Arnaud Videt
Maître de conférences-HDR
Update: September 2024
Journal papers
- X. Lu, A. Videt, S. Faramehr, K. Li, V. Marsic, P. Igic, and N. Idir, “Impact of Vth instability of Schottky-type p-GaN gate HEMTs on switching behaviors,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 11 625–11 636, Sep. 2024
- F. Salomez, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Modeling and minimization of the parasitic capacitances of single-layer toroidal inductors,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, pp. 12 426–12 436, Oct. 2022
- K. Li, P. Evans, M. Johnson, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “A GaN-HEMT compact model including dynamic RDSon effect for power electronics converters,” Energies, vol. 14, no. 8, 2021
- A. Chafi, N. Idir, A. Videt, and H. Maher, “Design method of PCB inductors for high-frequency GaN converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 805–814, Jan. 2021
- K. Li, A. Videt, N. Idir, P. L. Evans, and C. M. Johnson, “Accurate measurement of dynamic on-state resistances of GaN devices under reverse and forward conduction in high frequency power converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 9650–9660, Sep. 2020
- B. Zaidi, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Optimization method of CM inductor volume taking into account the magnetic core saturation issues,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 4279–4291, May 2019
- L. Pace, N. Defrance, A. Videt, N. Idir, J. . De Jaeger, and V. Avramovic, “Extraction of packaged GaN power transistors parasitics using S-parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2583–2588, Jun. 2019
- A. Videt, M. Messaoudi, N. Idir, H. Boulharts, and H. Vang, “PWM strategy for the cancellation of common-mode voltage generated by three-phase back-to-back inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 2675–2686, Apr. 2017
- K. Li, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Characterization method of SiC-JFET interelectrode capacitances in linear region,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 1528–1540, Feb. 2016
- K. Li, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Fast power semiconductors switching current measurement by current surface probe,” EPE Journal, vol. 25, no. 4, p. 10, Dec. 2015
- K. Li, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Using current surface probe to measure the current of the fast power semiconductors,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 2911–2917, Jun. 2015
- C. Marlier, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “NIF-based frequency-domain modeling method of three-wire shielded energy cables for EMC simulation,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 145–155, Feb. 2015
- K. Li, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Multiprobe measurement method for voltage-dependent capacitances of power semiconductor devices in high voltage,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 5414–5422, Nov. 2013
- F. Gruson, P. Le Moigne, P. Delarue, A. Videt, X. Cimetière, and M. Arpilliere, “A simple carrier-based modulation for the SVM of the matrix converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 947–956, May 2013
- A. Videt, M. Arpillière, J. Guyomard, and P. Loizelet, “Application of multilevel inverter topologies for variable-speed drives: Modulation strategies and EMC performance,” European Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 101–116, 2012
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, J.-J. Franchaud, and J. Ecrabey, “Reduction of common mode currents generated by three-level inverters with consideration of motor overvoltages,” EPE Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 22–30, 2009
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, J. J. Franchaud, and J. Ecrabey, “Motor overvoltage limitation by means of a new EMI-reducing PWM strategy for three-level inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1678–1687, Sep. 2009
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, X. Cimetière, and J. Ecrabey, “Implantation par porteuses d’une stratégie MLI réduisant les courants de mode commun générés par un onduleur NPC,” European Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 255–269, 2009
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, and X. Cimetière, “A new carrier-based PWM providing common-mode-current reduction and dc-bus balancing for three-level inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3001–3011, Dec. 2007
International conferences
- M. Singer, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Robustness of frequency-domain terminal modeling of electromagnetic interferences in static converters,” in PCIM Europe 2024; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, June 2024, pp. 2304–2310
- X. Lu, A. Videt, N. Idir, V. Marsic, P. Igic, and S. Faramehr, “Investigation on single and split output gate configurations influence on GaN-HEMTs switching behaviours,” in 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’23 ECCE Europe), Aalborg, Denmark, Sep. 2023, pp. P.1–P.9
- X. Lu, A. Videt, K. Li, S. Faramehr, P. Igic, and N. Idir, “Influence of current collapse due to bias effect on GaN-HEMTs characteristics in saturation region,” in 24th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’22 ECCE Europe), Hanover, Germany, Sep. 2022, pp. P.1–P.9
