Francois Guillot
"citationRef_s":"<i>Granulites & Granulites</i>, Sep 2024, Verbania, Italy",
"citationFull_s":"Francois Guillot, Pierre Lanari. Pre-Variscan granulite under Alpine high-P: the Ruitor Massif, W-Alps. <i>Granulites & Granulites</i>, Sep 2024, Verbania, Italy. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04676842⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Pre-Variscan granulite under Alpine high-P: the Ruitor Massif, W-Alps"],
"authFullName_s":["Francois Guillot","Pierre Lanari"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Colloque Eghymanche 2023 (Ecologie marine, géosciences et hydrodynamique sur la façade Manche – Mer du Nord)</i>, Schmitt, François; Gaullier, Virginie; Monchy, Sébastien, Jul 2023, Wimereux, France",
"citationFull_s":"Aboubacar Dibousse, Olivier Averbuch, Virginie Gaullier, Olivier Cohen, Emmanuel Blaise, et al.. Cartographie et cinématique des déformations des séries du Jurassique Supérieur au sein de la zone de faille du Cap Gris-Nez (détroit du Pas de Calais). <i>Colloque Eghymanche 2023 (Ecologie marine, géosciences et hydrodynamique sur la façade Manche – Mer du Nord)</i>, Schmitt, François; Gaullier, Virginie; Monchy, Sébastien, Jul 2023, Wimereux, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04171811⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Cartographie et cinématique des déformations des séries du Jurassique Supérieur au sein de la zone de faille du Cap Gris-Nez (détroit du Pas de Calais)"],
"authFullName_s":["Aboubacar Dibousse","Olivier Averbuch","Virginie Gaullier","Olivier Cohen","Emmanuel Blaise","François Guillot","Muriel Laurencin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>EGHYMANCHE 2023 : Ecologie marine, Géosciences et Hydrodynamique sur la façade Manche - Mer du Nord</i>, Jul 2023, Wimereux, France",
"citationFull_s":"Francois Guillot, Daniel Peyrot, Yannick Miras, Sylvie Régnier, A. Trentesaux, et al.. Données palynologiques des Argiles de la Slack à Wimereux. <i>EGHYMANCHE 2023 : Ecologie marine, Géosciences et Hydrodynamique sur la façade Manche - Mer du Nord</i>, Jul 2023, Wimereux, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04275211⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Données palynologiques des Argiles de la Slack à Wimereux"],
"authFullName_s":["Francois Guillot","Daniel Peyrot","Yannick Miras","Sylvie Régnier","A. Trentesaux","Olivier Averbuch"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Comptes Rendus. Géoscience</i>, 2023, 355 (G1), pp.157-173. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.5802/crgeos.208⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Nicolas Tribovillard, Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles, François Guillot, François Baudin, Jean-François Deconinck, et al.. A sedimentological oxymoron: highly evolved glauconite of earliest diagenetic origin.. <i>Comptes Rendus. Géoscience</i>, 2023, 355 (G1), pp.157-173. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.5802/crgeos.208⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04090605⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A sedimentological oxymoron: highly evolved glauconite of earliest diagenetic origin."],
"authFullName_s":["Nicolas Tribovillard","Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles","François Guillot","François Baudin","Jean-François Deconinck","Romain Abraham","Sandra Ventalon"],
"citationRef_s":"Parc National de la Vanoise. 2022",
"citationFull_s":"François Guillot. Rapport de travaux de terrain suite à la DÉCISION NOMINATIVE N° 2022-9106331 portant autorisation de prélèvements de roches dans le coeur du Parc national de la Vanoise accordée à. Parc National de la Vanoise. 2022. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04274399⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Rapport de travaux de terrain suite à la DÉCISION NOMINATIVE N° 2022-9106331 portant autorisation de prélèvements de roches dans le coeur du Parc national de la Vanoise accordée à"],
"authFullName_s":["François Guillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Évolution de la chaîne varisque et ressources associées – Réunion spécialisée de la SGF</i>, Société géologique de France, Nov 2022, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"Christian Pin, Philippe Recourt, François Guillot, Axel Gerdes. Massifs Cristallins Externes et granite du Mendic, âges U-Pb sur zircon (LA-ICP-MS) anté-varisques et messiniens. <i>Évolution de la chaîne varisque et ressources associées – Réunion spécialisée de la SGF</i>, Société géologique de France, Nov 2022, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04264266⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Massifs Cristallins Externes et granite du Mendic, âges U-Pb sur zircon (LA-ICP-MS) anté-varisques et messiniens"],
