Alan Van Brackel

Université de Lille
Faculty of Humanities, French Literature department, undergraduate French Language and Literature, Modern Languages, 1st year
2023-2024 BBC 4. Build one's personal and professional project - UE 8 Specialisation Creative Writing and Communication: Semiotics of still image (S1, 24h x 2 groups)
The main aim of this course is to understand how an image is interpreted when a receiver decodes linguistic, iconic and plastic signs, whether it is a work of art or a media image (press cartoons, satirical images, posters, advertising, etc.). The course provides an introduction to the semiology of the still image via the notions of image and sign function (Peirce, De Saussure, Barthes). It proposes a methodology for analyzing the image, and highlighting its rhetorical potential (connotation, metaphor, metonymy). The course is structured around group projects involving the creation and analysis of a small corpus of images.
Skill goals: understand the signifying dimension of an image, problematise images, understand the key concepts of image semiology
Faculty of Humanities, French Literature department, undergraduate French Language and Literature, Modern Languages, 2nd year
2023-2024 / 2022-2023 / 2021-2022 BBC 4. Build one's personal and professional project - UE 8 Specialisation Creative Writing and Communication: Creative Writing for Online Media (S2, 24h x 2 groups)
This course is structured through group projects that focus on creative writing for online media. The semester's work will focus on establishing an editorial line, writing articles adapted for the online media, preparing and conducting interviews, and exploring different forms of writing. The main goal is to master the tools specific to online media, including creating and managing websites through a CMS interface. At the same time, students are invited to reflect on the practice of online media and to discover the professionals who practice it.
Compétences visées : creative writing, editorial project management, notions of search engine optimisation (SEO), page layout, communication, notions of disabled access standards
Link to the department's website.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States
College of Arts & Sciences, Études francophones
2018 French 112 Elementary French II (Summer sessions, 36 hours)
Online classes on Zoom. Concentrated credit courses, 5 sessions a week (1 hour 30 minutes).
2017-2018 French 112 (Spring semester, 48 hours, 2 classes)
French 112, Elementary French II. Activity leader, French table, conversation table, two sessions a week (three levels : beginners, intermediate, advanced). Vocal coach for an actor. Substitution in French 111, French 211, Grammar 300. Website : University of Tennessee Knoxville French program. Hybrid program, 3 times a week (1 hour 30 minutes). Textbook : Liaisons: An Introduction to French, 2nd edition.
Non academic teaching
Éducation nationale
2010-2012 Teacher at the documentation centre (professeur-documentaliste)
Lycée Sévigné, Tourcoing (Nord)
2007-2019 Tutor (English, French, Math)