Chaabane Djeraba
Scientific Responsabilities
- 2003 - 2011 : Set up, coordination and participation in several European (5), ANR (2), regional (1) projects in the field of multimedia indexing and computer vision.
- 2010 : set up with IEMN, in the framework of the IRCICA institute, of an interdisciplinary project in the field of bio-inspired vision. Project renewed every year until 2021.
- 2004 - 2013 : Foundation and animation of the FOX research team (Fouille de Données Complexes et Multimédia) of the LIFL laboratory (UMR CNRS), and later CRIStAL (UMR CNRS) of the University of Lille.
Research impacts
Citations in international patents, including 15 patents the last 5 years (from 2016). Below the list of patents (non exhaustive):
Patent 10,929,984, U.S. Patent 10,896,202, US Patent 10,909,845, U.S. Patent 10,664,512, U.S. Patent 10,289,810, EP Patent 2665017B1, U.S. Patent 10,445,367, U.S. Patent 10026009B2, CN Patent 105023019B, U.S. Patent No. 9,635,237, U.S. Patent 9,846,696, U.S. Patent 9,292,552, US Patent # 10,419,655, WO Patent 2016155047A1, US Patent 9330722B2, U.S. Patent 9,042,659, U.S. Patent 9,129,157, U.S. Patent 8953039B2, U.S. Patent 8,391,618, U.S. Patent Application 13/902,886, US Patent 8466932B2, U. S. Patent 8457466B1, US Patent 8364673B2, U.S. Patent 8,171,043, US7746356B2, CN Patent 100485574C, US Patent # 7630989, WO Patent 2008/109707 Al, CN Patent 100385942C, US Patent 20080270373A1, US Patent # 7,065,521, U.S. Patent US20060206495A1, US Patent #20060036783, EP Patent 1074953A3, U.S. Patent # 6,751,613
Citations in doctoral thesis (PhD), including 32 PhD the last 5 years (from 2016). Below non-exhaustive list:
Lundy 2021, Sudan 2020, Delft 2020, Auvergne 2020, Carnegie Mellon 2020, Barcelona 2020, Johns Hopkins 2020, Agricultural and Mechanical College 2020, Brunel London 2019, Sydney 2019, Swansea 2019, Autinoma de Barelona 2020, Santa Cruz 2018, Centrale Supélec 2019, PSL 2018, Lyon 2018, Berlin 2018, Carnegie Mellon 2018, Karlsruher 2018, Franche-Comté 2018, Science 2017, Manchester 2017, Dublin 2017, Nanyang 2017, Washington 2017, Radboud 2017, Sheffield 2017, Purdue 2017, Navarra 2016, Biskra 2016, Lorraine 2015a, Lorraine 2015b, Queen Mary 2013, Deakin 2012, Aix-Marseille 2012, Jean Monnet 2011, Western Australia 2011, Montpellier 2009, Louis Pasteur 2008, Tours 2002
Citations in scientific papers published in international conferences and journals in the field of computer vision, multimedia, databases, affective computing, IHM, sensors, transport, medico-legal and forensic, sciences of education, physic, natural science, sport, mathematics and remote sensing. Below a sample of citations:
PAMI 2019, CVPR 2020, CVPR 2018a, CVPR 2018b, CVPR 2017, PAMI 2017, PAMI 2017, PAMI 2015, PAMI 2013, PAMI 2012, PAMI 2011, PAMI 2009, PAMI 2008, PAMI 2008, PAMI 2008, PAMI 2007, Alzheimer-Neuroscience 2021, Acoustic 2020, Mathematics 2018, Physica 2021, Forensic 2019, Natural Science 2018, Multimodal User Interfaces 2018, Sport 2018, HumanFactor 2020, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems 2019, Education 2020, Medical Informatics 2021, ACM sensor Network 2020, Physics 2021, Mathematics 2018, Medico Legal 2020, Radiological Physics 2021, Medical System 2012, IEEE Multimedia 2007, Forensics and Security 2014, IEEE Image Processing 2010, ACM Image Retrieval 2010, ACM MM 2008, ICCV 2011, ICCV 2007, CVPR 2013, Remote sensing 2013, VLDB 2015
PhD supervision
PhD supervisor or co-supervisor of 22 PhD (doctoral thesis), including 6 PhD the last 5 years (since 2016): Catherine Huygues, Delphine Poux, Sami Barchid, [PhD – R. Belmonte], [PhD – B. Allaert], [PhD – R. Auguste], [PhD – Y. Benabbas], [PhD – M. H. Sharif], [PhD – A. Dahmane], [PhD – A. Lablack], [PhD - A. Aissaoui], [PhD – I. Elsayad], [PhD – T. Urruty], [PhD – M. Bouet], [PhD – S. Mongy], [PhD - Samir Amir], [PhD - Mehdi Adda], [PhD – K. Hadouda], [PhD - A. Ghomari], [PhD – N. Ihaddadene], [PhD – Y. Hafri].
