El-Ghazali Talbi
Firmin, Thomas ;
Boulet, Pierre ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Parallel Hyperparameter Optimization Of Spiking Neural Networks
, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2024.128483
Pré-publication ou Document de travail
Année 2024
Becerra-Rozas, Marcelo ;
Lemus-Romani, José ;
Crawford, Broderick ;
Soto, Ricardo ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Intelligent decision-making for binary coverage: Unveiling the potential of the multi-armed bandit selector
Expert systems with applications, Elsevier, 2024 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124112
Article dans une revue scientifique
Ouertatani, Houssem ;
Maxim, Cristian ;
Niar, Smail ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Accelerated NAS via pretrained ensembles and multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization
33rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), 2024, Lugano,
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Keisler, Julie ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali ;
Claudel, Sandra ;
Cabriel, Gilles
An algorithmic framework for the optimization of deep neural networks architectures and hyperparameters
Microtome Publishing, 2024
Compte-rendu et recension critique d'ouvrage
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Metaheuristics for variable-size mixed optimization problems: A unified taxonomy and survey
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier, 2024 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.swevo.2024.101642
Article dans une revue scientifique
Firmin, Thomas ;
Boulet, Pierre ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Asynchronous Multi-Fidelity Hyperparameter Optimization of Spiking Neural Networks
2024 International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS), 2024, Arlington, , https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICONS62911.2024.00016
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Ouertatani, Houssem ;
Maxim, Cristian ;
Niar, Smail ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Neural Architecture Tuning: A BO-Powered NAS Tool
International Conference in Optimization and Learning (OLA), 2024, Dubrovnik,
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Porumbel, Daniel ;
Coelho, Igor ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Using an exact bi-objective decoder in a memetic algorithm for arc-routing (and other decoder-expressible) problems
European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, 2024 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2023.07.021
Article dans une revue scientifique
Firmin, Thomas ;
Boulet, Pierre ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Asynchronous Multi-fidelity Hyperparameter Optimization Of Spiking Neural Networks
International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS 2024), 2024, Washington,
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Zouache, Djaafar ;
Got, Adel ;
Alarabiat, Deemah ;
Abualigah, Laith ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
A novel multi-objective wrapper-based feature selection method using quantum-inspired and swarm intelligence techniques
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2023 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16411-9
Article dans une revue scientifique
Année 2023
Zouache, Djaafar ;
Got, Adel ;
Alarabiat, Deemah ;
Abualigah, Laith ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
A novel multi-objective wrapper-based feature selection method using quantum-inspired and swarm intelligence techniques
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2023 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16411-9
Article dans une revue scientifique
Gamot, Juliette ;
Balesdent, Mathieu ;
Tremolet, Arnault ;
Wuilbercq, Romain ;
Melab, Nouredine ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Two-Level Algorithm Combining Bayesian Optimization and Swarm Intelligence for Variable-Size Optimal Layout Problems
GECCO '23 Companion: Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2023, Lisbonne, , https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3583133.3596997
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Firmin, Thomas ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Massively Parallel Asynchronous Fractal Optimization
2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 2023, St. Petersburg, , https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IPDPSW59300.2023.00151
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Ouertatani, Houssem ;
Maxim, Cristian ;
Niar, Smail ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Bayesian optimization for NAS with pretrained deep ensembles
International Conference in Optimization and Learning (OLA), 2023, Malaga,
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Aslimani, Nassime ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali ;
Ellaia, Rachid
Tornado: An Autonomous Chaotic Algorithm for High Dimensional Global Optimization Problems
International Conference on Optimization and Learning, 2023, Malaga, , https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34020-8_1
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Faramarzi-Oghani, Sohrab ;
Dolati Neghabadi, Parisa ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali ;
Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Reza
Meta-heuristics for sustainable supply chain management: a review
International Journal of Production Research, Taylor & Francis, 2023 , https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2022.2045377
Article dans une revue scientifique
Keisler, Julie ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali ;
Claudel, Sandra ;
Cabriel, Gilles
An algorithmic framework for the optimization of deep neural networks architectures and hyperparameters
Pré-publication ou Document de travail
Keisler, Julie ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali ;
Claudel, Sandra ;
Cabriel, Gilles
An algorithmic framework for the optimization of deep neural networks architectures and hyperparameters
Pré-publication ou Document de travail
Dorronsoro, Bernabé ;
Chicano, Francisco ;
Danoy, Gregoire ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Optimization and Learning
Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, , https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34020-8
Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)
Frohner, Nikolaus ;
Gmys, Jan ;
Melab, Nouredine ;
Raidl, Günter ;
Talbi, El-Ghazali
Parallel Beam Search for Combinatorial Optimization
International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Decision Sciences (PDADS 2022), 2022, Bordeaux,
Communication dans un congrès avec actes
Année 2022
Scopus author ID: 6701668267 - Web of science ResearchID: AAO-7541-2020 - ORCID : 0000-0003-4549-1010
Google scholar: h-index=61, citations = 19 884
Chapitres dans ouvrages
- J-M.Ahuactzin, E-G.Talbi, P.Bessière, E.Mazer, "Using genetic algorithms for robot motion planning", in Geometric Reasonning for Perception and Action, Edited by C. Laugier, pp.84-93, Springer-Verlag, 1993.
- T. Muntean, E. G. Talbi, "Parallel genetic approach to solve automatic process allocation within massively parallel systems", in Genetic Algorithms in Optimization, Simulation and Modeling, IOS Press, pages 95-111, 1994.
- E-G.Talbi, P.Bessière, J-M.Ahuactzin, E.Mazer, "Cooperating parallel genetic algorithms", in Practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms : New Frontiers, Edited by L. Chambers, CRC Press, USA, pp.92-109, 1995.
- P.Bessière, J-M.Ahactzin, E-G.Talbi, E.Mazer, "The Ariadne’s clew algorithm : global planning with local methods", in Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, Edited by K.Goldberg, D.Halperin, J-C.Latombe and R.Wilson, A K Peters Publishers, Wellesley, Massachusetts, pp.39-47, USA, 1995.
- E-G. Talbi, "Algorithmes génétiques parallèles : Techniques et applications", in Parallélisme et applications irrégulières, Edité par C. Roucairol et al., Hermes, France, pages 29-48, 1995.
- Y.Denneulin, J-M.Geib, F.Hemery, J-F.Méhaut, J-F.Roos, E-G.Talbi, "Structures de données irrégulières et régulation de charge", in Parallélisme et Applications Irrégulières, Edité par C.Roucairol et al., Hermes, pp.203-237, 1995.
- E-G. Talbi, P. Bessière, in Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers, "A parallel genetic algorithm applied to the mapping problem", SIAM Software Environments Tools, USA, edited by G. Astfalk, pages 35-44, 1996.
- E-G. Talbi, Z. Hafidi, J-M. Geib, "Parallel adaptive tabu search for large optimization problems", in Meta-heuristics - Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, edited by S. Voss, S. Martello, I.H. Osman and C. Roucairol, pages 255-266, Kluwer Academic Press, USA, 1999.
- C. Fonlupt, D. Robillard, P. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Fitness landscape and performance of metaheuristics", in Meta-heuristics - Advances and Trends in Local Search Paradigms for Optimization, edited by S. Voss, S. Martello, I.H. Osman and C. Roucairol, pages 345-358, Kluwer Academic Press, USA, 1999.
- E-G. Talbi, Z. Hafidi, D. Kebbal, J-M. Geib, "MARS : An adaptive parallel programming environment", in High Performance Cluster Computing, Vol.1 : Architectures and Systems, pp.722-739, Edited by B. Rajkumar, Prentice-Hall, USA, 1999.
- E-G. Talbi, "Towards hybrid biologically inspired heuristics", in Solutions to Parallel and Distributed Computing Problems : Lessons from Biological Sciences, Edited by A. Y. Zomaya, F. Ercal and S. Olariu, John Wiley and Sons, USA, pp.69-86, 2001.
- L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, "A genetic algorithm to exploit genetic data", in Evolutionary Computation in Bioinformatics, Edited by G. B. Fogel and D. W. Corne, Morgan Kauffmann Publishers, USA, pp.297-316, ISBN:1-55860-797-8, Oct 2002.
- N. Jozefowiez, E-G. Talbi, F. Semet, "A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the covering tour problem", in Applications of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, Edited by C.C. Coello and G.B. Lamont, World Scientific, pp.247-267, USA, 2004.
- M. Basseur, F. Seynhaeve, E-G. Talbi. “A cooperative metaheuristic applied to multiobjective flow-shop problem”. In Real-world Multi-objective System Engineering, Edited by N. Nedjah and L. M. Mourrelle, Nova Science Publishers, USA, Feb 2005.
- L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens and E-G. Talbi, "Evolutionary Data Mining for Genomics", In the Encyclopedia of Data warehousing and Mining, Edited by J. Yang, Editor Idea Group, USA, April 2005.
- N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, M. Mezmaz, B. Wei, “Parallel hybrid multi-objective metaheuristics o,n P2P systems”, in Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications, pp.649-663, Edited by S. Olariu and A. Zomaya, CRC Press, 2005.
- E. Alba, E-G. Talbi, G. Luque, N. Melab, “Metaheuristic and parallelism”, in Parallel Metaheuristics, pp.79-104, Edited by E. Alba, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- S. Cahon, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Sélection d’attributs en fouille de données sur Grilles”, in Extraction des connaissances: Etat et perspectives, pp.79-104, Editions Cépaduès, ISBN 2-85428-707.X, Nov 2005.
- C. Cotta, E-G. Talbi, E. Alba, « Parallel hybrid metaheuristics », in Parallel Metaheuristics, Edited by E. Alba, pp. 347-370, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- J. Nebro, F. Luna, E-G. Talbi, E. Alba, “Parallel multi-objective optimization”, in Parallel Metaheuristics, Edited by E. Alba, pp.371-394, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, M-S. Mezmaz and B. Wei. “Parallel hybrid multi-objective metaheuristics on P2P Systems”. In Handbook of Bioinspired Computing, Edited by S. Olariu and A. Y. Zomaya, pp.649-663, CRC Press, USA, 2006.
- S. Cahon, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "Frameworks for the design of reusable parallel and distributed metaheuristics", in Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications, Edited by S. Olariu and A.Y. Zomaya, pp.639-648, CRC Press, USA, 2006.
- L. Jourdan, M. Khabzaoui, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, "A hybrid metaheuristic for knowledge discovery in microarray experiments", in Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications, Edited by S. Olariu and A.Y. Zomaya, pp.491-508, CRC Press, USA, 2006.
- Weinberg, E-G. Talbi, "A Cooperative parallel metaheuristic applied to graph coloring problem", in Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications, Edited by S. Olariu and A.Y. Zomaya, CRC Press, 625-638, USA, 2006.
- M. Khabzaoui, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, "A cooperative genetic algorithm for knowledge discovery in microarray experiments", in Parallel Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Edited by A.Y. Zomaya, John Wiley & Sons, 303-324, USA, 2006.
- N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, S. Cahon. “On parallel evolutionary algorithms on the computational Grid”. In Parallel Evolutionary Computations, Edited by N. Nedjah and E. Alba, pp.117-132, Springer, 2006.
- M. Basseur, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “Towards parallel design of hybrids between metaheuristics and exact methods”. In Parallel Combinatorial Optimization, pp.163-186, Edited by E-G. Talbi, Wiley, 2006.
- Dhaenens, J. Lemesre, N. Melab, M. Mezmaz, E-G. Talbi, “Parallel exact methods for multi-objective combinatorial optimization”. In Parallel Combinatorial Optimization, pp.187-210, Edited by E-G. Talbi, Wiley, 2006.
- N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, S. Cahon, E. Alba, G. Luque, “Parallel metaheuristics: algorithms and frameworks”. In Parallel Combinatorial Optimization, pp.149-162, Edited by E-G. Talbi, Wiley, 2006.
- Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Molecular docking using grid computing”. In Grids for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Edited by E-G. Talbi, Wiley, 2007.
- L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, “Evolutionary feature selection for bioinformatics”. In Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics, Edited by G. Fogel, Y. Pan and D. Corne, Wiley, 2007.
- N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E-G. Talbi, “From single-objective to multi-objective vehicle routing problems”. In The vehicle routing problem: Latest advances and new challenges, Edited by B.L. Golden and R. Raghavan and E. Wasil, Springer, 2008.
- Bendjoudi, S. Guerdah, M. Mansoura, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Peer-to-peer branch and bound and genetic algorithms for the flow-shop scheduling problem”, In Metaheuristics for scheduling in distributed computing environments, Edited by F. Xhafa, A. Abraham, pp.301-321, Springer, 2008
- E-G. Talbi, S. Mostaghim, T. Okabe, H. Ishibuchi, G. Rudolph, C. C. Coello, “Parallel approaches for multi-objective optimization”. In Interactive and Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization, Edited by J. Branke, K. Deb, K. Miettinen, R. Slowinski, pp.355-378, Springer, 2008.
- Tantar, A. Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Landscape analysis in adaptive metaheuristics for grid computing”, In Parallel Programming, Models and Applications for Grid Computing, Edited by F. Xhafa, IOS Press, pp.313-344, 2009.
