Gregory Tricot
- Articles dans revues internationales à comité de lecture
[94] Y. Zhang, M. Bertani, A. Pedone, R. Youngman, G. Tricot, A. Kumar, A. Goel, Decoding crystallization behavior of aluminoborosilicate glasses: From structural descriptors to Quantitative Structure – Property Relationship (QSPR) based predictive models, Acta Materialia 268 (2024) 119784.
[93] A. Gaddam, G. Tricot, P. Golebiewski, H. fernandes, R. Buczynski, J. Ferreira, H. Eckert, Structural organization of phase-separated bioactive glasses and the clustering of Si, P, B, Na and F atoms investigated by solid-state NMR and Monte Carlo simulations, Acta Materialia 259 (2023) 119203.
[92] A. Boughriet, O. Allahdin, N. Poumaye, G. Doyemet, G. Tricot, B. Revel, B. Ouddane, M. Wartel, Alkali-Activated Brick Aggregates as Industrial Valorized Wastes: Synthesis and Properties, Ceramics 6 (2023) 1765-1787.
[91] Y. Watanabe, G. Tricot, T. Shimizu, A. Saitoh, Effect of B2O3 substitution for P2O5 on the refractive index and optical absorption in pyro SnO−P2O5−B2O3 glasses, Optik 287 (2023) 171150.
[90] S. Renka, R.D. Banhatti, G. Tricot, P. Kalenda, L. Pavic, P. Mosner, L. Koudelka, A. Santic, Glass structure as a driver of polaronic conductivity in phosphate glasses containing MoO3 and WO3, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (2023) 9628–9639.
[89] K. Hayashi, G. Tricot, A. Saitoh, Colorless Bi2O3-containing borophosphate glasses with high refractivity, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 131 (2023) 889–893.
[88] T. Shimizu, A. Saitoh, U. Hoppe, G. Tricot, R.K. Brow, A prediction of Young’s modulus for tin containing phosphate glasses using quantitative structural information, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 608 (2023) 122262.
[87] U. Hoppe, A. Saitoh, T. Shimizu, G. Tricot, A. Hannon, Properties and structure of ternary BaO-SnO-P2O5 glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 597 (2022) 121909.
[86] A. Boughriet, O. Allahdin, N. Poumaye, G. Tricot, B. Revel, L. Lesven, M. Wartel, Micro-Analytical Study of a Zeolites/Geo-Polymers/Quartz Composite, Dielectric Behaviour and Contribution to Bronsted Sites Affinity, Ceramics 5 (2022) 904-927.
[85] G. Tricot, H. Hu, A. Beaussart, I. Fernandes, C. Perrot, Effect of the P/Al Molar Ratio and Heating Rate on the Composi-Tion of Alumino-Phosphate Binders, Materials 15 (2021) 2337.
[84] M. Munoz-Quinonero, J. Azkargota, I. Iparraguirre, RJ Jimenez-Rioboo, G. Tricot, C.Y. Shao, F. Munoz, J. Fernandez, R. Balda, Dehydroxylation processing and lasing properties of a Nd alumino-phosphate glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 896 (2021) 163040.
[83] A; Santic, J. Nikolic, S; Renka, L. Pavic, P. Msner, L. Koidelka, G. Tricot, A. Mogus-Milankovic, A versatile role of WO3 and MoO3 in electrical transport in phosphate glasses, Sol St Ionics 375 (2021) 115849.
[82] J. Sarazin,C. Davy, S. Bourbigot, G. Tricot, J. Hosdez, D. Lambertin, G. Fontaine, Flame resistance of geopolymer foam coatings for the fire protection of steel, Comp. Part B Engineering 222 (2021) 109045.
[81] H. Mohsin, S. Maron, I. Maurin, E. Burov, G. Tricot, L. Devys, E. Gouillard, T. Gacoin, Thermal behavior of waterglass: foaming and xerogel-to-glass evolution, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 566 (2021) 120872. (IF: 2,6).
