
  • “The yellow vests roundabout, seen through the lens of household budgets”, Socio-economic Review, 2021
  • (avec E. Walker) “Shedding light on the Yellow Vests movement through its spatial dimension, from the gathering places to the origins of the participants”, French Politics (under press)
  • (avec A. Perdoncin) “Immigrant employment trajectories in France, 1968-2008: a sociohistorical approach”, Population, 2020
  • “Les réaménagements de la consommation en contexte de récession”, Revue française de sociologie, 2018/1
  • “To what extent did the Great Recession increase income inequalities ? The Spanish case”, Economic Sociology: the European electronic newsletter, 2017
  • (with Frédéric Lebaron) "Classes et nations : quelle articulation à l'échelle européenne ?", Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, n°119, 2017
  • (with S. Baciocchi, L. Beauguitte, N. Lambert) “Documenting the Diffusion of the 2016 French Nuit Debout”, Research Data Journal, 4:1-10, 2019.