Eléonore Roussel
- PhD "Spatio-temporal dynamics of relativistic electron bunches during the microbunching instability: study of Synchrotron SOLEIL and UVSOR storage rings." Lille University, 2014
- Master degree in Physics, light and matter. Lille University, 2011
- 2017--: CNRS researcher (Chargée de Recherche) at PhLAM laboratoy (DYSCO research team).
- 2017-2017: Post-doctoral researcher at Synchrotron SOLEIL, in the framework of the ERC COXINEL.
- 2014-2017: Post-doctoral research at Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste (Italy), on the FERMI free electron laser.
- 2022: CNRS bronze medal
- 2017: Young Scientist FEL award