Hervé Devanne
Publications dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture
Devanne H, Allart E (2019) Boosting brain motor plasticity with physical exercise. NCCN (In press)
Allart E, Devanne H, Delval A (2019) Contribution of transcranial magnetic stimulation in assessing parietofrontal connectivity during gesture production in healthy individuals and brain-injured patients. NCCN (In press)
Allali G, Blumen H, Devanne H, Pirondini E, Delval A, Van De Ville D (2018) Brain imaging of locomotion in neurological conditions, NCCN, 48:337-359.
Allart E, Delval A, Dedeystère A, Labreuche J, Viart R, Lopes R, Devanne H (2017) Parietomotor connectivity in the contralesional hemisphere after stroke: a paired-pulse TMS study. Clin Neurophysiol, 128:707-715.
Bocquillon P, Charley-Monaca C, Houdayer E, Marques A, Kwiatkowski, A, Derambure, P, Devanne H (2017) Decreased afferent-induced facilitation of primary motor cortex in restless legs syndrome. Sleep med, 30:31-35.
Tard C, Devanne H, Defebvre L, Delval A (2016) Single session intermittent theta-burst stimulation on the left premotor cortex does not alleviate freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease. Neurosci Lett, 628:1-9
Rambour M, Caux-Dedeystère A, Devanne H, Derambure P, Delval A (2016) Influence of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on tibialis anterior activity during walking in humans. Neurosci Lett, 616:49-56.
Leroy C, Bourriez JL, Dujardin K, Molaee-Ardekani B, Babiloni C, Deplanque D, Ponchel A, Hennion S, Plomhause L, Devanne H, Deguil J, Payoux P, Blin O, Méligne D, Micallef J, Chauveau N, Lanteaume L, Vervueren C, Guimont F, Thalamas C, Cassé-Perrot C, Rouby F, Bordet R, Derambure P (2016) A 15-day course of donepezil modulates spectral EEG dynamics related to target auditory stimuli in young, healthy adult volunteers. Clin Neurophysiol (In press).
Caux-Dedeystère A, Derambure P, Devanne H (2015) Late cortical disinhibition in relaxed versus active hand muscles. Neuroscience, 298: 52-62.
Caux-Dedeystère A, Rambour M, Duhamel A, Cassim F, Derambure P, Devanne H (2014) Task- dependent changes of late inhibitory and disinhibitory actions within the primary motor cortex in humans. Eur J Neurosci, 39: 1485-1490.
Lefaucheur JP André-Obadia N, Antal A, Ayache SS, Baeken C, Benninger DH, Cantello RM, Cincotta M, De Carvalho M, De Ridder D, Devanne H, Di Lazzaro V, Filipović SR, Hummel FC, Jääskeläinen SK, Kimiskidis VK, Koch G, Langguth B, Nyffeler T, Oliviero A, Padberg F, Poulet E, Rossi S, Rossini PM, Rothwell JC, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Siebner HR, Slotema CW, Stagg CJ, Valls-Sole J, Ziemann U, Paulus W, Garcia-Larrea L (2014) Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Clin Neurophysiol, 125(11):2150-2206.
Delval A, Dujardin K, Tard C, Devanne H, Willart S, Bourriez JL, Destée A, Derambure P, Defebvre L (2012)Anticipatory postural adjustments during step initiation : elicitation by auditory stimulation of differing intensity. Neuroscience, 219:166-174.
Degardin A, Devos D, Defebvre L, Destée A, Derambure P, Devanne H (2012) Effect of intermittent theta burst stimulation on akinesia and sensorimotor integration in patients with Parkinson's disease. Eur J Neurosci, 36(5):2669-2678.
Kouchtir-Devanne N, Capaday C, Cassim F, Derambure P, Devanne H (2012) Task-dependent changes of motor cortical network excitability during precision grip compared to isolated finger contraction. J Neurophysiol, 107:1522-1529.
