Esben Ravn Andresen
Our research projects on "Multi-modal photonics"
We study and implement specialty optical fibers, more specifically multi-mode or multi-core optical fibers. These fibers are realized in our labs, at the technology central FiberTechLille.
Our research deals with numerous subject under the umbrella term "Multi-modal photonics":
Research axis Fiber optic endoscopes:
Géraud Bouwmans - Professor, Univ. Lille.
Olivier Vanvincq - Associate Professor, Univ. Lille.
Siddharth Sivankutty - Junior Researcher, Univ. Lille.
Hervé Rigneault - Senior Researcher, Institut Fresnel, Marseille.
Rosa Cossart - Senior Researcher, INMED, Marseille.
Viktor Tsvirkun - Postdoc, Institut Fresnel, Marseille.
Fatima El Moussawi - PhD student, Univ. Lille.
Naveen Gajendra Kumar - PhD student, Institut Fresnel, Marseille.
Matthias Hofer - Postdoc, Institut Fresnel, Marseille.
Research axis Modal multiplexing for high-speed fiber optical telecommunications:
Laurent Bigot - Senior Researcher, Univ. Lille.
Jean Yammine - PhD student, Univ. Lille.
Alex Chedid - PhD student, Univ. Lille.
Maroun Bsaibes - PhD student, Univ. Lille.
Research axis Advanced THz photonics for high speed wireless communications:
Guillaume Ducorneau - Professor, IEMN, Lille.
Davy Gaillot - Associate Professor, IEMN, Lille.
Alfred Sawadogo - PhD student, Univ. Lille.
Available Positions
Research engineer in fabrication of optical fibers M/F
"Caractérisation d'un multiplexeur modal" / "Characterization of a modal multiplexer"
Latest News
13 July 2022: Websit dedicated to the project ANR "NAIMA"
The website of the project ANR "NAIMA" is now on-line:
13 July 2022 : Paper accepted in ACS Photonics!
"Tapered Multicore Fiber for Lensless Endoscopes" by principal authors Fatima El Moussawi (PhD student, PhLAM) et Matthias Hofer (postdoc, Fresnel). A result from the project ANR NAIMA and situated in the Ultra-miniaturized Endoscopes research axis.
06 May 2022 : Participation in a Roadmap!
Esben Ravn Andresen and his collaborators in the Axis "Ultra-miniaturized Endoscopes" have contributed to a new roadmap "Roadmap on wavefront shaping in complex media" which will appear in J. Phys. Photon. A pre-print is available on arXiv:
01 May 2022 : Loïck Ranodjal joins the group!
Loïck Ranodjal will do his Master 1 internship entitled "Tapered few-mode fibers" in the group!.
Welcome Loïck!
01 May 2022 : Dylan Queva joins the group!
Dylan Queva will do his Master 1 internship entitled "Multi-pass acousto-optic deflector" in the group!
Welcome Dylan!
08 Apr 2022 : New arXiv pre-print available!
By lead authors Fatima El Moussawi (PhD student, PhLAM) and Matthias Hofer (postdoc, Fresnel). A result of the ANR NAIMA project.
01 Feb 2022 : Siddharth Sivankutty has joined the group!
Siddharth Sivankutty has been recruited as CNRS researcher. He will conduct his research on optical neuromorphic networks.
Welcome Siddharth!
Old Latest news
HDR defense, Esben Ravn ANDRESEN
Esben Ravn ANDRESEN defended his accreditation to supervise research (HDR, habilitation à diriger des recherches) entitled
"Miniaturized endoscopes with specialty multi-core fiber"
on Monday 7 September 2020 at 10h
In the auditorium of the IRCICA building, Parc de la Haute Borne
before the jury composed of:
Emmanuel Bossy, InPhy Grenoble;
Serge Monneret, Institut Fresnel, Marseille;
Peter E. Andersen, DTU Health, Lyngby, Danemark;
Alexandre Kudlinski, PhLAM, Univ. Lille;
Laurent Bigot, PhLaM, Univ. Lille.
The dissertation is now available on the following link:
Thesis defense - and transition to postdoc
Our (now former) PhD student Jean YAMMINE has defended his PhD thesis entitled "Characterisation of modal content and amplification in few-mode optical fibers"
Congratulations Jean!
Jean will stay with us for another 6 months on a postdoc contract working on advanced transmission matrix measurement on multi-mode fibers.
New PhD student

Maroun BSAIBES has started his PhD project in the group. He will be working on light scattering mechanisms and the origins of loss and mode coupling in few-mode fibers.
Welcome Maroun!
The thesis is directed by Laurent Bigot (PhLAM) and Pierre Sillard (Prysmian) and fits within our research axis "Modal division multiplexing for high-speed fiber optic telecommunications".
Thesis defence
Our (now former) PhD student Arsène TANDJÈ has defended his PhD thesis entitled "Conception et caractérisation de fibres optiques à modes à moment angulaire orbital"
Congratulations Arsène!

New PhD student
Alfred SAWADOGO has just started his PhD project on beam manipulation with optical-RF antenna arrays at THz frequencies for point-to-point communication applications.
Welcome Alfred!
The thesis is supervised by Guillaume Ducournau (IEMN), Davy Gaillot (IEMN), Laurent Bigot (PhLAM), and Esben Ravn Andresen (PhLAM) and fits within the scope of our research axis "Advanced THz photonics".

New PhD student
Alex CHEDID has just started his PhD project on dynamical characterization of the transmission matrix of few-mode fibers.
Welcome Alex!
The thesis is supervised by Yves Quiquempois and Esben Ravn Andresen and fits within the scope of our research axis "Modal multiplexing for ultra-fast fiber optical telecommunications".

New PhD student

Fatima EL MOUSSAWI has started on her PhD project on specialty optical fibers for lensless endoscopes.
Welcome Fatima!
The thesis is supervised by Géraud Bouwmans and Esben Ravn Andresen and fits within the scope of our research axis "ultra-miniaturized endoscopes".
Paper published in Optica
Our latest paper entitled "Flexible lensless endoscope with a conformationally invariant multi-core fiber" has just been published in Optica:
This paper fits within the Research Axis "Ultra-miniaturized Endoscopes for Bio-medical Applications" and has come about through a collaboration with researchers from the MOSAIC group at Institut Fresnel, Marseille.
The project "SPATIOTERA" has been selected for financing in the 2019 call of the French National Research Agency (ANR).
The project will benefit from 480 k€ aid from the ANR, will run over 36 months from 2019-2022, and involve researchers from the THz-Photonics group of the IEMN (Lille), the Photonics group of the PhLAM laboratory (Lille), and the IES (Montpellier).
This project fits within our research axis "Advanced THz Photonics for high-speed wireless communications".