




Fabien D'Hondt

Schools and divisions Research topics Affective and cognitive neuroscience Keywords Affective Sciences, Emotional Processes, Social Cognition, Mental Health, Post-Traumatic Stress, Addiction, Attentional Biases, Affective Forecasting



Fabien D'Hondt has been an Lecturer - Associate Professor (qualified to direct doctoral research) at the University of Lille since 2016. He teaches in the Department of Psychiatry and Addictology at the Faculty of Medicine within UFR3S. Within this teaching team, he is specifically responsible for courses in cognitive and affective neuroscience.

He co-leads the Interactions team with Maxime Bertoux at the Lille Neuroscience & Cognition center (U1172, Univ. Lille, Inserm, CHU de Lille). His research focuses on studying emotional and interpersonal processes and their alterations in mental health disorders.

Since 2019, Fabien D'Hondt has also served as the Head of Research at the National Center for Resources and Resilience (Cn2r), the reference center in France specializing in information, training, and research on post-traumatic mental disorders.