C. Leroy, S. Spelier, N.C. Essonghe, V. Poix, R. Kong, P. Gizzi, C. Bourban, S. Amand, C. Bailly, R. Guilbert, D. Hannebique, P. Persoons, G. Arhant, A. Prévotat, P. Reix, D. Hubert, M. Gérardin, M. Chamaillard, N. Prevarskaya, S. Rebuffat, G. Shapovalov, J. Beekman and F. Lejeune. (2023). Use of 2,6-diaminopurine as a potent suppressor of UGA premature stop codons in cystic fibrosis. Molecular Therapy  (IF: 12.91)

F. Lejeune. (2022). Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay, a Finely Regulated Mechanism. Biomedecines 10(1): 141 (IF: 6.0)

M. Palma, C. Leroy, S. Salomé-Desnoulez, E. Werkmeister, R. Kong, M. Mongy, H. Le Hir and F. Lejeune. (2021). A role for AKT1 in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Nucleic Acid Research 49(19):11022-11037 (IF: 16.97)

M. Palma and F. Lejeune. (2021). Deciphering the molecular mechanism of stop codon readthrough. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc: doi: 10.1111/brv.12657 (IF: 12.82)

C. Trzaska, S. Amand, C. Bailly. C. Leroy, V. Marchand, E. Duvernois-Berthet, JM. Saliou, H. Benhabiles, E. Werkmeister, T. Chassat, R. Guilbert, D. Hannebique, A. Mouray, MC. Copin, PA. Moreau, E. Adriaenssens, A. Kulozik, E. Westhof, D. Tulasne, Y. Motorin, S. Rebuffat and F. Lejeune. (2020). 2,6-Diaminopurine as a highly potent corrector of UGA nonsense mutations. Nature Com. 11(1):1509. (IF: 14.919)

A. Bokhari, V. Jonchere, A. Lagrange, R. Bertrand, M. Svrcek, L. Marisa, O. Buhard, M. Greene, A. Demidova, J. Jia, E. Adriaenssens, T. Chassat, D.S. Biard, J.F. Flejou, F. Lejeune, A. Duval, A. Collura (2018). Targeting nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in colorectal cancers with microsatellite instability. Oncogenesis 7:70. (IF : 5.9)

H. Benhabiles, S. Gonzalez-Hilarion, S. Amand, C. Bailly, A. Prévotat, P. Reix, D. Hubert, E. Adriaenssens, S. Rebuffat, D. Tulasne and F. Lejeune. (2017). Optimized approach for the identification of highly efficient correctors of nonsense mutations in human diseases. Plos One 12: e0187930. (IF: 2.7)

F. Lejeune. Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay at the crossroads of many cellular pathways. (2017). BMB Rep. 50:175-185.  Invited Review (IF: 3.1)

J. Jia, S. Gonzalez-Hilarion, E. Werkmeister, F. Lafont, D.C. Grunert, D. Tulasne and F. Lejeune. (2017). PTC readthrough in human cells occurs in novel cytoplasmic foci and requires UPF proteins. J. Cell Sci. 130:3009-3022. (IF: 4.5)

F. Lejeune. (2016). Triple effect of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay inhibition as a therapeutic approach for cancer. Single Cell Biology. 5:136. Invited Review

H. Benhabiles, J. Jia and F. Lejeune. (2016). Nonsense mutation correction in human diseases, an approach for targeted medicine. Ed. Elsevier Book: 1-192.

J. Jia, A. Furlan, S. Gonzalez-Hilarion, C. Leroy, D.C. Gruenert, D. Tulasne and F. Lejeune. (2015). Caspases shut down nonsense-mediated mRNA decay during apoptosis. Cell Death and Differentiation. 22:1754-1763. (IF: 10.7)

S. Gonzalez-Hilarion, T. Beghyn, N. Debreuck, K. Mamchaoui, V. Mouly, D.C. Gruenert, B. Deprez and F. Lejeune. (2012). Rescue of nonsense mutations by amlexanox in human cells. Orphanet Journal of rare Diseases 7:58. (IF: 5.7)

S. Apcher, C. Daskalogianni, F. Lejeune, B. Manoury, G. Imhoos, L. Heslop and R. Fahraeus (2011). Major source of antigenic peptides for the MHC class I pathway is produced during the pioneer round of mRNA translation. PNAS 108:11572-11577. (IF: 10.7)