[80] K. Sklepic, G. Tricot, P. Msner, L. Koudelka, A Mogus-Milankovic, Sodium Ion Conductivity in Mixed Former Na2O-P2O5-GeO2 and Na2O-B2O3-P2O5-GeO2 Glasses, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125 (2021) 10593-10604. (IF: 4,484).
[79] A. Saitoh, K. Hyshi, K. Hanzawa, S. Ueda, S. Kawachi, J. Yamaura, K. Ide, J. Kim, G. Tricot, S. Matsuishi, K. Mitsui, T. Shimizu, M/ Morin H. Hosono, Origins of the coloration from structure and valence state of bismuth oxide glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 560 (2021) 120720. (IF: 2,6).
[78] G. Tricot, Insertion of Al2O3 in Zinc Metaphosphate Glasses: New Insights from 1D/2D Solid State NMR, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 125 (2021) 9210-9218. (IF: 4,509)
[77] S. Renka, L. Pavic, G. Tricot, P. Mosner, L. Koudelka, A. Mogus-Milankovic, A. Santic, A significant enhancement of sodium ion conductivity in phosphate glasses by addition of WO3 and MoO3: the effect of mixed conventional-conditional glass-forming oxides, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 23 (2021) 9761-9772. (IF: 3,906)
[76] B. Doumert, F. Lecomte, G. Tricot*, Advanced Solid State 1D/2D NMR investagtion of the B2O3-Zn(PO3)2 glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 548 (2020) 120325. (IF: 2,9)
[75] Y. Tomihara, G. Tricot, B. Revel, K. Kishimoto, T. Okamoto, A. Saitoh, The relationship among polarizability, photoelsticity and Refractivity in Ternary Phosphate Glasses, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 257 (2020)2000146. (IF=1,481)
[74] K. Suzuki, G. Tricot, B. Revel, A. Saitoh, Properties and structure of SnO−SiO2 and SnO−SnF2−SiO2 glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 527 (2020) 119706. (IF: 2,9)
[73] S. Klaimy, C. Ciotonea, J. Dhainaut, S. Royer, M. Casetta, S. Duquesne, G. Tricot, J.-F. Lamonier, Flash Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polyethylene over (Alumino)silicate Materials, ChemCatChem. (2020). (IF: 4,853)
[72] K. Kishimoto, G. Tricot, T. Atsumi, S. Murai, K. Tanaka, H. Takebe, A. Saitoh, Durable BaO-ZnO-P2O5 glass with small stress-induced birefringence for lead-free polarization light controlling devices, International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 11 (2020) 27–34. (IF: 1,917)
[71] N. Poumaye, O. Allahdin, G. Tricot, B. Revel, G. Billon, P. Recourt, M. Wartel, A. Boughriet, MAS NMR investigations on a metakaolinite-rich brick after zeolitization by alkaline treatments, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 277 (2019) 1–9. (IF: 4,182)
[70] L. Pavić, K. Sklepić, Ž. Skoko, G. Tricot, P. Mošner, L. Koudelka, A. Moguš-Milanković, Ionic Conductivity of Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass-Ceramics, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123 (2019) 23312–23322. (IF: 4,309)
[69] S. Gillot, J.P. Dacquin, C. Dujardin, G. Tricot, H. Vezin, P. Granger, Impact of Thermal Aging on the SCR Performance of Tungsten Doped CeVO 4 Mixed Oxides, Topics in Catalysis. 62 (2019) 49–55. (IF: 2,226)
[68] A. Saitoh, U. Hoppe, R.K. Brow, G. Tricot, Y. Hashida, H. Takebe, The structure and properties of xZnO–(67-x)SnO–33P2O5 glasses: (III) Photoelastic behavior, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 498 (2018) 173–176. (IF: 2,6)