- F. Salomez, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Modelling and minimization of the parasitic capacitance of ring core inductors,” in 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’21 ECCE Europe), Ghent, Belgium, Sep. 2021, pp. 1–10
- F. Salomez, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Semi-analytical model of parasitic capacitance of inductor with conductive core,” in PCIM Europe digital days 2021; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, May 2021, pp. 1–8
- F. Salomez, S. Vienot, B. Zaidi, A. Videt, T. Duquesne, E. Semail, and N. Idir, “Design of an integrated GaN inverter into a multiphase PMSM,” in IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Nov. 2020
- S. Vienot, A. Videt, N. Idir, L. Kone, S. Weiss, and F. Lafon, “Frequency-domain simulation of power electronic systems based on multi-topology equivalent sources modelling method,” in 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’20 ECCE Europe), Sep. 2020, pp. P.1–P.10
- L. Pace, F. Chevalier, A. Videt, N. Defrance, N. Idir, and J. C. De Jaeger, “Electrothermal modeling of GaN power transistor for high frequency power converter design,” in 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’20 ECCE Europe), Sep. 2020, pp. 1–10
- A. Videt, K. Li, N. Idir, P. Evans, and M. Johnson, “Analysis of GaN converter circuit stability influenced by current collapse effect,” in IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Mar. 2020, pp. 2570–2576
- K. Li, A. Videt, N. Idir, P. Evans, and M. Johnson, “Modelling GaN-HEMT dynamic ON-state resistance in high frequency power converter,” in IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Mar. 2020, pp. 1949–1955
- K. Li, A. Videt, N. Idir, P. Evans, and M. Johnson, “Experimental investigation of GaN transistor current collapse on power converter efficiency for electrical vehicles,” in IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Oct. 2019, pp. 1–6
- A. Chafi, N. Idir, A. Videt, and H. Maher, “Using flexible ferrite sheet to design PCB inductor for 1MHz GaN converter taking into account thermal issues,” in IEEE 13th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), Jul. 2019, pp. 1–6
- L. Pace, N. Defrance, J. D. Jaeger, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “A method to determine wide bandgap power devices packaging interconnections,” in IEEE 23rd Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), Jun. 2019, pp. 1–4
- A. Chafi, N. Idir, A. Videt, T. Duquesne, and H. Maher, “Design and optimization method of PCB-integrated inductors for high-frequency converters,” in PCIM Europe 2018; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Jun. 2018, pp. 1–8
- S. Vienot, H. Hoffmann, A. Videt, T. Duquesne, and N. Idir, “Modeling and experimental analysis of a single leg towards the design of an integrated GaN converter,” in Twenty-fifth Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits (EPNC), Jun. 2018
- L. Pace, N. Defrance, A. Videt, N. Idir, and J. Dejaeger, “S-parameter characterization of GaN HEMT power transistors for high frequency modeling,” in PCIM Europe 2018; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Jun. 2018, pp. 1–8
- B. Zaidi, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Influence of switching frequency and saturation of the magnetic material on the volume of common-mode inductors used in power converter EMI filters,” in IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Oct. 2017
- B. Zaidi, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Design method for the minimization of CM inductor volume taking into account saturation issues in EMI filters for variable duty cycle applications,” in European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Sep. 2017
- B. Zaidi, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Design method for the minimization of CM inductor volume with consideration of core saturation in EMI filters,” in PCIM Europe, May 2017
- M. Messaoudi, A. Videt, N. Idir, H. Boulharts, and H. Vang, “Performance of common-mode-voltage-cancellation PWM strategies with consideration of commutation residues due to double-switching waveforms,” in IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Sep. 2016, pp. 1–6
- A. Videt, M. Messaoudi, N. Idir, H. Boulharts, and H. Vang, “PWM strategy for common-mode voltage reduction in three-phase variable-speed drives with active front end,” in 5th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), Sep. 2015, pp. 1–7
- M. Messaoudi, A. Videt, N. Idir, H. Boulharts, and H. Vang, “Modeling the residual common-mode voltage generated by 3-phase inverters with simultaneous-switching PWM strategies,” in IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Oct. 2014, pp. 1–6
- K. Li, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “GaN-HEMT fast switching current measurement method based on current surface probe,” in 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Aug. 2014, pp. 1–10
- C. Marlier, A. Videt, N. Idir, R. Meuret, and H. Moussa, “EMI noise sources modeling method - multi-topology equivalent sources,” in Safran Power Electronics Center SPEC 5 symposium, Dec. 2013
