Carla Di Martino
Ingénieure de recherche
- Ratio Particularis, Doctrines des Sens Internes d'Avicenne à Thomas d'Aquin, Paris, VRIN 2008
- Le Pakistan, Islam et Modernité, Le projet de Benazir Bhutto, Paris, L'HARMATTAN 2010
- Ph Sabot, C Di Martino, Ch Moroni, AA Pentini, B Pabjan, MMP Machado, A Katkonienė, P Czajkowski, R Bardauskienė, JB Beuscart; Coverage Collaborative Group ; Reconsidering frailty from a human and social sciences standpoint: towards an interdisciplinary approach to vulnerability. Age Ageing. 2023 May 1;52(5):afad064. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afad064. PMID: 37130592.
- Visade F, Deschasse G, Devulder P, Di Martino C, Loggia G, Prodhomme C, Beuscart JB. Terms used by physicians when deciding to withhold treatment for older patients not having received palliative care in an acute geriatric care unit. Eur Geriatr Med. 2022 Feb;13(1):101-107. doi: 10.1007/s41999-021-00542-z. Epub 2021 Jul 20. PMID: 34282526.
- Calafiore M, Chazard E, Averlant L, Ramez C, Sarrazin F, Leveque N, Dambre D, Verloop D, Defebvre MM, Di Martino C, Beuscart JB. GPs' interest in integrated care for frail older adults and corresponding consulting and prescribing data: qualitativ and quantitative analyses of the PAERPA integrated care project. BrJ Gen Pract. 2022 Oct 27;72(724):e809-e815. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0626. PMID: 36192356; PMCID: PMC9550312.
- Douze L, Di Martino C, Calafiore M, Averlant L, Peynot C, Lotin M, Delesalle A, Dambre D, Egot M, Fabianek A, Defebvre MM, Bugny C, Thébault J, Puisieux F, Pelayo S, Beuscart JB. The Care Coordinator's Tasks During the Implementation of an Integrated Care Pathway for Older Patients: A Qualitative Study Based on the French National "Health Pathway of Seniors for Preserved Autonomy" Pilot Program. Int J Integr Care. 2022 Apr 1;22(2):2. doi: 10.5334/ijic.5977. PMID: 35431705; PMCID: PMC8973761.
- Averlant L, Calafiore M, Puisieux F, Ramez C, Sarrazin F, Lotin M, Naessens R, Delesalle A, Adotey G, Harduin P, Leveque N, Dambre D, Defebvre MM, Di Martino C, Beuscart JB. Barriers and Facilitators in the Uptake of Integrated Care Pathways for Older Patients by Healthcare Professionals: A Qualitative Analysis of the French National "Health Pathway of Seniors for Preserved Autonomy" Pilot Program: Barriers and Facilitators for Adhesion of Healthcare Professionals in Integrated Care for Older Patients: A Qualitative Assessment Based on the French National Experiment: 'Health Pathway of Seniors for Preserved Autonomy' (PAERPA). Int J Integr Care. 2021 Apr 22;21(2):7. doi: 10.5334/ijic.5483. PMID: 33976596; PMCID: PMC8064286
- “Mémoire, représentation et signification chez Averroès. Une proposition de lecture », in : Memory and Recollection in the Aristotelian Tradition : Essays on the Reception of Aristotle’s De memoria et reminiscentia, éd Véronique Decaix et Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist, pp 93-105, Brepols 2021.
- “External and Internal Human Senses”, The Routledge companion to Islamic Philosophy, Routledge 2016, p. 263-271.
- “Alexandre commentateur du De Sensu d’Aristote”, Actes du Congrès : “Les Parva Natu-ralia et leurs lectures antiques et médiévales” (Paris I, novembre 2005), Les Parva Naturalia d’Aristote. Fortune antique et médiévale, éd. C. Grellard et P.-M. Morel, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne 2008
- “La Cosmologia nella Meteorologia di Avicenna”, Atti del Convegno: “Cosmogonie e cosmologie nel medioevo (SISPM, Catania, 22-24 settembre 2006) éd. C. Martello, C. Militello et A. Vella, Louvain-la-Neuve, Brepols 2008.
- “Memoria dicitur multiplicitur”, Atti del convegno: “Tracce nella Mente. Teorie della Memoria da Platone ai moderni”, Pisa, Edizioni della SNS 2008, p. 119-138
- “Le bonheur perdu. Note sur la traduction latine médiévale du Talkhîs Kitâb al-hiss wa-l-mahsûs (Epitome du Livre du sens et du sensible) d’Averroès”, Actes du Congrès: “Science Translated” (Leuven, 27-29 Mai 2004), Leuven, Leuven Un. Press 2008, p. 35-45.
- “La perception spirituelle. Perspectives de recherche pour l’histoire des Parva Naturalia dans la tradition arabo-latine”, Veritas (3/2008), p.21-35.
- C Di Martino - J. M. Mandosio, “La Météorologie d’Avicenne (Kitâb al-Shifâ’ II,V) et sa diffusion dans le monde latin”, Actes des Mediaevistentagung 2004: “Wissen über Grenzen. Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter”, Edited by A. Speer et L. Wegener, Berlin, New York, Walter de Gruyter 2006, p. 406–424.
- “Les Parva Naturalia dans la tradition arabe”, Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques, Suppl. I, dirigé par R. Goulet, Paris, CNRS Edition 2005, p. 375-378.
- “La memoria nell’Epitomé dei Parva Naturalia di Averroès”, Actes du Colloque de la SISPM “Parva Naturalia, saperi e vita” (Macerata 7-9 décembre 2001), Pisa – Roma, Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali 2004, p.189-199.
- “Memory and Recollection in Ibn Sînâs and Ibn Rushd’s Philosophical Texts Translated into Latin in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: A Perspective on the Doctrine of the In-ternal Senses in Arabic Psychological Science”, Actes du Congrès: “Forming the Mind. Essays on the Internal Senses and the Mind/Body Problem from Avicenna to the Medical Enlighten-ment” (Uppsala 6-8/9/2002), Springer Netherlands, p. 17-26.
- “Ma’ânî / intentiones et sensibilité par accident”, Actes du XI Colloque de la SIEPM (Porto 25-30/08/2002): Intellect et imagination dans la philosophie médié-vale, Turnhout, Brepols 2009, p. 507-521.
- “Alle radici della percezione. Senso Comune e Sensazione Comune in Aristotele, De Anima III.1-2”, AHDLMA 68 (2001), p. 7-26.
- “Il ruolo della intentio nell’evoluzione della psicologia di Agostino: dal De Libero Arbi-trio al De Trinitate”, Revue des études augustiniennes, 46/2 (2000), p.173-198.