[67] A. Saitoh, Y. Hashida, G. Tricot, H. Takebe, Properties and Structure in Ternary Meta-, Pyro-, and Ortho-Zinc Tin Phosphate Glasses With Small Photoelasticity, Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 255 (2018). (IF=1,454)
[66] A. Saitoh, R.K. Brow, U. Hoppe, G. Tricot, S. Anan, H. Takebe, The structure and properties of xZnO–(67-x)SnO–P2O5 glasses: (I) optical and thermal properties, Raman and infrared spectroscopies, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 484 (2018) 132–138. (IF: 2,6)
[65] P. Rajbhandari, L. Montagne, G. Tricot*, Doping of low-Tg phosphate glass with Al2O3, B2O3 and SiO2: Part II- insertion mechanism of Al2O3 and B2O3 in phosphate network characterized by 1D/2D solid-state NMR, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 218 (2018) 122–129. (IF: 2,781)
[64] B. Marchand, S. Lanier, C.A. Davy, C. Albert-Mercier, G. Tricot, Are calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) present in alkali-activated glass cullet cement?, Materials Letters. 219 (2018) 104–108. (IF: 2,687)
[63] U. Hoppe, A. Saitoh, G. Tricot, P. Freudenberger, A.C. Hannon, H. Takebe, R.K. Brow, The structure and properties of xZnO–(67-x)SnO–33P2O5 glasses: (II) Diffraction, NMR, and chromatographic studies, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 492 (2018) 68–76. (IF: 2,6)
[62] N. Hansupo, G. Tricot, S. Bellayer, P. Roussel, F. Samyn, S. Duquesne, M. Jimenez, M. Hollman, P. Catala, S. Bourbigot, Getting a better insight into the chemistry of decomposition of complex flame retarded formulation: New insights using solid state NMR, Polymer Degradation and Stability. 153 (2018) 145–154. (IF: 3,193)
[61] S. Gillot, G. Tricot, H. Vezin, J.-P. Dacquin, C. Dujardin, P. Granger, Induced effect of tungsten incorporation on the catalytic properties of CeVO4 systems for the selective reduction of NOx by ammonia, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 234 (2018) 318–328. (IF: 11,698)
[60] R. Chahal, F. Starecki, J.-L. Doualan, P. Němec, A. Trapananti, C. Prestipino, G. Tricot, C. Boussard-Pledel, K. Michel, A. Braud, P. Camy, J.-L. Adam, B. Bureau, V. Nazabal, Nd3+:Ga-Ge-Sb-S glasses and fibers for luminescence in mid-IR: Synthesis, structural characterization and rare earth spectroscopy, Optical Materials Express. 8 (2018). (IF: 2,566).
[59] S. Bellayer, M. Jimenez, B. Prieur, B. Dewailly, A. Ramgobin, J. Sarazin, B. Revel, G. Tricot, S. Bourbigot, Fire retardant sol-gel coated polyurethane foam: Mechanism of action, Polymer Degradation and Stability. 147 (2018) 159–167. (IF: 3,193)
[58] Y. Zhang, C.A. Davy, G. Tricot, C. Albert-Mercier, N. Henry, P. Bertier, F. Cazaux, D. Damidot, X. Bourbon, On shrinkage and structure changes of pure and blended Portland concretes, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 100 (2017) 4131–4152. (IF: 2,956).
[57] G. Tricot*, B. Doumert, B. Revel, M. Bria, J. Trebosc, H. Vezin, Non-homogeneous distribution of Al3+ in doped phosphate glasses revealed by 27Al/31P solid state NMR, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 84 (2017) 137–142. (IF: 2,674)
[56] K. Sklepić, R.D. Banhatti, G. Tricot, P. Mošner, L. Koudelka, A. Moguš-Milanković, Insights from Local Network Structures and Localized Diffusion on the Ease of Lithium Ion Transport in Two Mixed Glass-Former Systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121 (2017) 17641–17657. (IF: 4,484).
