





Jean-François Blach was born in Béthune (France) in 1975. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Université d'Artois in 2003 under the supervision of Professor M. Warenghem in the field of liquid crystals and ferroelectric thin films (click here for downloading my PhD thesis in french). In 2004, he became ATER (non-permanent researcher and teacher) in TheLaboratoire de ThermoPhysique de la Matière Condensée of the Université du Littora, Côte d'Opale at Dunkerque under the supervision of Professor J.M. Buisine. During this year he has studied the vibrational properties of PDLC (Polymer dispersed Liquid Crystal) by Raman scattering. In 2005, he became ATER (non-permanent researcher and teacher) in The Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée of the Université de Picardie Jules Verne at Amiens under the supervision of Professor M. Karkut and J. Pavel. During this year he has studied the phase transition of a ferroelectric liquid crystal by the measure of pyroelectric current. In 2006, he became non-permanent researcher in the «Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Interfaces et Applications» in Lens in the Liquid Crystals Group directed by the Professor M. Warenghem. His research field concerns the dispersion of nanoparticles (ferroelectric material or metallic material) in organic medium (liquid crystal) in the goal to share the properties of the former with the host medium. November 2012: he obtained the Habilitation to supervise research at the University of Artois under the supervision of Pr. HenninotThe topic of this Habilitation concerned the electro-optical properties of nanoparticles and liquid crystals.

Now he is Full Professor at the University of Artois in Lens and he performs his research in the CMNM team.