- A. Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi “An a nalysis of dynamic mutation operators for conformational sampling”, In Biologically-inspired Optimization Methods, edited by A. Lewis, S. Mostaghim and M. Randall, Springer, pp.291-323, 2009.
- Liefooghe, L. Jourdan, T. Legrand, J. Humeau, E-G. Talbi, “ParadisEO-MOEO: A software framework for evolutionary multi-objective optimization”, In Advances in Multi-objective Nature Inspired Computing, edited by C. C. Coello et al., Springer, pp.87-117, 2010
- A.Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A grid-based hybrid hierarchical genetic algorithm for protein structure prediction”, in Intelligence Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence, edited by F. Fernandez de Vega and E. Cantu-Paz, Springer, pp.291-319, 2010.
- Y. Kessaci, M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, D. Tuyttens, “Parallel evolutionary algorithms for energy aware scheduling”, in Intelligent Decision Systems in Large Scale distributed Environments, edited by P. Bouvry, H. Gonzalez-Velez and J. Kolodziej, Springer, 2011.
- K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective bi-clustering of gene expression data with bioinspired algorithms", in Handbook of Biological Knowledge Discovery, edited by A. Zomaya and M. Elloumi, Wiley, 2012.
- E-G. Talbi, "A taxonomy of metaheuristics for bilevel optimization", in Metaheuristics for bilevel optimization, edited by E-G. Talbi, Springer, 2013.
- M. Khouadjia, B. Sarasola, E. Alba, E-G. Talbi, L. Jourdan, "Metaheuristics for dynamic vehicle routing", in Metaheuristics for dynamic optimization, edited by E. Alba, A. Nakib and P. Siarry, pp.265-289, Springer, 2013.
- M. Drugan, E-G. Talbi, "Adaptive multi-operator metaheuristics for quadratic assignment problems", in EVOLVE – A bridge between probability, set oriented numerics and evolutionary algorithms, Edited by A. Tantar et al. Springer, pp.149-163, 2014.
- E-G. Talbi, "Parallel evolutionary combinatorial optimization", in Handbook of Computational Intelligence, edited by J. Kacprzyk and W. Pedrycz, Springer, pp.1107-1125, 2015.
- O. Bahri, N. Ben Amor, E-G. Talbi, "Possibilistic framework for multi-objective optimization under uncertainty", in Recent developments of metaheuristics, edited by L. Amodeo et al., Springer, pp.17-42, 2017.
- A.Nakib, E-G. Talbi, S. Corniglion, "Medical image registration based on metaheuristics: A comparative study", in Metaheuristics for medecine and biology, edited by A. Nakib et al., Springer, pp.171-185, 2017.
- J. Pelamatti, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, Y. Guerin. How to deal with mixed-variable optimization problems: An overview of algorithms and formulations. Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, edited by A. Schumacher et al., Springer, pp.64-82, 2018.
- J. Pelamatti, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, Y. Guerin. Overview and comparison of Gaussian Process-based surrogate models for mixed continuous and discrete variables: application on aerospace design problems. High Performance simulation based optimization, edited by T. Bartz-Beielstein, B. Filipic, P. Korosec, E-G. Talbi, Springer, pp.189-224, 2020.
- L. Brevault, J. Pelamatti, A. Hebbal, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, N. Melab. Multi-disciplinary design optimization related issues: multi-objective and mixed continuous/discrete optimization. Aerospace system analysis in uncertainty, edited by L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, J. Morio, Springer, pp.321-358, 2020.
Articles dans journaux internationaux
- E-G. Talbi, P.Bessière, "Superlinear speedup of a parallel genetic algorithm on the SuperNode", SIAM News, Vol.24, No.4, pp.12-27, Juil 1991.
- E-G. Talbi, Z. Hafidi, J-M.Geib, "A parallel adaptive tabu search approach", Parallel Computing, Vol.24, No.14, pp.2003-2019, Dec 1998.
- E-G. Talbi, Z. Hafidi, D. Kebbal, J-M. Geib, "A fault-tolerant parallel heuristic for assignment problems", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.14, No.5, pp.425-438, 1998.
- P. Preux, E-G. Talbi, «Towards hybrid evolutionary algorithms », International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol.6, No.6, pp.557-570, 1999.
- D. Kebbal, E-G. Talbi, J-M. Geib, «Fault tolerance of parallel adaptive applications in heterogeneous systems», Informatica, Vol.23, pp.77-85, 1999.
- N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "Parallel adaptive computing on meta-systems including NOWs", Parallel Computing, Vol.26, No.2, pp.267-284, 2000.
- N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, S. Petiton, "A parallel adaptive Gauss-Jordan algorithm", Journal of Supercomputing, Vol.17, No.2, pp.167-185, Sept 2000.
- E-G. Talbi, O. Roux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robillard, «Parallel ant colonies for the quadratic assignment problem », Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.17, No.4, pp.441-449, Jan 2001.
- L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, S. Gallina, «A data mining approach to discover genetic and environmental factors involved in multifactorial diseases», Knowledge-based Systems, Vol.15, No.4, pp.235-242, May 2002.
- Kort, E-G. Talbi, «An experimental study of multi-objective genetic algorithms», Studia Informatica Universalis, Vol.2, No.1, 2002.
- E-G. Talbi, «A taxonomy of hybrid metaheuristics », Journal of Heuristics, Vol.8, No2, pp.541-564, Sept 2002.
- S. Cahon, N. Melab and E-G. Talbi, «ParadisEO: A framework for the reusable design of parallel and distributed metaheuristics”, Journal of Heuristics, Vol.10, No.3, pp.357-380, May 2004.
- S. Cahon, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «Building with ParadisEO reusible parallel and distributed evolutionary algorithms », Parallel Computing, Vol.30, No.5-6, pp.677-697, June 2004.
- L. Vermeulen-Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, “Linkage disequilibrium study with a parallel adaptive GA”, International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science IJFCS, Vol.16, No.2, pp.241-260, Apr 2005.
- E-G. Talbi, H. Meunier, « Hierarchical parallel approach for GSM mobile network design», Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol.66, No.2, pp.274-290, Feb 2006
- E-G. Talbi, V. Bachelet, « COSEARCH: A parallel cooperative metaheuristic », Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (JMMA), Vol.5, No.2, pp.5-22, April 2006.
- N. Melab, S. Cahon, E-G. Talbi, « Grid computing for parallel bioinspired algorithms», Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol.66, No.8, pp.1052-1061, Aug 2006.
- N. Melab, M. Mezmaz, E-G. Talbi, « Parallel cooperative metaheuristics on the computational Grid – A case study: the biobjective flow-shop problem», Parallel Computing, Vol.32, No.9, pp.643-659, 2006.
- R. Bolze, F. Capello, E. Caron, M. Dayde, F. Desprez, Y. Jegou, P. Primet, E. Jeannot, S. Lanteri, M. Leduc, N. Melab, G. Mornet, R. Namyst, B. Quetier, O. Richard, E-G. Talbi, I. Touche, «GRID’5000: A large scale and highly reconfigurable Grid», International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Vol.20, No.4, pp.481-494. 2006.
- M. Rahoual, M-H. Mabed, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, «A comparative study of different optimisation techniques for a bi-criteria flow-shop problem», Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (JCMCC), Vol.57, pp.3-32, 2006.
- J. Lemesre, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, «An exact parallel method for a bi-objective permutation flowshop problem », European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol.177, No.3, pp.1641-1655, 2007.
- Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, D. Horvath, B. Parent «A parallel hybrid genetic algorithm for protein structure prediction on the computational Grid», Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.23, No. 3 , pp. 398-409, 2007.
- N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E-G. Talbi, «The bi-objective covering tour problem », Computers & Operations Research (COR), Vol.34, No.7, pp.1929-1942, 2007.
- J. Lemesre, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, «Parallel Partitioning Method (PPM) : A new exact method to solve bi-objective problems », Computers and Operational Research (COR), Vol. 34, No.8, pp.2450-2462, 2007.
- E-G. Talbi, S. Cahon, N. Melab, «Designing cellular networks using a parallel hybrid metaheuristic», Computer Communications, Vol.30, No.4, pp.698-713, 2007.
- M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «Combining metaheuristics and exact methods for solving exactly multi-objective problems on the Grid», Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, Vol.6, No.3, pp.393-409, 2007.
- N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E-G. Talbi, «Target aiming Pareto search and its application to the vehicle routing problem with route balancing », Journal of Heuristics, Vol.13, No.5, pp.455-469, 2007.
- M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «An efficient load balancing strategy for Grid-based branch and bound algorithm», Parallel Computing, Vol.33, No.4, pp.302-313, 2007.
- E-G. Talbi, B. Weinberg, «Breaking the search space symmetry in partitioning problems: An application to the graph coloring problem», Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Vol.378, No.1, pp.78-86, 2007.
- J-M. Pierson, J. Gossa, P. Wehrle, Y. Cardenas, S. Cahon, M. El samad, L. Brunie, C. Dhaenens, A. Hameurlin, N. Melab, M. Miquel, F. Morvan, E-G. Talbi, A. Tchounikine, «GGM: Efficient navigation and mining in distributed geno-medical data», IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnologies, Vol.6, No.2, 2007.
- Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «A parallel hybrid genetic algorithm for protein structure prediction on the computational Grid», Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.23, No.3, pp.398-409, 2007.
- N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E-G. Talbi, «Multi-objective vehicle routing problems», European Journal of Operational Research EJOR, Vol.189, No.2, pp.293-309, 2008.
- O. Schutze, L. Jourdan, T. Legrand, E-G. Talbi, J-L. Wojkiewicz, «New analysis of the optimisation electromagnetic shielding properties using conducting polymers and a multi-objective approach», Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Vol.19, No.7, pp.762-769, 2008.
- M. Khabzaoui, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, «Combining evolutionary algorithms and exact approaches for multi-objective knowledge discovery», RAIRO Operations Research, Vol.42, pp.69-83, 2008.
- O. Schutze, C. Coello, S. Mostaghim, E-G. Talbi, M. Dellnitz, «Hybridizing evolutionary strategies with continuation methods for solving multi-objective problems», Engineering Optimisation, Vol.40, No.5, pp.383-401, 2008.
- H. Bouziri, E-G. Talbi, K. Mellouli, «A cooperative search method for the k-coloring problem», Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (JMMA), Vol.7, No.2, pp.125-142, 2008.
- Tantar, S. Conilleau, B. Parent, N. Melab, L. Brillet, S. Roy, E-G. Talbi, D. Horvath, «Docking and biomolecular simulations on computer grids: status and trends», Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, Vol.4, No.3, pp.235-249, 2008.
- Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «A grid-based genetic algorithm combined with an adaptive simulated annealing for protein structure prediction», Soft Computing, Vol.12, No.12, pp 1185-1198, 2008.
- O. Schutze, M. Laumanns, C. Coello, E-G. Talbi, M. Dellnitz, «Convergence of stochastic search algorithms to finite size Pareto set approximations», Journal of Global Optimisation (JOGO), Vol.41, No.4, pp.559-577, 2008.
- G. Molina, E. Alba, E-G. Talbi, «Optimal sensor network layout using multi-objective metaheuristics», Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Vol.14, No.15, pp.2549-2565, 2008.
- Bendjoudi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «Peer-to-peer design and implementation of a parallel branch and bound algorithm for grids», International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), Vol.1, No.2, pp.159-168, 2009.
- N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E-G. Talbi, «An evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with route balancing», European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol.195, No.3, pp.761-769, 2009.
- L. Jourdan, M. Basseur, E-G. Talbi, «Hybridizing exact method and metaheuristics: A taxonomy», European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR),Vol.199, No.3, pp.620-629,2009.
- L. Jourdan, O. Schutze, T. Legrand, E-G. Talbi, J-L. Wojkiewicz, «An analysis of the effect of multiple layers in the multi-objective design of conducting polymer composites», Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol.24, No.3, pp.350-357, 2009.
- E. Alba, J-M. Garcia-Nieto, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, «Sensitivity and specifity based multi-objective approach for feature selection: application to Cancer diagnosis», Information Processing Letters (IPL), Vol.109, No.16, pp.887-896, 2009.
- M. Mehdi, M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry «Peer to peer computing for large tree exploration-based exact optimisation», International Journal on Grid and Utility Computing, Vol.1, No.3, pp.252-260, 2009.
- Liefooghe, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi «Metaheuristics and cooperative approaches for the bi-objective ring star problem», Computers and Operations Research (COR), Vol.37, No.6,pp.1033-1044, 2010.
- Dhaenens, J. Lemesre, E-G. Talbi, «K-PPM: A new exact method to solve multi-objective combinatorial optimisation problems», European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol.200, No.1, pp.45-53, 2010.
- O. Schutze, M. Laumanns, E. Tantar, C. Coello, E-G. Talbi, «Computing gap-free Pareto front approximations with stochastic search algorithms», Evolutionary Computation Journal (ECJ), Vol.18, No.1, pp.65-96, 2010.