[55] G.L. Paraschiv, F. Muñoz, G. Tricot, N. Mascaraque, L.R. Jensen, Y. Yue, M.M. Smedskjaer, Mixed alkali silicophosphate oxynitride glasses: Structure-property relations, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 462 (2017) 51–64. (IF: 2,6).
[54] H. Nagashima, G. Tricot, J. Trébosc, O. Lafon, J.-P. Amoureux, F. Pourpoint, 3D correlation NMR spectrum between three distinct heteronuclei for the characterization of inorganic samples: Application on sodium alumino-phosphate materials, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 84 (2017) 164–170. (IF: 2,674)
[53] L. Muñoz-Senovilla, G. Tricot*, F. Muñoz*, Kinetic fragility and structure of lithium borophosphate glasses analysed by 1D/2D NMR, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19 (2017) 22777–22784. (IF: 3,906)
[52] L. Muñoz-Senovilla, F. Muñoz, G. Tricot, I. Ahmed, A.J. Parsons, Structure–properties relationships in fibre drawing of bioactive phosphate glasses, Journal of Materials Science. 52 (2017) (IF: 3,442)
[51] M. Itadani, G. Tricot, B. Doumert, H. Takebe, A. Saitoh, Structure and properties of barium tin boro-phosphate glass systems with very low photoelastic constant, Journal of Applied Physics. 122 (2017). (IF: 2,176)
[50] S. Gillot, G. Tricot, H. Vezin, J.-P. Dacquin, C. Dujardin, P. Granger, Development of stable and efficient CeVO4 systems for the selective reduction of NOx by ammonia: Structure-activity relationship, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 218 (2017) 338–348. (IF : 11,698).
[49] G. Tricot*, K. Ben Tayeb, L. Koudelka, P. Mosner, H. Vezin, Insertion of MoO3 in borophosphate glasses investigated by magnetic resonance spectroscopies, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120 (2016) 9443–9452. (IF: 4,536)
[48] G. Tricot*, The structure of Pyrex® glass investigated by correlation NMR spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 18 (2016) 26764–26770. (IF: 4,123)
[47] P. Rajbhandari, L. Montagne, G. Tricot*, Doping of low-Tg phosphate glass with Al2O3, B2O3 and SiO2: Part I- effect on glass property and stability, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 183 (2016) 542–550. (IF: 2,084).
[46] N. Mascaraque, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, G. Tricot, Structural Features of LiPON Glasses Determined by 1D and 2D 31P MAS NMR, International Journal of Applied Glass Science. 7 (2016) 69–79. (IF : 1,79).
[45] O. Allahdin, M. Wartel, G. Tricot, B. Revel, A. Boughriet, Hydroxylation and dealumination of a metakaolinite-rich brick under acid conditions, and their influences on metal adsorption: One- and two-dimensional (1H, 27Al, 23Na, 29Si) MAS NMR, and FTIR studies, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 226 (2016) 360–368. (IF: 3,615)
[44] G. Tricot*, A. Saitoh, H. Takebe, Intermediate length scale organisation in tin borophosphate glasses: New insights from high field correlation NMR, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17 (2015) 29531–29540. (IF: 4,449)
[43] G. Tricot*, B. Raguenet, G. Silly, M. Ribes, A. Pradel, H. Eckert, P-O-B3 linkages in borophosphate glasses evidenced by high field 11B/31P correlation NMR, Chemical Communications. 51 (2015) 9284–9286. (IF : 6,567)
[42] A. Saitoh, G. Tricot, P. Rajbhandari, S. Anan, H. Takebe, Effect of B2O3/P2O5 substitution on the properties and structure of tin boro-phosphate glasses, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 149 (2015) 648–656. (IF: 2,101)
[41] A. Saitoh, K. Nakata, G. Tricot, Y. Chen, N. Yamamoto, H. Takebe, Zero photoelastic and water durable ZnO-SnO-P2O5-B2O3 glasses, APL Materials. 3 (2015). (IF: 4,335).