Lefaucheur JP, André-Obadia N, Poulet E, Devanne H, Haffen E, Londero A, Cretin B, Leroi AM, Radtchenko A, Saba G, Thai-Van H, Littré CF, Vercueil L, Bouhassira D, Ayache SS, Farhat WH, Zouari HG, Mylius V, Nicolier M, Garcia-Larrea L (2011) French guidelines on the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): Safety and therapeutic indications. Neurophysiol Clin/Clin Neurophysiol, 41:221-295.
Degardin A, Devos D, Cassim F, Destée A, Defebvre L, Derambure P, Devanne H. (2011) Deficit of sensorimotor integration in normal aging. Neurosci Lett, 498:208-212.
Devanne H, Degardin A, Tyvaert L, Bocquillon P, Houdayer E, Manceaux A, Derambure P, and Cassim F (2009) Afferent-induced facilitation of primary motor cortex excitability in the region controlling hand muscles in humans. Eur J Neurosci, 30:439-448.
Tyvaert L, Houdayer E, Devanne H, Bourriez JL, Derambure P, Monaca C (2009) Cortical involvement in the sensory and motor symptoms of primary restless legs syndrome. Sleep Medicine 10, 1090-1096
Coello Y, Bartolo A, Amiri B, Devanne H, Houdayer E, Derambure P. (2008) Perceiving what is reachable depends on motor representations: evidence from a transcranial magnetic stimulation study.PLoS ONE, 3:e2862.
Houdayer E, Degardin A, Cassim F, Bocquillon P, Derambure P, Devanne H. (2008) The effects of low- and high-frequency repetitive TMS on the input/output properties of the human corticospinal pathway. Exp Brain Res, 187:207-217.
Labyt E, Houdayer E, Cassim F, Bourriez JL, Derambure P, Devanne H. (2007) Motor representation areas in epileptic patients with focal motor seizures: a TMS study. Epilepsy Res, 75:197-205.
Houdayer E, Devanne H, Tyvaert L, Defebvre L, Derambure P, Cassim F. (2007) Low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over premotor cortex can improve cortical tremor. Clin Neurophysiol, 118:1557-1562.
Tyvaert L, Houdayer E, Devanne H, Monaca C, Cassim F, Derambure P. (2006) The effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on dystonia: a clinical and pathophysiological approach. Neurophysiol Clin, 36:135-143.
Devanne H, Cassim F, Ethier C, Brizzi L, Thevenon A, Capaday C.(2006) The comparable size and overlapping nature of upper limb distal and proximal muscle representations in the human motor cortex. Eur J Neurosci, 23:2467-2476.
Tyč F, Boyadjian A, Devanne H (2005) Motor cortex plasticity induced by extensive training revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation in human. Eur J Neurosci, 21:259-266.
Devanne H, Cohen LG, Devanne-Kouchtir N, Capaday C (2002) Integrated motor cortical control of task related muscles during pointing in humans. J Neurophysiol, 87:3006-3017.
Schneider C, Devanne H, Lavoie BA, Capaday C (2002) Neural mechanisms involved in the functional linking of motor cortical points. Exp Brain Res, 146: 86-94.
Capaday C, Devanne H, Bertrand L, Lavoie BA (1998) Intracortical connections between motor cortical zones controlling antagonistic muscles in the cat: a combined anatomical and physiological study. Exp Brain Res, 120: 223-232.
Devanne H, Maton B (1998) Role of proprioceptive information in the temporal coordination between joints. Exp Brain Res 119: 58-64.
Lavoie BA, Devanne H, Capaday C (1997) Differential control of reciprocal inhibition during walking versus postural and voluntary motor tasks in humans. J Neurophysiol, 78: 429-438.
Devanne H, Lavoie BA, Capaday C (1997) Input-Output properties and gain changes in the human corticospinal pathway. Exp Brain Res, 114: 329-338.
Devanne H, Gentil M, Maton B (1995) Biomechanical analysis of simple jaw movements in Friedreich's ataxia. EEG Clin Neurophysiol, 97: 29-35.
