Natalia Grabar completed her thesis at the University of Nantes in France.
Her speciality is Automatic Language Processing applied to specialist languages (medicine, biology, telecommunications, electricity).

She spent a year with a Health on the Net NGO in Geneva, Switzerland. Then, for three years, she held the position of AHU (Assistant Hospitalo-Universitaire) at the Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou and in a medical informatics unit at Inserm.

Natalia is currently a class 1 research fellow at CNRS.
She is affiliated with UMR 8163 STL in Lille.

Her research focuses on the creation and use of terminologies; information retrieval and extraction; document typology; and the quality and reliability of health information.

Natalia has supervised internships and Master's theses (38 in all).

CLEAR - Simple Corpus for Medical French


PROJET ANR 2018-2024

Source work : Natalia Grabar

ATA 2018 (ENLG workshop on Automatic Text Adaptation)
8 November 2018, Tilburg, The Netherlands
See pdf

See project page