],
"authFullName_s":["Aurélien Bellet","Rachid Guerraoui","Mahsa Taziki","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"[Research Report] INRIA Lille. 2016",
"citationFull_s":"Paul Vanhaesebrouck, Aurélien Bellet, Marc Tommasi. Decentralized Collaborative Learning of Personalized Models over Networks. [Research Report] INRIA Lille. 2016. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01383544⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Decentralized Collaborative Learning of Personalized Models over Networks"],
"authFullName_s":["Paul Vanhaesebrouck","Aurélien Bellet","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationFull_s":"Grégoire Laurence, Aurélien Lemay, Joachim Niehren, Slawomir Staworko, Marc Tommasi. Sequential Tree-to-Word Transducers: Normalization, Minimization, and Learning. 2015. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01186993⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Sequential Tree-to-Word Transducers: Normalization, Minimization, and Learning"],
"authFullName_s":["Grégoire Laurence","Aurélien Lemay","Joachim Niehren","Slawomir Staworko","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationFull_s":"Philippe Preux, Marc Tommasi, Thierry Viéville, Colin de La Higuera. L’apprentissage automatique : le diable n’est pas dans l’algorithme. 2015. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01246178⟩</a>",
"title_s":["L’apprentissage automatique : le diable n’est pas dans l’algorithme"],
"authFullName_s":["Philippe Preux","Marc Tommasi","Thierry Viéville","Colin de La Higuera"],
"citationRef_s":"[Research Report] INRIA Lille. 2015",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ricatte, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Hypernode Graphs for Learning from Binary Relations between Groups in Networks. [Research Report] INRIA Lille. 2015. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01247103⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Hypernode Graphs for Learning from Binary Relations between Groups in Networks"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ricatte","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Networks: From Graphs to Rich Data, NIPS Workshop.</i>, Dec 2014, Montreal, Canada. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>, 2014",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ricatte, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Hypernode Graphs for Learning from Binary Relations between Groups in Networks. <i>Networks: From Graphs to Rich Data, NIPS Workshop.</i>, Dec 2014, Montreal, Canada. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>, 2014. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01088036⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Hypernode Graphs for Learning from Binary Relations between Groups in Networks"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ricatte","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ECML/PKDD - 7th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases</i>, Sep 2014, Nancy, France. pp.242 - 257, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44848-9_16⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"David Chatel, Pascal Denis, Marc Tommasi. Fast Gaussian Pairwise Constrained Spectral Clustering. <i>ECML/PKDD - 7th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases</i>, Sep 2014, Nancy, France. pp.242 - 257, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44848-9_16⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01017269⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Fast Gaussian Pairwise Constrained Spectral Clustering"],
"authFullName_s":["David Chatel","Pascal Denis","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>ECML/PKDD - 7th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases</i>, Sep 2014, Nancy, France",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ricatte, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Hypernode Graphs for Spectral Learning on Binary Relations over Sets. <i>ECML/PKDD - 7th European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases</i>, Sep 2014, Nancy, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01017025⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Hypernode Graphs for Spectral Learning on Binary Relations over Sets"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ricatte","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (Cap 2014)</i>, Jul 2014, Saint-Etienne, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44851-9_42⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ricatte, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Hypernode Graphs for Spectral Learning on Binary Relations over Sets. <i>Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (Cap 2014)</i>, Jul 2014, Saint-Etienne, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/978-3-662-44851-9_42⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01104618⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Hypernode Graphs for Spectral Learning on Binary Relations over Sets"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ricatte","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>CAP 2014</i>, Jul 2014, Saint-Etienne, France",
"citationFull_s":"David Chatel, Pascal Denis, Marc Tommasi. Clustering Spectral avec Contraintes de Paires réglées par Noyaux Gaussiens. <i>CAP 2014</i>, Jul 2014, Saint-Etienne, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01105339⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Clustering Spectral avec Contraintes de Paires réglées par Noyaux Gaussiens"],
"authFullName_s":["David Chatel","Pascal Denis","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>8th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications</i>, Mar 2014, Madrid, Spain",
"citationFull_s":"Grégoire Laurence, Aurélien Lemay, Joachim Niehren, Slawomir Staworko, Marc Tommasi. Learning Sequential Tree-to-Word Transducers. <i>8th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications</i>, Mar 2014, Madrid, Spain. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00912969⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Learning Sequential Tree-to-Word Transducers"],
