Julien Benistant
Maître de conférences
Laboratoire / équipe
- Tang, Z*., Chen, Q*., Hu, Y., Benistant, J., Moisan, F., Derrington, E., Dreher J.-C. (2023). How strength of social ties modulates brain computations for Third-Party Punishment. Scientific Reports,13, 10510. *equal contribution.
- Liu, J., Derrington, E., Benistant, J., Corgnet, B., Van der Henst J.-B., Tang, Z., Qu, C., Dreher J.-C. (2023). Cross-cultural study of kinship premium and Social Discounting of Generosity. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.
- Benistant, J., Galeotti, F. & Villeval, M. C. (2022). Competition, information, and the erosion of morals. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 204, 148-163.
- Qu, C.*, Benistant, J.* & Dreher, J-C. (2022). Neurocomputational mechanisms engaged in moral choices and moral learning. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 132, 50-60. *equal contribution.
- Benistant, J. & Suchon, R. (2021). It does (not) get better: reference income violation and altruism. Journal of Economic Psychology, 85, 102380. Dataset.
- Benistant, J. & Villeval, M. C. (2019). Unethical behavior and group identity in contests. Journal of Economic Psychology, 72, 128–155. Dataset
Projets en cours
- Benistant J., Soltani A., Moisan F., Dreher, J.-C. Learning in social networks: snapshots or movie? Submitted.
- Benistant, J., Guigon, V., Nicolas, A. and J.-C. Dreher. The neuro-computational mechanisms of social influence in cheating behavior. In preparation.
- Benistant, J., Khamassi, M., G. Sescousse and J.-C. Dreher. A neuro-computational approach of the Gambler Fallacy. In preparation.
- Benistant, J., Guigon, V., Moisan, F. and J.-C. Dreher. Computational mechanisms of learning in different types of social networks. In preparation.