- J. Figueira, A. Liefooghe, E-G. Talbi, A. Wierzbicki, «A parallel multiple reference point approach for multi-objective optimisation», European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol.205, No.2, pp.390-400, 2010.
- T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «Neighborhood structures for GPU-based local search algorithms», Parallel Processing Letters, Vol.20, No.4, pp.307-324, 2010.
- Khanafer, F. Clautiaux, E-G. Talbi, «New lower bounds for bin packing problems with conflicts», European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol.206, No.2, pp.281-288, 2010
- J-C. Boisson, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, D. Horvath, «Single and multi-objective cooperation for the flexible docking problem», Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Algorithms (JMMA), Vol.9, No.2, pp.195-208, 2010.
- Liefooghe, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, «A software framework based on a conceptual unified approach for evolutionary multiobjective optimisation: ParadisEO-MOEO», European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol.209, No.2, pp.104-112, 2011.
- J-C. Boisson, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, «Metaheuristics based de novo protein sequencing: a new approach», Applied Soft Computing, Vol.11, No.2, pp.2271-2278, 2011.
- H. Bouziri, K. Mellouli, E-G. Talbi, «The k-coloring fitness landscape», Journal of Combinatorial Optimisation (JOCO), Vol.21, No.3, pp.306-315, 2011.
- M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, Y. Kessaci, Y-C. Lee, E-G. Talbi, A. Zomaya, D. Tuyttens, “A parallel bi-objective hybrid metaheuristic for energy-aware scheduling for cloud computing systems”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol.71, No.11, pp.1497-1508, 2011.
- E-G. Talbi, «Parallel bioinspired optimisation algorithms », CSI Communications, Vol.34, No.11, pp.21-23, Feb 2011.
- Khanafer, F. Clautiaux, E-G. Talbi, «Tree decomposition based heuristics for the two-dimensional bin packing problem with conflicts», Computers and Operations Research (COR), Vol.39, No.1, pp.54-63, 2012.
- M. Khouadjia, B. Sarasola, E. Alba, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “A comparative study between dynamic adapted PSO and VNS for the vehicle routing problem with dynamic requests”, Applied Soft Computing Vol.12, No.4, pp.1426-1439, 2012.
- E-G. Talbi, M. Basseur, A. Nebro, E. Alba «Multi-objective optimisation using metaheuristics: non-standard algorithms», International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR), Vol.19, No.1, pp.283-306, 2012.
- J. C. Hernandez-Castro, J. M.E. Tapiador, P. Peris-Lopez, J. A. Clark, E-G. Talbi, «Metaheuristic traceability attack against SLMAP, an RFID lightweight authentification protocol», International.Journal of Foundation of Computer Science (IJFCS), Vol.23, No.2, pp.543-565, 2012.
- A.Bendjoudi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Hierarchical branch and bound algorithm for computational Grids”, Future Generation Computer Journal (FGCS), Vol.28, No.8, pp.1168-1176, 2012.
- L. Loukil, M. Mehdi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, «Parallel hybrid genetic algorithms for solving Q3AP on computational Grids», International.Journal of Foundation of Computer Science (IJFCS), Vol.23, No.2, pp.483-500, 2012.
- Liefooghe, J. Humeau, S. Masmoudi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, «On dominance-based multi-objective local search: design, implementation and experimental analysis on scheduling and traveling salesman problems», Journal of Heuristics, Vol.18, No.2, pp.317-352, 2012.
- A.Allani, E-G. Talbi, K. Mellouli «Hybridization of genetic and quantum algorithm for gene selection and classification of microarray data», International. Journal of Foundation of Computer Science (IJFCS), Vol.23, No.2, pp.431-444, 2012
- Khanafer, F. Clautiaux, S. Hanafi, E-G. Talbi, «The min-conflict packing problem», Computers and Operations Research (COR), Vol.39, No.9, pp.2122-2132, 2012.
- A.Liefooghe, M. Basseur, J. Humeau, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, «On optimizing a bi-objective flowshop scheduling problem in uncertain environments», Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.64, No.12, pp.3747-3762, 2012.
- A.Bendjoudi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “AHMW: An adaptive hierarchical master-worker framework for Grids – Application to branch and bound algorithms”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol.72, No.2, pp.120-131, 2012.
- M. Khouadjia, E-G. Talbi, L. Jourdan, B. Sarasola, E. Alba, “Multi-environmental cooperative parallel metaheuristics for solving dynamic optimisation problems”, Journal of Supercomputing Vol.63, No.3, pp.836-853, 2013.
- T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «GPU computing for parallel local search metaheuristic algorithms», IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.62, No.1, pp.173-185, 2013
- S. Dabia, E-G. Talbi, T. Van Woensel, A. G. De Kok, “Multi-objective time-dependent optimisation problems: approximations based on dynamic programming”, Computers and Operations Research, Vol.40, No.5, pp.1165-1175, 2013.
- Y. Kessaci, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A Pareto-based metaheuristic for scheduling HPC applications on a geographically distributed cloud federation”, Cluster Computing Journal, Vol.16, No.3, pp.451-468, 2013.
- N. Dahmani, F. Clautiaux, E-G. Talbi, “Iterative approaches for solving a multi-objective 2-dimensional vector packing problem”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.66, No.1, pp.158-170, 2013.
- E-G. Talbi, “Combining metaheuristics with mathematical programming, constraint programming and machine learning”, 4OR, Vol.11, No.2, pp.101-150, 2013.
- J. Humeau, A. Liefooghe, E-G. Talbi, S. Verel, “From fitness landscape analysis to efficient local search algorithms”, Journal of Heuristics, Vol.19, No.6, pp.881-915, 2013.
- N. Dahmani, F. Clautiaux, S. Krichen, E-G. Talbi, “Self-adaptive metaheuristics for solving a multi-objective 2-dimensional vector packing problem”, Applied soft Computing, Vol.16, pp.124-136, 2014.
- Bendjoudi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “FTH-B&B: A fault tolerant hierarchical branch and boud for large scale unreliable environments”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.63, No.9, pp2302-2315, 2014.
- Y. Kessaci, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A Multi-start Local Search Heuristic for an Energy Efficient VMs Assignment on top of the OpenNebula Cloud Manager”, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.36, pp.237-256, 2014.
- M. Mezmaz, M. Mehdi, P. Bouvry, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, D. Tuyttens, “Solving the three dimensional quadratic assignment problem on a computational grid”, Cluster Computing, Vol.17, No.2, pp.205-217, 2014.
- Dorronsoro, S. Nesmachnow, J. Taheri, A. Zomaya, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, “A hierarchical approach for energy-efficient scheduling of large workloads in multicore distributed systems”, Sustainable Computing, Vol.4, No.4, pp.252-261, 2015.
- E-G. Talbi, “Hybrid metaheuristics for multi-objective optimisation”, Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, Vol.9, No.1, p.41-59, 2015.
- P. Ruiz, B. Dorronsoro, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, “Finding a robust configuration for the AEDB information dissemination protocol for mobile ad hoc networks”, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.32, pp.494-508, 2015.
- K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “Using multi-objective optimisation for biclustering microarray data”, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.33, pp.239-249, 2015.
- M. Guzek, P. Bouvry, E-G. Talbi, “A survey of evolutionary computation for resource management of processing in Cloud computing”, IEEE Computational Intelligence, Vol.10, No.2, pp.53-67, 2015.
- S. Nesmachnow, S. Iturriaga, B. Dorronsoro, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, “Metaheuristics for the virtual machine mapping problem in Clouds”, Informatica, Vol.26, No.1, pp.111-134, 2015.
- Stathakis, G. Danoy, P. Bouvry, E-G Talbi, G. Morelli. Optimizing communication satellites payload configuration with exact approaches. Engineering Optimisation, 2014, Vol.47 No.12, pp.1709-1734, 2015
- E-G. Talbi, “Combining metaheuristics with mathematical programming, constraint programming and machine learning”, Annals of Operational Research, Vol.240, No.1, pp.171-215, 2016.
- S. Jacquin, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “A multi-objective dynamic programming-based metaheuristic to solve a bi-objective unit commitment problem using a multi-objective decoder”, International Journal of Metaheuristics, Vol.5, No.1, pp.3-30, 2016.
- E. Alekseeva, Y. Kochetov, E-G. Talbi, “A matheuristic for the discrete bi-level problem with multiple objectives at the lower level”, ITOR International Transactions on Operational Research, Vol.24, No.5, pp.959-981, 2017.
- V. N. Coelho, T. A. Oliveira, I.M. Coelho, P. N. Fleming, F. G. Guimaraes, H. Ramalhinho, P. J. F. Souza, E-G. Talbi, T. Lust, “Generic Pareto local search metaheuristic for optimisation of targeted offers in a bi-objective direct marketing campaign”, Computers and Operations Research COR, Vol.78, pp.578-587, 2017.
- E-G. Talbi, R. Todosijevic “The robust uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.110, pp.322-332, 2017.
- A.Nakib, S. Ouchraa, L. Souquet, E-G. Talbi, “Deterministic metaheuristic based on fractal decomposition for large scale optimisation”, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.61, pp.468-485, 2017.
- O. Bahri, E-G. Talbi, N. Ben Amor, “A generic fuzzy approach for multi-objective optimisation under uncertainty”, Swarm Optimisation Journal, Vol.40, pp.166-183, 2018.
- O. Schutze, C. Hernanadez, E-G. Talbi, J. Q. Sun, Y. Naranjani, F. R. Xiong, “Archivers for the representation of the set of approximate solutions for multi-objective optimisation problems”, Journal of Heuristics, Vol.25, No.1, pp.71-105, 2019.
- L. Asli, M. Aider, E-G. Talbi, “Solving a dynamic combinatorial auction problem by a hybrid metaheuristic based on a fuzzy dominance relation”, RAIRO Operations research, Vol.53, No.1, pp.207-221, 2019
- J. Pelamatti, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, Y. Guerin, “Efficient global optimisation of constrained mixed variable problems”, Journal of Global Optimisation JOGO, Vol.73, No.3, pp.583-613, 2019.
- E-G. Talbi, “A unified view of parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithms”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing JPDC, vol.133, pp.249-358, 2019.
- A.Nakib, L. Souquet, E-G. Talbi, “Parallel fractal decomposition based algorithm for big continuous optimisation problems”, Journal of Parallal and Distributed Computing, Vol.133, pp.297-306, 2019.
- Tchernyk, U. Schwiegelsohn, E-G. Talbi, M. Babenko, “Towards understanding uncertainty in Cloud computing with risks of confidential:ity, integrity, and availability”, Journal of Computational Science, Vol.36, 2019.
- N. Dupin, E-G. Talbi, "Parallel matheuristics for the discrete unit commitment problem with min-stop ramping constraints", International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol.27, No.1, pp.219-244, 2020.
- Z. Garroussi, R. Ellaia, E-G. Talbi, J-Y. Lucas, “A hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for a multi-objective demand-side management problem in a smart building”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol.10, No.1, pp.559-574, 2020.
- L. Souquet, E-G. Talbi, A. Nakib, "Fractal decomposition approach for continuous multi-objective optimization", IEEE Access, Vol.8, pp.604-619, 2020
- N. Dupin, E-G. Talbi, "Machine learning-guided heuristics and new lower bounds for the refueling and maintenance planning problem of nuclear power plants", Algorithms, Vol.13, No.8, pp.185-194, 2020
- O. Bahri, E-G. Talbi, “Robustness-based approach for fuzzy multi-objective problems”, Annals of Operations Research, 2020.
- J. Pelamatti, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, Y. Guerin, “Bayesian optimization in variable-size design space”, Optimization and Engineering Journal, 2020.
- Z. Garroussi, R. Ellaia, E-G. Talbi, J-Y. Lucas, “A hybrid backtracking search algorithm for energy management in a microgrid”, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, 2020.
- Hebbal, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, N. Melab, “Bayesian optimization using deep Gaussian processes”, Optimization and Engineering Journal, 2020.
- Y. Gmys, T. Carneiro, E-G. Talbi, D. Tuyttens, N. Melab, «A comparative study of high-productivity high-performance programming languages for parallel metaheuristics», Swarm and Evolutionary Computation Journal, Vol.57, No.100, pp.720-730, 2020.
- N. Dupin, E-G. Talbi, “Matheuristics to optimize refueling and maintenance scheduling of nuclear power plants”, Journal of Heuristics, 2020.
- N. Aslimani, E-G. Talbi, R. Ellaia, “A new chaotic-based approach for multi-objective optimization”, Algorithms, Vol.13, No.9, pp.204-213, 2020.
- J. Sadet, F. Massa, T. Tison, I. Turpin, B. Lallemand, E-G. Talbi, «Homotopy perturbation technique for improving solutions of large quadratic eigenvalue problems: application to friction induced vibration», Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Journal, accepted 2020.
- Hebbal, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, N. Melab «Multi-fidelity modelling with different input domain definitions using deep Gaussian processes», Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization Journal, accepted 2020.
- N. Dupin, F. Nielsen, E-G. Talbi, “Unified polynomial dynamic programming algorithms for P-center variants in a 2D Pareto front”, Mathematics, Vol.9, No.4, pp.1-30, 2021.
