Joel Haas
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Research Articles
- Ninni S#, Kuznetsova T+, Vicario R+, Gao V+, Molendi-Coste O+, Haas J, Woitrain E, Coisne A, Neele AE, Prange K, Willemsen L, Aghezzaf S, Frakogianni S, Tazibet A, Pineau L, White JR, Eeckhoute J, Koussa M, Dubrulle H, Juthier F, Soquet J, Vincentelli A, Edme JL, de Winther M, Geissmann F, Dombrowicz D, Staels B*, Montaigne D#*. Hematopoietic Somatic Mosaicism is Associated with an Increased Risk of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), 2023 in press. #corresponding author +co-second authors, *co-supervising authors
- Dehondt H*, Marino A*, Butruille L, Mogilenko DA, Loubota ACN, Chávez-Talavera O, Dorchies E, Vallez E, Haas J, Derudas B, Bongiovanni A, Tardivel M, Kuipers F, Lefebvre P, Lestavel S, Tailleux A, Dombrowicz D, Caron S*,#, Staels B*. Adipocyte-specific FXR-deficiency protects adipose tissue from oxidative stress and insulin resistance and improves glucose homeostasis. Molecular Metabolism, 2023 March, in press. *equal contribution, #corresponding author
- Bobowski-Gerard M, Boulet C, Zummo FP, Dubois-Chevalier J, Gheeraert C, Bou Saleh M, Strub JM, Farce A, Ploton M, Vandel J, Very N, Woitrain E, Deprince A, Bauge E, Raverdy V, Ferri L, Cotte AK, Grangette C, Vallez E, Pourcet B, Paumelle R, Ravnskjaer K, Lassailly G, Haas JT, Mathurin P, Pattou F, Dubuquoy L, Staels B, Lefebvre P*, Eeckhoute J*#. Functional genomics uncovers the transcription factor BNC2 as a cornerstone of myofibroblastic activation in fibrosis. Nat Commun. 2022 Sep 10;13(1):5324. *Co-supervising authors, #Corresponding Author
- Deprince A, Nathalie Hennuyer N, Kooijman S, Pronk ACM, Baugé E, Lienard V, Verrijken A, Dirinck E, Vonghia L, Woitrain E, Kloosterhuis NJ, Marez E, Jacquemain P, Wolters JC, Lalloyer F, Eberlé D, Quemener S, Vallez E, Tailleux A, Kouach M, Goossens JF, Raverdy V, Derudas B, Kuivenhoven JA, Croyal M, van de Sluis B, Francque S, Pattou F, Rensen PCN, Staels B*, Haas JT*#. Apolipoprotein F Is Reduced in Humans with Steatosis and Controls Plasma Triglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein Metabolism. Hepatology 2022 Jun 23 *Co-supervising authors, #Corresponding Author
- Fougeray T, Polizzi A, Régnier M, Fougerat A, Ellero-Simatos S, Lippi Y, Smati S, Lasserre F, Tramunt B, Huillet M, Dopavogui L, Salvi J, Nédélec E, Gigot V, Smith L, Naylies C, Sommer C, Haas JT, Wahli W, Duez H, Gourdy P, Gamet-Payrastre L, Benani A, Burnol AF, Loiseau N, Postic C, Montagner A*, Guillou H*. The hepatocyte insulin receptor is required to program the liver clock and rhythmic gene expression. Cell Rep. 2022 Apr 12;39(2):110674. *Co-supervising and co-corresponding authors
- Zanoni P*, Panteloglou G*, Othman A, Haas JT, Meier R, Rimbert A, Futema M, Khalil YA, Norrelykke SF, Rzepiela AJ, Stoma S, Stebler M, van Dijk F, Wijers M, Wolters JC, Dalila N, Huijkman NCA, Smit M, Gallo A, Carreau V, Philippi A, Rabès JP, Boileau C, Visentin M, Vonghia L, Weyler J, Francque S, Verrijken A, Verhaegen A, Van Gaal L, van der Graaf A, van Rosmalen BV, Robert J, Velagapudi S, Yalcinkaya M, Keel M, Radosavljevic S, Geier A, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, Varret M, Rohrer L, Humphries SE, Staels B, van de Sluis B, Kuivenhoven JA, and von Eckardstein A#. Posttranscriptional regulation of the LDL Receptor in humans by the U2-spliceosome and its interactors. Circ Res. 2022 Jan 7;130(1):80-95. *Co-lead authors