"authFullName_s":["Grégoire Laurence","Aurélien Lemay","Joachim Niehren","Slawomir Staworko","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationFull_s":"Antonino Freno, Mikaela Keller, Marc Tommasi. Probability Estimation over Large-Scale Random Networks via the Fiedler Delta Statistic. 2013. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00922432⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Probability Estimation over Large-Scale Random Networks via the Fiedler Delta Statistic"],
"authFullName_s":["Antonino Freno","Mikaela Keller","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"[Research Report] 2013",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ricatte, Gemma C. Garriga, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. A Spectral Framework for a Class of Undirected Hypergraphs. [Research Report] 2013. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00914286v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A Spectral Framework for a Class of Undirected Hypergraphs"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ricatte","Gemma C. Garriga","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>The 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'13)</i>, Dec 2013, Miami, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Thomas Ricatte, Gemma C. Garriga, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Learning from Multiple Graphs using a Sigmoid Kernel. <i>The 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'13)</i>, Dec 2013, Miami, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00913237⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Learning from Multiple Graphs using a Sigmoid Kernel"],
"authFullName_s":["Thomas Ricatte","Gemma C. Garriga","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)</i>, Dec 2012, Lake Tahoe, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Antonino Freno, Mikaela Keller, Marc Tommasi. Fiedler Random Fields: A Large-Scale Spectral Approach to Statistical Network Modeling. <i>Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)</i>, Dec 2012, Lake Tahoe, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00750345⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Fiedler Random Fields: A Large-Scale Spectral Approach to Statistical Network Modeling"],
"authFullName_s":["Antonino Freno","Mikaela Keller","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>UAI 2012 - 28th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence</i>, 2012, Avalon, United States",
"citationFull_s":"Antonino Freno, Mikaela Keller, Gemma C. Garriga, Marc Tommasi. Spectral Estimation of Conditional Random Graph Models for Large-Scale Network data. <i>UAI 2012 - 28th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence</i>, 2012, Avalon, United States. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00714446⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Spectral Estimation of Conditional Random Graph Models for Large-Scale Network data"],
"authFullName_s":["Antonino Freno","Mikaela Keller","Gemma C. Garriga","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>5th International Conference on Language Automata Theory and Appliciations</i>, May 2011, Tarragona, Spain",
"citationFull_s":"Grégoire Laurence, Aurélien Lemay, Joachim Niehren, Slawomir Staworko, Marc Tommasi. Normalization of Sequential Top-Down Tree-to-Word Transducers. <i>5th International Conference on Language Automata Theory and Appliciations</i>, May 2011, Tarragona, Spain. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00566291⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Normalization of Sequential Top-Down Tree-to-Word Transducers"],
"authFullName_s":["Grégoire Laurence","Aurélien Lemay","Joachim Niehren","Slawomir Staworko","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"Eric Gaussier and François Yvon. <i>Modèles probabilistes pour l'accès à l'information textuelle</i>, Hermès, pp.223-267, 2011",
"citationFull_s":"Isabelle Tellier, Marc Tommasi. Champs Markoviens Conditionnels pour l'extraction d'information. Eric Gaussier and François Yvon. <i>Modèles probabilistes pour l'accès à l'information textuelle</i>, Hermès, pp.223-267, 2011. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00514525⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Champs Markoviens Conditionnels pour l'extraction d'information"],
"authFullName_s":["Isabelle Tellier","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"[Research Report] RR-7200, INRIA. 2010, pp.23",
"citationFull_s":"Édouard Gilbert, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Series, Weighted Automata, Probabilistic Automata and Probability Distributions for Unranked Trees.. [Research Report] RR-7200, INRIA. 2010, pp.23. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00455955v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Series, Weighted Automata, Probabilistic Automata and Probability Distributions for Unranked Trees."],
"authFullName_s":["Édouard Gilbert","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Workshop on Web information and data managment</i>, Oct 2008, Napa, United States. pp.9-16",
"citationFull_s":"Marc Tommasi, Rémi Gilleron, Pierre Senellart, Avin Mittal, Daniel Muschick. Automatic Wrapper Induction from Hidden-Web Sources with Domain Knowledge. <i>International Workshop on Web information and data managment</i>, Oct 2008, Napa, United States. pp.9-16. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00337098⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Automatic Wrapper Induction from Hidden-Web Sources with Domain Knowledge"],
"authFullName_s":["Marc Tommasi","Rémi Gilleron","Pierre Senellart","Avin Mittal","Daniel Muschick"],
"citationRef_s":"pp.262, 2008",
"citationFull_s":"Hubert Comon, Max Dauchet, Rémi Gilleron, Florent Jacquemard, Denis Lugiez, et al.. Tree Automata Techniques and Applications. pp.262, 2008. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03367725⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Tree Automata Techniques and Applications"],
"authFullName_s":["Hubert Comon","Max Dauchet","Rémi Gilleron","Florent Jacquemard","Denis Lugiez","Christof Löding","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"[Research Report] RR-6738, INRIA. 2008",
"citationFull_s":"Rémi Gilleron, Florent Jousse, Marc Tommasi, Isabelle Tellier. Conditional Random Fields for XML Applications. [Research Report] RR-6738, INRIA. 2008. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00342279⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Conditional Random Fields for XML Applications"],