- E-G. Talbi, «Automated design of deep neural networks: A survey and unified taxonomy», ACM Computing Surveys, Vol.54, No.2, 2021.
- N. Dupin, R. Parize, E-G. Talbi, «Matheuristics and column generation for a basic technician routing problem », Algorithms, Vol.14, No.21, 2021.
- E-G. Talbi, «Machine learning into metaheuristics: A survey and taxonomy of data-driven metaheuristics», Vol.54, No.6, ACM Computing Surveys, 2021.
- J. Sadet, F. Massa, T. Tison, E-G. Talbi, I. Turpin, «Deep Gaussian process for the approximation of a quadratic eigen value problem: application to friction-induced vibration», Vibration, Vol.5, No.2, 2022.
- M. K. Mamaghan, M. Mohammadi, P. Meyer, A. M. Karimi, E-G. Talbi, «Machine learning at the service of metaheuristics for solving combinatorial optimization problems », European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol.296, No.2, 2022.
- A. Hebbal, M. Balesdent, L. Brevault, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, «Deep Gaussian process for multi-objective Bayesian optimization», Optimization and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11081-022-09753-0, 2022.
Articles dans conférences internationales avec comité de sélection
E. G. Talbi, P. Bessière, "A parallel genetic algorithm for the graph partitioning problem", ACM Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, Cologne, Germany, pages 312-320, ACM Press, Juin 1991.
T. Muntean, E. G. Talbi, "A parallel genetic algorithm for process-processor mapping", edited by M. Durand, F. El-Dabagh, 2nd Symposium on High Performance Computing, Elsevier Science Pub., North-Holland, pages 71-82, Montpellier, France, Oct 1991.
J. M. Ahuactzin, E. G. Talbi, P. Bessière, E. Mazer, "Using genetic algorithms for robot motion planning", B. Neumann, pages 671-675, 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI92, John Wiley and Sons, Vienna, Austria, Aout 1992.
E-G. Talbi, P. Bessière, J.M. Ahuactzin, E. Mazer, "Parallel robot motion planning in a dynamic environment", Second Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing CONPAR92-VAPP V, Lecture Notes in Computer Science No.634, L. Bougé and al. Editors, Springer-Verlag, pp.835-836, Lyon, France, Sep 1992.
E. Mazer, J.M. Ahuactzin, E-G. Talbi, P. Bessière, "The Ariadne’s clew algorithm", Proc.of the Second Int. Conf. on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior SAB92: From animals to animats, MIT Press, pp.7-11, Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec 1992.
E. G. Talbi, T. Muntean, "Hill-climbing, simulated annealing and genetic algorithms: A comparative study", International Conference on System Sciences HICSS: Task scheduling in parallel and distributed systems, edited by H. El-Rewini and T. Lewis, pages 565-573, IEEE Computer Society Press, Hawaii, Jan 1993.
E. Mazer, J.M. Ahuactzin, E-G. Talbi, P. Bessière, "Robot motion planning with the Ariadne’s clew algorithm", International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems IAS-3, In F.C. Groen and al. editors, IOS Press, pp.196-205, Pittsburg, USA, Fev 1993.
E. G. Talbi, T. Muntean, "General heuristics for the mapping problem", World Transputer Congress, IOS Press, edited by P. H. Welch, pages 1229-1241, Aachen, Germany, Sept 1993.
A. Balaniuk, H. Castro, R. Despons, A. Elleuch, F. Mennteau, L. Mugwaneza, T. Muntean, E-G. Talbi, "PAROS: A generic multi-virtual machines parallel operating system", Int. Conf. on Parallel Computing ParCo93, Elsevier Pub., Grenoble, France, Sept 1993.
A. Elleuch, A. Kanawati, T. Muntean, E-G. Talbi, "Dynamic load balancing mechanisms for a parallel operating system", Int. Conf. on Parallel and Vector Processing CONPAR 94, Linz, Austria, pp.877-964, Sept 1994.
Z. Hafidi, E-G. Talbi, G. Goncalves, "Load balancing and parallel tree search: the MIPIDA* algorithm", Int. Conf. On Parallel Computing PARCO’95, Edited by E.H. D’Hollander et al., pp.93-100, North-Holland, Gent, Belgique, Sept 1995.
V. Bachelet, P. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Parallel hybrid metaheuristic: Application to the quadratic assignement prolem", Parallel Optimization Colloquium POC’96, Versailles, France, pp.233-242, Mar 1996.
P. Preux, E-G. Talbi, "Genetic algorithms for optimization and application to NP-complete problems solving", IFORS’96 Int. Federation of Operational Research Societies, 14th Triennial Conf., Vancouver, Canada, Jui 1996.
D. Duvivier, P. Preux, E. G. Talbi, "Climbing Up NP-Hard Hills", The Fourth Int. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature PPSN’96, Springer-Verlag, LNCS No.1141, edited by H-M. Voigt, W. Ebeling, I. Rechenberg and H-P. Schwefel, , pages 574-583, Berlin, Germany Sept 1996.
D. Duvivier, P. Preux, E. G. Talbi, "Genetic algorithms applied to the job shop scheduling problem", Workshop on Production Planning and Control FUCAM'96, Mons, Belgique, pages 28-31, Sept 1996.
Z. Hafidi, E. G. Talbi, J-M. Geib, "Parallel adaptive stochastic heuristics", Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications PDPTA'97, Las-Vegas, USA, pages 1586-1597, Juin 1997.
D. Kebbal, E-G. Talbi, J-M. Geib, "A new approach for chekpointing parallel applications", Int. Conf. On Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications PDPTA’97, CRSEA Press, pp.1643-1651, Las Vegas, USA, Juin 1997.
C. Fonlupt, E. G. Talbi, P. Preux, "Fitness landscape and performance of meta-heuristics", The Second Metaheuristics International Conference MIC'97, Sophia-Antipolis, France, Juil 1997.
E-G. Talbi, Z. Hafidi, J-M. Geib, "Parallel adaptive tabu search for large optimization problems", The Second Metaheuristics Int. Conf. MIC’97, pp.137-142, Sophia Antipolis, France, Juil 1997.
E-G. Talbi, J-M. Geib, Z. Hafidi, D. Kebbal, "A fault-tolerant parallel heuristic for assignment problems", BioSP3 Workshop on Biologically Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing Systems, in IEEE IPPS/SPDP'98 (Int. Parallel Processing Symposium / Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing), José Rolim, LNCS No. 1388, Springer-Verlag, pages 306-314, Orlando, USA, Avr 1998.
D. Duvivier, P. Preux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robillard, E-G. Talbi, "The fitness function and its impact on local search methods", IEEE Conf. On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SMC'98, IEEE Press, San Diego, California, USA, pages 2478-2483, Oct 1998.
E-G. Talbi, O. Roux, C. Fonlupt, D. Robillard, "Parallel ant colonies for combinatorial optimization problems", BioSP3 Workshop on Biologically Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing Problems, in IEEE IPPS/SPDP'99 (Int. Parallel Processing Symposium / Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing), Edited by José Rolim, LNCS Vol. 1388, Springer-Verlag, pages 306-314, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, Avril 1999.
N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, S. Petiton, "A parallel adaptive version of the block-based Gauss-Jordan algorithm", in IEEE IPPS/SPDP'99 (Int. Parallel Processing Symposium / Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing), pp.350-355, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, Avr 1999.
H. Lamehamedi, A. Bensaid, D. Kebbal, E-G. Talbi, A. Bellaachia, « Adaptive programming: Application to a semi-supervised point prototype clustering algorithm », International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques PDPTA’99, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp.2753-2759, Juin 1999.
D. Kebbal, E-G. Talbi, J-M. Geib, « Building and scheduling parallel adaptive applications in heterogeneous environment », First IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing IWCC’99, Edited by R. Buyya et al., Melbourne, Australia, pp.195-201, Déc 1999.
V. Bachelet, E-G. Talbi, "A parallel co-evolutionary metaheuristic", BioSP3 Workshop on Biologically Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing Problems, in IEEE IPDPS’2000 (Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium), Edited by José Rolim et al., LNCS Vol.1800, Springer-Verlag, pages 628-635, Cancun, Mexique, Mai 2000.
H. Meunier, E-G. Talbi, P. Reininger, "A multiobjective algorithm for radio network optimization", Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC’2000, pp.317-324, San Diego, USA, Juil 2000.
V. Bachelet, E-G. Talbi, "COSEARCH: A co-evolutionary metaheuristic", Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC’2000, pp.1550-1557, San Diego, USA, Jui 2000.
R. Hadji, M. Rahoual, E-G. Talbi, V. Bachelet, "Ant colonies for the set covering problem", 2nd International Workshop on Ant Algorithms, pp.63-66, Bruxelles, Belgique, Sept 2000.
E-G. Talbi, M. Rahoual, M-H. Mabed, C. Dhaenens, « A Hybrid Evolutionary Approach for Multicriteria Optimization Problems: Application to the Flow Shop», First International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization EMO’01, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS No.1993, Springer Verlag, pp.416-428, Edited by E. Zitzler, K. Deb, L. Thiele, C. Coello and D. Corne, Zurich, Switzerland, Mar 2001.
N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, « A parallel genetic algorithm for rule mining », BioSP3 Workshop on Biologically Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing Problems, in IEEE IPDPS’2000 (Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium), IEEE Press, San-Francisco, USA, Avr 2001.
B. Weinberg, V. Bachelet, E-G. Talbi, "A co-evolutionist meta-heuristic for the assignment of the frequencies in cellular networks", First European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization EvoCop’2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS No.2037, pp.140-149, Lake Come, Italy, Avr 2001.
L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, S. Gallina, « An optimization approach to mine genetic data », Int. Conf. On Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medecine and Biological Sciences METMBS’2001, pp.40-46, Edited by F. Valafar, Las-Vegas, USA, Juin 2001.
D. Kebbal, E-G. Talbi, J-M. Geib « Multi-application scheduling in networks of workstations and clusters of processors», Advanced Environments, Tools, and Applications for Cluster Computing, LNCS No.2326, Springer-Verlag, pp.145-155, Mangalia, Romania, Sept 2001.
L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « A Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in Data-Mining for Genetics », MIC’2001 Metaheuristics International Conference, pp29-34, Porto, Portugal, Juil 2001.
D. Kebbal, E-G. Talbi, J-M. Geib, « Scheduling parallel adaptive applications in networks of workstations and clusters of processors », IEEE Int. Conf. on Cluster Computing, Newport Beach, California, USA, Oct 2001.
N. Melab, S. Cahon, E-G. Talbi, L. Duponchel, « Parallel genetic algorithm based wrapper feature selection for spectroscopic data mining», BioSP3 Workshop on Biologically Inspired Solutions to Parallel Processing Problems, in IEEE IPDPS’2002 (Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium), IEEE Press, Fort-Lauderdale, USA, Avril 2002.
C. Fonlupt, S. Cahon, D. Robillard, E-G. Talbi, L. Duponchel, « Using evolutionary algorithms for error prediction in near infrared spectroscopy», Workshop on Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS No. 2279, Springer, pp. 51-56, Kinsale, Ireland, Apr 2002.
M. Basseur, F. Seynhaeve, E-G. Talbi, « Design of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: Application to the flow-shop scheduling problem», CEC’2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp.1151-1156, Hawaii, Mai 2002.
N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E-G. Talbi, « Parallel and hybrid models for multi-objective optimization », Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN VII, LNCS No.2439, Springer Verlag, pp.271-280, Granada, Spain, Sept 2002.
S. Cahon, E-G. Talbi, N. Melab, « PARADISEO: A framework for parallel and distributed biologically inspired heuristics», NIDISC’2003 Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing, in IEEE IPDPS’2003 (Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium), IEEE Press, Nice, France, Avr 2003.
L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « Discovering haplotypes in linkage disequilibrium mapping with an adaptive genetic algorithm», EvoBio’2003 Workshop on Evolutionary Bioinformatics, LNCS No.2611, pp.66-75, Colchester, UK, Avr 2003.
L. Brunie, M. Miquel, J-M. Pierson, A. Tchounikine, C. Dhaenens, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, A. Hameurlain, F. Morvan, « Information grids : managing and mining semantic data in a grid infrastructure, open issues and application to geno-medical data», IEEE DEXA’2003, pp.180-193, Prague, Czech Republic, Sept 2003.
M. Basseur, F. Seynhaeve, E-G. Talbi, « Adaptive mechanisms for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms», CESA’2003 Computational Enginnering in Systems Applications IEEE Press, Lille, France, Juil 2003.
L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « Rules extraction in linkage disequilibrium mapping with an adaptive genetic algorithm», ECCB’2003, European Conference on Computational Biology, pp.29-32, Paris, France, Sept 2003.
S. Cahon, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, M. Schoenauer, « PARADISEO based design of parallel and distributed evolutionary algorithms», Int. Conf. On Artificial Evolution EA’2003, Marseille, France, LNCS N.2936, pp.216-228, Oct 2003.
J. Lemesre, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « A parallel exact scheme to solve bicriteria problems», MOPGP’2004 Multi-objective Programming and Goal Programming, Hammamet, Tunisie, Avril 2004.