- C. Marlier, A. Videt, N. Idir, H. Moussa, and R. Meuret, “Hybrid time-frequency EMI noise sources modeling method,” in 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Sep. 2013, pp. 1–9
- K. Li, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “SiC/GaN power semiconductor devices inter-electrode capacitances characterization based on multiple current probes,” in 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), Sep. 2013, pp. 1–9
- C. Marlier, A. Videt, N. Idir, H. Moussa, and R. Meuret, “Modeling of switching transients for frequency-domain EMC analysis of power converters,” in 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), Sep. 2012, pp. DS1e.1–1–DS1e.1–8
- C. Marlier, A. Videt, N. Idir, H. Moussa, and R. Meuret, “Frequency-domain EMI noise source modeling for power converter,” in PCIM Europe, May 2012
- M. Moreau, A. Videt, N. Idir, P. Le Moigne, and J.-J. Franchaud, “Equivalent EMI noise source modeling in power converters,” in PCIM Europe, May 2008
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, and J. J. Franchaud, “Motor overvoltages limitation by means of a new EMI-reducing PWM strategy for three-level inverters,” in Twenty-Third Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Feb. 2008, pp. 853–859
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, and J.-J. Franchaud, “Reduction of common mode currents generated by three-level inverters with consideration of motor overvoltages,” in European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Sep. 2007, pp. 1–10
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, J. Ecrabey, and J.-J. Franchaud, “A new carrier-based PWM for the reduction of common mode currents applied to neutral point clamped inverters,” in PCIM Europe, May 2007
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, and J. Ecrabey, “A new carrier-based PWM for the reduction of common mode currents applied to neutral-point-clamped inverters,” in APEC 07 - Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Feb. 2007, pp. 1224–1230
National conferences
- M. Singer, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Amélioration de la modélisation fréquentielle “terminal modeling” des perturbations électromagnétiques dans les convertisseurs statiques,” in Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique (JCGE), Jun. 2024
- F. Salomez, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Dimensionnement d’un filtre de mode commun avec prise en compte du comportement haute fréquence du composant magnétique,” in Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique (JCGE), Jun. 2022
- F. Salomez, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Méthode de détermination des capacités parasites des bobines toriques nanocristallins,” in Colloque International et Exposition sur la compatibilité Electromagnétique (CEM 2020), Apr. 2021
- S. Vienot, A. Videt, N. Idir, L. Koné, S. Weiss, and F. Lafon, “Modélisation du récepteur de mesure en détection crête, quasi-crête et moyenne pour la simulation des émissions conduites en large bande,” in Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique (CEM), Apr. 2021
- S. Vienot, A. Videt, N. Idir, L. Koné, S. Weiss, and F. Lafon, “Modélisation des détecteurs crête, quasi-crête et moyenne pour la simulation des émissions en large bande,” in Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Electrique (JCGE), Île d’Oléron, Jun. 2019
- B. Zaidi, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Estimation des permittivités relatives des noyaux magnétiques pour la détermination des capacités parasites des bobines des filtres CEM,” in 19ème Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité ÉlectroMagnétique (CEM), Jul. 2018
- L. Pace, N. Defrance, A. Videt, N. Idir, and J.-C. D. Jaeger, “Méthode de caractérisation des transistors GaN pour la conception des convertisseurs statiques hautes fréquences,” in Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE), Nancy, Jul. 2018
- L. Pace, N. Defrance, A. Videt, N. Idir, and J.-C. D. Laeger, “Méthode de caractérisation des transistors de puissance GaN pour la conception des convertisseurs statiques hautes fréquences,” in Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-nanoélectronique, Nov. 2017
- B. Zaidi, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Minimisation du volume de la bobine de mode commun des filtres CEM en tenant compte de la saturation,” in JCGE, Jun. 2017
- K. Li, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Caractérisation des capacités inter-électrodes d’un SiC-JFET "normally-off" en régime désaturé,” in Symposium de Génie Electrique, Jul. 2014
- M. Messaoudi, A. Videt, N. Idir, H. Vang, and H. Boulharts, “Stratégie de modulation pour la réduction de la tension de mode commun générée par un variateur de vitesse à redresseur MLI,” in Symposium de Génie Electrique, Jul. 2014
- C. Marlier, A. Videt, N. Idir, H. Moussa, and R. Meuret, “Frequency domain EMI noise source modelling,” in Safran Power Electronics Center SPEC 4 symposium, Nov. 2012
- F. Gruson, P. Le Moigne, P. Delarue, A. Videt, and P. Loizelet, “Modulation généralisée et amélioration du rendement des convertisseurs matriciels,” in Électronique de Puissance du Futur, Jul. 2012
