Simon Bliudze
As a part-time assistant professor, I contribute about 80 hours of exercise session a year at the Computer Science department of École Polytechnique. For each of the two courses I am involved with, I am responsible for two groups. Among other tasks, I am responsible for the preparation of two exercise sessions.
INF411 — Foundations of Programming and Algorithmics
Introduction to data structures, algorithms and analysis of algorithms, improvement in Java programming. The course focuses on data structures (graphs, lists, stacks, queues, trees), algorithms, and a minimum of complexity theory. This course is also an opportunity to improve students skills in Java.
INF442 — Algorithms for data analysis in C++
The goal pursued by this course is twofold: first, to get the students acquainted with some of the standard techniques in data analysis and machine learning; second, to acquire some expertise in C/C++ programming, so that the students can then adapt existing low-level implementations to their needs.