"authFullName_s":["Rémi Gilleron","Florent Jousse","Marc Tommasi","Isabelle Tellier"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference</i>, 2008, St Malo, France. pp.57-70",
"citationFull_s":"François Denis, Edouard Gilbert, Amaury Habrard, Faïssal Ouardi, Marc Tommasi. Relevant Representations for the Inference of Rational Stochastic Tree Languages. <i>International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference</i>, 2008, St Malo, France. pp.57-70. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00293511v3⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Relevant Representations for the Inference of Rational Stochastic Tree Languages"],
"authFullName_s":["François Denis","Edouard Gilbert","Amaury Habrard","Faïssal Ouardi","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>NIPS Workshop on Representations and Inference on Probability Distributions</i>, Dec 2007, Whistler, Canada",
"citationFull_s":"François Denis, Amaury Habrard, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi, Édouard Gilbert. On Probability Distributions for Trees: Representations, Inference and Learning. <i>NIPS Workshop on Representations and Inference on Probability Distributions</i>, Dec 2007, Whistler, Canada. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00294636⟩</a>",
"title_s":["On Probability Distributions for Trees: Representations, Inference and Learning"],
"authFullName_s":["François Denis","Amaury Habrard","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi","Édouard Gilbert"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Web Intelligence</i>, Dec 2006, Hong Kong, China",
"citationFull_s":"Rémi Gilleron, Patrick Marty, Fabien Torre, Marc Tommasi. Interactive Tuples Extraction from Semi-Structured Data. <i>Web Intelligence</i>, Dec 2006, Hong Kong, China. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00581253⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Interactive Tuples Extraction from Semi-Structured Data"],
"authFullName_s":["Rémi Gilleron","Patrick Marty","Fabien Torre","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>INEX 2006</i>, Dec 2006, Dagstuhl, Germany",
"citationFull_s":"Rémi Gilleron, Florent Jousse, Isabelle Tellier, Marc Tommasi. XML Document Transformation with Conditional Random Fields. <i>INEX 2006</i>, Dec 2006, Dagstuhl, Germany. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00147052⟩</a>",
"title_s":["XML Document Transformation with Conditional Random Fields"],
"authFullName_s":["Rémi Gilleron","Florent Jousse","Isabelle Tellier","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"Autre [cs.OH]. Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III, 2006",
"citationFull_s":"Marc Tommasi. Structures arborescentes et apprentissage automatique. Autre [cs.OH]. Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III, 2006. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨tel-00117063⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Structures arborescentes et apprentissage automatique","Tree Structures and Machine Learning"],
"authFullName_s":["Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Workshop on Mining and Learning in Graphs</i>, Sep 2006, Berlin, Germany",
"citationFull_s":"Florent Jousse, Rémi Gilleron, Isabelle Tellier, Marc Tommasi. Conditional Random Fields for XML Trees. <i>Workshop on Mining and Learning in Graphs</i>, Sep 2006, Berlin, Germany. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00118761⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Conditional Random Fields for XML Trees"],
"authFullName_s":["Florent Jousse","Rémi Gilleron","Isabelle Tellier","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>CAp 2006</i>, May 2006, Trégastel, France",
"citationFull_s":"Florent Jousse, Rémi Gilleron, Isabelle Tellier, Marc Tommasi. Champs Conditionnels Aléatoires pour l'Annotation d'Arbres. <i>CAp 2006</i>, May 2006, Trégastel, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00117014⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Champs Conditionnels Aléatoires pour l'Annotation d'Arbres"],
"authFullName_s":["Florent Jousse","Rémi Gilleron","Isabelle Tellier","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>19th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications</i>, 2004, Aachen, Georgia. pp.105--118",
"citationFull_s":"Julien Carme, Joachim Niehren, Marc Tommasi. Querying Unranked Trees with Stepwise Tree Automata. <i>19th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications</i>, 2004, Aachen, Georgia. pp.105--118. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00536529⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Querying Unranked Trees with Stepwise Tree Automata"],
"authFullName_s":["Julien Carme","Joachim Niehren","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>7th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory</i>, Jul 2003, Szeged, Hungary, Hungary. pp.171 -- 182",
"citationFull_s":"Julien Carme, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi, Alain Terlutte, Aurélien Lemay. Residual Finite Tree Automata. <i>7th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory</i>, Jul 2003, Szeged, Hungary, Hungary. pp.171 -- 182. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00091272v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Residual Finite Tree Automata"],
"authFullName_s":["Julien Carme","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi","Alain Terlutte","Aurélien Lemay"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining</i>, 2003, Leipzig, Georgia. pp.35-49",
"citationFull_s":"Françesco de Comite, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Learning Multi-label Alternating Decision Trees from Texts and Data. <i>International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining</i>, 2003, Leipzig, Georgia. pp.35-49. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00536733⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Learning Multi-label Alternating Decision Trees from Texts and Data"],