- A. Videt, M. Arpillière, J. Guyomard, and P. Loizelet, “Application de topologies multiniveaux en varation de vitesse: stratégies de modulation et performances CEM,” in Électronique de Puissance du Futur, Jul. 2010
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, P. Baudesson, and X. Cimetière, “Implantation par porteuses d’une stratégie MLI réduisant les courants de mode commun générés par un onduleur NPC,” in Électronique de Puissance du Futur, Jul. 2008
- F. Gruson, A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, P. Delarue, and P. Baudesson, “Intérêt de la structure onduleur Z-source,” in Électronique de Puissance du Futur, Jul. 2008
Other communications
- X. Lu, A. Videt, K. Li, S. Faramehr, P. Igic, and N. Idir, “Measurement of Id-Vds characteristics of GaN-HEMTs in high voltage region based on double-pulse test,” Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) Annual Conference, UK, Jul. 2022
- F. Salomez, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Modélisation et minimisation des capacités parasites des bobines toriques simple couche pour les filtres CEM,” Journée des Électroniques de Puissance, Grenoble, Mar. 2022
- F. Salomez, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Modélisation et minimisation des capacités parasites des bobines toriques simple couche pour les filtres CEM,” 9e Conférence Plénière du GdR Ondes, Lille, Dec. 2021
- K. Li, A. Videt, N. Idir, P. Evans, and M. Johnson, “Accurate measurement of dynamic ON-state resistance of GaN devices under reverse and forward conduction in high frequency power converter,” EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) Annual Conference, UK, Jul. 2019
- A. Videt, K. Li, L. Pace, N. Idir, P. Evans, and M. Johnson, “Switching behaviour of GaN-based power converter subject to current-collapse effect in double-pulse test,” EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) Annual Conference, UK, Jul. 2019
- K. Li, A. Videt, N. Idir, P. Evans, and M. Johnson, “Investigation of GaN-HEMT dynamic ON-state resistance in high frequency power converters,” EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) Annual Conference, UK, Jul. 2018
- K. Li, L. Pace, A. Videt, N. Idir, P. Evans, M. Johnson, N. Defrance, and J.-C. D. Jaeger, “Novel GaN-HEMT modelling method based on S-parameters characterisation and its implementation in virtual prototyping software,” EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics (CPE) Annual Conference, UK, Jul. 2018
- B. Zaidi, A. Videt, and N. Idir, “Dimensionnement des filtres CEM de mode commun en tenant compte de la saturation du matériau magnétique,” in Assemblée Générale du GDR Ondes, Oct. 2017
- A. Videt, “New modulation strategies for EMC improvement of multilevel converters,” in European Center for Power Electronics ECPE workshop on Advanced Multilevel Converter Systems, Sep. 2010
- A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, N. Idir, and P. Baudesson, “A new carrier-based PWM for the reduction of common mode currents in « neutral-point-clamped » inverters,” in European Center for Power Electronics ECPE workshop on EMC, Jul. 2006
- H. Boulharts, M. Messaoudi, and A. Videt, “Method and system for controlling an electric motor control installation,” patent US 10 305 399 B2, JP 6 968 566 B2, EP 3 232 556 B1, FR 3 050 337 B1, 2016
- A. Videt, H. Boulharts, and H. Vang, “AC/DC power converter with improved power factor and improved THDI,” patent US 9 036 370 B2, FR 2 969 418 B1, 2010
- P. Loizelet and A. Videt, “Power converter equipped at the output with a filtering device,” patent FR 2 969 419 B1, 2010
- A. Videt and H. Boulharts, “Power converter with a controlled current source and connected in single-phase mode,” patent US 8 416 594 B2, CN 102 480 234 B, EP 2 458 720 B1, FR 2 968 148 B1, 2010
- A. Videt, T. Devos, and H. Vang, “Power converter with controlled current source to reduce harmonic distortion,” patent US 8 964 425 B2, JP 5 774 449 B2, CN 102 570 867 B, EP 2 461 467 B1, FR 2 967 315 B1, 2010
- A. Videt, P. Loizelet, and M. Thiam, “Control method and system for reducing the common-mode current in a power converter,” patent US 8 817 499 B2, JP 5 826 579 B2, CN 102 447 400 B, EP 2 442 436 B1, FR 2 965 684 B1, 2010
- A. Videt, M. Arpillière, and P. Loizelet, “Control method and system for compensating for the dead-times in PWM control,” patent EP 2 403 119 B1, 2010
- A. Videt and M. Arpillière, “Method of PWM control of a power converter,” patent FR 2 960 110 B1, 2010
- A. Videt, M. Arpillière, F. Gruson, P. Delarue, and P. Le Moigne, “Method for controlling a matrix converter and matrix converter suitable for implementing such a method,” patent FR 2 956 537 B1, 2010
- P. Baudesson, A. Videt, P. Le Moigne, and N. Idir, “Device and method for controlling an electric power converter,” patent US 7 760 527 B2, EP 1 855 375 B1, FR 2 901 074 B1, 2006
Book chapter
- A. Videt, “PWM control of inverters,” in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Power Engineering, J. García, Ed. plus 0.5em minus 0.4emElsevier, 2023, pp. 388–427
- A. Videt, “Variateur de vitesse à impact électromagnétique réduit: onduleur multiniveaux et nouvelles stratégies de modulation,” Ph.D. dissertation, École Centrale de Lille, Dec. 2008