
The software Thermo NO-LIF has been developed to determine the temperature from a NO-LIF excitation spectrum. It is available in a Matlab Runtime R2019a (v9.6) to be separately downloaded here.

The software Thermo-NOLIF is provided « as is » and ULille makes no representation, warranty or guaranty of any kind or nature regarding the accuracy, completeness, correctness, reliability or fitness for a particular purpose of the software Thermo-NOLIF.

ULille could not be hold responsible for financial, commercial or any other damage caused directly or indirectly by the use of the software Thermo-NOLIF.

Downloading the software here in zip. Note that to run the software once settled on your computer, it might be necessary to "run as administrator" by right-clicking on the executable file.

Authors: Kae Ken FOO, Nathalie Lamoureux, Pascale Desgroux

contact: Nathalie LAMOUREUX, Pascale DESGROUX

Kinetic modeling

NO formation at low pressure

Modelling of NO formation in low pressure flames by Lamoureux N., El Merhubi H., Pillier L., de Persis S., Desgroux D., Combust. Flame 163 (2016)557-575,

zip to download

NO formation at high pressure

Stéphanie de Persis, Laure Pillier, Mahmoud Idir, Julien Molet, Nathalie Lamoureux, et al.. NO formation in high pressure premixed flames: Experimental results and validation of a new revised reaction mechanism. Fuel, Elsevier, 2020, 260, pp.116331. ⟨10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116331⟩

zip to download