"authFullName_s":["Françesco de Comite","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2002, 281 (1-2), pp.219-233. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/S0304-3975(02)00014-2⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Max Dauchet, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi. Réduction de la non-linéarité des morphismes d'arbres Recognizable tree-languages and non-linear morphisms. <i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2002, 281 (1-2), pp.219-233. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/S0304-3975(02)00014-2⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02193763⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Réduction de la non-linéarité des morphismes d'arbres Recognizable tree-languages and non-linear morphisms"],
"authFullName_s":["Max Dauchet","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'02</i>, 2002, Grenoble, France. pp.1927--1934",
"citationFull_s":"François Denis, Rémi Gilleron, Marc Tommasi. Text Classification from Positive and Unlabeled Examples. <i>Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'02</i>, 2002, Grenoble, France. pp.1927--1934. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00538889⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Text Classification from Positive and Unlabeled Examples"],
"authFullName_s":["François Denis","Rémi Gilleron","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2001, 258 (1-2), pp.453-490. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/S0304-3975(00)00032-3⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Franck Seynhaeve, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi, Ralf Treinen. Grid structures and undecidable constraint theories. <i>Theoretical Computer Science</i>, 2001, 258 (1-2), pp.453-490. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/S0304-3975(00)00032-3⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02193758⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Grid structures and undecidable constraint theories"],
"authFullName_s":["Franck Seynhaeve","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi","Ralf Treinen"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>FCT 1999 - International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory</i>, Aug 1999, Iasi, Romania. pp.475-487, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/3-540-48321-7_40⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Franck Seynhaeve, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi. Homomorphisms and concurrent term rewriting. <i>FCT 1999 - International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory</i>, Aug 1999, Iasi, Romania. pp.475-487, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/3-540-48321-7_40⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-02193779⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Homomorphisms and concurrent term rewriting"],
"authFullName_s":["Franck Seynhaeve","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Information and Computation</i>, 1999, 149 (1), pp.1--41",
"citationFull_s":"Rémi Gilleron, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi. Set constraints and automata. <i>Information and Computation</i>, 1999, 149 (1), pp.1--41. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00538886⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Set constraints and automata"],
"authFullName_s":["Rémi Gilleron","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 10th International Conference, RTA-99, Trento, Italy, July 2-4, 1999, Proceedings</i>, 1999, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.103--117, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/3-540-48685-2_9⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Anne-Cécile Caron, Franck Seynhaeve, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi. Deciding the Satisfiability of Quantifier free Formulae on One-Step Rewriting. <i>Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 10th International Conference, RTA-99, Trento, Italy, July 2-4, 1999, Proceedings</i>, 1999, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.103--117, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/3-540-48685-2_9⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-01820502⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Deciding the Satisfiability of Quantifier free Formulae on One-Step Rewriting"],
"authFullName_s":["Anne-Cécile Caron","Franck Seynhaeve","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings of First International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics, CCL'94</i>, 1994, Munich, Germany. pp.336--351",
"citationFull_s":"Rémi Gilleron, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi. Some new Decidability Results on Positive and Negative Set Constraints. <i>Proceedings of First International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics, CCL'94</i>, 1994, Munich, Germany. pp.336--351. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00538880⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Some new Decidability Results on Positive and Negative Set Constraints"],
"authFullName_s":["Rémi Gilleron","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings of the 10th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS'93</i>, 1993, Würzburg, Germany. pp.505--514",
"citationFull_s":"Rémi Gilleron, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi. Solving Systems of Set Constraints using Tree Automata. <i>Proceedings of the 10th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS'93</i>, 1993, Würzburg, Germany. pp.505--514. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00538878⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Solving Systems of Set Constraints using Tree Automata"],
"authFullName_s":["Rémi Gilleron","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Proceedings of the $34^th$ Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS'93</i>, 1993, Palo Alto California, United States. pp.372--380",
"citationFull_s":"Rémi Gilleron, Sophie Tison, Marc Tommasi. Solving Systems of Set Constraints with Negated Subset Relationships. <i>Proceedings of the $34^th$ Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS'93</i>, 1993, Palo Alto California, United States. pp.372--380. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨inria-00538879⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Solving Systems of Set Constraints with Negated Subset Relationships"],
"authFullName_s":["Rémi Gilleron","Sophie Tison","Marc Tommasi"],