"authFullName_s":["Christian Pin","Philippe Recourt","François Guillot","Axel Gerdes"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie</i>, ASF Association des Sédimentologistes Français, Sep 2022, Brest, France",
"citationFull_s":"Maïwenn Herlédan, Viviane Bout‑roumazeilles, François Guillot, Armelle Riboulleau, Marion Delattre, et al.. CARACTÉRISATION MINÉRALOGIQUE ET GÉOCHIMIQUE DE DÉPÔTS SÉDIMENTAIRES ACTUELS ET RÉCENTS SUR L’ARCHIPEL DE KERGUELEN – IMPLICATION SUR L’IMPACT DES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES RÉCENTS. <i>18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie</i>, ASF Association des Sédimentologistes Français, Sep 2022, Brest, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04467973⟩</a>",
"authFullName_s":["Maïwenn Herlédan","Viviane Bout‑roumazeilles","François Guillot","Armelle Riboulleau","Marion Delattre","Sandra Ventalon","Rafael Vandenhaute","Eric Armynot Du Châtelet"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie</i>, ASF Association des Sédimentologistes Français, Sep 2022, Brest, France",
"citationFull_s":"Nicolas Tribovillard, Viviane Bout‑roumazeilles, François Baudin, Francois Guillot, Cynthia Richard, et al.. LES ORIGINES CONTRASTÉES DE LA GLAUCONITE EN MILIEU MARIN PEU PROFOND METTENT EN VALEUR CE MINÉRAL EN TANT QUE MARQUEUR DES CONDITIONS PALÉOENVIRONNEMENTALES. <i>18ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie</i>, ASF Association des Sédimentologistes Français, Sep 2022, Brest, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04468061⟩</a>",
"authFullName_s":["Nicolas Tribovillard","Viviane Bout‑roumazeilles","François Baudin","Francois Guillot","Cynthia Richard","Sandra Ventalon","Romain Abraham","Marion Delattre"],
"citationRef_s":"Parc National de la Vanoise. 2021",
"citationFull_s":"François Guillot, Alexandre Guille, Sandra Ventalon. Rapport aux services du Parc National de la Vanoise Travail relatif à la décision nominative N° 2021-4962961 du 13 juillet 2021 par. Parc National de la Vanoise. 2021. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04274402⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Rapport aux services du Parc National de la Vanoise Travail relatif à la décision nominative N° 2021-4962961 du 13 juillet 2021 par"],
"authFullName_s":["François Guillot","Alexandre Guille","Sandra Ventalon"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France</i>, 2020, 191, pp.26. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1051/bsgf/2020027⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"François Guillot, Olivier Averbuch, Michel Dubois, Cyril Durand, Pierre Lanari, et al.. Zircon age of vaugnerite intrusives from the Central and Southern Vosges crystalline massif (E France): contribution to the geodynamics of the European Variscan belt. <i>Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France</i>, 2020, 191, pp.26. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1051/bsgf/2020027⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03177061⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Zircon age of vaugnerite intrusives from the Central and Southern Vosges crystalline massif (E France): contribution to the geodynamics of the European Variscan belt","Datation du zircon de vaugnérites des Vosges centrales et méridionales : contribution à la géodynamique de l’orogène varisque d’Europe"],
"authFullName_s":["François Guillot","Olivier Averbuch","Michel Dubois","Cyril Durand","Pierre Lanari","Arnaud Gauthier"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>PeerJ</i>, 2019, 7, pp.e6642. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.7717/peerj.6642⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Somin Lee, Eric Armynot Du Châtelet, Andrew Gooday, François Guillot, Philippe Recourt, et al.. The chemical composition of a new “mica sandwich” foraminiferal species from the East Coast of Korea: Capsammina crassa sp. nov.. <i>PeerJ</i>, 2019, 7, pp.e6642. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.7717/peerj.6642⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04252637⟩</a>",
"title_s":["The chemical composition of a new “mica sandwich” foraminiferal species from the East Coast of Korea: Capsammina crassa sp. nov."],
"authFullName_s":["Somin Lee","Eric Armynot Du Châtelet","Andrew Gooday","François Guillot","Philippe Recourt","Fabrizio Frontalini","Wonchoel Lee"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>26e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre</i>, Société géologique de France, Oct 2018, Lille, France",
"citationFull_s":"Eric Armynot Du Châtelet, Francois Guillot, Pierre Lanari, Monique Seyler, Christian Pin. Métapéridotite à zircon géant de l’Unité Inférieure des Gneiss près de Brioude, Massif Central. <i>26e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre</i>, Société géologique de France, Oct 2018, Lille, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04263936⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Métapéridotite à zircon géant de l’Unité Inférieure des Gneiss près de Brioude, Massif Central"],
