Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
1) Da Silva, C., Amadio, N., Domingo, B., Sarg, R., & Benbouriche, M. (in press). The significance quest theory and the 3N model: A systematic review. Canadian Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/cap0000364 [SCIMAGO Psychology Q2 ; IF (2021) : 2.62]
2) Da Silva, C., Amadio, N., Sarg, R., Domingo, B., Tibbels, S., & Benbouriche, M. (2022). Preventing radicalization leading to violence: Insights from the Significance Quest Theory and its 3N model. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2667 [SCIMAGO Social Psychology Q1; IF (2021): 2.97]
3) Da Silva, C., De Jong, J., Feddes, A., Doosje, B., & Gruev-Vintila, A. (2022). Where are you really from? Understanding misrecognition from the experiences of French and Dutch Muslim women students. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 10(1), 201-217. https://doi.org/10.5964/jspp.9395 [SCIMAGO Sociology and Political Science Q1; Social Psychology Q2; IF (2021): 1.84]
4) Da Silva, C., Badea, C., & Gruev-Vintila, A. (2021). Accueil des réfugiés en France : le point de vue des Français d’origine maghrébine et des Français « natifs ». Psychologie Française, 66(4), 315-331. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psfr.2021.04.002 [SCIMAGO Psychology Q3 ; IF (2021): 0.42]
5) Da Silva, C., Badea, C., Bender, M., Gruev-Vintila, A. & Reicher, S. (2021). National identity misrecognition and attitudes towards the French mainstream society. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(4), 542–553. https://doi.org/10.1037/pac0000549 [SCIMAGO Political Science and International Relations Q1; IF (2021): 1.17]