Julie Bouckaert
2020 - 2025 Conseil d’unité, Unité de Glycobiologie Structurale et Fonctionelle (UGSF), UMR 8576 of CNRS & University of Lille (ULille), France
1 January 2015 start at Computational Molecular Systems Biology, UGSF
4 December 2012 Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (HDR), Université Lille 1, France: Structural biology of protein-glycan interactions by fimbrial adhesins of Escherichia coli
Oct 2010-present recruted Chargé de Recherche classe 1 CNRS, UMR 8576, UGSF, Univ. de Lille 1
March ‘08-Sept ‘10 VIB staff scientist (VIB = Flemish Institute for Biotechnology)
2000-2002 Visiting postdoc at Hultgren laboratories, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, USA, started as a Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.) Honorary Fellow for 2000-2001.
1996-Feb. 2008 3 consecutive Postdoc grants by FWO (= Research Foundation Fl.) postdoctoral Researcher and project leader at VUB (=Vrije Universiteit Brussel)-VIB, (Belgium), inclusive 1 FWO-mobility and 1 FWO long-term grants for USA
1991-1996 PhD “Mapping the structural features of metal- and carbohydrate binding of concanavalin A” promotor Dr. Lode Wyns, VUB, Brussels, Belgium