"authFullName_s":["Eric Armynot Du Châtelet","Francois Guillot","Pierre Lanari","Monique Seyler","Christian Pin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre</i>, Société géologique de France, Oct 2018, Lille, France. pp.530",
"citationFull_s":"F. Guillot, Olivier Averbuch, Michel Dubois, Cyril Durand, Pierre Lanari, et al.. Vaugnérites des Vosges : datations U-Pb sur zircon par LA-ICP-MS et hypothèses génétiques. <i>26ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre</i>, Société géologique de France, Oct 2018, Lille, France. pp.530. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03247814⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Vaugnérites des Vosges : datations U-Pb sur zircon par LA-ICP-MS et hypothèses génétiques"],
"authFullName_s":["F. Guillot","Olivier Averbuch","Michel Dubois","Cyril Durand","Pierre Lanari","C. Delangle","Arnaud Gauthier"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>26e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre</i>, Société géologique de France, Oct 2018, Lille, France",
"citationFull_s":"Francois Guillot, Cyril Durand, Philippe Recourt, Christian Chopin, Pierre Lanari, et al.. Métasyénites à néphéline et jadéite associées aux Micaschistes Argentés du Grand Paradis. <i>26e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre</i>, Société géologique de France, Oct 2018, Lille, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04263960⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Métasyénites à néphéline et jadéite associées aux Micaschistes Argentés du Grand Paradis"],
"authFullName_s":["Francois Guillot","Cyril Durand","Philippe Recourt","Christian Chopin","Pierre Lanari","Xian-Hua Li"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Comptes Rendus. Géoscience</i>, 2017, 349 (8), pp.380-390. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.crte.2016.11.002⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Maxime Padel, José Javier Álvaro, Sébastien Clausen, François Guillot, Marc Poujol, et al.. U–Pb laser ablation ICP-MS zircon dating across the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition of the Montagne Noire, southern France. <i>Comptes Rendus. Géoscience</i>, 2017, 349 (8), pp.380-390. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.crte.2016.11.002⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨insu-01574690⟩</a>",
"title_s":["U–Pb laser ablation ICP-MS zircon dating across the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition of the Montagne Noire, southern France"],
"authFullName_s":["Maxime Padel","José Javier Álvaro","Sébastien Clausen","François Guillot","Marc Poujol","Martim Chichorro","Eric Monceret","M. Francisco Peirera","Daniel Vizcaïno"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Goldschmidt 2017</i>, European Association of Geochemistry and Geochemical Society., Aug 2017, Paris, France",
"citationFull_s":"C Chopin, F Guillot, P Lanari. Jadeite and nepheline in the Gran Paradiso Massif, W. Alps: stability vs. metastability in the high-pressure evolution of continental crust. <i>Goldschmidt 2017</i>, European Association of Geochemistry and Geochemical Society., Aug 2017, Paris, France. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04274393⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Jadeite and nepheline in the Gran Paradiso Massif, W. Alps: stability vs. metastability in the high-pressure evolution of continental crust"],
"authFullName_s":["C Chopin","F Guillot","P Lanari"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Marine and Petroleum Geology</i>, 2016, 72, pp.12-29. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.01.010⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"E. Hatem, Nicolas Tribovillard, Olivier Averbuch, Pierre Sansjofre, Thierry Adatte, et al.. Early diagenetic formation of carbonates in a clastic-dominated ramp environment impacted by synsedimentary faulting-induced fluid seepage – Evidence from the Late Jurassic Boulonnais Basin (N France). <i>Marine and Petroleum Geology</i>, 2016, 72, pp.12-29. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.01.010⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨insu-01459041⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Early diagenetic formation of carbonates in a clastic-dominated ramp environment impacted by synsedimentary faulting-induced fluid seepage – Evidence from the Late Jurassic Boulonnais Basin (N France)"],