[40] P. Rajbhandari, Y. Chen, B. Doumert, L. Montagne, G. Tricot*, Investigation of zinc alkali pyrophosphate glasses. Part II: Local and medium range orders analysed by 1D/2D NMR, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 155 (2015) 23–29. (IF: 2,101)
[39] P. Rajbhandari, L. Montagne, G. Tricot*, Investigation of zinc alkali pyrophosphate glasses. Part I: Development of low-Tg and high stability glasses, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 155 (2015) 17–22. (IF: 2,101)
[38] M. Lahaye, B. Doumert, B. Revel, K. Ben Tayeb, H. Vezin, G. Tricot*, Application of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopies to the x ZnO-(100 - X)NaPO3 Glass System: Glass Network Organization and Effect of Co2+ Doping, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119 (2015) 17288–17297. (IF: 4,509)
[37] M. Cusack, N.A. Kamenos, C. Rollion-Bard, G. Tricot, Red coralline algae assessed as marine pH proxies using 11B MAS NMR, Scientific Reports. 5 (2015). (IF: 5,228).
[36] M. Taoufik, K.C. Szeto, N. Merle, I.D. Rosal, L. Maron, J. Trébosc, G. Tricot, R.M. Gauvin, L. Delevoye, Heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy as a surface-selective technique: A unique look at the hydroxyl groups of γ-alumina., Chemistry - A European Journal. 20 (2014) 4038–4046. (IF: 5,731)
[35] N. Mascaraque, G. Tricot, B. Revel, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Nitrogen and fluorine anionic substitution in lithium phosphate glasses, Solid State Ionics. 254 (2014) 40–47. (IF: 2,561)
[34] N. Mascaraque, H. Takebe, G. Tricot, J.L.G. Fierro, A. Durán, F. Muñoz, Structure and electrical properties of a new thio-phosphorus oxynitride glass electrolyte, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 405 (2014) 159–162. (IF: 1,766)
[33] Y. Ledemi, B. Bureau, G. Le Caër, L. Calvez, C. Roiland, G. Tricot, P. Florian, V. Nazabal, D. Massiot, 71Ga NMR in chalcogenide and chalco-halide glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 383 (2014) 216–221. (IF: 1,766)
[32] A. Caron, B. Doumert, G. Tricot*, The xGa2O3-(100 - X)NaPO3 glass system: Preparation, properties and structural analysis by solid state NMR, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 147 (2014) 1165–1170. (IF: 2,259)
[31] G. Tricot*, H. Vezin, Description of the intermediate length scale structural motifs in sodium vanado-phosphate glasses by magnetic resonance spectroscopies, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117 (2013) 1421–1427. (IF: 4,835)
[30] A. Joly, P. Brun, J. Lacombe, G. Tricot, A. Denoirjean, Structural characterization of an electrically insulating diffusion barrier on a plasma-sprayed ceramic for severe environment applications, Surface and Coatings Technology. 220 (2013) 204–208. (IF: 2,199).
