CALIPSO 2024, June 04–06, 2024 (Saint Malo, France)
Oral: The aerosol-ice cloud radiative forcing quantified from lidar-radar observations

ACPC 2024, May 20–22, 2024 (London, UK)
Poster: Aerosol - Ice Cloud interactions Quantified from Reanalysis and Lidar-Radar Observations

EGU General Assembly, Apr. 15–19, 2024 (Vienna, Austria)
Poster: Investigating the Cirrus Origin from Global Observations and Reanalysis Data

Chalmers Seminars, March 26, 2024 (Göteborg, Sweden)
Invited Talk: My research achievements and future plans in the area of global observations of atmospheric water

ANR Kickoff Day, Feb. 08, 2024 (Online)
Oral: GLACIATE: ModellinG-SateLlite-Aircraft approaCh for cIrrus Advanced characTErisation


Sathyabama International Webinars, Oct. 6, 2023 (Online)
Invited Talk: Characterising ice clouds from satellite observations

ETH Zürich Exceptional Seminars, Sept. 15, 2023 (Zürich, Switzerland)
Invited Talk: Exploring ice cloud properties, origins and radiative effects from satellite lidar-radar observations

Workshop "Clouds Containing Ice Particles", July 24–26, 2023 (Mainz, Germany)
Invited Talk: Understanding ice clouds from satellite observations
Video recording

IUGG General Assembly, July 11–20, 2023 (Berlin, Germany)
Invited Talk: Satellite assessment of the impact of aerosols on ice clouds properties and radiative effects

Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosols and Clouds, May 22–25, 2023 (Lille, France)
Oral: Satellite retrievals of the ice crystal number concentration: a challenging step towards better quantifying aerosol-cloud interactions

EGU General Assembly, Apr. 23–28, 2023 (Vienna, Austria)
Poster: Sensitivity of Satellite Lidar-Radar Nice Retrievals to PSD Assumptions: New parameterisation and DARDAR-Nice v2


IITM Lectures on Cloud Physics, Nov. 10, 2022 (Online)
Invited Talk: Investigating the cloud particle number concentration from satellite observations
Video recording

FZJ Seminars, Nov. 9, 2022 (Jülich, Germany)
Invited Talk: Investigating the cloud particle number concentration from satellite observations

International Space Science Institute, Aug. 23–26, 2022 (Bern, Switzerland)
Invited Talk: Cloud Particle Number Concentration State of the art and future of satellite products

EGU General Assembly, May 23–27, 2022 (Vienna, Austria)
Oral: Assessment of ice cloud - aerosol interactions from satellite observations


Petit déj du CNRS, Nov. 30, 2021 (Lille, France)
Oral: L’apport des observations satellites pour l’ ́etude des nuages et du climat

International Conference for Clouds and Precipitations, July 2–6, 2021 (Online)
Oral: Satellite-based estimate of the climate forcing due to aerosol - ice cloud interactions

ANR Kickoff Day, Jan. 16, 2021 (Online)
Oral: CDNC4ACI: Cloud Droplet Number Concentration – satellite retrievals Advanced by Atmospheric models for Assessing Aerosol-Cloud Interactions


ATM “Effective radiative forcing due to aerosol-cloud interactions”, June 11, 2020 (Online)
Invited Talk: Satellite Remote Sensing of Nd and Ni

EGU General Assembly, May 4–8, 2020 (Online)
Oral: Satellite-based estimate of the climate forcing due to aerosol - ice cloud interactions


Workshop on Forward Operators, June 24–25, 2019 (Hamburg, Germany)
Oral: CRM and SRM as test-beds for (passive) retrieval algorithms developments

Sentinel-3 Validation Team meeting, May 7–9, 2019 (Frascati, Italy)
Poster: Multi-layer liquid-ice cloud products for Sentinel 3: Capabilities and preliminary results on LES scenes

EGU General Assembly, Apr. 7–12, 2019 (Vienna, Austria)
Invited Talk: Ice crystal number concentration from satellite lidar-radar observations

FKZ seminars, Mar. 6, 2019 (Jülich, Germany)
Invited Talk: Ice crystal number concentration from satellite lidar-radar observations

MetOffice seminars, Feb. 6, 2019 (Exeter, UK)
Invited Talk: Ice crystal number concentration from satellite lidar-radar observations

Understanding Cloud and Precipitation, Feb. 28–Mar. 1, 2019 (Berlin, Germany)
Poster: Ice crystal number concentration from satellite observations

EECLAT, Jan. 21–23, 2019 (Fréjus, France)
Oral: The DARDAR-Nice product


ATM workshop ”Ice crystal number concentration”, Sept. 20, 2018 (Leipzig, Germany)
Invited Talk: Satellite remote sensing of ice microphysics: Ice crystal number concentration

AMS conference, July 9–13, 2018 (Vancouver, Canada)
Poster: Detectability of fast cloud adjustments in large-scale high-resolution simulations