Scientific diffusion, communication and coordination
- Guest editor of 8 special editions in international (7) and national (1) journals, including 1 in the last 5 years (since 2016): PR 2019, System 2007, ACM MM 2007, MTAP 2006, ACM MM 2005, MTAP 2001, IEEE MM 2002, Objet 2000), « Bio-inspired pattern recognition 2016».
- Member of the program committees of conferences. Below a representative sample : IEEE International conference on Advanced video surveillance system – AVSS-2013; IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo - ICME-2010; International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery - DaWak- 2006 ; ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval - ACM CIVR – 2008; ACM International Conference on MultiMedia - ACM MM-2008; ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - ACM SIGKDD 2009; International World Wide Web Conference – WWW 2015; Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances - EGC-2008. Certain conferences are A ranking (IEEE AVSS, ICPR, ACM CIVR, PKDD, PAKDD) and others ranking A+ (ACM MM, ACM SIGKDD, WWW).
- Member of program committees (non exhaustive list) during the last 5 years : International Conference on Image Processing and vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2021), ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR-2021, ICMR-2020, ICMR-2019), également proceedings chair d'ICMR-2019, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-2020), ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020, CIKM 2018, CIKM 2016), Journées nationales INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision (INFORSID 2018), International Symposium on Programming and Systems - ISPS-2018
- Reviewer of scientific papers proposals for international journals : Journal of Object-Oriented Programming (JOOP), the Computer, ISI, TSI, Journal of Electronic Imaging (SPIE), IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Pattern recognition Journal (Elsevier), Expert Systems With Applications Journal (Elsevier), Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal (Elsevier), Mechatronics - The Science of Intelligent Machines Journal (Elsevier), - Information retrieval Journal (Springer), Neuroscience Journal (AIMS Press), Healthcare Journal (AIMS Press), Sensors Journal (MDPI), Energies (Journal MDPI), Electronics Journal (MDPI), Symmetry Journal (MDPI), Applied Sciences Journal (MDPI)
- Elsevier review recognition awarded - Pattern Recognition Journal, Elsevier
- Elsevier review recognition awarded - Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal, Elsevier
- Certificate of appreciation awareded for serving as a reviewer (2019, 2020) - Journal of Electronic Imaging.
- General Chair of the 2021 edition (18th edition) of the international conference Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI2021) which is organized in Lille 28-30 June 2021.
- 2003 - 2016: Chair or co-chair of the program or organization committees of about 20 international and national conferences and workshops.
- Participation in 17 PhD and HDR (Habilitation to supervise Research) defense committees (Not Superviser) as president, reviewer or examiner, including 5 PhD and HDR defense committes, the last 5 years (since 2016): PhD – Yan - 2020, PhD - Mohammad Sami Zitouni – 2019, HDR–Bilasco-2019, HDR – Benezeth - 2019, PhD -Hariri – 2017, PhD - Sujeet Mate – 2017, HDR – Martinet - 2016, PhD – Oerlemans – 2011, PhD – Anh – 2010, PhD - Fu – 2010, Choupo 2006, Boubacar 2006, PhD – Yahiaoui – 2003, PhD - Anis Ben Amar – 2003, PhD - Alvarez – 2003.
Dissemination of knowledge
- Computers to read your body language ? (article)
- How computers can read body language (article)
- Computer processing of body language - wikipedia (article)
- Le langage du corps lu par des ordinateurs dans le cadre de nouvelles solutions innovantes (article)
- Communications of ACM - Computers to Read Your Body Language ? (article)
- Body Language (article)