Damien Lannoy
Lecturer at Lille
Lecturer at Univ Lille (since 2012)
2 ° year of pharmacy: common basic training:
o Pharmaceuticals, formulation and quality assurance
Lecture: pharmaceutical standards in dispensary pharmacies and hospital pharmacies (2 hours)
Directed teaching of formulation and galenic pharmacy (1.5 hours x 7 groups: 10.5 hours)
Formulation and Galenic Practical Work (3h x 7 groups: 21 hours)
o Health products channel
Lecture: waste management in pharmacies: french CYCLAMED, DASRI and DASRI-PAT courses from 2012 to 2017 (1 hour)
Since 2018:
• Lecture presentation of scripted courses on health product circuits (1 hour)
o Scripting of the lecture on waste on SCENARI OPALE SUP
• Guided teaching: 4 practical cases around the circuits of health products (1.5h x 7: 10.5 hours)
3rd year of pharmacy: basic common training:
o Lectures:
• Artificial nutrition (including parenteral nutrition): 3 hours (from 2013 to 2017)
• Insulins and analogues: 5 hours (in 2012)
o Practical work Formulation and Galenics: capsules, alcoholometry, topicals, suppositories, eye drops, drinkable forms (3h; between 20 and 60h depending on the year)
o Pharmacy ELC: pharmacy preparations and BPP applied to pediatrics (2x2h lecture)
4th year of pharmacy: basic common training:
o Lectures:
• Biosimilars: 2 h (2014-2018)
• Advanced therapy medicinal products : 1 hour (2018)
o Internship stream: Directed courses in biopharmacy and galenic pharmacy - presentation of the question base implemented on Scenari opale by P. Odou and myself, and imported on Moodle: 1.5 hours x 2 groups (since 2017)
5th year of university hospital:
o Teaching in preparation for taking up hospital service (EPPFH):
Directed lessons:
• Medical devices in the digestive, urinary and respiratory approach: (2h x 4 groups) - continuous monitoring
• Preparation of tutored projects (2h x 2 groups)
• Participation in oral presentation of tutored projects (3h x 2)
o Pharmaceutical sector:
Lectures: handling of drugs intended for pediatrics (3h) (since 2015)
Preparation of the doses to be administered:
• Lecture: organizational and practical aspects of PDA in the pharmacy (1h)
o Support: scripted course on opal scenarios developed with H. LEHMANN, lecturer in pharmaceutical legislation
• Guided lessons: practical cases in PDA (1.5 hours x 4 groups); continuous monitoring
o Internship stream:
Lecture: hospital preparations (3h) (carried out within the PUI manufacturing unit of the Lille CHRU; since 2015)
Directed lessons:
• Feasibility of preparations (1.5 hours)
• Reading of BPP through practical cases (3h)
6th year - pharmacy sector:
Pharmaceutical preparations at the dispensary:
Directed lessons: feasibility and subcontracting of preparations, around practical cases (2h x 2 groups)
Practical work: preparations at the dispensary: 3h x 10 groups
Home care and care (since 2015): Coordination, assembly of parts, organization and participation in conjunction with faculty teachers and dispensing pharmacists:
Directed lessons: organization of the patient's home upon return from hospitalization (1.5h x 4)
Practical work: home of errors: 2 sessions corresponding to 2 scenarios (family and elderly): 1.5 hours x 4 groups
Directed lessons: debriefing and preparation of documents for patients (carried out in collaboration with a dispensary pharmacist)
o Master M2 in hospital pharmaceutical techniques
UE preparation:
• Performing ophthalmic forms in hospital (lecture: 2h)
• Parenteral nutrition: pharmaceutical aspects (lecture: 1h)
• Transdermal forms (2h)
Unit automation in hospital pharmacy:
• Automation of injectable preparations (lecture: 3h), in connection with the universitary diploma "aseptic preparation of drugs"
EU geriatrics:
• Directed teaching: grinding and adaptation of dry oral doses - what evidence? what practices? (2 hours)
o Universitary Diploma : Aseptic preparation of drugs
Regulatory and normative framework of preparations (lecture: 3h)
Panorama of sterile preparations (3h)
Directed teaching: application of regulatory and normative documents to aseptic preparation (3h)
Practical work: basic gestures and good practice in aseptic preparation; simulation and error hood (8h)
o residents in pharmacy : courses about preparations - controls (2 times per week)
Pharmaceutical preparations in the hospital (lecture: 3h)
Transplantation of the intestinal microbiota (lecture: 1h)
Preparations in pediatrics (lecture: 2h)
Preparations in ophthalmology (lecture: 2h)
Application of regulatory and normative documents to the preparation of preparations (carried out jointly with the Faculty of Pharmacy of Amiens)
Oral jury at the end of EU: presentation of a preparation carried out in the hospital (6 h)
o Postgraduate education in dispensing pharmacists: Biosimilars (40 hours in 2009) undernutrition: screening and treatment (40 hours in 2015)
o Master M1: pharmaceutical preparations (4h: lecture)
o Orthoptist course: drugs (3h: lecture)
- Participation in juries:
Coordinated teaching oral in 3 ° FCB
Coordinated teaching oral in 4 ° FCB
Orals of the pharmaceutical synthesis certificate, with elaboration of the subject in 4 ° FCB
Orals at the end of the 6 ° internship: prescription commentary and counter cases (since 2017)
- Pharmacy adviser: annual visit of internship students in 6th pharmacy
- Exam supervision (approximately 20 hours per year)