Gilles Grimaud
Short Vitae
I am a full-professor from University of Lille since the september first 2009 . I am the scientific director of 2XS team since Jully first 2012. 2XS is a team of IRCICA pluridisciplinary laboratory from the CNRS. Furthermore 2XS is also part of SEAS thematic group of CRIStAL, Univeristy of Lille & CNRS since the january first 2015. Before that our team was a member of the former LIFL.
My research interests include efficiency, safefty and security of embedded systems and dedicated operating systems.
My current project is related to an open source operating system formally proved and called PIP. Formal proof include isolation (using MMU or MPU hardware on embedded system) and RT scheduling properties. Hardware targets include intel and Arm processor families.
Past projects includes the Smart and Mobile Embedded Web Server : Smews, the Camille OS and the JITS (i.e. Java In The Small) platform.
Before that, I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Lille 1 (France) in December 2000. The subject of my thesis was an open operating system dedicated to smartcards. This PhD was awarded by the french chapter of ACM-SIGOps in June 2001. I also spent 18 months (2000-2002) in the Gemplus Research Labs where I worked on next generations of smardcards operating systems. In 2002, have joined RD2P/LIFL/CNRS and POPS/INRIA-Futur Research in University of Lille as an associate Professor. I was elected vice-president of the french chapter of ACM-SIGOps (2005-2008).