David Dereudre
- Une sélection de publications récentes:
- Number Rigidity and Beta-Circular Riesz Gas, Annals of Probability (2023) 51 (3) 1025-1065 (avec T. Vasseur)
- Fully-connected bond percolation model on Zd, Probability Theory and Related Fields (2022) 183: 547–579
- DLR equations and rigidity for the Sine-beta process. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021). Vol 74 issue 1, 172-222 (avec A. Hardy, T. Leblé et M. Maïda)
- Sharp phase transition for the continuum Widom-Rowlinson model. Annals of IHP, Proba. Sta. (2021), Vol 57, N°1, pp 387-407(avec P. Houdebert)
- Absence of percolation for Poisson outdegree-one graphs. Annals of IHP, Proba. Sta. (2020), Vol 56, N°2, pp 1179-1202 (avec D. Coupier et S. Le Stum)
- Liste complète des publications:
- DLR equations for the superstable Bose gas at any temperature and activity, preprint, arXiv: 2309.08338 (avec G. Bellot et M. Maïda)
- Absence of percolation for infinite Poissonian systems of stopped paths, preprint arXiv: 2409.15824 (avec D. Coupier et J.-B. Gouéré)
- (Non)-hyperuniformity of perturbed lattices, preprint arXiv: 2405.19881 (avec D. Flimmel, M. Huesmann et T. Leblé)
- Liquid-Gas phase transition for Gibbs point process with Quermass interaction, preprint, arXiv:2309.08338 (avec C. Renaud-Chan)
- Non-hyperuniformity of Gibbs point processes with short range interaction, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol 61 Issue 4, (2024), 1380-1406 (avec D. Flimmel)
- Number Rigidity and Beta-Circular Riesz Gas, Annals of Probability (2023) 51 (3) 1025-1065 (avec T. Vasseur)
- Fully-connected bond percolation model on Zd, Probability Theory and Related Fields (2022) 183: 547–579
- Existence and percolation results for stopped germ-grain models with unbounded velocities. Stochastic Processes and Applications (2021) 142: 549-579 (avec D. Coupier et S. Le Stum)
- Sharp phase transition for the continuum Widom-Rowlinson model. Annals of IHP, Proba. Sta. (2021), Vol 57, N°1, pp 387-407 (avec P. Houdebert)
- DLR equations and rigidity for the Sine-beta process. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021). Vol 74 issue 1, 172-222 (avec A. Hardy, T. Leblé et M. Maïda)
- Existence of Gibbs point processes with stable infinite range interaction. Journal of Applied probability (2020), Vol 57 issue 3. 775-791 (avec T. Vasseur)
- Absence of percolation for Poisson outdegree-one graphs. Annals of IHP, Proba. Sta. (2020), Vol 56, N°2, pp 1179-1202 (avec D. Coupier et S. Le Stum)
- Introduction to the theory of Gibbs point processes. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2237, Stochastic Geometry, Chapter 5, CEMPI subseries. 2019
- Poisson distributions in disordered metamaterials absorbers. Journal of Applied Physics 125, 213106 (2019) (avec N. Fernez, L. Burgnies, D. Lippens and E. Lheurette)
- Phase transition for continuum Widom-Rowlinson model with random radii. Journal of Statistical Physics 174 (2019), issue 1, pp 56-76 (avec P. Houdebert)
- On the critical threshold for continuum AB percolation. Journal of Applied Probability (2017) 55(04) (avec M. Penrose)
- Exact simulation of Brownian diffusions with drift admitting jumps. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39(3) (2017), A711–A740. (30 pages) (avec S. Mazzonetto et S. Roelly)
- Consistency of likelihood estimation for Gibbs point processes. Annals of Statistics. Vol 45, No 2 (2017), 744-770 (avec F. Lavancier)
- An explicit representation of the transition densties of the skew Brownian motion with drift and two semipermeable barriers. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 2016, Vol 22, issue 1, pages 1-23 (avec S. Mazzonetto et S. Roelly)
- Variational principle for Gibbs point processes with finite range interaction. Electronic communications in probability 21 (2016) n°10 pages 1-11
- Infinite Volume Continuum Random Cluster Model. Electronic Journal of Probability 20 (2015) n°125 pages 1-24 (avec P. Houdebert)
- Path-dependent infinite-dimensionam SDE with non-regular drift: an existence result. Annales de l'IHP, Probability and Statistics. Vol. 53, No 2 (2017), 641-657 (avec S. Roelly)
- Estimation of the intensity parameter of the germ-grain Quermass-interaction model when the number of germs is not observed. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41(3) (2014) 809-829 (avec K. Helisova et F. Lavancier)
- Continuum percolation for Quermass model, Electronic Journal of Probability 19 (2014), no. 35, 1–19 (avec D. Coupier)
- Variational estimators for the parameters of Gibbs point process models, Bernoulli, Vol19, no 3 (2013), 905-930 (avec A. Baddeley)
- Takacs Fiksel method for stationary marked Gibbs point processes, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 39(3) (2012) 416-443 (avec J.-F. Coeurjolly, R. Drouilhet et F. Lavancier)
- Existence of Gibbsian point processes with geometry-dependent interactions, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Vol. 153, No 3-4 (2012) 643-670 (avec R. Drouilhet et H.-O. Georgii)
- Pratical simulation and estimation for Gibbs Delaunay-Voronoi tessellations, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 55 (2011) 498-519 (avec F. Lavancier)
- Variational principle of Gibbs measures with Delaunay triangle interaction, Electronic Journal of Probability 14 (2009) 2438-2462 (avec H.-O. Georgii)
- Existence of Quermass processes for non locally stable interaction and non bounded convex grains, Advances in Applied probability. 41 (2009) 664-681.
- Campbell equilibrium equation and pseudo-likelihood estimation for non-hereditary Gibbs point processes, Bernoulli 15-4, (2009) 1368-1396 (avec F. Lavancier)
- Gibbs Delaunay tessellation with Geometric Hardcore Conditions, Journal of Statistical Physics 131(1), (2008), 127--152
- Propagation of Gibbsianness for infinite-dimensional gradient Brownian diffusions, Journal of Statistical Physics 121, (2005), no. 3-4, 511--551 (avec S. Roelly)
- On Gibbsianness of infinite-dimensional diffusions, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 10 (2004), no. 3, 395--410 (avec S. Roelly)
- Interacting Brownian particles and Gibbs fields on pathspaces, ESAIM Probab. Stat. 7 (2003), 251--277.
- Une caractérisation de champs de Gibbs canoniques sur R et C([0,1],Rd), C.R. A. S., Ser. I 335 (2002) 177-182.