ESA EarthCare science workshop, June 11–15, 2018 (Bonn, Germany)
Poster: German Initiative for Validation of EarthCARE: Model-supported validation studies

EGU General Assembly, Apr. 9–13, 2018 (Vienna, Austria)
Poster: Assessment of global ice crystal number concentration estimates from lidar-radar satellite remote sensing

GIVE-EECLAT joint workshop, Jan. 28–30, 2018 (Colmar, France)
Oral: Calibration of new cloud retrievals for EarthCare using high-resolution simulations


Climate Change Initiative: User Workshop, Nov. 15–16, 2017 (Hamburg, Germany)
Oral: Brief summary on the outcomes of the CDNC workshop

AGU-JpGU General Assembly, May 20–25, 2017 (Tokyo, Japan)
Poster: Horizontal heterogeneity effects on cirrus optical properties retrieved from MODIS VNIR and TIR channels as a function of the spatial resolution

AGU-JpGU General Assembly, May 20–25, 2017 (Tokyo, Japan)
Oral: Estimation of the ice crystal number concentration from CALIPSO/CloudSat observations

A-Train Symposium, Apr. 19–21, 2017 (Pasadena, USA)
Oral: Estimation of the ice crystal number concentration from CALIPSO/CloudSat observations

Aerosols-clouds-precipitation and climate, Apr. 2–6, 2017 (Bad Honnef, Germany)
Poster: Ice crystal number concentration estimates from lidar-radar satellite remote sensing

HALO Symposium, Mar. 13–14, 2017 (Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany)
Poster: Ice crystal number concentration estimates from satellite lidar-radar remote sensing


ATM workshop ”Satellite retrieval of Nd”, Oct. 19, 2016 (Leipzig, Germany)
Invited Talk: Satellite remote sensing - Ideas on improving current retrievals

International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, July 25–29, 2016 (Manchester, UK)
Poster: Estimation of the ice crystal number concentration from satellite

International Cloud Working Group, May 17–20, 2016 (Lille, France)
Poster: Assessment of the single-layer approximation in A-Train integrated cloud products through several years of multi-layer retrievals

International Radiation Symposium, Apr. 16–22, 2016 (Auckland, New Zealand)
Oral: Assessment of the single-layer approximation in A-Train integrated cloud products through several years of multi-layer retrievals

International Radiation Symposium, Apr. 16–22, 2016 (Auckland, New Zealand)
Poster: Several years of simultaneous retrievals of ice and liquid cloud integrated properties from the ML methodology

Understanding Clouds and Precipitation, Feb. 14–19, 2016 (Berlin, Germany)
Poster: Preliminary results of satellite retrievals of the ice crystal number concentration


EUMETSAT conference, Sept. 21–25, 2015 (Toulouse, France)
Oral: A methodology for simultaneous multi-layer retrievals of ice and liquid water cloud properties

Electromagnetic and Light Scattering conference XV, June 22–26, 2015 (Leipzig, Germany)
Poster: New Methodology for Simultaneous Multi-layer Retrievals of Ice and Liquid Water Cloud Properties

TRATTORIA, Mar. 23–27, 2015 (Lille, France)
Poster: A Methodology for Simultaneous Retrieval of Ice and Liquid Water Cloud Properties


AGU General Meeting, Dec. 15–19, 2014 (San Francisco, USA)
Poster: New Methodology for Simultaneous Multi-layer Retrievals of Ice and Liquid Water Cloud Properties

Cloud Retrieval Evaluation Workshop 4, Mar. 4–7, 2014 (Grainau, Germany)
Oral: A Methodology for Simultaneous Retrieval of Ice and Liquid Water Cloud Properties


Electromagnetic and Light Scattering conference XIV, June 17–27, 2013 (Lille, France)
Poster: A Variational Approach for the Retrievals of Ice and Liquid Water Cloud Properties from Passive Measurements


International Radiation Symposium, Aug. 6–10, 2012 (Berlin, Germany)
Oral: Simultaneous multi-layer retrievals of ice and liquid water cloud properties using passive measurements


AGU General Assembly, Dec. 5–9, 2011 (San Francisco, USA)
Poster: Validation of Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR) onboard CALIPSO during the CIRCLE-2 and BISCAY-08 campaigns: Remote sensing approach


A-Train Symposium, Oct. 25–28, 2010 (New Orleans, USA)
Poster: Validation of Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR) onboard CALIPSO during the CIRCLE-2 and VALIDATION-CALIPSO campaigns

RAQRS’III, Sept. 27–29, 2010 (Torrent, Spain)
Poster: Validation of Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR) onboard CALIPSO during the CIRCLE-2 and VALIDATION-CALIPSO campaigns

EGU General Assembly, May 2–7, 2010 (Vienna, Austria)
Poster: Validation of CALIPSO Infrared Imaging Radiometer (IIR) during the CIRrus CLoud Experiment (CIRCLE-2) campaign