N. Dreumont, C.F. Bourgeois, F. Lejeune, Y. Liu, D.J. Elliot and J. Stévenin (2010). Human RBMY regulates germline-specific splicing events by modulation the function of serine-arginine rich proteins 9G8 and Tra2beta. J. Cell Sci. 123:40-50. (IF: 4.5)

S. Durand, N. Cougot, F. Mahuteau-Betzer, CH. Nguyens, D. Grierson, E. Bertrand, J. Tazi, F. Lejeune (2007). Inhibition of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) by a new chemical molecule reveals the dynamic of NMD factors in P-bodies. J Cell Biol. 178:1145-1160. (IF: 8.8)

N. Hosoda, F. Lejeune, L.E. Maquat (2006). Evidence that poly(A) binding protein C1 binds nuclear pre-mRNA poly(A) tails. Mol Cell Biol. 26:3085-3097.

N. Hosoda, Y.K. Kim, F. Lejeune, L.E. Maquat (2005). CBP80 promotes interaction of Upf1 with Upf2 during nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in mammalian cells. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 12:893-901.

F. Lejeune and L.E. Maquat (2005). Mechanistic Links between Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay and Pre-mRNA Splicing in Mammalian Cells. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 17:309-315.

F. Lejeune, A.C. Ranganathan and L.E. Maquat. (2004). eIF4G is required for the pioneer round of translation in mammalian cells. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 11:992-1000.

C.F. Bourgeois, F. Lejeune and J. Stévenin. (2004). Broad Specificity of SR (Serine/Arginine) Proteins in the Regulation of Alternative Splicing of Pre-Messenger RNA. Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol. 78:37-88.

K.M. Brumbaugh, D. M. Otterness, C. Geisen, V. Oliveira, J. Brognard, X. Li, F. Lejeune, R.S. Tibbetts, L.E. Maquat and R.T. Abraham. (2004). The mRNA surveillance protein hSMG-1 functions in genotoxic stress response pathways in mammalian cells. Molecular cell. 14:585-598.

S-Y. Chiu, F. Lejeune, A.C. Ranganathan and L.E. Maquat. (2004). The pioneer translation initiation complex is functionally distinct from but structurally overlaps with the steady-state translation initiation complex. Genes and Dev. 18:745-754.

F. Lejeune and L.E. Maquat. (2004). Immunopurification and Analysis of Protein and RNA Components of mRNP in Mammalian Cells. In, method in molecular biology, mRNA metabolism and processing: Methods and Protocols. Ed. Daniel R. Schoenberg. The Humana Press Inc., Totowa, New Jersey. 257:115-124.

F. Lejeune, X. Li and L.E. Maquat. (2003). Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay occurs 5'-to-3' and 3'-to-5' in mammalian cells. Molecular Cell 12:675-687.

D. Galiana-Arnoud, F. Lejeune, M.C. Gesnel, J. Stévenin, R. Breathnach and F. Del Gatto-Konczak. (2003). The CD44 alternative v9 exon contains a splicing enhancer responsive to the SR proteins 9G8, ASF/SF2, and SRp20. J Biol Chem. 278:32943-32953.

F. Lejeune and L.E. Maquat. (2003). RNA Processing and Human Disorders, Encyclopedia of the Human Genome, Nature Publishing Group.

F. Lejeune, Y. Ishigaki, X. Li and L.E. Maquat. (2002). The exon-exon junction complex is detected on CBP80-bound but not eIF4E-bound mRNA in mammalian cells: Dynamics of mRNP remodeling. EMBO J. 21:3536-3545.

* C. Le Guiner, * F. Lejeune, D. Galiana, L. Kister, R. Breathnach, J. Stévenin and F. Del Gatto-Konczak. (2001). TIA-1 and TIAR activate splicing of alternative exons with weak 5' splice sites followed by a U-rich stretch on their own pre-mRNAs. J Biol Chem. 276:40638-40646. (*These authors equally contributed to the work)

M. Brand, J.G. Moggs, M. Oulad-Abdelghani, F. Lejeune, F.J. Dilworth, J. Stévenin, G. Almouzni and L. Tora. (2001). UV-damaged DNA binding protein in the TFTC complex links DNA damage recognition to nucleosome acetylation. EMBO J. 20:3187-3196.

F. Lejeune, Y. Cavaloc and J. Stévenin. (2001). Alternative splicing of intron 3 of the SR protein         9G8 gene: identification of flanking exonic splicing enhancers and involvement of 9G8 as a trans-acting factor. J. Biol. Chem. 276:7850-7858.