Nucleosomes in the chromatin

Radiation environment on Mars surface

DNA damage and repair

DNA aptamers to detect cancer cells

A new review paper on Quantum Thermodynamics !

Just appeared in Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology:

Quantum Computers, Quantum Computing and Quantum Thermodynamics [F. Cleri, Frontiers Quantum Sci. Techn. 3 (2024)]

The big paper on 3-nucleosomes is out!

Just appeared in Journal of Molecular Biology:

Nucleosome Array Deformation in Chromatin is Sustained by Bending, Twisting and Kinking of Linker DNA, F. Cleri, S. Giordano, R. Blossey (J. Mol. Biol. 435, 128263 (2023))

Latest papers on statistical mechanics !

Our team has just published three-new-papers on very special stat-mech themes:

Short-time expansion of one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equations with heterogeneous diffusion, T. Dupont, S. Giordano, F. Cleri & R Blossey (Phys. Rev. E 109, 064106, 2024)

On the one-dimensional transition state theory and the relation between statistical and deterministic oscillation frequencies of anharmonic energy wells, S. Giordano, F. Cleri & R Blossey (Ann. der Phys. 535, 00294, 2023)

Infinite ergodicity in generalized geometric Brownian motions with nonlinear driftS. Giordano, F. Cleri & R Blossey (Phys. Rev. E 107, 044111, 2023)

New PhD student

Congratulations to Safwen Ghediri, new PhD student who joined our group in June, to work on the ANR project DYPROSOME!

Detection of cancer cells: two new papers on biosensors & bioelectronics

New paper appeared in eLife, March 2022

Check out our last paper just published in eLife, last part of M. Tomezak's PhD:

The out-of-field dose in radiation therapy induces delayed tumorigenesis by senescence evasion

Welcome our new PhD student Parvathy!

Congratulations to Parvathy Sarma who joined our group February 2022 to work on the SENEXIMEX project, on radiation-induced cell senescence! Welcome Parvathy, we wish you a productive PhD work!


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