Gentil M, Devanne H, Maton B, Brice A (1992) Electromyographic recording of the jaw jerk in Friedreich ataxia. EMG Clin Neurophysiol, 32:591-595
Ouvrages et chapitres d'ouvrage
André-Obadia N, Devanne H, Lefaucheur JP, Poulet E (2012) Recommandations françaises sur l'utilisation de la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne répétitive (rTMS), De Boeck Supérieur (Paris).
André-Obadia N, Devanne H (2017). Utilisation de la TMS répétitive dans des applications cliniques autres que psychiatriques. In Stimulation Magnétique Transcrânienne répétée (rTMS) : Etats des connaissances et applications en psychiatrie (Poulet et al Eds), Dunod, (Paris).
Communications orales ou affichées
Caux-Dedeystère A, Rambour M, Duhamel, A, Derambure P, Devanne H (2014) Task-dependent changes of late inhibitory and disinhibitory actions within the primary motor cortex in humans. 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN), Berlin (Germany).
Kouchtir-Devanne N, Cassim F, Capaday C, Derambure P, Devanne H (2011) Task-dependent changes of motor cortical network excitability during precision grip compared to isolated finger contraction.14thEuropean congress of Clinical Neurophysiology - 4thInternational Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation, Rome (Italy)
Degardin A, Cassim F, Devos D, Defebvre L, Derambure P, Devanne H (2009) Modulation of sensorimotor integration by intermittent theta-burst stimulation in Parkinson’s disease. 13th international congress of the Movement Disorder Society, Paris (France).
Kwiatkowski A, Devanne H, Cassim F, Derambure P, Destée A, Defebvre L, Devos D (2009) Relation between abnormalities of prepulse inhibition of blink reflex and levodopa resistant freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease. 13th international congress of the Movement Disorder Society, Paris (France).
Degardin A, Cassim F, Devos D, Defebvre L, Derambure P, Devanne H (2008) Modulation of sensorimotor integration by intermittent theta-burst stimulation in human. Abstracts of the 13th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Istanbul, (Turkey), Clin Neurophysiol, 119:S90.
Houdayer E, Dagardin A, Cassim F, Bocquillon P, Derambure P, Devanne H (2008) The effects of low- and high-frequency repetitive TMS on the input/output properties of the human corticospinal pathway. 13th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Istanbul, (Turkey), Clin Neurophysiol, 119:S11.
Devanne H, Degardin A, Tyvaert L, Bocquillon P, Houdayer E, Manceaux A, Derambure P, Cassim C (2008) Facilitation of motor cortex excitability by median nerve and index stimulation, 3rd International Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation, Göttingen (Germany), Brain Stim, 1:310-311
Tyvaert L, Houdayer E., Cassim F., Devanne H., Jacquesson JM., Derambure P., Monaca C. (2006) Implication of cortical system in physiopathology of restless legs syndrome. An electrocortical rhythms study. 58thcongress of the American Academy of Neurology, Neurology, 66 (suppl2):A92
Cassim F., Tyvaert L., Devanne H., Houdayer E., Krystkowiak P., Kreisler A., Destée A., Defebvre L., Derambure P. (2006) Subthreshold low-frequency rTMS over the premotor cortex and sensorimotor integration in patients with writers cramp. 10th International Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Kyoto, Japan, P146.
Cassim F., Tyvaert L, Houdayer E., Devanne H., Jacquesson JM., Derambure P., Monaca C. (2006) Implication of cortical system in physiopathology of restless legs syndrome. An electrocortical rhythms study. 10th International Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Kyoto, Japan, P139, 2006
Tyvaert L., Cassim F., Devanne H., Houdayer E., Krystkowiak P., Kreisler A., Destée A., Defebvre L., Derambure P. (2006) Subthreshold low-frequency rTMS over the premotor cortex and sensorimotor integration in patients with writers cramp. 58thcongress of the American Academy of Neurology, Neurology, 66 (suppl2):A179.
