




Jeremie Jozefowiez

Professeur des universités CNU : SECTION 16 - PSYCHOLOGIE ET ERGONOMIE Laboratoire / équipe

Selected publications


Nonreinforcement and associative interference

Jozefowiez, J., Moschchenko, Y., McCrea, C.M., Senstrom, K. A., Witnauer, J. E., & Miller, R. R. (in press). Contextual modulation of human associative learning following novelty-facilitated extinction, counterconditioning, and conventional extinction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition.

Jozefowiez, J., Witnauer, J. E., Huang, J., Silverstein, J. W., Woltag, S., Chew, S., & Miller, R. R. (2023). Associative interference and nonreinforcement in human contingency learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 0(0).

Jozefowiez, J., Berruti, A.S., Moshchenko, Y., Peña, T., Polack, C.W., & Miller, R. R. (2020). Retroactive interference: Counterconditioning and extinction with and without biologically significant outcomes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 46, 443-459.  

Pollack, C.W., Jozefowiez, J., & Miller, R.R.  (2017). Stepping back from “persistence and relapse” to see the forest: associative interference. Behavioural Processes, 141, 128-136. 


Jozefowiez, J. (2018). Associative versus predictive processes in Pavlovian conditioning. Behavioural Processes, 154, 21-26.

Jozefowiez, J. (2014). The many faces of Pavlovian conditioning. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 27, 526-536. 

Contingency learning in the streaming procedure

Jozefowiez, J., & Miller, R. R. (2024). Cue duration and intertrial effects in contingency assessment in the streaming procedure in humans. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 50, 99-117.

Jozefowiez, J., Urcelay, G. P., & Miller, R. R. (2022). Signal detection analysis of contingency assessment: associative interference and nonreinforcement impact cue-outcome contingency sensitivity whereas cue density affects bias. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 48, 190-202. 

Jozefowiez, J. (2021). Individual differences in the perception of cue-outcome contingencies: a signal detection analysis. Behavioural Processes, 188, 104398.

Maia, S., Lefèvre, F., & Jozefowiez, J. (2018). Psychophysics of associative learning: quantitative properties of subjective contingency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 44, 67-81. 


Log vs. linear timing

Cambria, R., Vasconcelos, M., Jozefowiez, J., & Machado, A. (2021). Base rate bias performance in a temporal bisection task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 47, 163-182.

Cambria, R., Vasconcelos, M., Jozefowiez, J., & Machado, A. (2019). Biasing performance through differential payoff in a temporal bisection task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 45, 75-94.

Jozefowiez, J., Gaudichon, C., Mekkass, F., & Machado, A. (2018). Log versus linear timing in human temporal bisection: a signal detection analysis study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 44, 396-408. 

Jozefowiez, J., Polack, C.W., Machado, A. & Miller, R.R. (2014). Trial frequency effects in human temporal bisection: implications for theories of timing. Behavioural Processes, 101, 81-88. 

Jozefowiez, J., & Machado, A. (2013). On the content of learning in interval timing: representations or associations? Behavioural Processes, 95, 8-17.

Choice and interval timing

Jozefowiez, J., Staddon, J.E.R., & Cerutti, D.T. (2009). The behavioral economics of choice and interval timing. Psychological Review, 116, 519-539. 

Jozefowiez, J., Cerutti, D.T., & Staddon, J.E.R. (2006). Timescale invariance and Weber’s law in choice. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32, 229-238.'s_law_in_choice 

Jozefowiez, J., Cerutti, D.T., & Staddon, J.E.R. (2005). Timing in choice experiments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 31, 213-225. 


Cerutti, D. T., Jozefowiez, J., & Staddon, J. E. R. (2013). Rapid, accurate time estimation in zebra fish (Danio rerio). Behavioural Processes, 99, 21-25. 

Jozefowiez, J., Witnauer, J.E., & Miller, R.R. (2011). Two components of responding in Pavlovian lick suppression. Learning and Behavior, 39, 138-145. 


Jozefowiez, J., Staddon, J.E.R., & Cerutti, D.T. (2009a). Metacognition in animals: How do we know that they know? Comparative Brain and Behavior Reviews, 4, 19-29. 


Jozefowiez, J. (2021). Psychophysics of time perception and associative learning. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Lille.

Jozefowiez, J. (2002). Reinforcement learning and conditioning: an introduction.