"authFullName_s":["E. Hatem","Nicolas Tribovillard","Olivier Averbuch","Pierre Sansjofre","Thierry Adatte","Francois Guillot","M. Ader,","D. Vidier"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Rendiconti online della Societa Geologica Italiana</i>, 2015, 37, pp.20-23. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.3301/ROL.2015.166⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Christian Chopin, François Guillot, Maria Di Rosa. Jadeite in the Gran Paradiso massif: the high-pressure metamorphic evolution of upper continental crust. <i>Rendiconti online della Societa Geologica Italiana</i>, 2015, 37, pp.20-23. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.3301/ROL.2015.166⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04274378⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Jadeite in the Gran Paradiso massif: the high-pressure metamorphic evolution of upper continental crust"],
"authFullName_s":["Christian Chopin","François Guillot","Maria Di Rosa"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Marine and Petroleum Geology</i>, 2014, 55, pp.176-185. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.12.005⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"E. Hatem, N. Tribovillard, O. Averbuch, D. Vidier, P. Sansjofre, et al.. Oyster patch reefs as indicators of fossil hydrocarbon seeps induced by synsedimentary faults. <i>Marine and Petroleum Geology</i>, 2014, 55, pp.176-185. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.12.005⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨insu-01122481⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Oyster patch reefs as indicators of fossil hydrocarbon seeps induced by synsedimentary faults"],
"authFullName_s":["E. Hatem","N. Tribovillard","O. Averbuch","D. Vidier","P. Sansjofre","D. Birgel","F. Guillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Chemical Geology</i>, 2014, 389, pp.91 - 103. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.09.015⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"A Riboulleau, Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles, N Tribovillard, F Guillot, P Recourt. Testing provenance diagrams: Lessons from the well-constrained Cariaco Basin. <i>Chemical Geology</i>, 2014, 389, pp.91 - 103. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.09.015⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03280573⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Testing provenance diagrams: Lessons from the well-constrained Cariaco Basin"],
"authFullName_s":["A Riboulleau","Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles","N Tribovillard","F Guillot","P Recourt"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Micropaleontology</i>, 2014, 60 (1), pp.5-12",
"citationFull_s":"Eric Armynot Du Châtelet, Fabrizio Frontalini, Francois Guillot. A new methodological approach to evaluate the mass and volume distributions of grains in an agglutinated foraminiferal test. <i>Micropaleontology</i>, 2014, 60 (1), pp.5-12. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04425272⟩</a>",
"title_s":["A new methodological approach to evaluate the mass and volume distributions of grains in an agglutinated foraminiferal test"],
"authFullName_s":["Eric Armynot Du Châtelet","Fabrizio Frontalini","Francois Guillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Marine Geology</i>, 2013, 335, pp.114 - 128. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.margeo.2012.10.013⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Eric Armynot Du Châtelet, Viviane Bout‑roumazeilles, Rodolfo Coccioni, Fabrizio Frontalini, François Guillot, et al.. Environmental control on shell structure and composition of agglutinated foraminifera along a proximal–distal transect in the Marmara Sea. <i>Marine Geology</i>, 2013, 335, pp.114 - 128. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.margeo.2012.10.013⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-03280590⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Environmental control on shell structure and composition of agglutinated foraminifera along a proximal–distal transect in the Marmara Sea"],
"authFullName_s":["Eric Armynot Du Châtelet","Viviane Bout‑roumazeilles","Rodolfo Coccioni","Fabrizio Frontalini","François Guillot","Michael A Kaminski","Philippe Recourt","Armelle Riboulleau","Alain Trentesaux","Nicolas Tribovillard","Sandra Ventalon"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Lithos</i>, 2012, 153, pp.94-107. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.lithos.2012.04.010⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"François Guillot, Jean-Michel Bertrand, François Bussy, Pierre Lanari, Ludovic Cosma, et al.. Early Variscan I-type pluton in the pre-Alpine basement of the Western Alps: The ca. 360 Ma Cogne diorite (NW-Italy). <i>Lithos</i>, 2012, 153, pp.94-107. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1016/j.lithos.2012.04.010⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00784084⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Early Variscan I-type pluton in the pre-Alpine basement of the Western Alps: The ca. 360 Ma Cogne diorite (NW-Italy)"],
