




Francois Anquez

Maître de conférences CNU : SECTION 30 - MILIEUX DILUES ET OPTIQUE Laboratoire / équipe


Last pre-prints

Mathilde Brulé, Anaïs Horochowska, Emeline Fontaine, Raoul Torero-Ibad, Flavie Woesteland, Marie Denoulte, Jean Pesez, Eric Adriaenssens, Robert-Alain Toillon, Xuefen Le Bourhis, Benjamin Pfeuty, Chann Lagadec, François Anquez bioRxiv 2024.

Spatial self-organization of cancer stem cell niches revealed by live single-cell imaging

06.07.597918 doi:

Journal Articles

Denoulet, M., Brulé, M., Anquez, F., Vincent, A., Schnipper, J., Adriaenssens, E., ... & Lagadec, C. (2023). ABSP: an automated R tool to efficiently analyze region-specific CpG methylation from bisulfite sequencing PCR. Bioinformatics39(1), btad008.

Hurbain, J., Thommen, Q., Anquez, F., & Pfeuty, B. (2022). Quantitative modeling of pentose phosphate pathway response to oxidative stress reveals a cooperative regulatory strategy. Iscience25(8).

Guilbert, M., Anquez, F., Pruvost, A., Thommen, Q., & Courtade, E. (2020). Protein level variability determines phenotypic heterogeneity in proteotoxic stress response. The FEBS Journal287(24), 5345-5361.

Ladjimi, M. T., Labavić, D., Guilbert, M., Anquez, F., Pruvost, A., Courtade, E., ... & Thommen, Q. (2019). Dynamical thermal dose models and dose time-profile effects. International Journal of Hyperthermia36(1), 720-728.

Bidan, N., Bailleul‐Dubois, J., Duval, J., Winter, M., Denoulet, M., Hannebicque, K., ... & Lagadec, C. (2019). Transcriptomic analysis of breast cancer stem cells and development of a pALDH1A1: mNeptune reporter system for live tracking. Proteomics19(21-22), 1800454.

Solari, J., Anquez, F., Scherer, K. M., & Shimizu, T. S. (2018). Bacterial Chemoreceptor Imaging at High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Photoconvertible Fluorescent Proteins. Bacterial Chemosensing: Methods and Protocols, 203-231.

Keegstra, J. M., Kamino, K., Anquez, F., Lazova, M. D., Emonet, T., & Shimizu, T. S. (2017). Phenotypic diversity and temporal variability in a bacterial signaling network revealed by single-cell FRET. Elife6, e27455.

Sivery, A., Barras, A., Boukherroub, R., Pierlot, C., Aubry, J. M., Anquez, F., & Courtade, E. (2014). Production rate and reactivity of singlet oxygen 1O2 (1Δg) directly photoactivated at 1270 nm in lipid nanocapsules dispersed in water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C118(5), 2885-2893.

Anquez, F., Belkoura, I. E. Y., Suret, P., Randoux, S., & Courtade, E. (2012). Cell death induced by direct laser activation of singlet oxygen at 1270 nm. Laser Physics23(2), 025601.

Sivery, A., Anquez, F., Pierlot, C., Aubry, J. M., & Courtade, E. (2013). Singlet oxygen (1O2) generation upon 1270 nm laser irradiation of ground state oxygen (3O2) dissolved in organic solvents: Simultaneous and independent determination of 1O2 production rate and reactivity with chemical traps. Chemical Physics Letters555, 252-257.

Anquez, F., El Yazidi‐Belkoura, I., Randoux, S., Suret, P., & Courtade, E. (2012). Cancerous cell death from sensitizer free photoactivation of singlet oxygen. Photochemistry and photobiology88(1), 167-174.

Anquez, F., Courtade, E., Sivéry, A., Suret, P., & Randoux, S. (2010). A high-power tunable Raman fiber ring laser for the investigation of singlet oxygen production from direct laser excitation around 1270 nm. Optics Express18(22), 22928-22936.

Randoux, S., Beck, G., Anquez, F., Mélin, G., Bigot, L., Douay, M., & Suret, P. (2009). Grating-Free and Bragg-Grating-Based Raman Lasers Made With Highly Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fibers. Journal of lightwave technology27(11), 1580-1589.