L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « Clustering nominal and numerical data: a new distance concept for a hybrid genetic algorithm», EvoCop’2004 4th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS No.3004, pp.220-229, Coimbra, Portugal, Avr 2004.
B. Weinberg, E-G. Talbi, « On search space symmetry in partitioning problems », EvoCop’2004 4th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS No.3004, pp.230-240, Coimbra, Portugal, Avr 2004.
L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « A parallel adaptive genetic algorithm for linkage disequilibrium in genomics», NIDISC’2004 Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing, in IEEE IPDPS’2004 (Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium), IEEE Press, Santa Fe, USA, Avr 2004.
J. Lemesre, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « A parallel exact method for a bicriteria permutation flow-shop problem», PMS’2004 9th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, pp. 359-362, Nancy, France, Jui 2004.
M. Khabzaoui, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « Association rule discovery for DNA microarray data», SIAM Bioinformatics Workshop in conjunction with 4th SIAM Int Conf. On Data Mining, pp.63-71, Orlando, USA, Avr 2004.
M. Basseur, J. Lemesre, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « Cooperative search for multiobjective flow shop scheduling problem», Int. WEA’2004 Workshop on Experimental and Efficient Algorithms, Lectures Notes in Computer Science LNCS No.3059, Edited by C. Ribeiro and S.L. Martins, pp.72-86, Angra dos Reis, Brasil, May 2004.
B. Weinberg and E-G. Talbi, "NFL theorem is unusable on structured classes of problems", CEC'2004, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 1, pp. 220-226, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2004.
M. Khabzaoui, C. Dhaenens and E-G. Talbi, "A Multicriteria Genetic Algorithm to analyze DNA microarray data", CEC'2004, Congress on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 2, pp. 1874-1881, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2004.
M-S. Mezmaz, N. Melab and E-G. Talbi, “Towards a Coordination Model for Parallel Cooperative P2P Multi-objective Optimization”, Lectures Notes in Computer Science LNCS, European Grid Conf. (EGC’2005), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Feb 2005.
M. Basseur, F. Seynhaeve, E-G. Talbi, « Path relinking in Pareto multiobjective optimization algorithms», Int. Conf. On Evolutionary Multicriterion Optimization, Lectures Notes in Computer Science Lectures Notes in Computer Science LNCS No.3410, Edited by C. Coello et al., pp.120-134, Guanajuato, Mexico, Mar 2005.
S. Cahon, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, « An enabling framework for parallel optimization on the computational Grid», IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. Cluster Computing and Grid CCGrid’2005, Cardiff, UK, May 2005.
N. Melab, M-S. Mezmaz and E-G. Talbi, “Parallel Hybrid Multi-objective Island Model in Peer-to-Peer Environment”, Proc. of the 8th IEEE/ACM Intl. Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC’05 - in conjunction with IPDPS’2005), Denver, Colorado, Apr 2005.
M. Khabzaoui, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, « Parallel genetic algorithms for multi-objective rule mining», Proc. of the 6th Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC’2005), pp.571-576, Vienna, Austria, Aug 2005.
N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E-G. Talbi, «Enhancements of NSGA II and its application to the vehicle routing problem with route balancing», 7th International Conference EA’2005 (Artificial Evolution), LNCS No.3871, Springer, pp.131-142, Lille, France, Oct 2005.
J-C. Boisson, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, C. Rolando, «A preliminary work on evolutionary identification of proteins variants and new proteins on Grids», HiPComb Second IEEE Workshop on High Performance Computing in Medicine and Biology, pp.583-587, Vienna, Austria, April 2006.
M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A Grid hybrid exact approach for solving multi-objective problems”, Proc. of the 9th IEEE/ACM Intl. Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC’06 - in conjunction with IPDPS’2006), Rhodes Island, Greece, Apr 2006.
E. Tantar, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, «Landscape Analysis for Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization », SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM’06), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Jun 2006.
J-C. Boisson, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, C. Rolando «Protein sequencing with an adaptive genetic algorithm from tandem mass spectrometry», IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC’2006, pp.1412-1419, Vancouver, Canada, July 2006.
J. Lemesre, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, "K-PPM: an exact Multi-Objective Method",
In the Proc. of MOPGP’2006, 7th International conference on Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming, Tours, France, 2006. -
N. Melab, M. Mezmaz, E-G. Talbi, B. Wei, «Parallel peer to peer multi-objective optimization using the multi-start model», NPC’2006 IFIP Int. Conf. on Network and Parallel Computing, pp.20-26, Tokyo, Japan, Oct 2006.
A. Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, B. Toursel, «Solving the protein folding problem with a bi-criterion genetic algorithm», International Workshop on Biomedical Computations on the Grid (BioGRID’2006), Singapour, May 2006.
L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, «Using datamining techniques to help metaheuristics: A survey », HM’2006 Int. Conf. on Hybrid Metaheuristics, LNCS No.4030, pp.57-69, Springer, Gran Canaria, Spain, Oct 2006.
O. Schuetze, E-G. Talbi, C.C. Coello, L. Santana-Quintero, G. Toscano-Pulido, «A memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm for scalar optimization problems », IEEE SIS’2007 Swarm Intelligence Symposium, Hawaii, USA, Apr 2007.
M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A Grid-enabled Branch and Bound Algorithm for Solving Challenging Combinatorial Optimization Problems”, In Proc. of 21th IEEE IPDPS’2007 International. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp., Long Beach, California, March 26th-30th, 2007.
M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi., “A Grid-based Parallel Approach of the Multi-Objective Branch and Bound”, In Proc. of the 15th IEEE Euromicro Conf. on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing PDP2007, Naples, Italy, Feb. 7-9, 2007.
A. Liefooghe, M. Basseur, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “Multi-objective combinatorial optimization for stochastic problems: an application to the flow-shop scheduling”, EMO’2007 Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization Conference, LNCS No.4408, pp. 386-400, Matsushima, Japan, March 2007.
A. Liefooghe, M. Basseur, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “Paradiseo-MOEO: A framework for evolutionary multi-objective optimization”, EMO’2007 Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization Conference, LNCS No.4408, pp. 457-471, Matsushima, Japan, March 2007.
O. Schutze, L. Jourdan, T. Legrand, E-G. Talbi, J-L. Wojkiewics, “A multi-objective approach to the design of conducting polymer compositesfor electromagnetic shielding”, EMO’2007 Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization Conference, LNCS No.4408, pp. 590-603, Matsushima, Japan, March 2007.
A. Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A comparative study of parallel metaheuristics for protein structure prediction on the computational Grid”, Proc. of the 10th IEEE/ACM Intl. Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC) - in conjunction with IPDPS’2007), Long Beach, USA, Apr 2007.
E-G. Talbi, A. Bendjoudi, N. Melab, “A parallel peer to peer branch and bound algorithm for computational Grids”, Proc. of the Intl. Workshop on Peer to Peer, Parallel, Grid and Internet Computing (3PGIC),Vienna, Austria, Apr 2007.
A. Zunino, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A Grid-enabled framework for exact optimization algorithms”, HPCS’2007 High Performance Computing and Simulation, Pragua, Czeche Republic, June 2007.
M. Mehdi, M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Towards a Napster-like peer to peer branch and bound algorithm”, HPCS’2007 High Performance Computing and Simulation, Praga, Czech Republic, June 2007.
J. Garcia-Nieto, L. Jourdan, E. Alba, E-G. Talbi, “A comparison of PSO and GA approaches for gene selection and classification of microarray data”, GECCO’2007 Genetic and Evolutionary Computations Conference, London, UK, July 2007.
O. Schutze, M. Laumanns, E. Tantar, C. A. Coello, Coello, E-G. Talbi, “Convergence of stochastic search algorithms to gap free Pareto front approximation”, GECCO’2007 Genetic and Evolutionary Computations Conference, London, UK, July 2007. Best paper award.
J. Brongniart, C. Dhaenens, E-G. Talbi, “Defining filtering algorithms for restricted tree problems using balanced trees”, CP’2007 13th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming- Doctoral program, Philadelphia, USA, Sept 2007.
E. Alba, J. Garcia-Nieto, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “Gene selection in cancer classification using PSO/SVM and GA/SVM hybrid algorithms”, CEC’2007 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp.284-290, Singapore, Sept 2007.
A. Bendjoudi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “A parallel peer-to-peer branch and bound algorithm for computational grids”, IEEE Int. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid CCGrid’2007, pp.749-754, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2007.
E-G. Talbi, A. Bendjoudi, N. Melab, “Parallel branch and bound on P2P systems”, Int. Conf. on Complex Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems CISIS’2007, pp.271-278, Vienna, Austria, April 2007.
B. Parent, A. Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, D. Horvath, “Grid-based evolutionary strategies applied to the conformational sampling problem”, CEC’2007 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp.291-296, Singapore, Sept 2007.
L. Foughali, E-G. Talbi, M. Batouche, “Location areas planning optimization in mobile networks”, PDCS’2007 Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Boston, USA, Nov 2007.
O. Schutze, C. Coello, E-G. Talbi, “Approximating the epsilon-efficient set for a multi-objective problem with stochastic search algorithms”, MICAI’2007 Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.128-138, Nov 2007.
E-G. Talbi, L. Jourdan, J. Garcia-Nieto, E. Alba, “Comparison of population based metaheuristics for feature selection: Application to microarray data classification”, AICCSA’2008 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, pp.45-52, Doha, Qatar, Nov 2008.
A. Liefooghe, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “On th integration of a TSP heuristic into an EA for the biobjective ring star problem”, HM’2008 Hybrid Metaheuristics International Conference, LNCS Vol.5296, pp.117-130, Malaga, Spain, Oct 2008.
J-C. Boisson, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, D. Horvath, “Parallel multi-objective algorithms for the molecular docking problem”, Proceedings of Conference in Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (CIBCB), Sun Valley Resort, Idaho, USA. Sept 2008. Best paper award.
J. Tavares, A. Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “The impact of local search on protein-ligand docking optimization”, HIS’2008 8th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Intelligent Systems Barcelona, Spain, pp.53-58, Oct 2008.
M. Mehdi, M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry “An efficient hybrid peer-to-peer approach for non-redundant tree exploration in branch and bound algorithms”, Int. Workshop on P2P Parallel Grid and Internet Computing (3PGIC) in conjunction with CISIS, Barcelona, Spain, Mar 2008.
J. Tavares, A. Tantar, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “The influence of mutation on protein-ligand optimization: a locality analysis”, PPSN’2008 Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, LNCS Vol.5199 Springer, pp.589-598, Dortmund, Germany, Sept 2008.
A. Liefooghe, L. Jourdan, M. Basseur, E-G. Talbi, E. Burke, “Metaheuristics for the bi-objective ring star problem”, 18th European Conf. On Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization EvoCop’2008, LNCS Vol.4972, Springer, pp.206-217, Napoli, Italy, 2008.
O. Schutze, C. A. Coello, E. Tantar, E-G. Talbi, “Computing finite size representations of the set of approximate solutions of an MOP with stochastic search algorithms”, GECCO’2008 Genetic and Evolutionary Computations Conference, pp.713-720, Atlanta, USA, July 2008. Best paper award.
L. Foughali, E-G. Talbi, M. Batouche, “A parallel insular model for location areas planning in mobile networks”, NIDISC’2008 Nature Inspired Distributed Computing Workshop in conjunction with IEEE Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing IPDPS’2008, Miami, USA, Apr 2009.
E. Tantar, C. Dhaenens, J. Figueira, E-G. Talbi, “A priori landscape analysis in guiding interactive multi-objective metaheuristics”, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC’2008, pp.4104-4111, Hong Kong, China, June 2008.
J. C. Hernandez, J. E. Tapiador, P. Peris-Lopez, J. A. Clark, E-G. Talbi, “Metaheuristic traceability attack against SLMAP, an RFID lightweight authentification protocol”, NIDISC’2009 Nature Inspired Distributed Computing Workshop in conjunction with IEEE Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing IPDPS’2009, Roma, Italy, May 2009.
A. Liefooghe, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “A unified model for evolutionary multi-objective optimization and its implementation in a general purpose software framework”, IEEE MCDM’2009 Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multi-criteria Decision Making, pp.88-95, Nashville, USA, Mar 2009.
A. Allani, E-G. Talbi, K. Mellouli, “Hybridization of genetic and quantum algorithm for gene selection and classification of microarray data”, NIDISC’2009 Nature Inspired Distributed Computing Workshop in conjunction with IEEE Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing IPDPS’2009, Roma, Italy, May 2009.
J. Tavares, S. Masmoudi, E-G. Talbi, “On the efficiency of local search methods for the molecular docking problem”, EvoBio’2009 7th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics, LNCS Vol.5483 Springer, pp.104-115, Tubingen, Germany, Apr 2009.
M. Mehdi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry “Interval island model initialization for permutation-based problems”, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO’2009, Montreal, Canada, July 2009.
A. Liefooghe, S. Mesmoudi, J. Humeau, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, “A study on dominance-based local search approaches for multi-objective combinatorial optimization”, Second Workshop on Engineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms SLS’2009, LNCS Vol.5752 Springer, pp.120-124, Brussels, Belgium, Sept 2009.