- Grzych G, Chávez-Talavera O, Descat A, Thuillier D, Verrijken A, Kouach M, Legry V, Verkindt H, Raverdy V, Legendre B, Caiazzo R, Van Gaal L, Goossens JF, Paumelle R, Francque S, Pattou F, Haas JT*, Tailleux A*, Staels B*#. NASH-related increases in plasma bile acid levels depend on insulin resistance. JHEP Rep. 2020 Dec 16;3(2):100222., *Co-supervising authors, #Corresponding Author
- de Boer JF, de Vries HD, Palmiotti A, Li R, Doestzada M, Hoogerland JA, Fu J, La Rose AM, Westerterp M, Mulder NL, Hovingh MV, Koehorst M, Kloosterhuis NJ, Wolters JC, Bloks VW, Haas JT, Dombrowicz D, Staels B, van de Sluis B, Kuipers F. Cholangiopathy and biliary fibrosis in Cyp2c70-deficient mice are fully reversed by ursodeoxycholic acid. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 Dec 10:S2352-345X(20)30203-4.
- Deleye Y, Cotte AK, Hannou SA, Hennuyer N, Bernard L, Derudas B, Caron S, Legry V, Vallez E, Dorchies E, Martin N, Lancel S, Annicotte JS, Bantubungi K, Pourtier A, Raverdy V, Pattou F, Lefebvre P, Abbadie C, Staels B*, Haas JT*, Paumelle R*,#. CDKN2A/p16INK4a suppresses hepatic fatty acid oxidation through the AMPKα2-SIRT1-PPARα signaling pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020 Oct 9. * Co-supervising Authors, #Corresponding Author
- Grzych G, Vonghia L, Bout MA, Weyler J, Verrijken A, Dirinck E, Joncquel M, Van Gaal L, Paumelle R, Francque S*, Tailleux A*, Haas JT*#, Staels B*. Plasma BCAA changes in Patients with NAFLD are Sex Dependent. J. Clin Endo Metab 2020 Apr 9, * Co-supervising Authors, #Corresponding Author
- Pekar JD, Grzych G, Durand G, Haas J, Lionet A, Brousseau T, Glowacki F, Maboudou P. Calcium state estimation by total calcium: the evidence to end the never-ending story. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2020 Jan 28;58(2):222-231.
- Haas JT*, Vonghia L*, Mogilenko DM*, Verrijken A, Molendi-Coste O, Fleury S, Deprince A, Nikitin A, Woitran E, Ducrocq-Geoffroy L, Pic S, Derudas B, Dehondt H, Gheeraert C, van Gaal L, Driessen A, Lefebvre P, Staels B#, Francque S#, Dombrowicz D# Transcriptional network analysis implicates altered hepatic immune function in NASH development and resolution. Nature Metabolism, 1, 2019 Jun;1(6):604-614 *Co-first authors
- Mogilenko DA, Haas JT, Lhomme L, Levavasseur M, Becquart C, Wartelle J, Fleury S, Quemener S, Bogomolova A, Pineau L, Molendi-Coste L, Lancel S, Dehondt H, Gheeraert C, Melchior A, Dewas C, Nikitin A, Pic S, Rabhi N, Annicotte JS, Oyadomari S, Velasco-Hernandez T, Cammenga J, Foretz M, Viollet B, Vukovic M, Villacreces A, Kranc K, Marot G, Boulter A, Tavernier S, Paget C, Janssens S, Staumont-Sallé D, Aksoy E, Staels B, Dombrowicz D. Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge Into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR. Cell. 2019 May 16;177(5):1201-1216.e19.