"authFullName_s":["François Guillot","Jean-Michel Bertrand","François Bussy","Pierre Lanari","Ludovic Cosma","Christian Pin"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen</i>, 2006, 85 (1), pp.15-29",
"citationFull_s":"J.M. Bertrand, Jean-Louis Paquette, F. Guillot. Permian zircon U-Pb ages in the Gran Paradiso massif: revisiting post-Variscan events in the Western Alps. <i>Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen</i>, 2006, 85 (1), pp.15-29. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00177470⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Permian zircon U-Pb ages in the Gran Paradiso massif: revisiting post-Variscan events in the Western Alps"],
"authFullName_s":["J.M. Bertrand","Jean-Louis Paquette","F. Guillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>Géologie de la France</i>, 2006, 1-2, pp.59-63",
"citationFull_s":"François Guillot, Stéphanie Lasalle, Jean-François Deconinck, Pierre Pellenard, Olivier Averbuch, et al.. Typologie du zircon des bentonites du Frasnien (carrière du Lion, Belgique) : utilité avant la datation U-Pb. <i>Géologie de la France</i>, 2006, 1-2, pp.59-63. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-00199800⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Typologie du zircon des bentonites du Frasnien (carrière du Lion, Belgique) : utilité avant la datation U-Pb"],
"authFullName_s":["François Guillot","Stéphanie Lasalle","Jean-François Deconinck","Pierre Pellenard","Olivier Averbuch","Jean-Louis Paquette","Alain Herbosch","Xavier Devleeschouwer"],
"citationRef_s":"Planète et Univers [physics]. Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1, 2005",
"citationFull_s":"François Guillot. Géochronologie des socles alpins internes, implications géodynamiques. Planète et Univers [physics]. Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1, 2005. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨tel-01670346⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Géochronologie des socles alpins internes, implications géodynamiques","Geochronology of Internal Basement Massifs of the Western Alps and geodynamic consequences"],
"authFullName_s":["François Guillot"],
"citationRef_s":"<i>International Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 2002, 91 (6), pp.964-978. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/s00531-002-0280-0⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"François Guillot, Urs Schaltegger, Jean-Michel Bertrand, Étienne Deloule, Thierry Baudin. Zircon U–Pb geochronology of Ordovician magmatism in the polycyclic Ruitor Massif (Internal W Alps). <i>International Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 2002, 91 (6), pp.964-978. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨10.1007/s00531-002-0280-0⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04122227⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Zircon U–Pb geochronology of Ordovician magmatism in the polycyclic Ruitor Massif (Internal W Alps)"],
"authFullName_s":["François Guillot","Urs Schaltegger","Jean-Michel Bertrand","Étienne Deloule","Thierry Baudin"],
"citationFull_s":"Jean-Paul Deroin, Georges Gand, François Guillot. Le Permien des Alpes septentrionales françaises. 1996. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨hal-04893959⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Le Permien des Alpes septentrionales françaises","Permian formations of Northern French Alps"],
"authFullName_s":["Jean-Paul Deroin","Georges Gand","François Guillot"],
"citationRef_s":"Géochimie. Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 1987. Français. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨NNT : ⟩</a>",
"citationFull_s":"Francois Guillot. Géologie de l'Antépermien de Vanoise septentrionale (zone briançonnaise interne, Savoie, France). Géochimie. Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 1987. Français. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨NNT : ⟩</a>. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨tel-00011367v2⟩</a>",
"title_s":["Géologie de l'Antépermien de Vanoise septentrionale (zone briançonnaise interne, Savoie, France)","Pre-Permian terranes in Northern Vanoise massif, internal Briançonnais zone, French Alps"],
"authFullName_s":["Francois Guillot"],
"citationRef_s":"Géologie appliquée. 1982",
"citationFull_s":"Francois Guillot. La vallée du Ponturin (Vanoise septentrionale, Alpes françaises). Géologie appliquée. 1982. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">⟨dumas-00768717⟩</a>",
"title_s":["La vallée du Ponturin (Vanoise septentrionale, Alpes françaises)"],
"authFullName_s":["Francois Guillot"],