A. Horvath, L. Brillet, S. Roy, S. Conilleau, A. Tantar, J-C. Boisson, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Local versus global search strategies in evolutionary grid-based conformational & docking”, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC’2009, pp.247-254, Trondheim, Norway, May 2009.
L. Loukil, M. Mehdi, N. Melab, E-G Talbi, P. Bouvry. “A Parallel Hybrid Genetic Algorithm - Simulated Annealing for Solving Q3AP on Computational Grid”, Proc. of the 22th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’2009), NIDISC Workshop. Roma, Italy, 2009.
W. Cancino, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, A. Delbem, "A parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for phylogenetic inference", Learning and Intelligent Optimization LION 4, LNCS No.3410, pp.196-199, Venice, Italy, Jan 2010.
B. Derbel, E-G. Talbi, “Radio network distributed algorithms in the unknown neighbourhood model”, Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing and Networking ICDCN’2010, pp.155-166, Kolkata, India, Jan 2010, Best paper Award.
S. Bitam, M. Batouche, E-G. Talbi, “A survey on bee colony algorithms”, NIDISC’2010 Nature Inspired Distributed Computing Workshop in conjunction with IEEE Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing IPDPS’2010, Atlanta, USA, Apr 2010.
T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, “Large neighbourhood local search optimization on graphics processing units”, LSPP’’2010 Large Scale Parallel Processing Workshop in conjunction with IEEE Int. Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing IPDPS’2010, Atlanta, USA, Apr 2010.
T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, « Local search algorithms on graphics processing units: a case study on the permutation perceptron problem», EvoCop’2010 European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS No.6022, Springer, pp.264-275, Istanbul, Turkey, Apr 2010.
B. Derbel, E-G. Talbi, “Distributed node coloring in the SINR model”, 30th Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS’2010, pp.708-717, Genoa, Italy, June 2010.
M. Khouadjia, E. Alba, L. Jourdan and E-G. Talbi. "Multi-Swarm Optimization for Dynamic Combinatorial Problems: a case study on Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem", Seventh Int. Conf. on Swarm Intelligence ANTS 2010, LNCS Vol.6234, pp.227-238, Brussels, Belgium, Sept 2010.
A. Sulieman, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Using Multiobjective metaheuristics to solve VRP with uncertain demands", IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’2010, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010.
M. Khouadjia, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi. “Adaptive Particle Swarm for Solving the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem”, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2010.
S. Mesmoudi, J. Tavares, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Variable Genetic Operator Search for the Molecular Docking Problem", 8th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics Evobio’2010, LNCS No.6023, Springer, pp.1-12. Istanbul, Turkey, April 2010, Best Paper Nominee.
W. Cancino, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, A. Delbem, "Parallel multi-objective approaches for inferring phylogenies", 8th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Bioinformatics EvoBio’2010, LNCS No.6023, Springer, pp.26-37. Istanbul, turkey, April 2010, Best Paper Nominee.
T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi,“GPU based iskand model for evolutionary algorithms”, ACM GECCO’2010 Genetic and Evolutionary Computations Conference, pp.1089-1096, Portland, USA, July 2010.
T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "Parallel hybrid evolutionary algorithms on GPU", IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’2010, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010.
M. Mezmaz, Y. C. Lee, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, A. Zomaya, "A bi-objective hybrid genetic algorithm to minimize energy consumption and makespan for precedence-constrained applications using dynamic voltage scaling", IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’2010, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010.
M. Mehdi, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, "Interval-based initialization mothod for permutation-based problems", IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI’2010, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010.
T-V. Luong, L. Loukil, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi. “A GPU-based iterated tabu search for solving the quadratic 3D assignment problem”, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2010.
A. Mucherino, C. Lavor, L. Liberti, E-G. Talbi. “A parallel version of the branch and prune algorithm for the molecular distance geometry problem”, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2010.
M-S. Mezmaz, Y. Kessaci, Y. Choon Lee, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, A. Zomaya, D. Tuyttens. “A parallel island-based hybrid genetic algorithm for precedence-constrained applications to minimize energy consumption and makespan”, 11th IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. On Grid Computing, pp.274-281, Brussels, Belgium, Oct 2010.
T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "GPU-based multistart local search algorithms", Learning and Intelligent Optimization LION 5, LNCS, springer, Roma, Italy, Jan 2011.
N. Melab, T-V. Luong, K. Boufares, E-G. Talbi, "Towards ParadisEO-MO-GPU: a framework for GPU-based local search metaheuristics", IWANN’2011 Int. Conf. On Artificial Neural Networks, pp.401-408, Malaga, Spain, June 2011.
K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for bi-clustering in microarrays data", IEEE CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp.2593-2599, New Orleans, USA, June 2011.
M.Mehdi, J-C. Charr, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, "A cooperative tree-based hybrid GA-B&B approach for solving challenging permutation-based problems", ACM GECCO’2011 Int. Conf. on Evolutionary computation, Dublin, Ireland, July 2011. Best paper Award.
A. Sarasola, M. R. Khouadjia, E. Alba, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Variable neighborhood search in dynamic vehicle routing", EvoApplications’2011 Application of Evolutionary Computation, LNCS N.6624, pp.344-353, Torino, Italy, April 2011.
Y Kessaci, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "A Pareto-based genetic algorithm for scheduling high-performance applications on distributed cloud infrastrucures", HPCS’2011 Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing and Simulation, Istanbuk, Turkey, Jul 2011.
T-V. Luong, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "GPU based approaches for multi-objective local search algorithms: a case study – the flow shop scheduling problem", EvoCop’2011 Int. Conf. of Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS N.6624, pp.155-166, Torino, Italy, April 2011.
A. Bendjoudi,, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "Fault-tolerant mechanism for hierarchical branch and bound algorithm", IEEE LSPP’2011 Workshop on Large Scale Parallel Processing, p.1806-1814, Anchorage, USA, April 2011.
M. R. Khouadjia, B. Sarasola, E. Alba, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Multi-environment cooperative parallel metaheuristics for solving dynamic optimization problems", IEEE NIDISC Workshop on Nature Inspired Computing, p.395-403, Anchorage, USA, April 2011.
K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Hybrid metaheuristic for multi-objective bi-clusteringin microarray data", IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), pp.222-228, San Diego, USA, May 2012.
F. Legillon, A. Liefooghe, E-G. Talbi, "CoBRA: a cooperative co-evolutionary algorithm for bi-level optimization", IEEE Conference on Evolutionary computation (CEC), pp.1-8, Brisbane, Australia, June 2012.
K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Parallel hybrid metaheuristics for multi-objective bi-clustering in microarray data", IEEE NIDISC Workshop on Nature Inspired Computing, pp.625-633, Shanghai, China, May 2012.
Y. Kessaci, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "An energy-aware multi-start local search heuristic for scheduling VMs on the OpenNebula cloud distribution", HPCS’2012 Int. conf. on High Performance Computing and Simulation, pp.112-118, Madrid, Spain, July 2012.
T-V. Luong, E. Taillard, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "Strategies for hybrid metaheuristics using a single GPU and multi-cores resources", PPSN’2012 Int. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, pp.368-377, Taormina, Italy, Sept 2012.
A. Ghrab, B. Derbel, I. Jemili, A. Dhraief, A. Belghith, E-G. Talbi, "Coloring based hierarchical routing approach", 4th Int. Conf. on Ambiant Systems Networks and Technologies, pp.188-196, Halifax, Canada, Jun 2013.
A. Yahiaoui, S. Krichen, B. Derbel, E-G. Talbi, "A variable neighbourhood descent for solving the single machine total weighted tardiness problem", 5th Int. Conf. on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization, Hammamet, Tunisia, Apr 2013.
F. Legillon, N. Melab, D. Renard, E-G. Talbi, "Cost minimization of service deployment in a public cloud environment", IEEE NIDISC Workshop on Nature Inspired Computing, Boston, USA, May 2013.
F. Legillon, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "Cost minimization of service deployment in a multi-cloud environment", IEEE Conference on Evolutionary computation (CEC), pp.2580-2587, Cancun, Mexico, June 2013.
A. Tantar, A. Q. Nguyen, P. Bouvry, B. Dorronsoro, E-G. Talbi, "Computational intelligence for cloud management: current trends and opportunities", IEEE Conference on Evolutionary computation (CEC), pp.1286-1296, Cancun, Mexico, June 2013.
K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective path relinking for biclustering: application to microarray data", EMO’2013 Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization, pp.200-214, Sheffield, UK, Mar 2013.
O. Bahri, N. Ben Amor, E-G. Talbi, "A possibilistic framework for solving multi-objective problems under uncertainty", IEEE NIDISC Workshop on Nature Inspired Computing, Boston, USA, May 2013.
Y. Kessaci, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "A Pareto-based genetic algorithm for optimized assignment of virtual machines requests in a multi-cloud environment", IEEE Conference on Evolutionary computation (CEC), pp.2496-2503, Cancun, Mexico, June 2013.
N. Melab, T-V. Luong, K. Boufares, E-G. Talbi, "ParadisEO-MO-GPU: A framework for parallel GPU-based local search metaheuristic", ACM GECCO’2013 Int. Conf. on Evolutionary Computation, pp.1189-1196, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2013 Nominated for best paper award.
K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Preliminary studies on biclustering of GWA: A multi-objective approach", EA‘2013 11th Int. Con. on Artificial Evolution, Bordeaux, France, pp.106-117, 2013.
Q. Nguyen, A. Tantar, P. Bouvry, E-G. Talbi, "Design of energy efficiency mechanism for cloud management using the prediction model in OpenStack", Int Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Rocogintion (SocPar), Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec 2013.
S. Iturriaga, S. Nesmachnow, B. Dorronsoro, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, "A parallel hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of broker virtual machines subletting in cloud systems", 2nd Int. Workshop on Soft Computing in 8th Int. Conf. On P2P Parallel Grid Cloud and Internat Computing, Compiègne, France, Oct 2013.
N. Dahmani, S. Krichen, F. Clautiaux, E-G. Talbi, "A comparative study of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for the bi-objective 2-dimensional vector packing problem", 7th Annual Int. Conf. On Combinatorial Optimization and Applications COCOA‘2013, Chengdu, China, pp.37-48, Dec 2013.
K. Seridi, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective path relinking for bi-clustering: Application to microarray data", 7th Int. Conf. on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization EMO‘2013, Sheffield, UK, pp.200-214, Mar 2013.
T-D. Tran, R. Varela, I. G. Rodriguez, E-G. Talbi, "Solving fuzzy job-shop scheduling problems with a multi-objective optimier", KSE‘2013 5th Int. Conf. on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.197-209, Springer, 2013.
O. Bahri, N. Ben Omar, E-G. Talbi, "New Pareto approach for ranking triangular fuzzy numbers", 15th Int. Conf. On Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based systems IMPU‘2014, Montpellier, France, pp.264-273, July 2014.
B. Marquet, B. Derbel, A. Liefooghe, E-G. Talbi, "Shake the all – Rethinking selection and replacement in MOEA/D", 13th Int. Conf. On Parallel Problem Solvng from Nature PPSN‘2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp.641-651, Sept 2014.
O. Bahri, N. Ben Omar, E-G. Talbi, "Optimization algorithms for multi-objective problems with fuzzy data", IEEE SSCI‘2014 Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, USA, pp.191-201, Dec 2014.
E. Kieffer, A. Stathakis, G. Danoy, P. Bouvry, E-G. Talbi, G. Morelli, "Multi-objective evolutionary approach for the satellite payload power optimization problem", IEEE SSCI‘2014 Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, USA, pp.202-209, Dec 2014.
B. Dorronsoro, P. Ruiz, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, A. Piyatumrong, "Optimizing AEDB broadcasting protocol with parallel multi-objective cooperative co-evolutionary NSGA-II", Evo*‘2014 7th European Conf. on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Granada, Spain, pp.39-50, April 2014.
S. Jacquin, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "Dynamic programming based metaheuristic for energy planning problems", Evo*‘2014 7th European Conf. on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Granada, Spain, pp.165-176, April 2014.
A. Stathakis, G. Danoy, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, G. Morelli, "Hybridisation schemes for communication satellite payload configuration optimisation", Evo*‘2014 7th European Conf. on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Granada, Spain, pp.565-576, April 2014.
A. Nakib, E-G. Talbi, A. Fuser, "Hybrid metaheuristics for annual hydropower generation optimization", IEEE NIDISC Workshop on Nature Inspired Computing, Phoenix, USA, pp.412-419, May 2014.
Y. Kessaci, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, "Multi-level and multi-objective survey on Cloud scheduling", IEEE NIDISC Workshop on Nature Inspired Computing, Phoenix, USA, pp.480-488, May 2014.
B. Derbel, A. Liefooghe, G. Marquet, E-G. Talbi, "A fine grained message passing MOEA/D", CEC‘2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Sendai, Japan, pp.1837-1844, 2015.
A.Q. Nguyen, P. Bouvry, E-G. Talbi, "A new model for VMMP dealing with execution time uncertainty in a multi-clouds system", CloudNet‘20154th IEEE Int. Conf. on Cloud Networking, Niagara Falls, Canada, pp.165-170, Oct 2015.