- Paumelle R*, Haas JT*, Hennuyer N*, Bauge E*, Deleye Y, Mesotten D, Langouche L, Vanhoutte J, Cudejko C, Wouters K, Hannou SA, Legry V, Lancel S, Lalloyer F, Polizzi P, Smati S, Gourdy P, Vallez E, Bouchaert E, Derudas B, Dehondt H, Gheeraert C, Fleury S, Tailleux A, Montagner A, Wahli W, Van Den Berghe G, Guillou H, Dombrowicz D, Staels B. Hepatic PPARalpha is critical in the metabolic adaptation to sepsis. Journal of Hepatology 2019 May;70(5):963-973. * co-first authors
- Pourcet B*, Zecchin M*, Ferri L, Beauchamp J, Sitaula S, Billon C, Delhaye S, Vanhoutte J, Mayeuf-Louchart A, Thorel Q, Haas JT, Eeckhoute J, Dombrowicz D, Duhem C, Boulinguiez A, Lancel S, Sebti Y, Burris T, Staels B, Duez H. Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 1 Group D Member 1 Regulates Circadian Activity of NLRP3 Inflammasome to Reduce the Severity of Fulminant Hepatitis in Mice. Gastroenterology. 2017 Dec 22.
- Legry V, Francque S, Haas JT, Verrijken A, Caron S, Chávez-Talavera O, Vallez E, Vonghia L, Dirinck E, Verhaegen A, Kouach M, Lestavel S, Lefebvre P, Van Gaal L, Tailleux A, Paumelle R, Staels B. Bile acid alterations are associated with insulin resistance, but not with NASH in obese subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017 Oct 1;102(10):3783-3794.
- Chitraju C, Mejhert N, Haas JT, Diaz-Ramirez LG, Grueter CA, Imbriglio JE, Pinto S, Koliwad SK, Walther TC, Farese RV Jr. Triglyceride Synthesis by DGAT1 Protects Adipocytes from Lipid-Induced ER Stress during Lipolysis. Cell Metab. 2017 Aug 1;26(2):407-418.e3.
- Saka HA, Thompson JW, Chen YS, Dubois LG, Haas JT, Moseley A, Valdivia RH. Chlamydia trachomatis Infection Leads to Defined Alterations to the Lipid Droplet Proteome in Epithelial Cells. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 24;10(4):e0124630.
- Currie E, Guo X, Christiano R, Chitraju C, Kory N, Harrison K, Haas J, Walther TC, Farese RV Jr. High confidence proteomic analysis of yeast LDs identifies additional droplet proteins and reveals connections to dolichol synthesis and sterol acetylation. J Lipid Res. 2014 Jul;55(7):1465-77.
- Miao J*, Haas JT*, Manthena P*, Wang Y*, Zhao E, Vaitheesvaran B, Kurland IJ, Biddinger SB. Hepatic insulin receptor deficiency impairs the SREBP-2 response to feeding and statins. J Lipid Res. 2014 Apr;55(4):659-67.
- Camus G, Herker E, Modi AA, Haas JT, Ramage HR, Farese RV Jr, Ott M. Diacylglycerol acyltransferase-1 localizes hepatitis C virus NS5A protein to lipid droplets and enhances NS5A interaction with the viral capsid core. J Biol Chem. 2013 Apr 5;288(14):9915-23.
- Wilfling F, Wang H, Haas JT, Krahmer N, Gould TJ, Uchida A, Cheng JX, Graham M, Christiano R, Fröhlich F, Liu X, Buhman KK, Coleman RA, Bewersdorf J, Farese RV Jr, Walther TC. Triacylglycerol synthesis enzymes mediate lipid droplet growth by relocalizing from the ER to lipid droplets. Dev Cell. 2013 Feb 25;24(4):384-99.