[29] S. Duquesne, G. Fontaine, O. Cérin-Delaval, B. Gardelle, G. Tricot, S. Bourbigot, Study of the thermal degradation of an aluminium phosphinate-aluminium trihydrate combination, Thermochimica Acta. 551 (2013) 175–183. (IF: 2,105)
[28] G. Tricot*, N. Nicolaus, P. Diss, L. Montagne, Inhibition of the catalytic oxidation of carbon/carbon composite materials by an aluminophosphate coating, Carbon. 50 (2012) 3440–3445. (IF: 5,868)
[27] G. Tricot, O. Mentré, S. Cristol, L. Delevoye, Fine hierarchy of the V-O bonds by advanced solid state NMR: Novel Pb 4(VO2)(PO4)3 structure as a textbook case, Inorganic Chemistry. 51 (2012) 13108–13113. (IF: 4,593)
[26] B. Raguenet, G. Tricot, G. Silly, M. Ribes, A. Pradel, The mixed glass former effect in twin-roller quenched lithium borophosphate glasses, Solid State Ionics. 208 (2012) 25–30. (IF: 2,046)
[25] X. Lu, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, G. Tricot, L. Delevoye, F. Méar, L. Montagne, J.P. Amoureux, Observation of proximities between spin-12 and quadrupolar nuclei: Which heteronuclear dipolar recoupling method is preferable, Journal of Chemical Physics. 137 (2012). (IF: 3,164)
[24] D. Endara, M. Colmont, M. Huvé, G. Tricot, L. Carpentier, O. Mentré, Novel tailormade Bi 4MO 4(PO 4) 2 structural type (M = Mg, Zn), Inorganic Chemistry. 51 (2012) 4438–4447. (IF: 4,593)
[23] G. Tricot*, B. Revel, S. Wegner, Thermal stability of a low Tg phosphate glass investigated by DSC, XRD and solid state NMR, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 357 (2011) 2708–2712. (IF: 1,537)
[22] G. Tricot*, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, L. Delevoye, F. Méar, L. Montagne, J.-P. Amoureux, Structural characterisation of phosphate materials: New insights into the spatial proximities between phosphorus and quadrupolar nuclei using the D-HMQC MAS NMR technique, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 13 (2011) 16786–16794. (IF: 3,573)
[21] C. Rollion-Bard, D. Blamart, J. Trebosc, G. Tricot, A. Mussi, J.-P. Cuif, Boron isotopes as pH proxy: A new look at boron speciation in deep-sea corals using 11B MAS NMR and EELS, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 75 (2011) 1003–1012. (IF: 4,259)
[20] B. Revel, L. Delevoye, G. Tricot, M. Rastätter, M. Kuzdrowska, P.W. Roesky, R.M. Gauvin, A well-defined silica-supported lanthanum bis(phosphinimino)methanide, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. (2011) 1366–1369. (IF: 3,049)
[19] B. Raguenet, G. Tricot, G. Silly, M. Ribes, A. Pradel, Revisiting the “mixed glass former effect” in ultra-fast quenched borophosphate glasses by advanced 1D/2D solid state NMR, Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21 (2011) 17693–17704. (IF: 5,968)
[18] S. Guillot, S. Beaudet-Savignat, S. Lambert, P. Roussel, G. Tricot, R.-N. Vannier, A. Rubbens, Local relaxation in lanthanum silicate oxyapatites by Raman scattering and MAS-NMR, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 42 (2011) 1455–1461. (IF: 3,087).
[17] V.V. Brazhkin, J. Akola, Y. Katayama, S. Kohara, M.V. Kondrin, A.G. Lyapin, S.G. Lyapin, G. Tricot, O.F. Yagafarov, Densified low-hygroscopic form of P2O5 glass, Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21 (2011) 10442–10447. (IF: 5,968)
[16] A. Ananthanarayanan, G.P. Kothiyal, L. Montagne, G. Tricot, B. Revel, The effect of P2O5 on the structure, sintering and sealing properties of barium calcium aluminum boro-silicate (BCABS) glasses, Materials Chemistry and Physics. 130 (2011) 880–889. (IF: 2,234)
[15] S. Wegner, L. van Wüllen, G. Tricot, The structure of phosphate and borosilicate glasses and their structural evolution at high temperatures as studied with solid state NMR spectroscopy: Phase separation, crystallisation and dynamic species exchange, Solid State Sciences. 12 (2010) 428–439. (IF: 1,828)
[14] J. Šubčík, L. Koudelka, P. Mošner, L. Montagne, G. Tricot, L. Delevoye, I. Gregora, Glass-forming ability and structure of ZnO-MoO3-P 2O5 glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 356 (2010) 2509–2516. (IF: 1,483)