S. Nielsen, G. Danoy, W. Jurkowski, J. L. J. Laredo, R. Schneider, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, "A novel multi-objectivisation approach for optimising the protein inverse folding problem", Evo*‘2015 8th European Conf. on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.14-25, 2015.
S. Jacquin, L. Mousin, I. Machado, E-G. Talbi, L. Jourdan, "A comparison of decoding strategies for the 0/1 multi-objective unit commitment problem", EMO‘2015 Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Conf., Porto, Canada, pp.381-395, 2015.
S. Nielsen, G. Danoy, P. Bouvry, E-G. Talbi, "NK-landscape instances mimicking the protein inverse folding problem towards future benchmarks", GECCO‘2015 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Madrid, Spain, pp.915-921, 2015.
A. Yahyaoui, S. Krichen, B. Derbel, E-G. Talbi, "A hybrid ILS-VND based hyper-heuristic for permutation flowshop scheduling problem", KES‘2015 19th Int. Conf. on Knowledge-based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Singapour, pp.632-641, 2015.
S. Jacquin, L. Jourdan, E-G. Talbi, "DYNAMOP applied to the unit commitment problem", LION‘2015 Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conf., Lille, France, pp.223-228, 2015.
F. Legillon, N. Melab, D. Renard, E-G. Talbi, "A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for Cloud platform reconfiguration", NIDISC‘2015 Nature Inspired Distributed Computing Workshop in IEEE IPDPS’2015, Hyderabad, India, pp.286-291, 2015.
A. Tchernykh, U. Schwiegelsohn, V. Alexandrov, E-G. Talbi, "Towards understanding uncertainty in Cloud computing resource provisioning", ICCS‘2015 Int. Conf. on Computational Science, Reykjavik, Iceland, pp.1772-1781, 2015.
O. Bahri, N. Ben Amor, E-G. Talbi, "β-Robustness approach for fuzzy multi-objective problems", IPMU‘2016 16th Int. Conf. On Information Processing and Management on Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, Eindhoven, Netherlands, pp.225-237, 2016.
Z. Garroussi, R. Ellaia, E-G. Talbi, «Appliance scheduling in a smart home using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm». 4rd IEEE International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), Marrakech, Morocco, Nov 2016.
O. Bahri, E-G. Talbi, N. Ben Amor, "Robust routes for the fuzzy multi-objective vehicle routing problem", MIM‘2016 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling Management and Control, Troyes, France, June 2016.
N. Dupin, E-G. Talbi, "Robust scheduling of nuclear power plant’s maintenances", MIM‘2016 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling Management and Control, Troyes, France, June 2016.
N. Dupin, E-G. Talbi, "Matheuristics for the discrete unit committment problem with min-stop ramping constraints", Matheuristics‘2016 6th Int. Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics, Brussels, Belgium, pp.72-83, 2016.
N. Dupin, E-G. Talbi, "Dual heuristics and new lower bounds for the challenge EURO/ROADEF", Matheuristics‘2016 6th Int. Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics, Brussels, Belgium, pp.60-71, 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithms", BIOMA‘2016 6th Int. Conf. On Bioinspired Optimization and applications, Bled, Slovenia, 2016.
N. Dahmani, S. Krichen, E-G. Talbi, "An exact Epsilon constraint method for solving the multi-objective 2D vector packing problem", ICMSAO‘2017 7th Int. Conf. on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization, Sharjah, Emirates, 2017.
O. Cuate, B. Derbel, A. Liefooghe, E-G. Talbi, O. Schutze, "An approach for the local exploration of discrete many objective optimization", EMO‘2017 Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, pp.135-150, Münster, Germany, 2017.
Z. Garroussi, R. Ellaia, E-G. Talbi, «Hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for the residential demand side management with thermal and electrical loads». MIC’2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2017.
Z. Garroussi, R. Ellaia, E-G. Talbi, J-Y. Lucas, «Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Residential Demand Side Management with a Photovoltaic Panel and a Battery”. ICCAIRO’2017 Conf. on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Optimization, Praga, Czech Republic, May 2017.
M. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J-J. Lopez-Espin, J. Aparicio, E-G. Talbi, «A parameterized scheme of metaheuristics with exact methods for determining the principle of least action in Data Envelopment Analysis». CEC’2017 Congress of Evolutionary Algortihms, San Sebatien, Spain, pp.588-595, June 2017.
A. Nakib, M. Hilia, F. Heliodore, E-G. Talbi, «Design of metaheuristic based on machine learning: A unified approach». IPDPS’2017 Int. Parallel and Distibuted Processing Symposium, Orlando, USA, pp.510-528, 2017.
N. Dupin, E-G. Talbi, «Matheuristics for a VRPTW with competence constraints». MIC’2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2017.
M. Hajjem, H. Bouziri, E-G. Talbi, K. Mellouli, «Intelligent indoor evacuation guidance based on ant colony algorithm». IEEE AICCSA’2017 Int. Conf. on Computer Systems and Applications, Hammamet, Tunisia, Oct 2017.
N. Dupin, R. Parize, E-G. Talbi, «Matheuristics to stabilize column generation: application to a technician routing problem», Matheuristics Conference, Tours, France, 2018.
A. Hebbal, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, N. Melab, «Multi-disciplinary design multi-objective optimization of aerospace vehicles using surrogate models». OLA’2018 Workshop on Optimization and Learning, Alicante, Spain, Feb 2018.
O. Bahri, E-G. Talbi, «Dealing with Epistemic uncertainty in multi-objective optimization: A survey»., IPMU‘2018 17th Int. Conf. On Information Processing and Management on Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, Cadiz, Spain, pp.260-2271, 2018.
A. Hebbal, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, N. Melab, «Efficient global optimization using deep Gaussian processes». IEEE WCCI’2018 World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2018.
N. Dupin, F. Nielsen, E-G. Talbi, «K-Medoids clustering is solvable in polynomial time in a 2D Pareto front». WCGO’2019 World Congress on Global Optimization, pp.790-799, Metz, France, July 2019.
J. Pelamatti, L. Brevault, M. Balesdent, E-G. Talbi, Y. Guerin, «Surrogate model based optimization of constrained mixed variable problems: application to the design of a launch vehicle thrust frame». In AIAA Scitech Conference, San Diego, USA, July 2019.
L. Souquet, A. Nakib, E-G. Talbi, «Deterministic multi-objective fractal decomposition algorithm », MIC’2019 Metaheuristics International Conference, Cartagena, Colombia, July 2019.
N. Aslimani, R. Ellaia, E-G. Talbi, “GPS - A new deterministic and efficient algorithm for multi-objective continuous optimization”, MOPGP’2019 13th Int. Conf. on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming, Marrakech, Morocco, Oct 2019.
O. Bahri, E-G. Talbi, “Multi-objective optimization of electric vehicles facing uncertainty”, ISAECT’2019 IEEE Int. Symposium on Advanced Electrical and Communication Technologies, Rome, Italy, Nov 2019.
V. Miranda-López, A. Tchernykh, M. Babenko, V. Kuchukov, E. Golimblevskaia, E. Shiryaev, M. Deryabin, A. Avetisyan, R. Rivera-Rodriguez, G. Radchenko, E-G. Talbi, “Weighted two-levels secret sharing scheme for multi-clouds data storage with increased reliability”, HPCS’2019 5th International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Dublin, Ireland, 2019.
Z. Tabbakh, E-G. Talbi, R. Ellaia, «Thin-plate spline RBF surrogate model for global optimization problems», ICSSD’2019 Int. Conf. On Smart systems and Data Science, Rabat, Morocco, Oct 2019.
M. Brust, P. Bouvry, G. Danoy, E-G. Talbi, «Design challenges of trustworthy artificial intelligence learning systems», ACIIDS Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, pp.574-584, Phuket, Thailand, March 2020.
G. Duflo, G. Danoy, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, «Automated design of efficient swarming behaviours: A Q-learning hyper-heuristic approach», ACM GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Cancun, Mexico, July 2020.
N. Dupin, F. Nielsen, E-G. Talbi, «clustering a 2D Pareto front: P-center problems are solvable in polynomial time», OLA Int. Conf. on Optimization and Learning, pp.179-191, Cadiz, Spain, Feb 2020.
G. Duflo, G. Danoy, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, «Automating the design of efficient distributed behaviours for a swarm of UAVs», IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Canberra, Australia, Dec 2020.
G. Duflo, G. Danoy, E-G. Talbi, P. bouvry, «A Q-learning based hyper-heuristic for generating efficient UAV swarming behaviours», ACIIDS Conf. on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Springer LNAI, 2021.
A. Makki, E-G. Talbi, P. bouvry, G. Danoy, «A Q-learning based hyper-heuristic for generating efficient UAV swarming behaviours», META’2021 Int. Conf. on Metaheuristics, Marrakech, Morocco, Oct 2021.
F. Felten, G. Danoy, E-G. Talbi, P. Bouvry, “Metaheuristics-based exploration strategies for multi-objective reinforcement learning”, ICAART International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2022, selected for best student paper award.
Séminaires, tutoriaux et keynotes invités
E-G. Talbi, T.Muntean, "Allocation methods for parallel architectures", Séminaire CEE Esprit, Alpes d’Huez, Déc 1990.
P.Bessière, E-G.Talbi, J-M.Ahuactzin, E.Mazer, "An application of genetic algorithm to robotics : the Ariadne’s clew algorithm", Séminaire invité EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausane), Lausanne, Suisse, 1993.
E-G.Talbi, "Allocation de processus sur les architectures parallèles à mémoire distribuée", Séminaire invité à l’institut IRO (Informatique et Recherche Opérationnelle), Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, Jan 1994.
Z.Hafidi, E-G.Talbi, J-M.Geib, "MARS: Adaptive scheduling of parallel applications in a multi-user heterogeneous environment", Séminaire invité au 2nd European School of Computer Science ESPPE’96 : Parallel Programming Environment for High Performance Computing, Alpes d’Huez, France, pp.119-122, Avr 1996.
E-G.Talbi, "Optimisation parallèle", Séminaire invité à l’Université USTHB, Alger, Algérie, Avr 1996.
P.Preux, E-G.Talbi, "Genetic algorithms for optimization and application to NP-complete problems solving", Conférence invitée IFORS’96 Int. Federation of Operational Research Societies, Vancouver, Canada, Juil 1996.
E-G.Talbi, "Environnement de programmation parallèle", Séminaire invité, Université Al-Akhawayn, Ifrane, Maroc, Nov 1997.
E-G. Talbi, "Ordonnancement d’application parallèles dans les systèmes distribués : passé, présent et futur", Tutorial invité au 3ième Int. Symposium on Programming and Systems ISPS’97, Alger, Algérie, Avr 1997.
E-G. Talbi, "Heuristiques modernes", Séminaire invité, Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales IHEC, Tunis, Tunisie, Fev 1998.
F. Ben-Abdelaziz, E-G. Talbi, H. El-Elj, «A parallel metaheuristic for multi-objective knapsack problems», DIMACS-RUTCOR Workshop on Discrete Optimization DO’99, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, Juil 1999.
E-G. Talbi, "Méthodes d’optimisation multi-critères", Séminaire invité à l’université USTHB, Alger, Algérie, Déc 1999.
E-G. Talbi, "Méthodes d’optimisation avancées", Séminaire invité, Institut Supérieur de Gestion ISG, Tunis, Tunisie, Avr 2001.
E-G. Talbi, "Optimisation parallèle et distribuée", Séminaire invité, Université USTHB, Alger, Algerie, Avr 2002.
E-G. Talbi, "GRID data mining", Présentation au GRID for complex problem solving Forum, Bruxelles, Belgique, Jan 2003.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel multi-objective optimization", Séminaire invité, Université de Malaga, Espagne, Aout 2003.
E-G. Talbi, "Extraction de connaissances de données biologiques", Séminaire invité, Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisie, Mars 2004.
E-G. Talbi, "Méthodes d’optimisation pour le design de réseaux cellulaires", Séminaire invité, Université Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain, Belgique, Mars 2004.
E-G. Talbi, "Modélisation et résolution de problèmes d’optimisation multi-critères", Séminaire invité, Institut Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Tunis, Tunisie, Avril 2004.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective optimization: algorithms and applications", Séminaire invité, Université de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Juin 2004.
E-G. Talbi, "Extraction de connaissances de données biologiques", Invited Seminar at Pasteur Institute of Tunis, Tunisia, March 2004.
E-G. Talbi, "GUIMOO : A software for performance evaluation of multi-objective optimization methods", Invited Software Demonstrations Track EMO’2005 Conference (Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization), Guanajuato, Mexico, Mar 2005.
E-G. Talbi, "PARADISEO : Un logiciel pour la conception de métaheuristiques", Séminaire invité, Université de Bejaia, Algérie, Avril 2005.
E-G. Talbi, "Hybrid Metaheuristics : Application to combinatorial optimization and data mining", Tutorial invité, HIS’2005 Fifth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov 2005.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel cooperative optimization", Séminaire invité, University of Sharjah, College of Engineering, Emirates Arabes Unis, Nov 2005.