- Haas JT*, Winter HS*, Lim E, Kirby A, Blumenstiel B, DeFelice M, Gabriel S, Jalas C, Branski D, Grueter CA, Toporovski MS, Walther TC, Daly MJ, Farese RV Jr. DGAT1 mutation is linked to a congenital diarrheal disorder. J Clin Invest. 2012 Dec;122(12):4680-4.
- Eichmann TO, Kumari M, Haas JT, Farese RV Jr, Zimmermann R, Lass A, Zechner R. Studies on the substrate and stereo/regioselectivity of adipose triglyceride lipase, hormone-sensitive lipase, and diacylglycerol-O-acyltransferases. J Biol Chem. 2012 Nov 30;287(49):41446-57.
- Xu N, Zhang SO, Cole RA, McKinney SA, Guo F, Haas JT, Bobba S, Farese RV Jr, Mak HY. The FATP1-DGAT2 complex facilitates lipid droplet expansion at the ER-lipid droplet interface. J Cell Biol. 2012 Sep 3;198(5):895-911.
- Haas JT*, Miao J*, Chanda D, Wang Y, Zhao E, Haas ME, Hirschey M, Vaitheesvaran B, Farese RV Jr, Kurland IJ, Graham M, Crooke R, Foufelle F, Biddinger SB. Hepatic insulin signaling is required for obesity-dependent expression of SREBP-1c mRNA but not for feeding-dependent expression. Cell Metab. 2012 Jun 6;15(6):873-84.
- Bezy O, Tran TT, Pihlajamäki J, Suzuki R, Emanuelli B, Winnay J, Mori MA, Haas J, Biddinger SB, Leitges M, Goldfine AB, Patti ME, King GL, Kahn CR. PKCδ regulates hepatic insulin sensitivity and hepatosteatosis in mice and humans. J Clin Invest. 2011 Jun;121(6):2504-17.
- Harris CA, Haas JT, Streeper RS, Stone SJ, Kumari M, Yang K, Han X, Brownell N, Gross RW, Zechner R, Farese RV Jr. DGAT enzymes are required for triacylglycerol synthesis and lipid droplets in adipocytes. J Lipid Res. 2011 Apr;52(4):657-67.
- Caron S, Verrijken A, Mertens I, Samanez CH, Mautino G, Haas JT, Duran-Sandoval D, Prawitt J, Francque S, Vallez E, Muhr-Tailleux A, Berard I, Kuipers F, Kuivenhoven JA, Biddinger SB, Taskinen MR, Van Gaal L, Staels B. Transcriptional activation of apolipoprotein CIII expression by glucose may contribute to diabetic dyslipidemia. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2011 Mar;31(3):513-9.
- Biddinger SB, Haas JT, Yu BB, Bezy O, Jing E, Zhang W, Unterman TG, Carey MC, Kahn CR. Hepatic insulin resistance directly promotes formation of cholesterol gallstones. Nat Med. 2008 Jul;14(7):778-82.
- Biddinger SB*, Hernandez-Ono A*, Rask-Madsen C, Haas JT, Alemán JO, Suzuki R, Scapa EF, Agarwal C, Carey MC, Stephanopoulos G, Cohen DE, King GL, Ginsberg HN, Kahn CR. Hepatic insulin resistance is sufficient to produce dyslipidemia and susceptibility to atherosclerosis. Cell Metab. 2008 Feb;7(2):125-34.
- Menon K, Wu Y, Haas J, Sahu SK, Yang B, Zaheer A. Diminished degradation of myelin basic protein by anti-sulfatide antibody and interferon-gamma in myelin from glia maturation factor-deficient mice. Neurosci Res. 2007 Jun;58(2):156-63.
- Zaheer A, Sahu SK, Wu Y, Zaheer A, Haas J, Lee K, Yang B. Diminished cytokine and chemokine expression in the central nervous system of GMF-deficient mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Brain Res. 2007 May 4;1144:239-47.
- Zaheer A, Haas JT, Reyes C, Mathur SN, Yang B, Lim R. GMF-knockout mice are unable to induce brain-derived neurotrophic factor after exercise. Neurochem Res. 2006 Apr;31(4):579-84.