[13] O. Mentré, H. Kabbour, G. Ehora, G. Tricot, S. Daviero-Minaud, M.-H. Whangbo, Anion-vacancy-induced magneto-crystalline anisotropy in fluorine-doped hexagonal cobaltites, Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132 (2010) 4865–4875. (IF: 9,019)
[12] N. Ajellal, G. Durieux, L. Delevoye, G. Tricot, C. Dujardin, C.M. Thomas, R.M. Gauvin, Polymerization of racemic β-butyrolactone using supported catalysts: A simple access to isotactic polymers, Chemical Communications. 46 (2010) 1032–1034. (IF: 5,787)
[11] S. Wegner, L. Van Wüllen, G. Tricot, Network dynamics and species exchange processes in aluminophosphate glasses: An in situ high temperature magic angle spinning NMR view, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113 (2009) 416–425. (IF: 3,471)
[10] S. Wegner, L. van Wüllen, G. Tricot, The structure of aluminophosphate glasses revisited: Application of modern solid state NMR strategies to determine structural motifs on intermediate length scales, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 354 (2008) 1703–1714. (IF: 1,449)
[9] F. Vasconcelos, S. Cristol, J.-F. Paul, G. Tricot, J.-P. Amoureux, L. Montagne, F. Mauri, L. Delevoye, 17O solid-state NMR and first-principles calculations of sodium trimetaphosphate (Na3P3O9), tripolyphosphate (Na5P3O10), and pyrophosphate (Na 4P2O7), Inorganic Chemistry. 47 (2008) 7327–7337. (IF: 4,147)
[8] G. Tricot*, D. Coillot, E. Creton, L. Montagne, New insights into the thermal evolution of aluminophosphate solutions: A complementary XRD and solid state NMR study, Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 28 (2008) 1135–1141. (IF: 1,58)
[7] B. Hu, J.-P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, M. Deschamps, G. Tricot, Solid-state NMR covariance of homonuclear correlation spectra, Journal of Chemical Physics. 128 (2008). (IF: 3,149)
[6] L. Van Wüllen, S. Wegner, G. Tricot, Structural changes above the glass transition and crystallization in aluminophosphate glasses: An in situ high-temperature MAS NMR study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 111 (2007) 7529–7534. (IF: 4,09)
[5] L. van Wüllen, G. Tricot, S. Wegner, An advanced NMR protocol for the structural characterization of aluminophosphate glasses, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 32 (2007) 44–52. (IF: 1,51)
[4] J.P. Amoureux, J. Trébosc, G. Tricot, Measurement of through-space connectivities between spin-1/2 and quadrupolar nuclei in solid-state NMR: The TEDOR-MQMAS method, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. 45 (2007) S187–S191. (IF: 1,43)
[3] J.W. Wiench, G. Tricot, L. Delevoye, J. Trebosc, J. Frye, L. Montagne, J.-P. Amoureux, M. Pruski, SPAM-MQ-HETCOR: An improved method for heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy between quadrupolar and spin-1/2 nuclei in solid-state NMR, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 8 (2006) 144–150.
[2] G. Tricot, L. Delevoye, G. Palavit, L. Montagne, Phase identification and quantification in a devitrified glass using homo-and heteronuclear solid-state NMR, Chemical Communications. (2005) 5289–5291.
[1] G. Tricot, L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, G. Palavit, V. Kostoj, Redox and structure of sodium-vanadophosphate glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 345–346 (2004) 56–60. (IF : 1,433)
- Autres publications et proceedings de congrès à comité de lecture.
[4] D. Möncke, G. Tricot, A. Winterstein, D. Ehrt, E.I. Kamitsos, Preferential bonding in low alkali borosilicate glasses, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B. 58 (2017) 171–179.
[3] D. Möncke, G. Tricot, A. Winterstein-Beckmann, L. Wondraczek, E.I. Kamitsos, On the connectivity of borate tetrahedra in borate and borosilicate glasses, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B. 56 (2015) 203–211.