E-G. Talbi, "Discrete Multi-objective Optimization using Hybrid Distributed Techniques", Séminaire invité, Université de Mons, Belgique, Nov 2005.
E-G. Talbi, "Modeling and solving some challenging problems in mobile telecommunication networks", Invited seminar, UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Barcelona, Spain, Déc 2005.
E-G. Talbi, "Towards combinatorial optimization on Grids", Invited seminar, University of Malaga, Spain, Mai 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Hybrid Metaheuristics", Plenary Conference, TMSS’20006 Annual Conference of the Tunisian Management Science Society, Hammamet, Tunisia, Mai 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective optimization with hybrid distributed techniques: Application to telecommunications and bioinformatics", Plenary Conference, COSI’2006 Conference en Optimisation et Systèmes d’Informations, Algiers, Algeria, Juin 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Hybrid Metaheuristics: From design to applications", invited tutorial, HM’2006 International Conference on Hybrid Metaheuristics, Gran Canaria, Spain, Oct 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Combinatorial optimization on GRIDS", France-Japan NEGST Meeting during the SC’2006 Conf., Tampa, USA, Nov 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Recent advances in multi-objective optimization", invited seminar, IT Department, University of Sydney, Australia, Dec 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel cooperative multi-objective optimization", invited speaker, Dagstuhl seminar on Practical Approaches to Multiobjective Optimization, Dagstuhl, Germany, Dec 2006.
E-G. Talbi, « PARADISEO : Metaheuristics on Grids », Exhibition SC’2006 Supercomputing Conference, Tampa ,USA, Nov 2006.
M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, E-G. Talbi, « Solving challenging combinatorial optimization problems on the computational Grid», Exhibition EXPGRID in conjunction with HPDC (High Performance Distributed Computing Conference), Paris , France, June 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Some combinatorial optimization problems from molecular biology", invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Dec 2006.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics on Grids", invited seminar, Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Jan 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Grid computing: Application to combinatorial optimization and data mining", invited keynote speaker, ISPS’2007 International Symposium on Programming and Systems, Algiers, Algeria, May 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Grid computing for optimization", invited presentation, NEGST France-Japan Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel metaheuristics: from design to implementation", invited tutorial, MIC’2007 Metaheuristics International Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "High-performance metaheuristics: Application to bioinformatics and telecommunications", Keynote speaker, CEDI’2007 Conference, Saragossa, Spain, Sept 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Evolutionary algorithms: from design to implementation", Invited speaker, E-MRS conference, Warsaw, Poland, Sept 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "A parallel evolutionary algorithm for molecule structure prediction", Invited speaker, Symposium on Genetic Algorithms in Material Science and Engineering, Warsaw, Poland, Sept 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Evolutionary molecular docking on large networks", Invited speaker, ECCS (European Conference on Complex Systems) Satellite on Molecular Docking, Complexity and Optimization, Dresden, Germany, Oct 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Grid computing for bioinspired algorithms", Invited speaker, Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Oct 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Grid computing and combinatorial optimization", Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Nov 2007.
E-G. Talbi, "Efficient metaheuristics: Application to networking and computational biology", Invited seminar, CWI Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Jan 2008.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel and hybrid metaheuristics for networking and computational biology", Invited seminar, 1st International Seminar on New Issues of Artificial Intelligence, University of Carlos 3, Madrid, Spain, Feb 2008.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel computing issues for computational biology", Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Nov 2008.
E-G. Talbi, "Robustness issues in scheduling and routing problems", Dagstuhl seminar on Robust and Hybrid Approaches for Multiobjective Optimization, Dagstuhl, Germany, Jan 2009.
E-G. Talbi, "Modeling and solving complex optimization problems ", Invited seminar, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, Arab United Emirates, Mar 2009.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective optimization in uncertain environments", Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Nov 2009.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel metaheuristics: from design to implementation", Invited seminar, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, Dec 2009.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization", Invited seminar, 3rd Int. Seminar on New Issues in Artificial Intelligence, Madrid, Spain, Fev 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "Modeling and solving complex optimization problems", Invited seminar, King Saud University KSU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Fev 2010.
T-V. Luong, E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics on graphics processing units (GPUs)", Invited seminar, SINTEF, Oslo, Norway, Mar 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for multi-criteria optimization", Plenary talk, CIRO’2010 Conférence international de Recherche Opérationelle, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics and multi-objective optimization: Towards a unified view", Plenary talk, Multi-objective Optimization and Goal Programming Conference MOPGP’2010, Sousse, Tunisia, May 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization", Invited tutorial, ALIO/INFORMS Joint Int. Meeting on Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel evolutionary algorithms", Invited tutorial, IEEE WCCI World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, July 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "A unified view of parallel metaheuristics", Keynote Speaker, Workshop on Parallel and Cooperative Metaheuristics in PPSN Int. Conf. on Parallel Problem solving from Nature, Krakow, Poland, Sept 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics: from design to implementation", Invited tutorial, META’2010 Int. Conf. on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, Djerba, Tunisia, Oct 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "A unified view of metaheuristics", Invited Seminar, IHEC Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Tunis, Tunisia, Nov 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "A gentle introduction to metaheuristics", Invited Seminar, University of Almeria, Spain, Dec 2010.
E-G. Talbi, "Bio-inspired algorithms for multi-objective optimization", Invited seminar, King Saud University KSU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Fev 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "A multi-objective approach for energy-aware scheduling in cloud computing environments", Invited seminar, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Fev 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization", Keynote speaker, ISOR‘2011 International Symposium on Operations Research, Algiers, Algeria, June 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "Advances in metaheuristics on GPU", Invited seminar, SINTEF, Oslo, Norway, May 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics: A unified view", Keynote speaker IESM’2011 Int. Conf. on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Metz, France, May 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel evolutionary algorithms", Invited tutorial, IEEE CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation, New Orleans, USA, June 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "A unified view of multi-objective metaheuristics", Keynote speaker, EVOLVE’2011 Workshop “A bridge between probability, set oriented numerics and evolutionary computation, Bourglinster, Luxembourg, May 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "GPU computing: Opportunities and challenges", Invited panel speaker, HPCS’2011 Int. Conf. On High-performance Computing and Simulation, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "Single Solution Metaheuristics", Invited seminar, IHEC, Tunis, Tunisia, Dec 2011.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-criteria optimization: from modelling to resolution", Invited seminar, King Saud University KSU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Mar 2012.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for multi-objective decision making", Invited seminar, Koç University, Instanbul, Turkey, May 2012.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel and distributed metaheuristics", Invited tutorial, IEEE WCCI World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Brisbane, Sydney, June 2012.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for dynamic vehicle routing problems", Invited seminar, Portsmouth University, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, June 2012.
E-G. Talbi, "Towards a unified view of metaheuristics", Keynote speaker, KOI’2012 14th Int. Conf. on Operational Research, Trigor, Croatia, Sept 2012.
E-G. Talbi, "Green scheduling of virtual machines on federation of Clouds", Invited speaker, GreenDays’2013, Luxembourg, Jan, 2013.
E-G. Talbi, "Multiobjective metaheuristics", Keynote speaker, ORBEL’2013 27th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, KU Leuven, Kortrijk, Belgium, Feb 2013.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for optimization problems in bioinformatics", Invited seminar, Murcia University, Murcia, Spain, Apr 2013.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel and distributed metaheuristics", Invited tutorial, IEEE CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Cancun, Mexico, June 2013.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization: from design to implementation", Keynote speaker, EGC’2013 workshop on optimization and applied mathemmatics, Colchester, UK, June 2013.
E-G. Talbi, "Challenges in multi-objective optimization", Invited seminar, VUB Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, Oct 2013.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective optimization: from models to search algorithms", Invited seminar, UCAM Catholic University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, Dec 2013.
E-G. Talbi, "Metaheuristics: A unified view", Invited seminar, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, Mar 2014.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective optimization: efficient models and algorithms", Invited seminar, Qatar Computing Research Institute, Doha, Qatar, May 2014.
E-G. Talbi, "An introduction to metaheuristics", Keynote speaker JDLAPECI’2014, Oran, Algeria, Sept 2014.
E-G. Talbi, "Combining metaheuristics with mathematical programming, constraint programming and machine learning", Keynote speaker ROADEF’2015 Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle, Marseille, France, Feb 2015.
E-G. Talbi, "Solving complex optimization problems", Tutorial IIT’2015 11th Int. Conf. on Innovations in Information Technology, Dubai, UAE, Nov 2015.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective metaheuristics", Invited seminar, Colorado State University, Fort Colins, Colorado, USA, Mar 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "Optimization under uncertainty", Invited seminar, Univeridad Elche, Elche, Spain, Apr 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective optimization", Keynote speaker BIOMA’2016 7th Int. Conf. on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, Bled, Slovenia, May 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel metaheuristics", Invited seminar, CINVESTAV, Mexico, Sept 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "Combining metaheuristics with mathematical programming and data mining", Keynote speaker, NEO’2016 Int. Workshop on Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization, Tlalnepantla, Mexico, Sept 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "A survey of hybrid metaheuristics with exact methods and machine learning", Tutorial, META’2016 Int. Conf. on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired computing, Marrakech, Morocco, Oct 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "Optimal lab design: modeling and solving approaches", Invited presentation, Beckman, California, USA, Dec 2016.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective optimization under uncertainty", Keynote presentation, Business Clouds’2017, Luxembourg, Jan 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Matheuristics", Invited presentation, Universidad Elche, Spain, April 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Multi-objective metaheuristics", Invited presentation, University of Catania, Catania, Italy, April 2017.
E-G. Talbi, “Optimization of smart grids: opportunities and directions”, Keynote speaker ICOA’2017, International Workshop on Optimization and Applications, Kenitra, Morocco, April 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel and distributed metaheuristics", Invited tutorial, IEEE CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Sebastien, Spain, June 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Evolutionary multi-objective algorithms under uncertainty", Invited seminar, Jozef Stefan Institute , Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oct 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Smart grids: challenges and opportunities", Invited seminar, Ecole Centrale de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco, Nov 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Complex optimization problems in smart grids", Keynote speaker, Workshop MOSSYS’2017 Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation des Systèmes, Rabat, Morocco, Oct 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Big optimization in smart grids", Invited seminar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Nov 2017.
E-G. Talbi, "Bridging the gap between metaheuristics and machine learning", Invited seminar, PUCV Universidad, Santiago, Chile, Mar 2018.
E-G. Talbi, "How machine learning can help metaheuristics", Invited keynote, LOPAL’2018 International Conference on Learning and Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications, Rabat, Marrakech, May 2018.
E-G. Talbi, "Synergy between metaheuristics and machine learning", Tutorial, BIOMA’2018 International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization and their Applications, Paris, France, May 2018.
E-G. Talbi, "Parallel and distributed evolutionary algorithms", Invited tutorial, IEEE WCCI World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2018.
E-G. Talbi, "Optimization for machine learning", Invited seminar, Universidad Elche, Spain, Dec 2018.
E-G. Talbi, "Synergy between optimization and machine learning", Keynote speaker, International Symposium of Data Science, Benguerir, Morocco, Feb 2018.
E-G. Talbi, "Learning based metaheuristics", Distinguished seminar, University of Michigan, USA, Jan 2019.
E-G. Talbi, "Machine learning and optimization: an inseparable disciplines", Keynote speaker, KST’2019 11th Int. Conf. on Knowledge and Smart Technology, Phuket, Thailand, Jan 2019.
E-G. Talbi, "How machine learning can help metaheuristics?", Invited seminar, American University of Sharjah, Emirates Arabs United, Feb 2019.
E-G. Talbi, "Synergiy between machine learning and computational intelligence", Invited seminar, University of Sharjah, Emirates Arabs United, Feb 2019.
E-G. Talbi, "Machine learning into optimization", Invited seminar, University of Elche, Spain, Nov 2019.
E-G. Talbi, "Data driven metaheuristics", Keynote speaker, 5th Int. Conf. on Information Technology InCIT’2020, ChonBuri, Thailand, Oct 2020.
E-G. Talbi, "High-performance machine learning-assisted optimization", Invited speaker, Huawei Global Connect Event (Virtual event), Nov 2020.
E-G. Talbi, "An optimization vision of machine learning", Invited speaker, Polytechnic University of Mohamed VI, Benguerir, Morocco, Jan 2021.
E-G. Talbi, "Automated design of deep neural networks", Keynote speaker, International conference on Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ESAI'21), Fez, Morocco, March 2021.
E-G. Talbi, "Neural networks architecture search and hyperparameter optimization", Invited speaker, University of Bucharest, Bucarest, Romania, Nov 2021.
E-G. Talbi, "An optimization vision of machine learning", Keynote speaker, EMEA Business Analytics Conference, Online, Jan 2022.
E-G. Talbi, "Machine learning at the service of optimization", Keynote speaker, 3rd Int. Conf. on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications DASA’2022, Chiang Rai, Thailand, March 2022.
E-G. Talbi, "How machine learning can help metaheuristics?", Keynote speaker, MIC’2022 Metaheuristics International Conference, July 2022, Syracusa, Italy.