




Fabrice Defever

Professeure des universités CNU : SECTION 05 - SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES Laboratoire / équipe


Articles in Academic Journals

Trade liberalization, Trade Intermediaries and Firm Productivity: Evidence from China  

with Michele Imbruno and Richard Kneller, Journal of Intenrational Economics, 2020, Vol 126, 103329 [PDF]


All These Worlds Are Yours, Except India: The Effectiveness of Export Subsidies in Nepal

with José-Daniel Reyes, Alejandro Riaño, Gonzalo VarelaEuropean Economic Review, 2020, Volume 128, 103494 [PDF]


Special Economic Zones and WTO Compliance: Evidence from the Dominican Republic

with José-Daniel ReyesAlejandro Riaño and Miguel Eduardo Sánchez Martín, Economica, 2019, Vol 86, Issue 343 p. 532-568 [PDF]

Subsidies with Export Share Requirements in Chinawith Alejandro Riaño
Journal of Development Economics, 2017, Vol 126, p. 33-51  [PDF]
Relational Contracts and Supplier Turnover in the Global Economywith Christian Fischer and Jens Südekum
Journal of International Economics, 2016, Vol 103, p. 147-165.  [PDF]
Gone for Good? Subsidies with Export Share Requirements in China: 2002-2013with Alejandro Riaño
World Bank Economic Review: Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2015, Issue 2, p. S125-S144.  [PDF]
Spatial Exporters, with Benedikt Heid and Mario Larch
Journal of International Economics
2015, Vol 95, Issue 1, p. 145-156.  [PDF]
Financial Liberalization and the Relationship-Specificity of Exports, with Jens Südekum
Economics Letters
2014, Volume 122, Issue 3, p. 375-379 [PDF]
Productivity, Relationship-Specific Inputs and the Sourcing Modes of Multinationals, with Farid Toubal
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization2013, Vol 94, p. 245-357 
The Spatial Organization of Multinational Firms,
Canadian Journal of Economics
2012, Vol 45, N° 2. [PDF]
Functional Fragmentation and the Location of Multinational Firms in the Enlarged Europe,
Regional Science and Urban Economics
2006, vol 36, N°5, pp. 658-677
Chapters in Books
China’s Dual Export Sector, with Alejandro Riaño, in B Zissimos (eds), WTO and Economic Development, 2019, MIT Press. [PDF]
Supplier Search and Re-matching in Global Sourcing, with Christian Fischer and Jens Suedekum, in W Kohler and E Yalcin (eds), New Developments in Global Sourcing, 2018, MIT Press. [PDF]
Is it strategic to attract the service activities of multinational firms? Some empirical evidence, in S Brakman and H Garretsen (eds), Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise, 2008, MIT Press. [PDF]