Delphine Dellacherie
Article dans une revue scientifique
Huijgen, Josefien
Dellacherie, Delphine
Tillmann, Barbara
Clément, Sylvain
Bigand, Emmanuel
Dupont, Sophie
Samson, Severine
The feeling of familiarity for music in patients with a unilateral temporal lobe lesion: A gating study
Neuropsychologia, 2015 ,
Omigie, Diana
Dellacherie, Delphine
Hasboun, Dominique
George, Nathalie
Clément, Sylvain
Baulac, Michel
Adam, Claude
Samson, Severine
An Intracranial EEG Study of the Neural Dynamics of Musical Valence Processing
Cerebral Cortex, 2015 ,
Omigie, Diana
Dellacherie, Delphine
Hasboun, Dominique
Clément, Sylvain
Baulac, Michel
Adam, Claude
Samson, Severine
Intracranial markers of emotional valence processing and judgments in music
Cognitive neuroscience, 2015 ,
Alonso Fernández, Irene
Dellacherie, Delphine
Samson, Severine
Emotional memory for musical excerpts in young and older adults
Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 2015 ,
Dellacherie, Delphine
Samson, Severine
Soigner avec les émotions musicales
Cerveau & Psycho, 2014
Dellacherie, Delphine
Bigand, E
Molin, P
Baulac, M
Samson, Severine
Multidimensional scaling of emotional responses to music in patients with temporal lobe resection.
Cortex, Elsevier, 2011 ,
Dellacherie, Delphine
Hasboun, Dominique
Baulac, Michel
Belin, P
Samson, S
Impaired recognition of fear in voices and reduced anxiety after unilateral temporal lobe resection.
Neuropsychologia, Elsevier, 2011 ,
Dellacherie, Delphine
Roy, Mathieu
Hugueville, Laurent
Peretz, Isabelle
Samson, Séverine
The effect of musical experience on emotional self-reports and psychophysiological responses to dissonance.
Psychophysiology, Wiley Online Library, 2011 ,
Dellacherie, Delphine
Pfeuty, Micha
Hasboun, Dominique
Lefèvre, Julien
Hugueville, Laurent
Schwartz, Denis P
Baulac, Michel
Adam, Claude
Samson, Séverine
The birth of musical emotion: a depth electrode case study in a human subject with epilepsy.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, The New York Academy Of Sciences, 2009 ,
Samson, Séverine
Dellacherie, Delphine
Platel, Hervé
Emotional power of music in patients with memory disorders: clinical implications of cognitive neuroscience.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, The New York Academy Of Sciences, 2009 ,
Autre communication scientifique (congrès sans actes - poster - séminaire...)
Guinamard, Antoine
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Dellacherie, Delphine
Adaptation motrice et détection des changements de tempo dans les pathologies développementales du cervelet
6ème Journée du Centre de Référence des Malformations et Maladies Congénitales du Cervelet (CR2M2C), 2023, Lille,
Guinamard, Antoine
Dalla Bella, Simone
Clément, Sylvain
Foster, Nicholas E.V.
Bégel, Valentin
Kotz, Sonja A.
Samson, Severine
Dellacherie, Delphine
Implicit Rhythmic Abilities in Children
19th Annual Neuromusic Conference of McMaster University, 2023, Hamilton, Ontario,
Guinamard, Antoine
Dalla Bella, Simone
Clément, Sylvain
Foster, Nicholas E.V.
Bégel, Valentin
Kotz, Sonja A.
Samson, Severine
Dellacherie, Delphine
Investigating Implicit Rhythmic Abilities in Children
5th CIRMMT-OICRM-BRAMS (COBS) student symposium, 2023, Montréal,
Guinamard, Antoine
Dalla Bella, Simone
Clément, Sylvain
Foster, Nicholas E.V.
Bégel, Valentin
Kotz, Sonja A.
Samson, Severine
Dellacherie, Delphine
Investigating Implicit Rhythmic Abilities in Children
The Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM) Scientific Day, 2023, Montréal,
Guinamard, Antoine
Clément, Sylvain
Goemaere, Sophie
Mary, Alice
Riquet, Audrey
Dellacherie, Delphine
Aptitudes musicales chez les enfants présentant des maladies et malformations congénitales du cervelet
22e Journées lilloises de Neuropédiatrie, 2021, Lille,
Guinamard, Antoine
Clément, Sylvain
Goemaere, Sophie
Mary, Alice
Riquet, Audrey
Dellacherie, Delphine
Musical abilities in children with Developmental Cerebellar Anomalies
The Neuroscience and Music VII: connecting with music across lifespan, 2021, Aarhus,
Guinamard, Antoine
Clément, Sylvain
Dellacherie, Delphine
Musical abilities in children with developmental cerebellar disorders
15th International Conference for Young Researchers in Psychology, 2020, Lille,
Guinamard, Antoine
Dellacherie, Delphine
Musique et neurodéveloppement : impact des stimulations musicales chez l’enfant et perspectives thérapeutiques
Musique et Cerveau – Soigner au diapason, 2019, Rouen,
Partie d'ouvrage
Dellacherie, Delphine
Bégel, Valentin
Bachrach, Asaf
Clément, Sylvain
Mary, Alice
Vallée, Louis
Riquet, Audrey
Dalla Bella, Simone
Bénéfices de la danse dans les pathologies développementales du cervelet
Les 48èmes Entretiens de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation (EMPR), Sauramps Medical - EMPR, 2020,