[2] D. Möncke, G. Tricot, D. Ehrt, E.I. Kamitsos, Connectivity of borate and silicate groups in a low-alkali borosilicate glass by vibrational and 2D NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. 50 (2015) 381–386.
[1] L. Koudelka, I. Rösslerová, Z. Černošek, P. Mošner, L. Montagne, B. Revel, G. Tricot, Structure and properties of lead borophosphate glasses doped with molybdenum oxide, Physics and Chemistry of Glasses: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part B. 53 (2012) 245–253.
- Articles de revue.
[5] G. Tricot*, L. Alpysbay, B. Doumert, Solid state NMR: A powerful tool for the characterization of borophosphate glasses, Molecules 25 (2020) (IF: 3.060)
[4] G. Tricot*, Mixed Network Phosphate Glasses: Seeing Beyond the 1D 31P MAS-NMR Spectra With 2D X/31P NMR Correlation Maps, Annual Report on NMR spectroscopy vol 96 (2019) 35-75.
[3] H. Nagashima, C. Martineau-Corcos, G. Tricot, J. Trébosc, F. Pourpoint, J.-P. Amoureux, O. Lafon, Recent Developments in NMR Studies of Aluminophosphates, Annual Report on NMR spectroscopy vol 94,(2018) 113-185.
[2] G. Tricot*, J. Trébosc, F. Pourpoint, R. Gauvin, L. Delevoye, The D-HMQC MAS-NMR Technique: An Efficient Tool for the Editing of Through-Space Correlation Spectra Between Quadrupolar and Spin-1/2 (31P, 29Si, 1H, 13C) Nuclei, Annual Report on NMR spectroscopy vol 81,(2014) 145-184.
[1] A. Ananthanarayanan, G. Tricot, G.P. Kothiyal, L. Montagne, A comparative overview of glass-ceramic characterization by MAS-NMR and XRD, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences. 36 (2011) 229–241. (IF: 9,467)
- Articles de vulgarisation.
[1] F. Babonneau, C. Bonhomme, C. Gervais, T. Azaïs, G. Laurent, O. Lafon, L. Montagne, J. Trébosc, L. Delevoye, G. Tricot, J.-P. Amoureux, T. Charpentier, F. Angeli, F. Fayon, M. Deschamps, S. Cadars, P. Florian, D. Massiot, Nuclear spins as spies to explore the structure of materials, Actualite Chimique (2012) 73–81.
- Chapitres d’ouvrages
[3] L. Montagne, F. Méar, P. Roussel, G. Tricot, solid state chemistry approach of the main crystalline phases in glass-ceramics. From glass to crystal: nucleation, growth and phase separation: from research to applications. EDP Sciences, 2017.
[3] L. Montagne, F. Méar, P. Roussel, G. Tricot, Approche cristallochimique des principales phases cristallines observées dans les vitrocéramiques. Du Verre au Cristal: nucléation, croissance et démixtion, de la recherche aux applications. EDP Sciences, 2013.
[1] G. Tricot, L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, G. Palavit, Recent advanced in solid state NMR of polymeric phosphate materials, Inorganic Polymers. Nova Science, 2007.
- Chapitres d’ouvrages
[3] L. Montagne, F. Méar, P. Roussel, G. Tricot, solid state chemistry approach of the main crystalline phases in glass-ceramics. From glass to crystal: nucleation, growth and phase separation: from research to applications. EDP Sciences, 2017.
[3] L. Montagne, F. Méar, P. Roussel, G. Tricot, Approche cristallochimique des principales phases cristallines observées dans les vitrocéramiques. Du Verre au Cristal: nucléation, croissance et démixtion, de la recherche aux applications. EDP Sciences, 2013.
[1] G. Tricot, L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, G. Palavit, Recent advanced in solid state NMR of polymeric phosphate materials, Inorganic Polymers. Nova Science, 2007.