Tyvaert L, Houdayer E, Cassim F, Devanne H, Jacquesson JM, Derambure P, Monaca C (2006) Implication of cortical system in physiopathology of restless legs syndrome : an electrocortical rhythms study. 28th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Edinburgh, Scotland, Clin Neurophysiol, 117:S144.
Houdayer E, Tyvaert L, Cassim F, Devanne H, Derambure P. (2006) Intracortical inhibition and sensorimotor integration in cortical myoclonus : a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. 10th International Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Kyoto, Japan, P335.
Houdayer E, Tyvaert L, Cassim F, Devanne H, Derambure P (2006) Intracortical inhibition and sensorimotor integration in cortical myoclonus : a TMS study. 28thth International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Edinburgh, Scotland, Clin Neurophysiol, 117:S320-S321.
Tyvaert L, Cassim F, Devanne H, Houdayer E, Krystowiak P, Kreisler A, Destée A, Defebvre L, Derambure P (2006) Modulation of sensorimotor integration in patients with writer’s cramp by subthreshold low-frequency rTMS over the premotor cortex. 28th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Edinburgh, Scotland, Clin Neurophysiol, 117:S99-S100
Tyvaert L, Houdayer E., Cassim F., Devanne H., Jacquesson JM., Derambure P., Monaca C. Implication du système cortical dans les mécanismes physiopathologiques du SJSR idiopathique : une étude des rythmes électrocorticaux. XXIeme congrès du sommeil, SFRS, Albi, France, 2006.
Tyvaert L, Houdayer E., Cassim F., Devanne H., Jacquesson JM., Derambure P., Monaca C. Implication des structures corticales dans la physiopathologie du syndrome des jambes sans repos (SJSR): étude des rythmes électrocorticaux. Journées de Neurologie de Langue Française, Toulouse, France, 2006
Houdayer E, Devanne H, Tyvaert L, Derambure P, Cassim F. « Ne tremblez plus, la SMTr est arrivée ! ». Congrès de la Société de Neurophysiologie Clinique de Langue Française, Nancy, France, 2005.
Tyvaert L., Cassim F., Devanne H., Houdayer E., Krystkowiak P., Kreisler A., Destée A., Defebvre L., Derambure P. Subthreshold low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the premotor cortex and sensorimotor integration in patients with writer’s cramp. Motor Control Conferences IV, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005.
Houdayer E, Devanne H, Tyvaert L, Derambure P, Cassim F. Low frequency rTMS over premotor cortex can improve cortical tremor. Motor Control Conference IV, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005.
Gagné M, Schneider C, Devanne H, Zehrouni F, Capaday C (2000) Motor cortex excitability contributes to motor responses elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, New Orleans (USA).
Lavallée P, Schneider C, Devanne H, Capaday, C (1999) On the potential role of motor cortical GABA neurons in releasing inter-joint muscle synergies. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, Miami (USA), 25: 1659.
Capaday C, Devanne H, Kouchtir N, Mercier I, Cohen LG (1999) Lateral interactions within the motor cortex during pointing. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, Miami (USA), 25: 1408.
Bertrand L, Capaday C, Devanne H, Lavoie BA (1996) Intracortical connections between motor cortical zones controlling antagonist muscles. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, Washington (USA), 22: 1083.
Lavoie BA, Devanne H, Capaday C (1995) Modulation of reciprocal inhibition during walking and voluntary movement in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, San Diego (USA), 21: 2084.
Devanne H, Lavoie BA, Capaday C (1995) Input-Output properties and changes of recruitment gain of the corticospinal pathway. Society for Neuroscience Abstract, San Diego (USA), 21: 2074.
Capaday C, Lavoie BA, Devanne H (1995) Cortical and segmental control during voluntary and postural activities in the human and the cat. IEEE EMBS Conference, Montreal, (Canada).
Devanne H, Gentil M, Maton B (1993) Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of simple jaw movements in Friedreich ataxia. International Society of Biomechanics Congress Abstracts.